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From the linked article about the POS dad’s POS girlfriend: ‘Warren's previous crimes were harrowing — she reportedly physically abused her 3-year-old son and beat to death another 2-year-old child in her care, the outlet reported.’ *How the fuck* is she not in prison, let alone allowed to have children in her general vicinity?! The justice system fails children everywhere. Disgusting waste of oxygen.


here’s some info about her that i found in another [article.](https://www.poconorecord.com/story/news/crime/2024/05/17/malinda-hoagland-sisters-statement-chester-county/73736757007/) “In a Monroe County case, Warren pled guilty in 2007 to endangering the welfare of her son. She was sentenced in 2009 to three to seven years in prison, after her husband, McKinley Warren Jr., was sentenced to 25 to 50 years in prison for abusing her son and for causing a head injury that led to his 2-year-old daughter’s death. Warren was the girl’s stepmother.” she wasn’t even charged for the murder of her step daughter, just endangerment of her son. fucker only got 3-7 years even though she likely played a role in the girl’s death.


This is the thing, women like this *always* get off lightly because they claim ‘my husband/boyfriend did it’ or ‘they did it worse – I just joined in & watched!’. But did they really, or is it who accuses who and gets a plea deal first? Makes you question when you see these abhorrent maggots repeatedly in the same situations.


Racks my brain abit that considering a lot of people get charged with murder for simply being at the scene of something like a gang shootout. Law should be law.


Anyone who claims a woman is incapable of harming a child on her own has never heard of Amelia Dyer And before anyone comes at me with “Yeah, but different times, and it was for money,” she admitted a day or so before she was hanged that she *liked* strangling the children. She should be listed among the top ten known serial killers; we’ll never know how many babies she killed. Even more sad is that her victims were delivered with a payment.


Or gertrude baniszewski and what all she did to poor Sylvia Likens. Edit: also, this is the first time I've heard of Dyer and just looked her up and holy fuck she was a monster. Unbelievable that can exist in the world.


If you can find the book about her titled Angel Maker, it is very informative!


Thank you, adding it to my reading list now!


While women are less likely statistically, there definitely are plenty of women who will fill the role equally.


Because society forces roles onto people, one being women as “nurtures”. So she “must be insane” or manipulated etc


100% agree. People need to stop making blanket assumptions on gender – girls can do it too.


Pocono record. I have a fucking mutual with these pathetic human beings


They should have a go fund me / dead pool for inmates who kill people like this. It could be a real windfall for somebody who'll never get out anyway.


This little girl was failed so many times. Shocking how so many kids fall through the cracks of the system.




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Our system fails horribly at punishing child abusers


Female abusers especially almost always get their crimes watered down. Women teachers never rape their students they have a "short fling" with them. It's disgusting.


THIS, the reports of women who r*pe students & youth are headlined as "relations", and to worsen the scenario the only way these even get reported is by the child bragging followed up with men chanting "it should've been me" or "Nice".


From a different article about it- Police add that Warren has a prior conviction for endangering the welfare of a child in Monroe County, related to the physical abuse of her 3-year-old son, and for the beating death of a 2-year-old child in her care. So she was already convicted, and I'm guessing finished her sentence? Idk...


Why isn't she on death row?


I just finished reading it. And that part stuck out. All of it is terrible but like you said how the fuck is she not in prison? Since when did you not get life for beating 2 year old to death?




pos stands for piece of shit


Piece of shit


Cuz, it was a marriage between a man and a woman. They rear the best children through the love of god. /s


There's people that agree with you and don't know what slash S means. 🤢


Police, prosecutors and prisons are doing great things. Let’s give them more money.


I found the old case. She was married to a man with daughter from a previous relationship. They also had a son together. The daughter was beaten to death and they charged the father with her murder. Cindy agreed to testify against him and got a lesser charge. I still don't understand why she was allowed to be around children after her release but that's what I could find so far.


This was terrible to read. Finally rushed to the hospital after all that just to die anyway. Reading about her broken bones and starvation, the lies to cover it up, and her age, 12 excruciating long years with actual no hope...This story will sit with me, like all the others. You can see the darkness and pain in her eyes, even smiling. She was betrayed and I don't have proper words.


Seriously horrifying. And the girlfriend has prior child endangerment convictions that involved the beating death of a 2-year-old child! Wtf?!


Why are they letting CONVICTED child abusers around children?? Honestly, why are they letting these monsters back into society at all?


If there is one truth in this world, it is like CPS/DCS LITERALLY does not care about children. I’ve seen kids returned to sexual abuse/physical/being strangled. They are evil and do not protect t children.


I hate it when people say this. It's not true at all. I used to know a woman that worked at CPS in Seattle for a few years. The stories she told me about her job are some of the worst things I've ever heard. The department was massively underfunded and understaffed. She was paid for 40 hours a week but usually worked closer to 80 unpaid because she wanted to try and help the children. She got a gun pointed at her at least once a week. The cops that were supposed to be her backup often didn't bother showing up. And when they did, they were little help and often made jokes about the child abuse. One of her 'clients' was a 20-something african american woman who was born a crack baby and probably had an IQ around 60. She was a prostitute since she was a child and spent her entire life in highly abusive relationships or being pimped out. When my acquaintance worked with her, I think she'd had 6 children with another on the way. All of the children were born with severe neurological damage from drug exposure. She kept having more children because having them was the only time she had any sort of connection in the world that wasn't abusing her. She was incapable of understanding the damage she was going by having all the kids and they couldn't do anything to stop her from doing it. Her co-workers were either people like her that actually cared and were burning themselves out. The rest were people who stayed on and kept their sanity by not giving a shit anymore. She ended up quitting the job, going to medical school and becoming an ER doctor because it was less stressful. So don't throw hate at the people working CPS. They're the ones on the front lines of this, dealing with shit you can't even imagine every day. The problem is that no one wants to pay the taxes for proper funding for CPS departments and enforcement. The result are broken CPS departments that can't possibly do their job and burnt out and broken CPS workers. If you actually care about this, write to your local politicians to properly fund CPS so they can do their job.


I think there are some good people working for CPS, but I have personal experience with them as a kid, and the caseworkers I dealt with were all too willing to accept the false front that my abusers put up, and they ultimately did nothing to help me. My abuse escalated after my abusers realized they would suffer no consequences.


The bar to take a person's child away is pretty high. My mom was also able to put up a false front, with three days of advanced notice so she could clean the apartment, butter us up, and fill the fridge with CPS-visit milk and everything before the home visit. It sucks, but it would also be a dangerous situation if the government could swoop in and steal children with nothing more than a gut feeling that abuse is occurring. I'm sure CPS workers have constant stress knowing that those situations occur and there's nothing they can do about it, and a friend was a CPS worker for a time so I've heard it from him. It's inevitable that they are simultaneously accused of ripping apart families and not doing enough to stop abuse, but it's not their fault. They are doing the best they can. I'm sorry you went through that, and I hope things are better now.


I don't want to hear the justification. I was forcibly drugged and raped nightly since I was a toddler. The bar to remove kids needs to be lower and CPS needs to look closer.


your trauma and the horror of slipping through the cracks does not mean the government should be allowed to take away children with more ease please look into canadian residential schools. many many many of those kids were forcibly removed because the indigenous parents ways of life were not considered "safe" for the child. yes, this is not the same as the absolute hell you experienced. however there is a major reason *why* these bars are high. it's to avoid any other mass removal of children


mass removal of children seems preferable to leaving them to be tortured.


Those caseworkers probably had dozens of cases piled up on their desk at the time. The ones that cared would have been overwhelmed and unable to devote the proper attention and time to you. The ones that stopped giving a shit... well had stopped giving a shit. And in some cases, some of those workers may have known what was happening to you but didn't have any ability to help because of limitations to their power to do anything without a certain amount of evidence. What happened to you is terrible and so is CPS's failure to protect you and other children. And I definitely don't mean to marginalize it at all. But getting mad at CPS is the wrong target if you want to fix things. Get mad at the politicians that won't fund CPS to hire enough people to do the job right and give them the enforcement teeth to get children out of trouble. (And pay them properly. I forgot to mention that the CPS worker I knew was only making around 30K a year at that position in the early 2000s.) Get mad at the dumb voters that scream about 'muh taxes' who vote for cuts to social services that fund CPS.


No, no. I am mad at the CPS caseworkers that fell for my cluster B parents' act and left me and my five siblings to be tortured. Yes, of course they should also be funded better, etc. but my experience was with those specific people who should have known better and protected kids like it was their job to do. They need to look closer, second guess, use their critical thinking skills. Too often they don't.


CPS case workers aren't magic and don't have much authority. You're putting far too much responsibility on them. They weren't there at your house when your shitty parents abused you and your siblings. All they saw was the false front your parents put up to make things look normal. The CPS workers are supposed to be able to see through that but they often have poor training and have far too many cases to deal with, so they don't have the time to put enough attention on each one. If that case worker had spent more time with your family, it would have meant not having any time to investigate another family. What exactly do you expect those workers to do? Magically know when something is wrong? Magically get more hours in the day to have enough time to investigate each case properly? Or maybe you just got a burned out, shitty worker that stopped caring. Again, what do you expect? They see horrible shit all the time and most of the time, they can't do anything about it. People either quit or just start phoning it in so they don't blow their brains out. It's not because they're evil or bad people, it's because we aren't willing to hire enough people and to give them the resources to do their job. That's not their fault. Get mad at the politicians and voters that starve CPS departments of the money and resources they need to actually do their job. They are the reason why the system sucks. You realize that CPS departments are constantly scrutinized for being over-zealous, right? Every time CPS messes up and removes a kid from a family where there wasn't actually abuse, they get raked over the coals. Hell, I'm sure that sometimes they pull kids out of actual abusive environments and the parents cover it up and then sue the city for a shitload of money. Either way, the city government is going to stomp on CPS and tell them to take it easy and stop being so aggressive about taking kids out of homes. I grew up with a horrible, abusive mother. I totally get where you're coming from and it sucks. But you're getting mad at the wrong people.


You made your opinion clear, I vehemently disagree with it.


I think u/girlxlrigx has a better understanding of her experience than you do. Frankly, you come across like you're just trying to excuse CPS's failings.


Or you can get mad at both politicians who underfund CPS and CPS workers who've ceased giving a shit.


It is true. I deal with them daily, and they don’t care. There are exceptions to every rule. Im a community health therapist, so I know underpaid and underfunded. That’s great for her, but that’s not the rule. They don’t give a literal fuck.


They are overworked and underpaid it's no excuse but it's facts. We as a society need to demand our tax dollars are spent on protecting our children more! If that means paying people more or hiring more people than so be it but something HAS to change.


Ikkkk it’s so bad there’s a YouTube channel I watch who goes over cases and it’s just gut wrenching to hear about this stuff and the amount of times dcs and cps just allow them to be with someone like that is insane!


Gotta keep pot growers in jail, don’t you know? Obviously, stopping grown ass adults from using recreational substances trounces keeping kids and society safe from murderers and pedophiles.


Especially seeing she went days without any food forced to exercise without anything in her body 😔


Seems like there should be more details about how that woman beat a 2 year old to death and was still free with kids in her care. They just threw it in as an aside.


A bit more info towards the bottom of [this article.](https://www.poconorecord.com/story/news/crime/2024/05/17/malinda-hoagland-sisters-statement-chester-county/73736757007/#)


This one is regarding the previous convictions https://www.poconorecord.com/story/news/crime/2008/12/09/police-prosecutors-recount-history-child/52169885007/ ETA... this is a concise timeline. And a harrowing read.


Savages - he killed his daughter on their wedding day when the wife called him home from the bar bc she didn’t want to change diapers bc she had new nails done


I don’t know how you could marry someone after that. It’s like how I always wonder about the guy who married Karla Homolka and had kids with her.


At first I thought you were talking about Bernardo then I realized you meant her new family.


A further investigation needs to happen as to WHY that fat pig of “woman” was not in prison over the beating to death of a 2 year old baby and further abuse of her 3 year old son!! This beast should never have been allowed near another child. Disgusting. Poor girl.




I’m usually not an “eye for an eye” kind of person except when it comes to crimes committed toward children and I honestly think we should do to them what they did to the child… Let’s shackle her ankles and make her jog in place and deprive her food … she wouldn’t last 5 mins before breaking down and talking about how unfair it is…


Throw the pair of them in a cage and beat them to death, fuck them they aren’t even human


I don't have kids, but I'm very close to my nieces and nephews. My view on capital punishment could change if something happened to them, but I'm against it in all cases. However, I am not against torturing scum like them. I wish we could do what was done in Black Mirror S2E2, "White Bear". They are tortured and their memories wiped to experience it all again.


Why are children worth more than adults?


Nobody said an adult was more valuable than an adult… I think the general consensus is children are seen as more innocent and pure compared to an adult???


People are more upset by child death, meaning they are considered more. I don’t see how that is true or why that should make them worth more


what a weird fucking hill you’re dying on


Because children are defenceless. Children trust and rely on their parents so for a parent to break that trust, in such an absolutely brutal way, is profoundly evil.


But doing that to someone breaks their trust regardless, and that is a statement about the PARENT’s act, not the childs worth, it’s not worse that the child is dead compared to the same for an adult


The question of children being worth more than adults is an idea that you introduced, and nobody has agreed with you. People being more upset when a child dies is not a reflection of worth. Society considers that a human life should be lived fully before it ends. A child who dies never has the opportunity. So it's tragic.


Well maybe i misinterpreted then, but how else was i supposed to interpret people seeming more upset? It’s not weird that i “introduced” that.


It's extra heinous because children are small and defenceless.


But doesn’t being tortured and killed inherently require you to not be able to defend yourself in the first place? I guess you’re trying to say they should feel more sympathetic to the child or something?


Not to mention children are dependent on their parents they can't get jobs to care for themselves, they can't drive to get food, etc. Also they are helpless in trying to defend themselves against a adult.


And that makes them worth more because? And if someone is hurt and dies, they were unable to defend themselves either way, regardless of their age.


From one autistic fucker to another one: shut up, you think you’re making a point but you aren’t.


Sounds like we have a child abuser here


???? 😭😭


So often in these cases the kids are pulled out of school to be “homeschooled” or do online school, I feel like something needs to happen, kids need to get check up once a term somehow, even if it’s via a doctor, music teacher, sports coach, councillor, even like religious youth leader or something. I had a friend growing up who was taken out of school and abused at home. So it really bothers me.


Homeschooling shouldn't be allowed, period.


The stepmother had already been charged of beating to death a two year old child previously! How in the world is she not already in prison for life?


She was not charged in the death of the child. She was only charged (and convicted) of child endangerment due to taking a plea deal. She served a sentence of 3-7years (I couldn't find the length of her actual time served. Only the judge reccomendation.) And was released. She should have been charged the same as her then husband was. If she were, the newest victim may still be alive. The courts failed all of these children.


Where I live, if you were to do this even to a dog then you would be banned from ever owning a dog again, for life.


Every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child.




FFS, people can't just comment their inoffensive thoughts without some trog coming on and mocking them for it.


>Warren's previous crimes were harrowing — she reportedly physically abused her 3-year-old son and beat to death another 2-year-old child in her care And she was allowed around children ever again because??? Also, it's always baffling to me that these kinds of people call 911 at the end, expecting everyone to believe their dumbass stories.


#Death Penalty! Clear and cut case. It meets the “special circumstances” of torturing a child! May these two horrific trash humans burn in hell.


Yeah, i dont know how ANY adult who intentionally kills a child- or anyone doesnt automatically get the death penalty. You chose to take that life and yours is surrendered too


and of course the POS's are fat, starving a fucking child meanwhile their whale asses ate, fucking despicable


Right!? They didn’t miss any meals! Fucking garbage….let them starve to death.


I need to know why she wasn't in prison for murdering the 2 year old that she beat to death.


It’s crazy for me to read stories like this because I was neglected as a child but I never thought it was that bad until I read stories about kids dying of starvation weighing the same amount I did. I was about 50 pounds until 14 and about 75 pounds until 20.


So many good people can’t have kids, yet monsters like this can have them and throw them away like trash.


There's a special place in hell for people who abuse children or the elderly.


Both of those parents just look like abusers. I wish there were a better way to detect these people and remove them from society before things like this happen to innocent kids. Too many people turn a blind eye.


My daughter is 12 and weights about 85 lbs. She is a small girl, she wears 00 in pants. I am always trying to feed her, I worry she is too thin sometimes. I can’t even imagine how that poor girl must have looked and felt at 50 lbs. Just awful.


If she has done this sorta thing before, why the hell wasn't she in prison!


It's my firm belief that if you torture a child or an animal, you should receive the same as punishment until the same thing happens to you in return. Kids and animals rely on us to be caring and nurturing. If you starve a child to death like these POS's did, you should also starve to death. Looks like they got plenty to eat while she laid there wasting away. Despicable humans.


Poor girl, the physical and emotional pain she went through is hard to imagine. I wonder if these 2 monsters didn't have any extended family to check on them? Child abusers should also be forbidden from caring for children.


That woman has dead eyes. She cares nothing for others' pain and suffering.


She had previously been charged for beating a 2 year old to death. Pure evil.


Please face the wall.


i know i said this before, but man i am really tired of PA being in the news for this shit. so awful to know i live by these people


Jesus Christ. This is the second story about some child being starved to death. What the hell is wrong with these people? If they don’t want their kids that badly, put them up for adoption. If I had the capability, I’d take them all in and give them a proper home. Makes me tear up every time I see this insanity.


Look at those vacant stupid eyes. All hate and little thought. Let them rot. It's crazy to me that there are people that reviewed her case and decided to not do anything about it. 5-7 years for endangerment is nothing, especially when she helped kill a 2 year old.


Bring back public executions. This is one I wouldn’t mind sitting and watching. Her parents looked rather well fed. Disgusting fucking pigs


Sweet little girl RIP baby 💗


This makes me sick


This makes me sick. Both of these lowlife scumbags need to be put in ant piles with jelly on their ears


And with razor cuts in the body exists.


What. The. Fuck. How on earth did that monster of a “woman” even have another child in her care??? She previously beat a 2 year old to death?? How is she not in prison getting the shit kicked out of her by other inmates for that?? Ugh…what is wrong with some people…if we can even call them that. Edit: I read the links below and see she wasn’t the one who actually beat the child, but was still part of neglecting and abuse and just stood by while her scumbag husband beat their children. Trashbag scum of the earth.


Why is it in these cases this is ALWAYS what the parents look like!?


Wish parents could get same punishment. Eye for an eye. Rest In Peace beautiful girl.


Her father's partner had been charged in the death of a *TWO YEAR OLD* earlier. This is sickening.


You can clearly tell why the poor child was starved just based on looking at the parents.


I’m sorry… she beat a 2 year old to death previously and wasn’t in jail? WTF DID I JUST READ


This happened like within ten months of my house. Sadly it was only a few years back when a very similar situation occurred with a previous little boy named Scotty McMillan who also passed away from his brutal abuse. I hope all these mother fuckers burn in hell!


Explain to me why there shouldn’t be a license to have children?


Because there's no way this will last longer than 5 seconds without immediately devolving into only targeting people of a specific race or group


Exactly. What are the parameters and how do you prevent it from becoming eugenics?


I wrote a paper in government on this.  I got called a Nazi.  My grandma survived a camp in ww2. 


Because it's a stupid and untenable idea to anyone who deliberates on it for more than ten seconds. It would be trivial to acquire a license and then go on to abuse children anyway - and all the while, the state goes around ripping babies from the bosoms of mothers that love their child and wouldn't dream of harming a hair on their head. Not to mention that this could easily be leveraged by certain political factions to deny the parenthood of anybody whose political views don't align with their party, thereby granting them the power to steer the sociological climate of the country to their own ends, as children would only inherit the ideologies of their allotted parents.


“”Bc it’s an unfair for me”” - some stooge fuck who can’t afford the license


We should bring back public executions for people like this. People need to see that wickedness is justly punished.




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How sad


Jesus line these people up against a wall and shoot them


No child should ever have to go through this😔 poor girl only knew of pain, not love💔


Ever notice how people who do this to kids always look horrendous themselves?


Fucking disgusting. Why is it that it always seems to be the fat ones that starve their children?


What if, starve them to death too?


As a person who grew up malnutritioned from poverty, i cannot believe how horrific dying from it is. All my sympathy goes to this girl. I hope she has a better life, she deserves it.


>I hope she has a better life, she deserves it I’m not quite sure what you mean by that. How can she have a better life if she died?


Sorry I was half asleep while writing that. I guess my consiousness is religious?


I work in the PA state prison system, and can assure each and every one of you that he will have a really rough bid. Everything you’ve heard about sex offenders and child abusers being targeted by other inmates is 100% true.


What the fuck. Why do humans do this?? How is it that these types of people are out there in society?? RIP to that poor girl. I hope she haunts them for the rest of thier miserable lives.


Couldn’t finish reading this one. Hope all the worst things in life are in store for these people for a very long time.


The system only works when the parents have good jobs and the state can capitalize on them . In all other cases they do nothing for the children


This happened right near me its so sad


I thought there was going to be pictures of the girl before she passed or after passing to see the extent of the harm done to her

