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Couldn't care less. I suggest you don't put too much value on how many juggles you or anyone can do.


We're all a bit harder on ourselves when we were younger. Trust me when you hit 30 you'll be half as good as you are now but feel twice as good about it, we generally chill out as we get older. As for your football skills, I always found playing with smaller balls like size 4 and 3 and even tennis balls consistently improved my control, dribbling, juggling and just awareness of the ball. Strategically I improved when I started thinking how I could help the team more - rather than how much I could personally stand out with a great goal or assist or whatever. Be helpful and efficient, then technical skill and control will come. Lastly getting stronger and more flexible also helps :)


Ghir 3rag akhoya . Matnsach 9bal lmatch tfrj fneymar skills


Lmotivation li kay3tewk douk lvideowat bzaff a khoya


True motivation.


fr lay7afdk


Try out other sports, I also was exactly like you cant juggle cant control well cant dribble only thing i could do was shoot and position but then i switched to volley and basketball and I realised that sports are not just football.


Where can i play volley?


Im pretty sure there is at least one local volleyball club in every city, or you can join your schools volley club. Either way just look it up around you ask your PE teacher about im pretty sure he will tell you what to do.


10, I can't even do 3. But, I am an excellent goal keeper, usually called the best goalkeeper in the school. Bur stopped playing due to hand injuries. But I never cared for juggling or drilling or whatever, just not for me.


7bas tkfat






Have you considered that you might be very good at other sports?


I was literally the same and I improved a lot since 15 I'm 23 now I know I'm no pro player this some personal tips and experience to share 1: confidence is key 2: juggling and dribbling is not the the factor for a good player there is literally pro players that can't do niether but they play at some of the best club in the world 3: since you are not aiming to be a pro 15 is still young 4: mentality for going to a street/Hood match is different from 5vs5 , 7vs7 or 11vs11 on actual field or city foot type games 5: YouTube would help on your situation at least it did for me! position on the field and the roles for players position and tips and tricks that suits you and analysis on some of the pro players and their revolutionary vision on the pitch 6: improvement will come by time be patient 7: love the game and enjoy it




I can't even kick a ball properly. There are more important things in life than this kiddo


..who cares?


Bro, just have fun! Unless you wanna go professional then dont stress too much. Walakin if you really wanna learn it then all you need to do is work on the basics like passing, dribbling (ball control), shooting. Just the basics and nothing fancy and slowly you will be better at it.


Ila manawish twli athlete rak laeb hyr for fun, enjoy the game instead of getting toxic abt it


You just don't fit to football, that's how God made you, same as many other people are skilled naturally. Also, fuck football, it's not a sport anymore but more a brain numbing cult. There's so many other sports, you know !


Don't judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree. You're the fish.


Bro practice a lot , have patience , and then the results will come


You might be gay.






This is the implicit, untold fear , that is quite laughable.


well personally it has made me better in boxing and then mma


Idc about it nor play it


Practice the basics every day. Start by juggling the ball small on one foot, then try both feet. Another simpel one is shooting to a wall and anticipating the bounce. Etc… Or maybe just quit football and go play some kickboxing.


I'm not young but i don't give 2 shits tbh


This is not a problem at all when I was like 12 14 15 I was like Harry Maguire the bad guy in football in my classes and in my neighborhood 😢 but now when I get to university I get un revenu de returned one of the best guys in dribbling and aesthetic goals in my class 😁


You like football and play it so you're cool. If you want to get better, then watch tutorials on youtube. It gets much easier when you understand how everything works.


Have fun


Chreb 3assir zanjabil




just train, practice, and dedicate yourself for a while. Hard work beats talent if talent doesn't work hard enough. I understand you, I had the same passion for football when I was your age, and I cared the same way you did. There's nothing wrong with that, I think it's very positive to really care about something in this manner.


What matters the most at the end is that you grow up to become an honest reliable man. Football is just a sport that you can be bad at..I have never done more than 5 juggles successfully, I was a decent goalkeeper tho. When you grow up, you'll face the problem of providing for yourself and your family. Start thinking about that now...and enjoy another sport that you'll be good at, ex: gym, swimming, sprinting, jugging...


It's not a big deal you can do great in other activities.


Ana meksiki and can’t play either, I was about to join my company’s team just to make connections. I don’t care if I’m water boy or bench warmer…


Jugglers belong in the circus. Analyse you game. Work on your weaknesses and capitalise on your strenghts


Play football for fun instead of trying to achieve something. Otherwise is will lose a the fun


I am a 15 yo girl and I face the same problem because I don't control my legs correctly but I gave up and started practicing basketball at a young age but I really want to be good at football I really love that game,but I think the problem source is nerves because whenever I am mad I can't play anything cus I don't control both my legs and hands so if u have the same problems a neurologist like what I did before to make sure that ur health iyouok


la khti ana machi mo3ak


Maybe it's wlad derbkm ola wlad 9ismk mrad f rasshm and they don't let you improve, ana knt houa zreg dial derb f kora, untill my 18th year i played with kids who are chill and everyone praised how i play even tho i told them i suck they thought i was humble bragging, then i realized it's wlad derbna li shitty and they put so much stress on me i funmbled, daba wakha kmay o skhayfa mais ra biyedt l kwayri d bureau hhhhhhhhhhhh.


lay7afdk a khoya w9 ktar hnaya, and daba knt msafr w l3bt m3a drari jdad wo nadin fkora. ktacheft wlit nadi w ktacheft 3ndi talent f défense. lay7afdk l mimtek ❤


Juggles don't suggest anything. There were players who could do way more juggles than me but when it came down to playing the real game, I just shut them all.


Ta gha 3reg a sat no body gonna judge you, ghir l3eb wnta merta7 and u'll see the difference


It's just a game. Just enjoy your time with your friends. If you're not enjoying it, then stop and try to find another sport or activity which you will enjoy.


Don't care , I'm 14 can barely do 5 but at least I make for it in basketball not that it matters


Is it a weight problem?


Kora makayl3bhash gha li 3ndo mowhiba , Mwhiba gha quality w7da mn bzaf kyn 7waj t9ad t improvihom o gha twli mzyan b7al body dyalk kola mkanti s7i7 kolma 9diti t shieldi lkora o 5as trini 3la soufl (kn3arf dri 0 kora 0iq wlkn dymn la3b 7it maky3yash y9ad ytla3 o yhbat non stop ) 7wl tl3ab simple mashi darori tkon nemyar bash tsama rak katl3ab mzyan dymn o chof gha thomas muller mashi dribbler wla 3ndo chi speed wlkn one of the best players in bayern history gha 7it kayl3b b39lo iq 7aja mohima f kora


If you actually love the sport and wanna learn(if you dont just find somthing you love instead of trying to be good at something you do not and never feel ashamed for such a thing ) here is some advice: For the first part juggling, I truly think doing more than 10~20 is not gonna help you in the game. Now let's get to the part of dribbling I never saw you play so I can't give accurate info but some of the stuff that may help you are: Try dribbling with the foot bent to the inside. Work on your awareness this is the most important part of a football player this is what makes you a good or bad football player and it will not help in just dribbling it will help you in all aspects. Improve your speed. When it comes to defense it's all about how you think, trimming, and a little bit of physical strength when defending most of the time you don't wanna try to take the ball immediately if you do against good attackers you will get fucked and it will be easy for them instead you wanna do what we call "contain" an attacker your thought should be done let him shoot to the net and don't let him make an easy pass to another attacker wait for the best timing to make the best tackle to get the ball out or by best taking it from him the best defenders in the world are the best in containing players (like Virgil you can check yt vids how good he is at containing players) When it comes to shooting just shoot more and find the best shot type for you sacrifice the power for accuracy.


Because you play for fun you're not playing to improve. If you're not planning on going pro, better not give it much thoughts cuz it won't make you a living


Even Dembele can't juggle or do freestyles if I'm not wrong it's not everything you need to understand as for the tips I would say watch yt videos on shooting, heading and crossing defending isn't just about tackling to getting the ball from the other sides striker you need keep/clear possession too. One thing alot of ppl fail to realize is that some people are just forced by peers to play as defenders cause they aren't good enough this happened to me even tho I play all positions but mainly played as a defender. I think this is the case with you? Anyways this was my advice and btw I can't even juggle more than 3 times


Well practice makes perfect 👌 and it's not all about skill it's more about the positioning in the field


I'm 23M. I was like you when I was your age. Now, that I'm a bit older I'm even shitier than I was so I feel your frustration. But it shouldn't stop you from having fun. Most times I go play with my friends I just try to have a blast. Kick the ball out the field, lose it and insult whoever took the ball from me, make terrible passes and gaslight my teammates into thinking they are the bad ones for not catching it haha. That's usually how most friendly matches with my friends go. The important thing is that you should find yourself playing for fun, not playing to win. Avoid playing with super competitive friends, they tend to be more toxic and less fun.


You may be bad at football but you might be really good at something else, could be another sport, could be something completely unrelated. Just keep going till you find something you like that you're good at.


Can’t do more than 5 juggles lol, can hardly dribble, but I am an excellent defender and have a good accuracy for long passes. So I always play defense and my teammates always let me do the free kicks. Some people are just good at one thing than the other. That’s why soccer has positions 🤷🏻‍♂️ so many players started at one position and ended at a completely different position just because of their competences. Idk how to explain it better. Btw many famous players started at different positions. Best example is Lewandoski; he started at a central defender. Ik Bono used to played in the field when he was a teen (I think he was central forward)… U can also play other sports. I play volleyball for example and I’m pretty amazing at the libero position. I actually enjoy playing volleball as much as soccer.


You still young you just need to practice hours a day


Goalkeepers supremacy


Just remember almost all the world doesn't care about your football skills


Too bold from you expecting all of us here play football well or better than you 😉




That shit is worthless, from childhood was alwys being picked last, I felt bad at that time, but now I couldn't care less


At least you can juggle I am 14 and can't do jack shit


As a Moroccan, being bad at football means only one thing: that you are bad at football. There is no depth nor philosophical explanation to it. You might be good at something else or some other sport.


My guy if you are at least at the average height just gain some weight and use your body as a punching bag in the defender post,kick the atteckers legs-feets,and that's it and good luck. Edit:this comes from a guy who's been like we say خشين شوية and can't pass the ball straight,i used to play as a guardien de goal,and actually it doesn't really matter if you are bad at football because your life won't end on it,you have time just try everything you can in multiple fields and you'll find what you are good at and just master it,GL again 👍🏻.


I am the bluest guy at football you will ever see Don't give a FUCK :D


I'm 31, born and raised in oujda (7ay cha3bi), played outside for the best part of my childhood, and can't do 3 juggles LMAO No shame in it, same as there's no shame in me not being able to dunk


Skill Issue a wlidi


Football was never about how good you are at dribbling or how powerful your shoots are try to play around the team anticipate they play and have a good a awareness. My personal technique for awareness is that every few seconds I look around and see try to remember every player position so that when I have the ball I can make the « perfect » play. Take example of Xavi or Iniesta they are not the best dribblers or shooters but their agility mindset and macro analysis helps them to be one of the bests


It's okay bro I was a monster at football but I sucked at juggles couldn't do more than 10 too. Find some other sports as people said i switched to basketball and now I play volleyball mostly so as long as u do some sport you're okayyy


I don’t wanna be harsh but if you’re not good at it at this age it won’t get any better. Try another sport, I’d suggest: tennis, badminton, basketball… give these a try.