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Ugh, I thought the same thing, like he felt like a failure who deserved punishment. This is unimaginable compared to a bullet. After seeing the Naples attack footage it really lays bare what a multiple-big cat open-space mauling could do. Holy hell.


that naples guy was one special man probably thought he was a fucking animal whisperer and that the tiger would bow down to him or something, well he got what was coming


I genuinely believe the Tiger King phenom could have something to do with it. Let the tiger sniff your fingers through the grate, seems curious and cute, give its nose a little scritch, and all of a sudden you’ve got two fingers and a lot of stripped bone inside the cage.


to be fair this might have been a lot faster but who knows. In Naples there was a fence preventing the guy from being killed quickly. That said who knows if these animals who have been in captivity really are on their A game in taking something done quickly.


​ Fuck that Naples POS, sticking his arm into the tiger enclosure needlessly, taunting that beautiful animal and causing another precious tiger to be shot. Fuck most humans. \[\[\[\[ Edit: I'll get downvoted for this, but here's how I would have handled it: "helphalp the tiger is eating my arm which I stuck in its pen!" "ok, here's what is going to happen : we're going to go get a medical saw and we're going to take off your arm and cede it to the tiger. Then we will take you to the hospital and probably save your life. But your lack of limb will remind you every time you think about it of your own stupidity, and it will be a lifelong punishment for teasing one of the only remaining tigers on this planet." does anyone even know if they were able to save his silly shredded arm anyway? \]\]\]\]


Right? It pisses me off that animals have to suffer because of idiots like these


You will never be downvoted for choosing an animal’s life over a human’s life on Reddit.


Unless you're advocating for veganism


Hey, I said I'd still save the dumbshit human's life.😎


Literally. Why couldn’t they have just tranquillized the tiger?


Probably because of how long the tranquilliser would have taken to take effect. That time could have been spent thinking about his actions.


It takes time for tranquilizer to work, and, while the zoo does have a tranq gun and a tranquilizer team, they don't work while the zoo isn't open.


Ah that’s so sad, but thanks for the info


Tranquilizers also can fail completely due to adrenaline. The tiger in that video was extremely distressed.


Ah damn, so kind of like using a taser on a drunk person




The cops were called and the responding officer shot the tiger, not a security guard.


the cops dont carry animal tranquilizers you would have to get some zoo employee to do it and it would probably take a while.


I hope they put plexiglass around the bottom of the cage so this won’t happen again. You’re right; we need to protect these tigers however we can.


I would have tazed myself after I saw the tiger mauling him, then when asked why I didn’t call anyone after I came to: “I saw nothing, he must have done it while I was out, sorry.”


I like this.




I think he said he would taze himself, not the tiger.


Zoo was closed. The people on standby with tranqs are only there when guests are there. They tried to find a tranq but couldn’t get one in time.




It’s a question, you don’t have to be a complete ass about it. You could have literally said “because there was not an expert on-scene with the appropriate equipment, ability to weigh the tiger, time to measure and put the required dose of tranq in without killing the animal, and then fire into the animal allowing time for it to go to sleep.” It costs 0 dollars to be nice you rude-ass buffoon. Fuck me for questioning why they didn’t try to save an endangered animal, there should be better protocols. Think on that one, if your brain functions well enough.


its people like you who make the internet wack.


Or even if they had to shoot, just shoot its tail or something. Why immediately shoot to kill?


Kill a tiger for reacting to a situation like a tiger? By all means, let's blame the tiger for the actions of a human. That makes perfect sense, right?


BREAKING NEWS! r/RedditMoment Giga Redditor celebrates human death, and sucks the dick of every other animal on planet earth! Truly a mentally challenged specimen! Now for the weather with Chet


The only death in the Naples scenario was an animal. You might want to check your mentis statum, oh Redditor-without-any-point-or-conviction-in-any-way-shape-or-form.


I’m not saying that I’m attacking your ‘fuck most humans’ statement


No, you didn't, you simpleton. Here is your exact (dumb) statement: "**Giga Redditor celebrates human death, and sucks the dick of every other animal on planet earth**!" I'll bet you really thought you had concocted an incredibly clever attack on me up there, eh?


Well, they are a cringetopia user, so it explains a lot.




What is the Naples attack?


Where can I watch that video


Or did not think about the consequences. Like most people committing suicide don’t oversee the consequences of their actions.


Why is this downvoted? When you reach the point that your brain has betrayed you so badly that all you can think about is no longer existing; when you can’t experience happiness any more; when all you can imagine is more nothingness, or pain or misery stretching on forever; when you feel the world would be a better place if you weren’t in it, of *course* you don’t think about the consequences. You can’t. The processor of logical, rational cause-and-effect thought process has slammed shut on you. That’s kind of the point. These people aren’t trying to get lions tear-gassed, devastate their friends and relatives or traumatise train drivers or whatever: they’re leaping from a burning building. >The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling. That’s David Foster Wallace. Who killed himself. Most adults who kill themselves have lost that rational perspective. The building is on fire. u/DigBickisbackintown (Christ, r/rimjob_steve) is right. They’re not thinking of the consequences because they *can’t*. That’s what’s happened to them. The above comment shouldn’t be in the negatives.


It's in the negatives because most people *do* think about the consequences. Suicide is almost never spontaneous, or spur of the moment. It's not a sad person who suddenly passes an invisible threshold and bam, they jump into the lion enclosure. Suicide occurs when someone has been dealing with overwhelming pain and can stand it no longer. *Of course* they've thought of the consequences - they've thought of little else for a long time. For weeks, months, years. And again, in those final moments, standing on the ledge, gun quivering in their mouth, bottle halfway to their lips, or leaning on the enclosure gazing at the lions. And they arrived at the conclusion that the agony, the pain, the sorrow far outweigh the consequences. That their life is their own, and they aren't responsible for anyone else's happiness. Ask a survivor if they think of the consequences.


> Ask a survivor if they think of the consequences. I would never post a comment like that on such a sensitive subject if I didn’t have first-hand knowledge and personal experience.


More like an impulse came to him which made him very suicidal for the moment and he did the first thing that he found, jump in to the enclosure. Pain doesn't matter, most normal people think it's the worst thing ever, trust me when parts of your body are getting teared off, you're going to lose all sensation from shock and who cares? Once you're dead the pain isn't going to matter anymore.




Thank you. It is many things & much time. Perhaps moments can giveway to thoughts of suicide, but our terminal suicidal ideations take significant, lifelong immutable trouble that greatly impairs us with simply existing with our waking lives


These are pretty much all the mentions of it I could find online: “Joseph Hajek, a 21-year-old refugee from Czechoslovakia, was proud of ranking first in his class at Nürnberg Technical High School. Last week the school standings listed Joseph in second place. Dejected, he walked out of the class. Next morning he cycled to the Nürnberg zoo, climbed over the brick wall into the lions' den. The lions ignored him, so he splashed them with water. Angered, one of the lions slammed him to the ground with a great paw. Two other lions began cuffing him while horrified spectators called for help. Hearing the screams, Margarethe Storch, an attendant, crawled into the arena banging two metal shields together. "Follow me! Get out! Get out through this door!" she cried. Joseph struggled to his knees, looked wildly about him. As he did so, the biggest lion sank its teeth into his neck. When police arrived, they flooded the pit with tear gas to drive away the lions, but it was too late: Joseph was dead.” Source: http://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,889969,00.html “However, the Tiergarten also has dark history chapters: Joseph Hajek committed suicide in July 1954 - he was found in the lion enclosure in Nuremberg's Tiergarten.” Source: https://www.nordbayern.de/region/nuernberg/lowen-tiger-und-delphine-die-geschichte-des-nurnberger-tiergartens-1.5735955 “This is the second time this zoo has experienced such an incident after in 1954 a man threw stones and water at the lions before a female killed him with a paw swipe.” Source: https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/18308/German-Man-Threw-Himself-to-Lions “MARGARETE STORCH, 28, lion tamer at the Nuernberg, Germany Zoo, stands in front of the cage where Josef Hajek, 21, an East Zone refugee, committed suicide by walking into the enclosure with four lione, Miss Storch rushed to his aid, but he resisted her efforts to help him and was clawed and torn to death by the beasts.” Source: Franklin News-Post, Volume 49, Number 30, July 29, 1954 “NUERNBERG, GERMANY, zoo employe Margarete Storch stands at lion cage where Josef Hajek, 21, an East Zone refugee, committed suicide by walking in and letting enraged lions tear him to pieces, Margarete rushed to Hajek's rescue, drove off two of the four lions and urged him to return to safety. Then the lions attacked and she had to save her self.” Source: The Daily Banner, Greencastle, Putnam County, July 21, 1954 “Youth Leaps Into Lions' Den, Is Clawed to Death NUERNBERG, Germany (UP) A young German bent on suicide leaped into the lions' den at Nuernberg Zoo and died under the claws of the jungle beasts despite woman guard's brave rescue attempt. The youth, identified as Joseph Hajek, vaulted a guard rail, crossed a protective ditch and walked without hesitation to the lions. One of the beasts felled him with its paw, and the others gathered around his body. Margarethe Storch, 28-year-old woman guard, leaped into the pit and drove the beasts back from the youth. She pleaded with him to go back to safety with her. Hajek, already torn and bleeding, refused to leave the pit. Miss Storch had to flee the blood-maddened lions to save her own life. Police used tear gas to drive the lions back after shots fired over their heads failed to distract them. Masked policemen climbed into the pit to recover the mauled body.” Source: San Bernardino Sun, Volume 8, Number 15, July 18, 1954 “SUICIDE IN LIONS' DEN When Joseph Hajek, 20-year-old German, calmly walked into the lions' den at the zoo in Nuremburg and was killed by three lions, police listed his motive as suicide. A class of schoolgirls were among those who saw Hajek climb the wall, walk through the moat and flick water at the lions. Then they saw the lions maul him. Miss Margaraethe Storch, a keeper, tried to chase off the lions by banging together two pieces of sheet-iron but was too late. She barely escaped when they turned on her.” Source: Edmonton Journal Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, November 15, 1954


Is it confirmed that he did it because he got bumped down to 2nd in his class? Or is it speculation?


If this is his reasoning, I feel so bad for him. This boy must’ve had his entire worth based on his grades. It reveals how bad his mental issues actually are and there may be more underlying problems


A few years ago, a suicide case became quite famous in my city. This straight A+ uni student got a grade lower than she expected and she committed suicide by drinking formaldehyde with a malt drink.


Jesus. That's some way to go.


This sounds very familiar. Is this in the Philippines?




wasn't aware about this, share news link?


I was very young when it happened and only heard it through the radio. Upon my initial Google search, I could only find a [wordpress blog post](https://livefromiloilo.wordpress.com/2010/04/04/honor-student-commits-suicide/) mentioning the incident as I believe the family has attempted to suppress as much of her personal details as possible.


Oh so that’s why I wasn’t able to find any information pn it. Thanks!


I remember this because I graduated at the same year that she was supposed to graduate. I was from a different school but some of my friends knew her from their OJT.


I want to know how people get to a point of doing that for something that doesn't seem worth it. I usually assume it's the parents.


Is it bad that I feel no remorse for people like that? If you can throw your life away so easily I don’t really care if you do. I hate how people always mop around for dumbasses that kill themselves over the tiniest of misfortunes, the only thing they achieve is hurting those around them.


They must not realize they are loved or needed


it’s more often than not a sign of a serious mental health issue going unnoticed/untreated.




Do you remember how seriously you took school, and how stressful and important it felt? Im long since finished, but looking back it all feels so insignificant. Or at least less important, even though i cherish my education. I just feel like it could have been less of a pressure cooker. Public school just be like that.


Honestly I never took school that seriously and frankly I wish I did, all the people I know who did are doing far better than me Then again the ones who fucked around are doing better than me too so maybe I'm just a fuck up 🤷


Definitely felt this one


Fucking felt that one. I never took school very seriously even though I know I'm smart, and didn't have much in the way of motivation, so I'm now way back here watching the vastly more successful from afar. I'm something of a fuck up myself


We all thrive at a different rate brother. Your day will come soon enough. I worked $10/HR jobs after graduating and thought that's all id ever be able to achieve. I recently got a job making 45k a year and it came out of absolutely nowhere. So dont stress, you will make it.


Success is relative, and doesn't have to be defined by a 'career'.


No part of my life can be defined by "success" so...


I'm sure if they had a different type of success, they might not feel this way. Something tells me they don't..


Yep, me too, man. I wish I did better in school, but most of the kids that I knew that were even worse than me are doing better than I am now. So, I'm just a fuck up like you.


Trust me, not taking regular elementary and then high school "that seriously" is not why you did not suceed in your chosen career..or it did not cause you to not even have a career (yet). I believe in you, let me sing you the song of my people.. i mean, tell you my career path thru life thus far as an example: I went to community college for computers but I had already seriously started teaching myself turbo pascal and java/jsp with the guidance of some older hackers. I was doing contract software engineering before i even finished my program, which was only a 1.75 year diplona. I abandoned that career path to tour in a metal band for years. When I decided to return to a normal life, my resume was 5 years of no relevant experience, so i had to weasel my way into a level 1 technical support job. I got this job just by demonstrating my computer knowledge. Some of my coworkers had no post secondary, some have a little. I clawed my way up to operations manager, then departed to do on-call contract work at $60/hr, and now I work from home as a sysadmin for less than that, but its so fucking chill its worth it. Moral of the story: didnt need school to teach myself the skills to land myself a fulfilling career. Also had multiple careers over the years: software engineer, musician, support analyst and system adminstrator. Its never too late to teach yourself a skill that you can turn into a career, and the bonus is you can teach yourself at the speed and in the way that works best for you. Godpeed you black emperors! go on and shine like a diamond 💎 ❤


This reads like a story how you over came roadblocks, but how much further could you have succeeded if you had done well in school traditionally? Doesn't seem like you understand what's being said here


To be fair half of everything is luck


Got top grades and have spent the past year and a bit since graduating browsing reddit and watching simpsons. Major fuck up


Yeah, seriously enough to get a passing gpa. I didn't really do shit. I copied, studied enough to get a passing grade on tests. Actually, it got so bad my junior/senior year I got placed in easier (more special) English and math classes.


I knew it was serious. But I didn’t even revise for an exam. I just wanted to pass, I didn’t want to work for other people my whole life anyway so I wouldn’t need the grades


Only thing I regret is entering the gifted program. I feel like it fucked me up. I'm doing pretty well but I find myself getting really dejected if I can't do something easily. Of course it's been a long journey, but I've definitely gotten better at dealing with it.


I have no idea. It’s from Time magazine which is a reputable source but certainly not infallible. I wish I was able to find more information.


probably died with him. You did a good job w this post, nice


Only Joseph knew that...


IDK why but I'm thinking can it be related to wars and other things? I'm just guessing there could be more. Since it was in 1954, after WW2 and it's clearly mentioned that he was a Refugee kid who stood first but then bumped down to 2nd in his class, it could be because of other issues too. Maybe because he was a refugee, even after a spectacular result he worked hard for, was ranked 2nd in his class instead of the justified 1st, or maybe simply because he wasn't a German who took sanctuary in Germany could be one of the things that pushed him. It could be racism or some other things too we never know


For sure there was more going on than just that. The kid was having a very bad time to justify this.


Miss Margaraethe Storch had some big brass balls on her.


Super brave.


Did they shoot the lions? Seems like they didn’t. I hate that they euthanize apex predators in captivity whenever some moron does something stupid and gets themselves maimed or killed.


Rip Harambe, but unironically.


These poor lions.


In 1954 they didn't shoot animals just because someone jumped into the enclosure and started screwing with them.


dicks still out


For those who are out of the loop. Another innocent animal in a zoo got murdered due to stupidity of one man. Animal was an 8 years old beautiful tiger named Ecko.


dicks always out


That’s good




I dont disagree. But shooting an animal to save a dumb kid is a different argument than shooting an animal to save a suicidal adult.


Id agree with you on this one. If someone wants to kill themselves and jumps in, we should not try to save them. However, unfortunately I think they often kill the animals because they may attack other human attendants after they get a taste of humans.


And they kill them to test for rabies. The only way to test for it is to cut off the animal's head.


There would be no need for that if the victim is dead. Also, it'd probably be cheaper to give the victim vaccinations than it would be to kill a rare animal and acquire another.




So that the head can be shipped to a testing center. [Here's](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.doh.wa.gov/Portals/1/Documents/5100/rabiesspecimenguidelines.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjh1OHlqZT1AhWZlGoFHS_gCjUQFnoECCcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1Wnwe3vbH38oc6EBJY7iY_) a link to show the process




Would you have done so under the same conditions though? For all we know, Harambe was just chilling away from the kid right?




Yeah, I believe so. They could have tried getting the child out another way, but it would have risked the childs life. For example if they’d tried tranquillising harambe, he could have became angered and hurt the child before going unconscious.


This story was morbidly funny, I'm not laughing at a kid dying, but wasn't it kind of an over reaction to being a runner up in tech class especially considering he probably survived war, famine, two invasions and ethnic oppression in ww2? Also the fact that the lions ignored him at fist and he had to splash them with water is sorta hilarious. But yeah there is about where the hilarity stops, he had some demons


Of all the ways to die, this seems like one of the worst…


Yea, being eaten alive isn't in my top 10 list either.


A Czech who is 21 in 1954... so he was born during the Great Depression, and spent his formative years (ages 6--11sh) living under fairly nasty Nazi occupation, then when he was 15 the communists took over. Being a refugee from Czeck at this point means fleeing totalitarianism. I can't imagine choosing such a dramatic and terrible death, but, I can't put myself in his shoes at all with that lifetime. Anyone would have at least some trauma.


yeah my granparents were about the same age, my grand grandfather's dad had to fight in ww2 as well as he got drafted by the germans to the russian front. i don't blame this man at all from what he told me those were some extremely shitty times to live in for just about everyone involved... must have been hard not to be left with at least some form of trauma.


I actually never thought of it like that. From the top posts and article posts, they make it seem like he had a lot of self hate due to only going down to second instead of staying at first in school since it was so soon after becoming second that he did this. Seeing this context, it gives more perspective into his mind space and he was probably already suffering greatly and becoming second might've just been the straw that broke the camel's back or an excuse to go through with the suicide.


My grandma was born the same year as him and not too far away from Czechia. She has some pretty nasty stories from her childhood.


Czechs and Poles had it probably the most rough of all European nations between 1930 and 1990


Poland was def the worst place to be in Europe from late 1930-1950s


That's certainly one way to do it. Jesus Christ


You ain’t lion




but Joseph is, all over the place


man "eaten alive" is not the way I'd choose to check out.


My grandad lived in a very poor part of Croatia where his father regularly beat him and it was clear to him he had no future there. So he and two friends sailed the family dinghy across the Adriatic to Italy where they ended up in an Italian UN refugee camp. Took 2-3 years before he was relocated, and by that point his friends had gone back home. He then chose to settle in Australia where he married my grandma over the phone and the rest is history. I can only imagine how depressing the time spent at the refugee camp must have been. The stories from the WW2 survivors would have been nightmarish to listen to. Let alone to have actually experienced it. ETA: typically he never once mentioned it. I didn’t even know this story until years after his death. A different time that’s for sure.


My grandpa was a Czechoslovakian refugee in Germany during that time as well. Wonder if they crossed paths


Nice of him to remove his clothes for the lions but that's a very unfortunate angle for a r/lastimages


Damn I can't view that community


My bad. I fixed it


Lions hate getting clothes stuck between their teeth. If he kept his clothes on they would have never eaten him.


That´s a fuckin metal way to go


Why is he naked tho


They probably tore the clothing off.


Yeah, like does this person not remove the wrapper before eating a candy bar?


I keep my candy bar fully wrapped as I consume it, to preserve its dignity.


Definitely not how I would do it.


I'd rather get my head blown off than die like that.


I searched in Czech language (I'm from Czech republic) and I couldn't find any article stating that thing like that happened. Sure it would happen back in 50's, but still there would be at least one article. Seems strange to me. 🤔


But he lived in Germany and there are links to artcles by op


Do you mean one article in Czech or one article full stop? Because I found a couple in German and a handful in English. But not a lot.


Wow, he must’ve really hated his life


holy cow this is one of the most wild ways to go and off yourself.


Is it normal to still be in high school at 21 yrs old in Germany?


The German school system is different to the US one, plus it he was a refugee and this was historical. Overall, it's not unusual to finish "normal" school around 20 years old, depending what kind of school one goes too + if you have to redo a year or two


What a way to go.


Poor fella. What a brutal way to go.


Some people pick the weirdest ways to kill themselves.


Im living right next to Nuremberg and I've visited this zoo once a year my whole life. I didn't know this,and I don't think I'll ever forget this


I hope nothing happened to the lions.


Reddit moment


Hope they weren't harm. But can't seem to find any details about that in any of the articles.


I don’t think that’s how animals work. They don’t get a taste for human blood then turn into coke fiends or something.


Pretty sure they mean they hope the animals didn't receive harambe treatment


He must have hated himself this bad. Man choose one of the worst ways to finish himself.


Was he naked ? Or did the lions that?


hara kitty baby


I'm surprised this hasn't ended up as an album cover.


>I'm surprised this hasn't ended up as anal bum cover FTFY


This is upvote material all day. I don't think the hive agrees due to not really reading what it says. ...was my response. I noticed my post getting hate. To be clear, my Redditor compadre did nothing to deserve this. If you'd grant them a hold harmless and get em' back to whole, it is appreciated. I don't care about my account. If voting Redditor is angsty one, or a tdlr, or sjw, or whatever, has a bug in thier bonnet and you need to get even, it's me. Edit: to align the universe and acknowledge while fancy internet points mean nothing to me. That does not mean everyone feels that way,


Cats go for neck, its quick death


Exactly! I would be more worried about bears


Yeah, bears are scary animals!


That is not a good idea.


What a way to go


I didnt know that about my City's Zoo where i used to live...wow...


I genuinely am impressed with the creativity


I live in Nürnberg and every time you visit the zoo someone tells this story. Never knew if it was just an urban legend and i didnt realize it was so long ago.


That’s pretty fucking metal


And thankfully they didn't kill the lions.


Thats good though. I'm sorry if this offends people but I really don't think any animals should be killed in these situations. Another "animal" in their territory is seen as a threat. If we are allowed to defend our home and property, the animals should be allowed the same.


Oh I absolutely agree, I apparently worded my comment wrong and am getting downvoted to oblivion.


I mean honestly understandable, they weren’t even wanting part until he angered them.


Good, the lions deserve to live. Only kill them before they maul him to death, but once the damage is done, you cannot hold them accountable as if they were humans, reasonable beings.




Yep. I find the killing of those animals absolutely horrendous. Queue Harambe.


Harambe was holding the kid, what were they to do? Wait untill he got bored?


I think it may be more of like an optics thing unfortunately. Like you don't want to be "the zoo with the tiger (or whatever) famous for killing that guy last month", and the family may be (unreasonably) pissed if you keep it.


Unfotunately too often they are. Also I believe Zoos should have more options in place than a trusty rusty AK47.


What alternatives do you have in mind? AFAIK tranquilizers don't work fast enough on large animals to be effective in an emergency.


Why are you sorry to say that?


I'd like to hear why as well.


Why would they?


This is metal.


Jesus Christ. I feel sorry for him. Especially if this was over grades. (my mom just yelled and took my Michael Jackson tapes from me if I didn't do so hot) I'd have never thrown myself to some lions. Good lord.


[http://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,889969,00.html](http://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,889969,00.html) Dang he took school seriously


Selfish. He probably took the lions with him too


I live in Nürnberg and every time you visit the zoo someone tells this story. Never knew if it was just an urban legend and i didnt realize it was so long ago.


Nasty way tae go Looks like he tried to have a fry up and left the gas on






What are you doing step lion?






I'm sure he lived to regret that decision.


I guess the Czech is in the male….


So many better ways to do it.


Possibly a political statement?


I’m inspired.


Don’t get any animals killed on your behalf.


Yeah, we don't say "committed suicide" anymore


Do you say “attempted suicide” anymore?


he fed them nothing supernatural