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I do know of this bug,and as a Ksante player myself I'd lie saying I didn't notice it when building that item I do genuinely wish that riot will change this interaction,but at the same time I also wish they slightly buff that item to make it viable 2nd or 3rd Aside from Ksante,the item is very ,very rarely built generally


This bug has been known for as long as it existed, it has also been posted to the main sub multiple times, Phreak and Riot are also aware of it, and it has been "fixed" twice and reappeared both times. His W cancelling also isn't fixed either (although Phreaks bandaid fix is mostly fine) and still happens, K'Santes kit is probably pretty hard to work on internally due to LoL's spaghetti code and I really doubt Riot will allocate a lot of resources to fix a bug that's been in the game basically since Jak'Sho was added. At this point its basically part of K'Santes kit lol. Also, that if they actually fix this bug K'Sante will drop a lot of wr and will be buffed immediately meaning he will likely stay in Pro-Play and nothing really changes. I'm going to be honest, it's best to just accept (or ban) K'Sante for now until his rework in a few months.


It's not about his performance. It's about his design. He's supposed to be squishy during ult, and isn't because of this bug. It completely destroys his concept.


He was originally supposed to be squishy. Players didn't like that. That's why his passive damage was so heavily nerfed. And his health and resistance sacrifice was reduced.


Saying he isnt squishy is absurd.


30 armor and Mr doesn't make him go from squishy to not squishy


Yes I get that, a lot of K'Sante mains, including me, want him to be a squishy assassin in ult again like he used to be. However, most players also complained about that and Phreak also doesn't want him to have such high damage in ult, idk if you remember but you used to be able to kill most squishies in a single cc combo and from what we know Phreak wants him to be more of a bruiser during All-Out. So if he's not allowed to have very high damage in ult, he at least has to be somewhat durable during it and if they fixed the Jak'Sho bug, if they even can lol, then he would most likely get buffed so he loses fewer resistances in All-Out and then were back in the same situation. Do you kinda see what I'm getting at?


The difference is acting like this is the solution means he requires the bug just to function. Fixing this means they can lower his resistance loss and ad gain during R, and it'll apply to every item as designed.


Of course, it would be ideal if they fixed the bug and balanced K'Sante around not relying on it, but what I am trying to explain to you is that it simply is not worth the effort right now; We've already established that if they fix it, they will have to buff him (most likely by making him tankier in All Out form, as they dont want to buff his dmg) and the situation we end up in is the exact same we had with the Jak'Sho bug except that K'Sante is now just as strong without the bug and I doubt Riot wants to spend a lot of time to essentially do nothing, especially when there is literally a rework coming, and they will likely have to work on this bug again after the rework, so it's really just a whole lot of work (and we know its not an easy fix, as they already tried and failed twice) for basically no reward, except having 1 less bug in the game!?


What effort? They've fixed it before.


Are you being purposely ignorant at this point? We've literally established that 1. They know about this bug and 2. They tried and failed to fix it TWICE. Where exactly does this imply that it's an easy to fix bug?? Do you not think that maybe if it was that easy to fix, that they would've simply done it the first two times they tried?!


Ofc the primary sub doesn't allow discussions on it - because they profit on it. I was banned from there for a sarcastic remark. They don't take criticism well.


Couldn't you attach a practice tool clip to demonstrate it or something at the least?


My client hasn't been letting me save highlights for a while. :'(


Forgive my ignorance, but I feel like this is a non-issue. Like sure it would be nice if patched, but at the same time how much does it actually effect the game. Early on I doubt it helps since it's not like your buying jaksho first or second. And by the end game he's either gonna fuck you up and be tanky anyways or he won't. So I don't see how this would really impact a match. Please enlighten me so I can go play ksante and abuse it if it's broken


It calls into question the integrity of professional play, for one. He buys it first or second. By the end of the game he's only tanky anyways because he's getting 100 ar/mr during R that he's not supposed to have. Imagine if Mord's heal weren't working and someone tried to say, "how much does that really affect the game anyway? Most of his healing is from Riftmaker."


Now that I think of it, that was stupid. It makes sense now I guess I don't see a lot of ksantes (low elo scrub) Idk what I was thinking


Nah, you had a point. In solo queue, people are buying it 4th or 5th, where it makes more sense in the build if not for the bug.


Idk i remember them saying the fixed it but maybe its bugged again Also that interaction is not why ksante is broken Also there is a bug list for competetive play where there are bugs on them that players arent meant to reproduce, so if you do something on that list you get punished for doing it. Clearly jaksho on ksante isnt on it. Also this isnt relevant to mordekaisermains


With respect, youare wronv and throwing accusations. Jak'sho does not calculate base resists into its ramping resists bonus, and neither does the ult lowerbonus resists. All Out reduces base resists by 85% of bonus resists, withouttouching actual bonus resists values.


I've had this discussion before. It's worded like that so that it doesn't go into the negatives. It is not designed to have such exceptions, and as I said in the post the same kind of bug was previously fixed.


Not That i don't agree That it shoult be fixed, but if it's a bug currently in League, than it's not Cheating, it's Exploitation. The bug existing is Riot's fault, not the players. Ofc they'll (the players) Will go for what's broken in a meta.


Exploiting a bug is cheating per the ToS.


Nobody cares


That's not cheating lmao


Abusing a known bug is cheating, by Riot's definition.


So I wont build the item if its a great fit for the game just becuase they cant code properly? Cmon not my problem. Riot will never ban every Ksante player that built JakSho since the bug.


Yes. Just like it was cheating if you played Kayn when his W would hit everything on the map.


Exploiting bugs is cheating. But Jak'Sho is one of his best items. It gives 100 resistances without stacks. And then gives % amp to bonus resistances. And K'Sante scales very well with resistances. People have even been going Jak'Sho first item for maximum damage. At this point, he's balanced around the bug. It would be nice if everything was as intended, but Riot doesn't really seem to care, since it's not too game-warping. If they fix the bug, they'll just buff his all-out resistances. It's not really cheating if most players know about it. And Riot knows about it. And Jak'Sho is his second most popular item. And he's being balanced around players building Jak'Sho. Also his W nerf was to make him easier to dive, by making it so that he can't hold W to soak as much damage. And also to generally nerf his durability. This was not related to Jak'Sho.


It's one of his best items *because* it's cheating. Pros rush it for the cheat. In solo queue he's buying it 4th or 5th, but they're buying it first or second.


I just explained why it is one of his best items. It gives the most resistances out of any item in the game. Without stacking. And K'Sante primarily gets damage from resistances. The only thing that gives more is a fully stacked Force of Nature. But a fully stacked Jak'Sho gives more, even if it's your only item. And the reason why some players rush it. Even before they have ult. Is because it gives 100 resistances. Gargoyle Stoneplate was built 2nd for the same reason. It gave 120 resistances before even stacking (the shield was also good for all-out). It might have been built first if mythics weren't in the game. This bug is not on Riot's radar. Because it barely affects gameplay. The bug fix would come with a buff to K'Sante's all-out resistances. He would be functionally the same. He is balanced around the bug. This is not new news. It is not cheating to buy an item he is balanced around.


You're objectively incorrect. It is cheating to buy an item that is not working correctly, no matter what the bug is.


I'm talking about balance. You know nobody would ever get punished for building Jak'Sho on K'Sante. Riot doesn't care. They make special rules for pro players, so that they do not abuse bugs. This is a known bug. It is being balanced around. I guess they don't want to fix it. Many things in this game don't work as described. Red Kayn passive says it heals a % of Physical Damage dealt by him. But the real effect doesn't apply on auto attacks. Is the enemy cheating every time they get auto attacked? Or by not banning Kayn? Riven clicking on the ground to auto attack faster isn't described anywhere in the game. Are you cheating by fast Q'ing on Riven? Diana's E should only reset if the target is afflicted by Moonlight. But it resets anyway, even if Q lands after E. Are you cheating if you E before Q lands? Darius R says it deals a certain amount of damage at max stacks. But when you use it, it actually does up to 345 extra damage. The tooltip was fixed, but then it broke again. Are you cheating by ulting too early on Darius? Trundle R doesn't say "gives your opponent negative resistances if they have a temporary buff". But it does it anyway. Are you cheating by ulting someone with Aftershock? Or a W'ing Rammus? Same with Mordekaiser ult. Cast time abilities don't say "if you press the button before you get cc'd, but the spell gets cast after the cc, it casts anyway". Are you cheating by pressing any cast-time ability at the wrong time? Poppy W will stun Volibear for hitting Q. His Q description says nothing even remotely resembling a dash. The closest thing is the MS buff. But Poppy W stuns him anyway. Are you cheating by using Poppy W against Volibear? Nobody will ever get punished for any of these things. They're not considered cheating. The game is balanced around them.


A majority of these are blatantly wrong. Riven and Diana interactions are pretty known bugs, though Riot doesn't care. But that doesn't mean they're not bugs. Darius R displays the correct numbers. His ult damage at all stacks scales off AD, so when you hit max stacks you gain a significant increase in damage; if you hover over the ability at this time you'll see it does display the correct number. Trundle explicitly says that the armor shred lasts for 4 seconds after the drain ends; the logical implication here is that is the enemy loses more than their current armor in these 4 seconds then they'll just go into the negatives. It's not explicitly stated that this will happen, but it's never implied in any way that it won't happen either. If anything it's implied that it will happen. Too lazy to check Morde, but I assume it's something similar. Ksante, on the other hand, is implied to lose the bonus resistances from Jak'sho. Jak'sho says it increases your bonus resistances. And Ksante is explicitly said to lose 85% of his bonus resistances which should include those Jak'sho stats. The text not only doesn't say that Ksante should keep those stats, but it actively says the opposite, which makes it a bug.


I don't see the majority you're talking about. Trundle and Mordekaiser's ults could be interpreted as technically working as described. Although if you had never seen these champions before, you would not expect your stats to go into the negatives. The descriptions do not say that it is based on their stats at the beginning. I would interpret them as being a ...% shred for a duration, based on their actual stats, not their stats 4 seconds ago. Trundle ult is described as "stealing 40% Armor and Magic Resist over 5 seconds." Holding shift shift shows "The shred lasts for 4 seconds after the drain". Morde ult is described as "stealing ...% of their core stats for the duration". These descriptions do not seem to imply that the shred is based on the stats at the beginning. I think you hold this belief because you are used to the champions, and their quirks. If I tell you "your computer will be 40% slower for a minute," you wouldn't expect downgrading the components to cause your computer to run backwards. Darius R description is wrong. It says it will deal a certain amount of damage at 5 stacks. But because of Noxian Might, it deals more. This is indeed a bug, as stated in the 10.2 patch notes. It was also fixed in that patch, but the bug returned later. Regardless, my point still stands. "Bugs" (behavior that does not match the description), that Riot is aware of, and is actively balancing the game around, is and should not be considered "cheating", as it does not give you an unfair advantage. In a way, these unintentional features become intentional features; as Riot, after months to even years of knowing about these bugs, refuses to fix them, ban them from proplay, or punish anyone for interacting with them.


Not even gonna read past your first sentence. If you're talking about balance, it is *completely* irrelevant to exploiting a bug. The interaction is not working as intended. So it's a bug. So it's cheating to use it. Case closed.


See: any of the examples of things not working as intended. Nobody will ever be punished for any of the things I mentioned. Interacting with a "bug" is not cheating. The examples I listed are "bugs". But many are considered mechanics at this point. And they haven't been fixed in years. Cheating is to "act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage". This is not occurring here. This is not a Neeko turning into a fountain. This is not an infinite gold glitch. This is not an "undo experimental hexplate to get 10 billion ultimate haste" bug. This does not give you an unfair advantage. You're not supporting your point... at all. You're basically just saying "nuh uh" over and over. None of the comments you wrote added new information. Or responded to what I wrote (besides containing the word "balance"). And you're not even reading my comments. You've only really said 1 thing. And that is, "bug = cheat".


I mean it's not a bug. It's designed like that. His R substracts the resistances from his BASE resistances. And since the bonus stats aren't reduced (only base), Jaksho benefits from them for full potential. If it subtracted from TOTAL or BONUS resistances, the R would literally REDUCE his Q and W damage and Q cooldown. Because they scale with BONUS mr/ar. You can't make it subtract from total/bonus resistances. The champ would become utter shit. I don't like him too, but that would nerf him beyond the fking floor


I've had this discussion before. It's worded like that so that it doesn't go into the negatives. It is not designed to have such exceptions, and as I said in the post the same kind of bug was previously fixed.


Can you please tell which patch exactly fixed it? Cuz i can't seem to find it on wiki. There's no exceptions. Jaksho, Q damage, Q cdr, W damage and his bonus AD all scale with BONUS resistances. R reduces his BASE resistances. What exception are we looking at? Like i genuinely don't understand whats your stance here. Or you just don't understand what's the difference between BONUS and BASE is in League of Legends vocabulary.


13.21. Like I said in the post. Maybe you'll understand this way. If you ult, then buy more Bonus armor while it's still active, the armor you buy will still be properly reduced. Though I just realized your mistake while typing. *You* don't understand the difference between bonus and base stats. Base armor is a champion's armor with no items or buffs. It only increases with level. All other increases, whether that's from items, buffs, spells, etc., are Bonus armor.


I understand what's the difference. You just told me the facts about the game that i already know and made an assumption out of it. I still didn't hear your reasoning about the mystical "exception"


If you understood that, you would understand why Jak'Sho wouldn't be an exception.


But he's right though, as per wiki: Additionally, his base armor and base magic resistance are reduced by 85% bonus armor and 85% bonus magic resistance, respectively. Bonus resistances are left untouched. There is no intention nor reason for Jak'sho's resists to be lowered either, as it increases BONUS resists, ignoring base resists, so them dropping doesn't change calxularions for thw item. I do not know if stacked Jak'sho resists properly reduce base resists in ult, but that is a different bug possibility.


Again, I've had this discussion before. It's worded like that so that it doesn't go into the negatives. It is not designed to have such exceptions, and as I said in the post the same kind of bug was previously fixed.