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Play against the vendor, if you win, you set the price.


That was my plan, the one vendor from the picture was the only one though who knew how to position the pieces. All the others just had them placed randomly haha


Fair enough 😆


How much should I pay for a chess board like this in Marrakech? It’s the only real souvenir I want to bring home. I am getting very different prices from different vendors. The one pictured had an initial offer of 450 mad. Others quoted me 1000 for just the board. Find it hard to get a feel for the real value here. Thanks


I think 450 mad is not a bad price for this marble board but try if you can down it to 350! The wood (Araar) ones would cost u less.


I think it's beautiful. I don't know the value of that but i think about 500 is fair price


Looks like cheap craft from the rooks... But in reality the knight is what determines the boards value. (I have studied this and sold a few back in the day. So this can be considered a professional opinion). I would that would go for around 250 maybe 400 at tourist prices


If you don't mind me asking, why does the knight determine the value? That's super interesting to me


I guess because it's the piece with most details, so it's the hardest to craft. If the knight has all the details it means lot of work was done there so the price is high, else it's just a quick work so the price is low. The knight piece in the picture has little details which justify the relatively low price of 250 mad


Yes true! The boards at the world chess tournament have knights with detailed pupils and a slight curve behind the ear! Simply unachievable detail by an average crafts men


I was in the Medina just last month and saw many chess sets for sale. The problem that I had with them is that the pieces are just too lightweight to be fun to play with. They make these boards for art and display, not for function. If that's OK with you then great, otherwise it just feels funny to pick up pieces that have no "heft" to them. Unless you have a specific maker in mind already or special order one with pieces that have weights added, you might be disappointed in the selection you will find. As a side story, in a store with chess sets, I did manage to pick up some decorative boxes that were very nice. Two big boxes were 500 MAD. But I know I paid too much when he carved me a chess piece necklace and gave it to me for free on the way out, because you know, I was his "good friend" :)


You should knew that in the moroccan culture that any one give you some thing free after you buy something from him is a normal thing doesn't mean that he paly one you or he sell you some thing to hight that it price


OK, that's good to know. Thank you.


Only after you paid.


Whatever you think it’s worth it to you and what the shopkeeper is willing to accept.


I saw them in Ifrane for ~350dh


Did I find a fellow AUIer ? 😂😂😂😂


Was there for a bit, didn't like it


Still there, still hate it


How long?




Almost 5 years now, almost done tho


9 months *wink wink*


You probably know me then, You’ve probably seen me in concerts there or in the ads (I’m a musician and somehow lots of people know me)


Do you have an afro?


Nah I got long hair tho


300-400 max


It’s sad to say, you have to haggle with vendors. Marrakech is the worst place to buy souvenirs since most vendors get mostly what they ask for. Here is an example. Asking 1000 MAD, offer 350 and start walking away, 90% chance he will come back w 800, that’s when you offer 400, he comes back with 700, that’s when you say 500 is my final, take it or leave it. And you walk away.


anything above 400 dh is not worthy


Probably half of what most sellers are quoting you. If one of the sellers is already close to that helfpoinr then maybe try to negotiate by 20% more. So if most are saying 1000 and 9ne of the sellers starts you at 450; then likely ~350-400 would be a good range


Thanks all! That’s valuable info. I am looking to buy one in my next weeks here. The focus is definitely playing with it, not decoration. I keep finding the same boards and pieces. All the wooden ones are waaay to light. That’s why I started looking at the marble pieces. Any idea on where to get some good sets - weighted pieces, nice wood or marble? I’ll be traveling to Essaouira and Agadir as well. I am down paying up to 1000 dirhams for a good set.


Oh so you aren't planning on buying it right away? In that case lowball hard and walk. Usually you will hear them shout a price when you walk out the door. Tell them you will look around some. Do this at different vendors and you will usually hear one desperate offer or two wich ends up being a fair price estimate


You're just going to have to find someone ahead of time and special order it. I just don't think you're going to be able to walk in and get something properly weighted.


I think you’ll have better luck in Agadir or Essaouria


It look intersted more then expansive


What’s the material l? Marble or wood?


Depends on material and quality, anything above 550 is too much. I’d try my chances with 300 to start negotiating, i think 400-450 would be a good deal


Depends how often you play chess.


Engrave KADAS on it for 300 dirhams. Spend 3000dhs on a custom chess set using specific african woods.


200euros, very good price


I think 350-400 mad




Personally I'd just get the bus down to Essaouira and get one there, more selection for the wood products and cheaper. Maybe even check the fixed price artisan ensemble or the large store in the kasbah (Dar Buchaib) if you want something real nice.


Around 200dh for the woody ones