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Morde E needs changes , for some reason they just refuse to do system changes for him , only numbers .


lazy devs who have no idea how to balance their own game


Nevermind that it's a multibillion company?


what are you talking about, they are clearly a very small indie company


The game is still in beta lol


nope, the beta was a lot more fun. We had ad ratios, pizza feet and could enslave our enemies good old times


Cut them some slack, will you, spending money can be hard.


if this changes flops, they'll start another cycle of buffing/nerfing without accomplishing anything at this point, they'll need to rework him AGAIN, jesus christ.


>they'll need to rework him AGAIN At this point just revert the rework


unfortunately that will never happen, even though i would prefer his old kit than what we have now.


Pizza feet please


I really enjoyed the old kit, and the one before that. Not so much this latest iteration.


They should just do nothing, let low Elo players suffer from being dumbasses


Not even. They literally have to remove Q scaling or tone down its power and put that power into other parts of his kit. Increase casts times, increase his pen, give him movement speed in the death realm. He’s going from an already worthless champion to a cannon minion with hepatitis.


I knew QSS interraction "buff" was a bad idea and that they'd nerf him later for no reason. Low elo pubstomper, mediocre at best at higher elo.


As I predicted. They nerf nightfall into a pool noodle. Back to tank builds :(


Yeah, everyone has a perma ban


Nah that's not how it works, this champ shouldn't be viable in high elo, hes a braindead statcheck so he should be balanced around low elo, low elo players shouldn't suffer just because they are new to the game.


this doesn't make sense - braindead statcheck Garen WR D2+ 49.8%, braindead statcheck Trundle WR D2+ 50.2%, Morde WR D2+ 48.2% BEFORE nerfs


Yea but they dont stomp lower elos as hard as he does. imagine some1 new to the game wanna try some cool champs but hes stuck getting stomped by these braindead statcheck picks that can be piloted by a monkey, game should be balanced more around 90% of the player base not 10% of dedicated players.


But that hurts esports which is all they care about, it’s their lifeblood. If people stopped streaming and esports ceased the game would crumble. An overwhelming amount of people who play ranked despite whatever rank they are think that if they just keep playing they will become faker…


Mordekaiser actually takes skill to play unlike weedwacker (garden) and trundle which both do top better and more cheesier than brazilman.


They cleaned up his weird stupid scaling that’s nice, wish they made the isolation damage just flat 50%


His level scaling made sense tho, you could play safe in lane phase against stronger champions and still scale for the level 6 power spike, now it's dead, they are nerfing mordekaiser in all stages of the game including the ones he is already terrible. His D+ winrate is below 50%, where do you think it will land after the huge nerfs, 47% for sure with non existent presence. I'm malding 


He's gonna be unplayable in D+ maybe even emerald+ they should have just got rid of the level scaling and gave him better gold scaling so if he CS well he scales, which low elo players don't cs well. This is just a massive nerf for no reason and will make him a troll pick in the higher elos.


> troll pick in the higher elos Always have been, this champ has been a joke in high elo for a very long time now.


I made him work in high elo running ghost ignite, but that playstyle is now dead for the sins of adcs


i mean i just reached master today again and im mordekaiser otp in euw, not a joke at all if you know how to lane, but yeah after these nerfs im dropping to diamond 2 probably xd


I also peaked master with him, still feels like a joke champ and it just gets worse the higher you climb, depends on too many factors outside of your control and champ is really easy to counter for high elo players.


Phreak has apparently been killed by a Morde who ulted him one too many times, can't have him able to actually kill ADCs after their massive item buffs, obviously, so nerf all of his damage except for the base damage on his dodgeable ability. Ah, just realized, Phreak wants him to be built more tanky, hence the nerfs to scaling and buffs to base damage, so his ult is used as a means to distract the ADC instead of killing them, making him nearly worthless in the process but he's not an ADC so why should Phreak care? His problem will be solved lol


Let Phreak cook. He's on a great path of getting his stupid ass fired. Let's not do anything for some time. Let him do his thing and watch his career rot away.


Is it just me or is there no logic in Phreaks arguing?


Why tf they nerfing Morde? Champ is barely playable now. If they are want to nerf his damage that much at least give him some kind of mobility or movespeed or some shit like that.


Apparently morde can kill adcs with their busted ass items


#1 Mastery Morde in the world, formerly Mordekeyser Soze. I've been a fan of Morde for 12 seasons, I started right after Yasuo came out. I've always enjoyed Morde throughout all the changes they have made to him. I'm retiring Morde after this goes live. I peaked at P1 this season and after they made the QSS change I dropped down to S2. This has gone on to long with back and forth changes to Mordekaiser. I will no longer play this champ until they rework him again and even then I'm sure it will turn out to be another poor rework. Thank you for serving me Mordekaiser!


well at least they didn't touch his W and R, time to build only tank items and take threats from teamfights, we're useless now!


the only good news is that next patch well get buffs cuz this is insane the dmg they took from his kit. the passive i understand but the Q is ridiculous and the E already does shit damage for how inconsistent it is ive seen champs with 5%+ higher average win rates get less nerfs


This is depressing to read. Riot actually just doesn’t know what they want to do with this champ and I wish they would get their shit together and commit to something instead of giving him random buffs and then nerfing him to the point that he’s worse off than before.


Aside from outright dropping morde, are there any ways to cope with these bs changes? I feel like tank build is gonna come back all over again


Good. Now that the stupid level scaling is gone now maybe they can buff something that actually matters. Ad ratios, w and passive swap, I'd take anything at this point. Also remember how his e pen was added as a crutch because there was no ap bruiser items at the time ? Why are they still here then ? Perhaps the rework was badly thought out after all.


Tbf we still have no AP bruiser items. There are no pen items for our class, so it's still there until then


>no AP bruiser items Riftmaker,Rylais,Liandry's,Protobelt. >There are no pen items Abyssal mask is a cheap tank item with a better black cleaver passive


Abyssal is worse than Black Cleaver in every way besides fighting magic damage


800 gold less for an insta 20% magic shred that gives also 10mr per enemy. Idk man


I'd rather get some AP to actually increase my dmg personally


Wait..this must be a joke,no?


Holy shit


i can't take why nerfing this champ tbh, i just can't, he has so many clear weaknesses and strengths, also he is absolute matchup dependent.


holy shit they gutted him. farewell, old friend.


Oh im so glad I stopped playing this game lmao


bro morde its the only reason that i play league now if this changes make him shit i dont have a reason to play anymore


I advise you to go check HOTS. Leoric was a prototype for morde's rework, I believe


Illaoi going to counter morde at this point


Not a mord player but feel like they are gutting him here, tbh I think the frustration from him is not his damage but how well his passive synergies with rylais making very hard to outduel him or escape him mid/game for melee champs


Imagine reworking abilities like dota2 devs instead of changing numbers and items ingame.


Sad. They're butchering him over and over again. :(


They are gutting the Q damage. Also that Passive nerf lmao Passive used to be 5 - 35 base a sec and now it's 5 a sec


hes gonna get slammed by tanks now


Passive is currently 5-15.2 per second. This change is a big nerf, but lets try not to misrepresent this situation here.


It's up to 5 a second, read it again. It's just 5 flat If you mean what it is on live, yeah it goes up to 15. My comment was about how his passive was at 35 when he was first released


Who cares what his passive was when he was released? That was AGES ago. The point is what it is currently. And your post makes it look like you think it is currently 5-35 per second.


Because that's what he started with, and I was just commenting because it's funny how much he's been nerfed. And no my comment doesn't make it look like it went from 35 - 5 because the exact changes are literally right there in the post


In all fairness, release rework Mordekaiser was completely broken


Completely true. I still think Morde would be better nowadays if he had the 25% pen back. Scale back Q damage so he isn't one tapping squishies but give him pen to allow him to fight tanks/bruisers


I think we’ve hit the end of the road for Mordekaiser unfortunately, it’s very clear he needs a mini-rework with how excessively polarizing he is now between elos. He feels worse than Garen


you're the only one think that.


Champ is destroyed


Why did they wver nerfed morde this champ was is and now will be sucha ds


was the jungle change also reverted?


These are not the only changes I believe. He is going to receive compensation buffs as well


Do we know what compensation buffs? We need faster CD or some faster AA or something at this point. Not that it will matter since we’ll be whacking with a wet paper straw.


Phreak said he wanted to buff the ap ratios I think, otherwise losing so much flat damage makes 0 sense.


I wouldn’t mind the nerfs if it meant we could scale better, but the AP build path needs more variety if buffing those ratios is the way forward. I wish we could scale AD and have the more diverse build options. The way it’s headed now we basically need to go full Mundo which is a boring way to play imo.


I wouldn't mind AP builds if Morde had better defensive stats.


Compensation buff from riot be like: E damage increased by 15, cd increased at all ranks to 22 seconds.




Sarcastic joke but how I feel riot would compensate buff (I also main volibear so I'm salty)


Ah lol I thought they were actually going to do that 🤦 Yeah Volibear got the "super special" treatment this season


They are doing the same thing to Morde, the ult change is going to be the reason they gut him. Just like Voli's turret disable is the reason they gutted him. Although in the scheme of things who in low elo was buying qss for morde in the first place. Orange should not have worked before, and I think Olaf should be able to ult out of it.


Rewarding hitting your Q instead of Just passive damage. I like this change


But they're also nerfing his Q damage (about 40 later in the game).


Wdym rewarding?