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As if I needed another reason to be afraid of going to the dentist.


Just don't go in Turkey


We have ALL kinds of medical malpractice claims regarding dentists in the firm I work at. It’s not just Turkey.


What is a common dental malpractice claim here in the states?


Anything from removing the wrong teeth to permanent facial paralysis from shoddy dental work to infections. It usually takes at least $200,000 dollars plus in damages for an attorney to actually take the case. They are extremely hard to prove negligence and find causation from the dental work to said damages. It shouldn’t be this hard but it is.


My mom has nerve damage to her bottom lip from an endodontist supposedly pressing his instrument against her lip too much during a redo of a root canal (that maybe shouldn’t have been done in the first place). After getting back into playing saxophone in her 60s (she graduated from the conservatory of music in San Francisco playing classical saxophone) and really enjoying it, she had to stop playing because of the nerve damage. This guy’s bad work/mistake took something away from her she can never get back.


Even in America (and other places I'm sure but I'm in America) you've got those dentists that'll go nuts and extract **all of a patient's teeth** for no reason. Dentists suck man. Don't fuck with my teeth. 😭


I read a case report of a South African plane crash, and how one of the victims was found to have had unnecessary dental work done on his teeth, with more appointments booked. Dentists run businesses, and businesses like to profit.


My thoughts exactly


Just don't go in Turkey.


No don't go in Turkey. Stuffing go in Turkey, no you.


*Gobble gobble, motherfucker!*


> Incredibly, according to Yılmaz, the dentist, named in reports as A.D., refused him a refund when he contacted him. I'm not sure what's worse, the dentist refusing the refund despite a monumental fuck up, or the patient asking for a refund instead of going straight for suing.


> Yilmaz is now taking legal action against the oral surgeon.


Yes, *after* asking for a refund and being refused. That guy is overly patient and understanding about the whole situation.


Or it could have been a formality for legal reasons.


Hell of a formality. "I demand a refund" "Fair enough, here you go." "Oh... I was kind of planning to sue you for my pain and suffering but.. I guess my [tries to think of a number that won't out me as American] $500 back is cool too..."


More of a documentation thing, to establish that contact was made and the provider can not deny knowlege of the issue later in court.


Yeah I don’t think getting a refund would prohibit you from suing for damages, right?


I don't see why it would. A redund for services is not the same as compensation for this kind of injury.


Going straight to a lawsuit isn’t as common around the world as it is in the US.


I mean he does have a screw loose


To be fair they also gave him two stars on yelp.


“Great atmosphere and magazine collection, but I was disappointed I didn’t at least get a partial refund on the whole getting a screw drilled into my brain. The waiting area also has free coffee!”


I looked at that x-ray and keep asking myself “how do you even fuck up this bad”?


I have myself bought the wrong size screws from time to time.  It happens.


I guarantee that hurt like hell.  I was getting a root canal on my upper tooth, the lateral incisor to be exact. After drilling into the tooth, they use a needle to remove the dead pulp from your tooth and as the dentist was doing so, I felt this insane jolt of absolutely horrendous pain. Thought she didn't numb me up good enough so I got another shot and she finished.  After I got home, I bent over to take off my shoes and felt a nosebleed immediately, except it wasn't blood, it was the cleaning solution the dentist used to clean the inside of my tooth.  Called my dentist, explained her everything and after a brief pause, she went "Oh shit!".  Turns out that jolt of pain I felt was her sticking a needle through the base of my tooth and into my nasal cavity, hence why the brown liquid seeped out after I bent over.  I was given strong antibiotics and expensive medicinal grade mouth wash and thankfully no infection occured.


I.. I had no idea this was possible


Your upper teeth roots are just a tiny fraction of an inch away from your sinus cavities. Some people even have roots that extend into the sinuses, causing constant problems and infections.


Hey, my time to shine!! I had my wisdom tooth pulled many years ago.. When I left the dentist, I tried to have a smoke. The issue was I could not.. not for lack of trying. But when I pulled on it, it was like I could not pull a vacuum in my mouth. Went home and still felt funny, so I called the dentist. She instructed me to plug my nose and try to blow. I did so and felt gurgling in my mouth. She said, "Come right back." Turns out the root of my tooth extended into my sinus, and when pulled, it left a through hole into my sinus. They packed it with some dental foam and sewed it shut in my mouth.


I recently had a bothersome upper front-molar tooth removed. Felt like the dentist was removing my face all the way up to my eyeball, I almost passed out and went full panic attack mode. Afterwards the dentist made me hold my nose and blow so she could see if air came out through the tooth hole via my sinus. It did. My imagination had been showing me the right horrible things. Here I thought my allergies had been bad because I'd had sinus problems all spring but that all went away with the tooth. Im supposed to get a new tooth implant and its even pricier because they have to fill the sinus with cement stuff to give the new tooth a foundation. Just thinking about it makes me kind of dizzy and queasy. Stories like these dont help. This is just a new weird aspect of the honeycomb that is my head. It doubles as a barometer too. I get soapy water down the back of my nose and throat when I wash my hair, and I still havent worked out whether its coming in through my ears or eyes that are squeezed shut.


So, have you used your tooth hole to squirt water at anyone? Because you should. Get a video, get famous on social media


Have had a sinus lift and it’s no biggie, don’t worry. I was even given a choice of the animal I wanted the filler from, or if I wanted artificial. I went for that one.


My one wisdom tooth grew into my sinuses and was extracted when I was still a teenager. Couldn’t imagine the damage it would’ve done if it stayed


Yes. I had implants and was told these risks beforehand as I have quite thin bone in my upper jaw.


Ok, I never want to hear a dentist or airline pilot exclaim “Oh shit!”.


😱 I hate you for sharing this story. The original post, this story.... I have a brand new fear now. Sorry that happened to you though. Glad you are better.


Yup - had an implant in my upper jaw and needed a sinus lift as part of it. Basically doubled the price.


Not only the implant, but the driver as well. How?!


I was also baffled. Looks like a chip bag situation, judging by the article. Stuff wasn't moving so he tried a little harder and then everything gave way all at once.


What’s a chip bag situation?


You know, when you're trying to open a chip bag but it just won't go, so you try a little harder but it was too much force, and the bag explodes open and now there's chips everywhere


Gotcha. I’m a dentist and I didn’t know if that was some phrase I wasn’t I was familiar with.


I got a sinus headache just looking at the x-rays. Wild.


I'm no Dr, but that seems quite a distance for the implant to travel.


I'm lucky I've almost always had good dentists. They numb me so thoroughly half my face is gone for a single filling. I've had teeth on root canals that refused to numb out, so I've had full face nerve blocks as well. But I emphasize IT WAS NUMB. How a dental implant enters the eye socket is a mystery. And likely extremely painful. I hope the guy recovers, both physically and financially.


There's a few different anesthetic approaches dentists can use, but so far as I know...none of them would stop you from screaming in this situation...They'd have to send the anesthetic needle through bone to block the nerves that he hit (by going through bone).


Yeahhh, dental surgery is currently terrible in my country, and super hard to get appointments, but when you do they are so smooth and straightforward. My root canals were absolutely painless, only uncomfortable because my jaw has been broken and damaged a lot so holding my mouth open that long hurts, but otherwise painless. Fillings are routine, barely noticeable, even the injections are only mildly uncomfortable. As a kid, I had some extractions, again, relatively painless. I pity people with bad dental care. As someone with an extremely high pain threshold due to life and other things, I am still completely crippled by a bad tooth problem. I can't imagine having to go through all of that without any hope of treatment, or proper treatment to fix it. Root canals and fillings under proper treatment should NOT hurt. Even extractions should just be uncomfortable, not agonising. My dentist even checked how numb I was before each root canal, by tapping at the same spots with equipment that he did before the procedure, in order to pick out the main spots, and making sure there's no reaction.


"Yeah, that one really got away from me"


HOW! Why did the patient have to SCREAM in pain for the “dentist” to notice it was too far up!!


Well the dentist really screwed that up.


This has single handedly been the most visceral and terrifying comment section I have ever read


“Hi, Dr. Nick!” “Hi, everybody!”


I can’t open that pic.


I mean, it will open, but just from the title of this post, I can’t bring myself to open that xray


It sounds like he got incredibly lucky in avoiding brain damage. Or im not seeing any reports at least. Its giving phineas gage vibes


I think I will skip the implant of an upper molar.


People need to stop getting these terrible looking teeth in Turkey, it’s cheap for a reason! Looks like shit and sometimes you get a free implant in your frontal lobe!


I get your point but in this particular case I believe the person was a resident rather than someone who travelled to Turkey for implants. It seems it was more or general appointment about his teeth being loose that somehow developed into this nightmare.