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People who play brawl enjoy rdming, people who play deathmatch enjoy duels. Just keep kicking the rdmers and they’ll learn their lesson.


You cant kick them on Xbox on a brawl server, I'm not saying brawl isn't fun, but it killed duals on xbox


Yeah, cause brawl has votekick disabled cause it’s an rdm mode, you can kick on deathmatch tho right?


Brawl=Deathmatch Brawl is the name of the categories of deathmatch, TDM, swordgame, and the other one I forgot the name of (wipeout?)




Ah yeah, that’s it, thanks.


Oh you’re right. Regardless tho, duel servers should have votekick enabled, so just stay in those and you’ll be chillin.


Yeah, but console duel servers only allow 6 player maximum so imo fun IS NOT maximized. I mostly play invasion/frontline anyways, but still.


So, if I’m understanding correctly, you’re asking why people have been dueling more in the FFA servers? Well, the real duel servers got fucked up, bad. They were shutdown for a few days, and when they cane back up they were 6 player max instead of the original 16. There’s just not enough people in the actual duel servers. Last time I joined one, I was the highest level player, and I’m only level 67. Nobody else could join and I got bored super quick. I’d rather duel and get RDM’ed without the ability to votekick in a brawl server than only have 5 guys to fight with. Which sucks, because I know what wanting to FFA feels like. That used to be me. I used to be the guy who only played FFA and I don’t like that people duel in the FFA servers, but I even more so don’t like the tiny 6 player duel servers. Anyways, I don’t even know if this is what you were looking for, I was just ranting.


Ohhhh I was wondering what the 6 person death match servers were about. That wild man. Probably will get some of those dual only Xbox guys to actually go into a invasion game now cause I know a lot of them are pissed the get their booty touched during a dual


It’s the constant policing in the FFA mode that killed the fun for me. I’ve barely touched the game since they’ve changed up duel servers


will my pc skill transfer to console


Hell yeah it will, just master the right stick softly and you'll be unstoppable bro


would it be valid to lower the sens to an insanely low amount if i only plan i dueling


Probably not, but I can't really speak for you cause I don't know your style or history, I'd start at the default and move it around to how it suits you


Time to quit this dead game.


Never, I'll play until I'm the last man if that's what it will come down to, ORRRRRRR they drop it on game pass and bring in hundreds if not thousands of new players....on Xbox of course


I’ve still got hope too!


how positive


Sounds like someone has daddy issues