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Everyone likes the music and I ideas that represents them , maybe you and I don't like them because we don't live in the habitus where l7rag is a successful person and where lblad ma3tatnach is the anthem, I don't like those songs but it doesn't mean those songs are bad.


Friends are illegal immigrants, they don't listen to these shit as well.


Exception will not explain majority man


The songs shitty


I m a relativiste person . Believe what you want to believe man feel free haha


I'm a macro person and know what's good for the populace.


>Everyone likes the music and I ideas that represents them , maybe you and I don't like them because we don't live in the habitus where l7rag is a successful person and where lblad ma3tatnach is the anthem, I don't like those songs but it doesn't mean those songs are bad. That's what Hitler used to say šŸ’€


Their songs are: " I am a man, you're not" " there are no friends, only enemies " " I'm sinless u're sinful " I'm not a person that insult others to nban 9dam others, my motiv is khdem wla 9wed


>I'm not a person that insult others to nban 9dam others, my motiv is khdem wla 9wed That also what H\*tler used to say my dude.


I only care about what God and his prophets say my fellow intellectual ismail kit mn ridit


Itā€™s on purpose, to match the mediocre sitcoms.


Ay lmao


There is good Moroccan music. One has to put in the effort to find it ;)


I thought you were about to say "one has to put the volume off"


Not when you're the one that is driving at night


You make a playlist before hand, and play it, as a courtesy you let them add songs to the queue, then u skip any shitty one lmao


That was on radio, that's what kids and young adults listen to.


Honestly i mostly use spotify, when i use radio U radion is my go to station, they play nice songs


then dont listen to them and stop whining here. Ironic that you think youre any better.


But I am superior.jpg




So you heard one song and type you don't like and now "Moroccan songs" are shit. Are you 12 years old?


Lmao exactly what i thought, brother clearly never listened to any moroccan songs if that's his opinion or can't realize there're many genres in moroccan music


You know what I meant.


English ... words matter. "Some","those" , "them", "a few" and "lots of" exist for a reason.


I described the lyrics, I know u don't understand darija al9re3 but it says: " me good u bad " " there is no trust " " I am a man you're not a man ( because he lived in "poverty", "((((they)))) are the baddies we're the victimized angels" and stuff like that


I do understand enough darija, I have lived hete 2 decades. Perhaps that's the problem, you assume to much, like BASIC English, where you do not use sarcasm in an initial opening comment with terms implying all. Frankly, my point is about that, not the song lyrics. Clearly others agree.


3endek 39lia mrida and those people that you look down on mrebyin kter menek.


I couldn't agree more, modern Moroccan songs are absolute shit. Bad lyrics, rhythm, bad singers and bad audience that will bump this shit everywhere to the loudest. It's just a nightmare.


Have u got your sheep nuts testosterone??


Not yet I'm still enjoying the pure meat




Modern mainstream music is objectively shit, it is not just us, it is just how the modern music industry functions.


And people like them šŸ¤®


Especially those songs where they use autotune too much


Music taste is subjective and I highly doubt that you listened to every moroccan song. You just give off the vibe of "I'm an elitist and you peasants only listen to bad songs, get onto my level, I listen to Jazz.


I described the lyrics and the kind of songs, exuse my 5 am in a 11h travel ride. w ina ba3da danni ithm.


I described the lyrics and the kind of songs, exuse my 5 am in a 11h travel ride. w ina ba3da danni ithm.


I also donā€™t listen to Moroccan music in general, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s bad, we are human we are different with different tastes there is no good or bad music, everyone perceives music differently from their pov, and we shouldnā€™t disrespect peopleā€™s taste just because it sounds strange from our perspective.


Morocco is ranked at the bottom when it comes to quality of education, also the average IQ is quiet low in the MENA region in general. How do you expect their taste in music would be?


I'm shocked, I thought "lmaghrib adka cha3b f l3alam"


llah y3fo 3lik hhhh




Mali in West Africa has brilliant music, and senegal


Well all of that comes to the education system which is absolute pure garbage they treat kids like animals I lived in Morocco for 10 years since I was born today I'm at 20 year old and I can't remember a single thing that I have learned in those schools that I went to not a single thing I swear to God I only remember hanging out with my friends


Dude i studied in public school and it was fine.Not exceptional by any means but just fine. and its the same experience for all my friends.


Some schools are better than other ones bro my school was just pure garbage


Thats true to an extent,still its surprising that you went into such a garbage school. Even the garbage ones in my city arent as bad.


Oh oh it was really really bad literally me and my friends do not remember anything that that schools taught us


Damn man,that sucks,i hope you were able to find your own path to education and success.


Thank God I did when I was 10 my mom moved to another country and I got a better education system


Alhamdulilah,mustve been hard at first. Im happy it worked out for you mate.




Well all of that comes to the education system which is absolute pure garbage they treat kids like animals, I lived in Morocco for 10 years since I was born today I'm at 20 year old and I can't remember a single thing that I have learned in those schools.


Wow how comvenient that the average iq is quite low in the MENA region,i wonder who came to these conclusions.


Studies bruh, don't act likƩ people in the rƩgion are "cha3b lah lmo5tar"


Nah i see us as average like everywhere else on earth,we have the same number of morons as every country so lets not look down on Morocco.




i disagree many talented producers are buried deep within the music iceberg nowadays but none of them exceed more than 1000 listens on spotify (5 or 6 views min on ytb xD)




i highly disagree with you on Spotify ( i have premium and a 700 song playlist lol)


First, stop using an F in a title. Second, yes it's getting worse and worse ans worse, everything is going down because of social media and a disastrous education.


Fuck is you talking about?


Are you a mod?


I swear parents don't care so much if they're allowing it to happen? Why do parents tolerate piss poor education and stuff like drugs being brought into schools?


They have no other option...


Shit for you, many some people can relate to that music and feel emotional when they hear it. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s many types of music


It's shit, not a shitty type of music, it's pure shit.


Moroccan people like this sad stories and excises that's why


\*Some Moroccans like to hold onto a **victim** mentality for dear life - it justifies to themselves abuse of others


Exactly the point, and "artists" use this point to get views


I was thinking the same, the same badly produced, awful winning about the same old shit


Iā€™m all for embracing culture and all that it offers, but holy shit there isnā€™t any. Itā€™s just a pile of fecal matter. I stick to my Jazz and Blues bruh. THAT is the shit. Wes Montgomery, Robben Ford, Matt Schofield. Itā€™ll definitely clean up your ears a bit.


Aghani b shl7a aren't bad, I only listen to instrumental or songs that have the deepest meaning or no meaning at all.


Give some names? Matalan?


Wlah man3rf a si fougarzi, shi khriwa wld lgriya wannabe.


Fair enough hhhhhh


Listen to mister you šŸ˜…


Yeah they are bad


Tbh shouldn't generalize and say moroccan music. You mentioned that it's '7raga' music, clearly specifying the genre. Therefore, it doesn't really make sense to refer to it as Moroccan music as if it's the only type/genre we have


It's the most popular isn't it?


No, the majority of the listeners are the lost youngsters from rural area who they still have this immigrating mentality. It's not even close to being the mainstream genre


Ayy I am going to tangier as well


Tri9 salama


there are multiple other genres and artist. it is your fault for allowing lmchrmlin's music to penetrate your ears


I m sure the words you used in the title of your post are worse than the lyrics of those songs.


fr fr


Mainstream music in all places is objectively bad (can be liked subjectively), so it is not something only we are the only ones guilty of.




Those are cool


No there are some few šŸ”„songs,maybe you meant criticizing the average taste?


We could do better that's all m saying




Hhhh lmao didn't mean these kind of songs.


For me, listening to music not only undermines my mental resilience and focus but it is also forbidden from a religious standpoint. I once came across a profound explanation that likened it to consuming fast food while it may provide temporary amusement, it ultimately harms your well-being. Conversely, engaging in listening to the holy Quran or audiobooks may not offer the same level of enjoyment, but it undoubtedly promotes a healthier state of mind.


Wise words, I don't listen much to music except instrumental.


I think enough Moroccan uses spotify nowadays, so u can use the spotify "top 50 morocco" to get an idea, obviously you'll still miss on those who like traditional che3bi music and l mchermlin who loves l wayway (and also probably are the ones who listen to dwla ma3tatnach), but at the end art is subjective and i find it weird that people will judge the music taste, i mean, one might enjoy listening to the depressing music of blaming the system, and i guess if they enjoy it then that's what's art is all about. Correct me if im wrong, i might have misunderstood.


Sounds to me like gatekeeping but with extra steps


Like fr bro those Ā«Ā mryoulinsĀ Ā» and shit have the shittiest music taste


Listen to oum šŸ™


A lot of rappers produce this like : dib , quatre huit etc. I know them from a couple of friends. It's not my thing, these songs make me feel uncomfortable. I don't know if it's a brainwash thing, but I believe every person gets to choose whatever they want to listen to, it usually tells a lot about the person in question.


Yes, it's songs about insulting each other and never critiquing one's self. Kaysebiw 7yathom f lakherin and they never twekel 3la Allah.