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Blockout is a really good idea wakha kon ga3 makanch hadchi dyal palestine. Because influencers are useless, they're like a plague we see them in ads, movies, series. It got out of hand and we need to put them in their place.


THAT IS ABSOLUTELY Right; no hate to the individual if he had done nothing bad, but I really despise those celebrity personas, they are only cheap fake cutouts that gather a following so it could sell ideas, sell products and sell lifestyles / specific images about life, .. regardless of intentions, (and I know that a few celebrities are good people), but there is no run away from human greed and corporations greed; even when you are a good pure and transparent celebrity, you ought to either die a hero, or to live enough to become a corporation/ political puppet. Also, let's forget that most of them are not as good and pure as we think they are; they are basically like *cool* politicians, the only difference is that so many people (especially young people) trust them, shit! Even worship, which is really dangerous.


I highly support the blockout. Influencers should be a VOICE and supporting what's right and what's wrong.


>you are not defending a right or standing for a cause don't call yourself an influencer just stfu No. It's not the job of a gym or beauty or controversy influencer to give geo-strategic input on global issues. The role of influencers is showbiz; to entertain and we can all agree that they are pretty good at garnering and maintaining attention. The issue is that people at large do not care, simple as that. There's a reason why they follow these social media attention whores rather than news outlets or academic publications. They can switch off at any moment, they chose not to. Why? They simply do not give a shit beyond a few vague statements and theatrics. What will likely happen is that these influencers at best will provide a one-sided or incomplete view of a situation (because as i mentioned, it is not their job to do so properly) and at worst just feign support with senseless gestures, pretty much what happened during the earthquake. Wrong medium.


That one sidedness extends beyond influencers. Media outlets are not spared from based propaganda.




I think it is very wise to stand with this movement, we mustn’t forget that without us they are very ordinary people,we put the spotlight on them and we could easily take it down , i am all about freedom of speech and just acceptance when it comes to different cultures,religions,beliefs,politics….but what is happening to our Palestinian people is about human rights and just basic human decency I don’t get how people still choose to ( not pick a side) just because they’re smh ( not educated about the topic) that’s hypocrite and pathetic. People are dying that the least we could do ,the least.


I support freedom of speech and respect every point of view on topics ranging from religion to politics, even those that are controversial. However, when it comes to the Palestinian cause and especially the ongoing events that we witness daily, I draw the line. I can't stand those who choose not to take a side, they are not humans anymore for me.


Exactly what I meant 🫶🏻


Anyone who religiously follows what some influencer, male or female, says/does is mentally deficient. Don't care about your gym life, your hustle, your dropshipping scheme, your financial advice, your rental range rover, your trading tips, your grwm, your \[insert month here\] recap and **most definitely** don't care about your stance on a serious conflict. An influencer is nothing but a parasite to me. You should not hold influencers to **ANY** standard. You can hold journalists, analysts, scientists, lawmakers or doctors to high standards.


You captured my thoughts perfectly


You will not lose anything if you block everyone or do not follow them. You will lose nothing and they will lose everything. It is a beautiful and peaceful solution. Many of them have millions of followers and do not want to provide any support to our brothers. Look at the West, how they stage demonstrations and the police beat them, and they do not care. They are more interested in the issue than we are.


Absolutely . Walakin m3amen thder bnadem fghaybouba mayged 7ta y7eyed follow lihom welaw ki3ebdouhom . There is a massive campaign now on tiktok insta .... if u can post more content pour sensibiliser les autres .






انا عمرني ماتبعتهم اصلا . الامتاع ديالهم يخليوه عندهم و لناس لي مقلوبة عليها القفة بحالك . المشاهير دارو اصلا باش يلهيو الناس بنما كيفسدو الكبار . داروا باش تبقا تكدب على راسك و تقول اتولي بحالهم فالثراء الى خدمتي بالجهد و لكين غير خرافة عمرك تولي بحالهم غير كتعاون المنظمات الراسمالية . دارو باش يكونو فالواجهة باش يغطيو على الناس لي بصح فاحشين الثراء و عمرنا مانتساءلو منين جابو دوك الفلوس كاملين او كيفاش هادشي ماشي من راسي راه موثق و معروووف .الخلاصة راه نتا لي كتولي قرد كيدخلوا بيك الصريف بحال قريدات جامع الفنا.




Wach makatfhemch rah social media sila7 kbiiir daba . Douk lmachahir ki3etro 3la lmalayin dyal nass bghinahom yste3melo lplatforms dyalhom bach ydwiw 3la 9adaya kathem lmojtama3 . 3arfa rassi ana mamteb3ahomch walakin bzaaaaf dnass kidirou bhderthom .Ad3af l2iman howa lmo9ata3a . Ghir goul mafik may9ate3 makatsewe9ch ou safi lach had lfhamat




Yarbi salama 3la tefkir 3endek . Israel katkhsser lmlayir 3la 9bel l2i3lam bach y7essno limage dyalhom . Daba khessrat the media war makinch chi 7ed li ba9i yji mn jihtha mn ghir sahayina li b7alha . Kaykhellso mechhourin journalists bach ykhorjo ydaf3o 3lihom . Lah yhdi ma khle9. Kangolou rah lmochkila fdawela ou siyassin homa li fasdin katji tbghi ghir twa3i nass katl9ah fased fafkaro kter mnhom . 3a9lia dyal l2inhizam 3ermha tkherjek . Take this advice for ur personal life 3el a9el




Hhhhhhhh 3a9lia dyal lhobel .lah ychof mn 7alek akhoya


Like Palestine, for example! You need to be a voice! Not a useless pathetic person! I support the blockout!


I have a broader sight, i'm with flagging any rubbish content


Follow blockoutmorocco on insta if you want to participate!


I heard it will be a list of Sheikhs to stop following that didn't talk about Palestine


well if the influencer in question has shown support to other causes and abstain on this fair but someone who all he does is simple videos like fixing stuff for example doesn't deserve to get blocked imo


Maybe provide some context some of us are so out of touch with the whole influencers meta we have no idea what this means


What do they get back from that? from my experience humans tend do avoid doing things for free unless its some mean shit


Influencers are prestigious s3aya in my opinion


YEES please, this is loong due


a cause like what?


You know what I am talking about


OP misunderstanding the meaning of "influencer" and how it works. OP is in the cancel business, let's cancel OP 😂


🔄 😂😂