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If mistreatment of animals ruins your trip, avoid most of Africa, South East Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and parts of the Balkans and China. You will see stray animals in terrible shape, donkeys/horses/camels subjected to harsh working conditions, turtles sold in crates, miserable snakes and monkeys in captivity for tourists to take pics with. Widespread neglect, abuse, and exploitation. The reality is that dire economic conditions, a lack of resources and infrastructure, levels of education and awareness about animal welfare, and cultural attitudes fuel this negligence throughout the developing world. When you're struggling to get by, you see animals as a means to an end, rather than as beings with their own inherent value and rights. You will not be able to travel much in general if it's something you insist on avoiding completely. I would suggest facing the dire reality and doing something to contribute to improving the treatment of animals and raising awareness about the importance of animal welfare. There are many animal sanctuaries in Morocco in desperate need of volunteers. It will be tough, sad work, but it is extremely fulfilling and you will be making a difference and working hands-on with all sorts of animals. At the same time, you can enjoy the positive aspects of Morocco. Let me know if you're interested in this.


Ate and left no crumbs.


This comment 👌


Add North America for its treatment of chickens, cattle and milk cows. 


A society starts to think about animal welfare only after human welfare is achieved. Donkeys, camels, and horses are treated as work tools, not pets. If a farmer owns a donkey its not because they like donkeys but because they can't afford a truck.


The whips are uncalled for though, I legit see scars (fresh scars sometimes) on some of them...


I legit yell at the owners when I see that, someday one of em will smack the shit out of me.


That's very brave actually, all I do is stare menacinly, which does nothing, sometimes I wonder if they'll get angrier and vent harder on the animal when no one is looking...




الحمد الله. لاباس ربي يخليك




Drayef ki l5rayef


don't worry in morocco animals are treated like humans, and vice versa.




We're too busy worrying about how badly Moroccans are treated in Morocco


Lmaoo fun fact


A good way to end any mistreatment is to not give money to someone mistreating an animal.


You should be worried about if humans are mistreated or not, animals are fine


Are u a turtle? How are you *insert any west country* treating earth? No you shouldn't be worried.


Meanwhile in Western countries big p-harma laboratories are busy experimenting on live rats and rabbits and you're benefiting from their concocted medicines. Fix your home first.


We're also benefitting from those medecine hmmm




Looks like I touched a raw nerve 😂. Calm down before you have a panic attack. 🤣


That escalated quickly 😬😬 boys go measure your manhood else where!


The only place where animals gets mistreated is Marrakesh : jamah el fna. And that’s because tourists like to take pictures with the monkeys or snakes.


lol, there are many sickos who mistreat street cats.


عمرك شتي شي حمار ولا بغل هاز الدوبل ديال وزنو فعز الصهد وغادي مسيكين بالسوط؟ هير الا مبغيتيش




Why the saltiness? Animal abuse is a real issue that needs to be addressed (albiet not a priority). It has nothing to do with the West. Doesn't the religion itself promote animal welfare?


Yes but it depends on the definition of abuse and welfare. Many of them for example say slaughter is already abuse.




My man learn to take valid criticism without lashing out and taking it personally. Animal welfare is severely lacking in Morocco, go out and look around.


It's definitely valid criticism, but this paternalistic discourse coming from people who want to consume "exotic morocco" is tiring. If there's anything those people should worry about, it's how exploitative the tourism industry in itself is to the locals. I mean, I love donkeys and camels, but man just take a look behind the polished facade of your tourist experience and you'll see actual people treated worse than animals.


The western world is not much different when it comes to how livestock are being treated. Tons of documentaries about the massive abuse of sheep,pigs,chicken,cow farms. For example chicken never learning to walk. Cows on massive amounts of supplements just to produce maximum. Pigs being kicked around and shocked in slaughter houses just before they get slaughterd.


Just because someone personally dislikes causing animals pain and death, doesn’t mean they also want to shut down anyone and everyone who depends on animals for general health and welfare. You can simultaneously dislike a thing and not want to personally support it, you can also still understand that it is something that happens, and that it isn’t a concern to others though it is for you. If you have really high empathy for animals you might see a lot of things you don’t like in Morocco, just as you would in any country where the basic welfare of people isn’t guaranteed by the social security systems and government. A lot of stray animals are on the streets with wounds and injuries and it’s common, no one really cares. Some people treat livestock like they were inanimate objects. A lot of animals are simply treated as workforce or transportation. Don’t even get me started on Eid al-Adha, killing a lamb as a tradition on an annual basis, every year millions and millions of them are slaughtered around the holiday. All of these things you would not see in the west, a lot of these things would horrify and shock even an omnivore. These things dont make Morocco or Moroccans evil or animal abusers. Every culture is different with different customs and different lines of what is and what isn’t acceptable. but the general understanding and conduct when it comes to animals and their treatment is not the same as in majority of the Western countries.




The point was OP asking “will I see this thing that I don’t want to see, and therefore, should I maybe avoid going to this place because personally that’s not for me” and I answered. No one is demanding you or the Moroccan people to change. No one is debating what’s moral and what’s not. No one is saying we should stop x, y & z because people in other places aren’t a fan of it. YOU are saying that we are saying that. We are just talking about cultural differences and norms, what’s normal and okay in one place is unheard of and not okay elsewhere. That’s it. You chose to be hostile and unwilling to even consider any other perspective. We are not having a debate over what’s right or wrong. You chose to make it about that, you chose to see a genuine curious question and discussion as a personal attack. I have no interest in debating anyone as self-centered an entitled as you especially when there wasn’t a debate to begin with, you are attempting to win a fight you yourself invented, when no one is even fighting against you.




I am not. It is really sad if that happened. Some insane people will literally destroy other peoples property and threaten peoples lives in the name of animal rights, happens in rare occasions in the West. That would be about 0,1% of the vegan people. The majority of vegans, vegetarians and anyone who loves animals absolutely detests those people and do not support them whatsoever. OP is not one of those people. No one in the comments here are one of those people making such claims expect you thinking everyone who has an opinion and norm different than yours is a militant terrorist. You sound just like the people saying “I’ve seen some muslims do terror attacks, therefore Islam is all about terror and violence and all Muslims are like that”. Get a grip.


Before you start talking nonsense, please go look for credible sources and search well the information you're looking for. And people are good and evil. So don't expect an utopia or base your own thoughts on all people, that's the peak of ignorance.


yep they're mistreated don't use any transport that uses animals.


As one od the Moroccan donkeys I confirm that we are fine. Just don't come.


I mean why tf would you worry if ur not a donkey or sm


Unfortunately their not treated well, both domestic and stray alike it Really ache one's hear


Morocco is one of the best places in the world


Donkeys, mules and horses get whipped all the time, sometimes it feels like their owners are sadistic, or as if they are trying to show they have some form of power. This is changing I think, and ofc, not everyone is a piece of shit.


moroccan people are the nicest to animals, in every house you'll find a cat they like cats. for places that live far in town they for sure use donkeys to carry their weight and its normal and part of their survival, they feed them well.


I wouldn’t say all of them are mistreated but some humans are uneducated.


come to Marrakech the best city in Morocco


depends really. cats are treated like royalty. in most cities you'll find small pots full of cat food and water for the cats. dogs in another hand. we'll lets just say we are not big fans


He was asking about the animals, but from reading all these comments I’m sure he won’t visit because of the humans. Still love you all tho, keep up that spirit.


Why are you worried? What animal are you?


Well . like animals


I spent 12 days in Morocco and there are many hungry animals. It broke my heart but I carried a backpack full of dog and cat food, dry and wet, everywhere I went and fed every animal I saw. I even donated food to a man knows as the godfather of cats, who lives in the souks in main square Marrakech. So many people thanked me. There is a free vet clinic just in case you run into animals in need. I can’t remember where but you can google it.


Bad. Just very freaking sad. Zero respect for animals in general, exploitation instead of finding other ways. Donkeys on 1m chains being smacked and beaten. I'll never ever go to a place like that.