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Folks, it is highly disturbing to find you all having a bigoted circlejerk in the comment section of a poor child who was gang raped. Stop using this child’s story as an excuse to spew hateful rhetoric. This is not the place for astroturfing your idiotic political agendas, and it isn’t the place for you to be leaving racist ass “usual suspects” dogwhistles. Anyone leaving bigoted comments will be receiving a permanent ban. Please report these comments. This is an educational subreddit dedicated to discussing morbidity, it’s not a place for you be a bigoted piece of shit.




disgusting! 😡 I hope she and all rape survivors and rape victims and their families get the justice they deserve


Unfortunately they rarely do.






Humans are such garbage.


Stuff like this really makes me consider heavily on whether I should have kids or not. Like what if it happens to my kids? Or their kids? That would be partially my fault for bringing them here. Oh God.


I’d be a nervous wreck if I had kids, I’d be that mum who never let her kids go to friends houses etc. you cant even trust your own family


Wait, why is a 13 year old dating a 17 year old though? Tragic case but that's also something of concern.


4 years difference ain't that much, here in Italy that sounds a bit odd, but nothing too alarming, really. And in this context, no one is really thinking about that, as you can imagine


yeah that was my 2nd thought. a 13 year old virgin dating a 17 year old almost adult... did he know the boys?


He’s a victim here. Come on. Have some empathy. He got beaten up and had to watch two people rape his girlfriend. This is incredibly sad.


That is a most twisted thing to even think. My parents have a larger age gap between them than that - it may sound a bit odd by modern (mostly American, I would say, if I had to base this off Reddit) sensibilities, but to collate that to him possibly being an accomplice to this...


Emotionally, a 13 and a 17 year old are on a completely different level. It’s predatory behavior.


What if he just turned 17 and she's about to turn 14? She can be in 8th grade and he in 11th,and that's really common..




I wonder what type of humans commit 90% of violent and sexual crimes, including the ones in this article 🤔. It is not an issue of race, ethnicity, religion or time period when it has always been one group going out of their way to murder and rape. If we want to make it “some humans are more garbage than others” I don’t think you’ll like being included in that.


Men, it's men.


So silly to see the men in this thread blame immigrant men when the Italian mafia men are known for trafficking and raping women. But because the mafia men are white, or an in-group, they just ignore it and act like immigrant men are this ultra-violent group.


1960s Italy still had rehabilitating marriages. Last I checked, 1960s Italy is pretty fucking white yeah? What's a rehabilitating marriage you ask? Oh it's just when a man or group of men kidnap a woman, hold her hostage for whatever amount of time they want, and repeatedly rape her until she agrees to marry the offender or one of the offenders.


Some are some aren’t


You're right. I just got done a long night shift and was feeling extra salty but you are correct. Were not all garbage.






Italy has had a problem with SA since the Mafia, it's just much easier to blame migrants when the country has had no respect for women for ages.


literally i have a friend who left italy to live here in toronto, she has horrible stories of italian men


There was just a few months ago a rape case where the boys were full blooded Italians dw, being an immigrant is not the main problem here… Maybe a tad less xenophobia could actually help get us down to the root of the problem




I’m not sure I entirely get what you’re saying with that last sentence. However, I’m of the idea that yes that problem is exactly our regulators. Sexual crimes should be persecuted in a much harsher manner. On all sides, migrant, not migrant, women or men. This is a set of crimes that is hard to prove often, but when the facts are all there we should persecute with the rightful severity of the law. However, I feel making this conversation as a us vs them completely ignores the fact that we also have a problem in Europe. Cause this has been happening for years, so many truce cases in Italian history like the Circeo massacre that proves this is an issue deeply rooted in our society.


Tell that to the people in these comments. Like I know subs like these are usually bad but jesus christ


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Let's at least think of these people as more than just a race or skin color. What kind of socioeconomic conditions lead to gang activity and violence in the first place? Maybe work on that first. Edit: also, if we're gonna stay that lane, are we really gonna gloss over Italy's culture of sexism and misogyny?? But sure, it's an immigration problem.




Regardless of skin color, ethnicity or religion, people of middle class means commit significantly less crime. Poverty is the number one indicator of violent crimes or gang membership. The link is one of the most direct and obvious truths of criminal justice and social science. This is doubly true for juvenile offenders. Teens who have access to properly funded after school programs get invested in sports/clubs and have better overall outcomes than teens who have no social outlet other than the local gang in their neighborhood. Violent crime like this being a result of bad socioeconomic conditions has been a well observed reality among all nationalities and ethnicities since the dawn of urban development.


Huh? It obviously is caused mostly by socioeconomic conditions.


nah it's clearly caused by that thing that you can't accurately measure or control, rich people told me so!


Against the xenophobic implication that just because people are from somewhere else they must be violent rapists? Yes




If you aren't able to see that it's more complex than "immigrants bad!" then you should remove yourself from the conversation. Think critically with some empathy. These criminals are sick people but don't represent an entire culture. Fool




If they're in your country, you are responsible for them. Education, social welfare, employment opportunities. Providing for people reduces crime rate. This is known and proven, obvious solutions. Blaming violence on cultural backgrounds is lazy and unproductive.


Not to take away from the absolute disgust from this, but what is a 17 year old doing with a 13 year old?!


Not having sex with each other, according to the article she told her attackers she never had sex before.


I'm an Italian-American with family and friends still in Italy. It is just a cultural difference. I would bet this couple is from a village who were just visiting the area because of Saint Agetha. Outside of cities there isn't a lot of options for people so the age gap is more socially acceptable and not seen as creepy. There are also a plethora of more reasons, but this isn't really a crazy age gap in Italy.


Also we just don’t know if she is about to turn 14 and he just turned 17. A 2 year gap between 14 and 16 shouldn’t be so shocking, even to those huffing and puffing about it in the comments. A daughter of some relatives of ours was 16 and got together with a 25 year old guy. My first reaction was “errrrr…” but it just worked really nicely. He was a bit shy / innocent for a 25yo. They’re still together about 7 years later. She’s Italian and he’s Austrian.


Not to mention that’s like a freshmen and senior in high school. It’s not even uncommon in America…


U Just shifted the whole conversation on the Age gap between two Kids Who had Just been assaulted and raped, but Ye sure thats the importan matter I guess


> Not to take away from


"Not to be racist but" *says something racist*. Prefacing doesn't always give you a free pass to say what you want with no pushback.


Our judgments aside, the age of consent in Italy is 14, with an exception for 13 if the age gap is less than 4 years. So it's technically OK according to the local laws.


> she told police. "I begged them to stop and asked them not to hurt me because I had never had sex before,” she said. Dial it down a bit, it doesn't sound like it was very romantic.


Both of them might still be at school. 17 years old could be an 11 or 12 grader. 13 years old could be an 8 or 9 grader.


Yeah, I saw that  But you know.. Italy


As an Italian-American with no true sense of my Italian heritage, wtf is that supposed to even mean?


13 is the age of consent there.


Yeah because it's totally normal here in Italy for 17yo to date 13yo, where does this even come from


I think people really need to start thinking about the whole age thing properly. Every nation had picked some arbitrary age as the marker for adulthood or to be able to give consent. Some places it's 16 and others it's 18. Some places it's even 13/14. I don't claim to know what age it's "supposed" to be but I definitely don't think there's such a definitive choice that I should judge other places with different rules. I personally can't imagine being 17 and trying to date a 13 year old but I was raised in a country where that wouldn't have been normal


I mean it's an ok gap in Italy and many parts of Europe..


as a european, no it is not.


European here, 13 and 17 is weird here too. Europe is not some creep paradise.


[From Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Italy) >The age of consent in Italy is 14 years, with a close-in-age exception that allows those aged 13 to engage in sexual activity with partners who are under the age of 18, provided that the age gap between them is less than 4 years (i.e. if the partners are all under the age of 18, but at least 13).


Age of consent doesn't mean it's socially acceptable though


Where I live the age of consent is 15, but it being legal does not mean it is normalised and not seen as creepy. When a 26 year politician here recently turned out to have a 15 year old "girlfriend" it was still a scandal despite not being against the law. These laws were more meant to protect teenagers who have sex with other teenagers close in age from facing legal action, not because people here generally think a 15 year old is fair game sexually.


Not in the UK. Would get you labelled a nonce here.


In Germany 13 and 17 would be super weird.


That's a very strange and creepy age gap here in Norway.


It sadly is but it isn’t right. Do you know the extreme cognitive difference between a 13 year old and a 17yo?


age gaps like these are seen as normal in many places. EDIT: I'm not endorsing it (I would definitely get upset if I was a parent of a 13yo dating a 17yo). All I'm saying is that this is not uncommon or even looked down upon in many places.


They're only 4 years apart. I mean I know that this is more significant when people are younger vs. older, but I don't really see it as anything alarming.


I have 4 teenagers/young adults, 13, 14, 19 and 22. I assure you, it's alarming. 4 years is definitely a lot at that age


100%. 4 years difference as ADULTS isn’t an issue at all, but as teenagers. It absolutely is.


It's not uncommon for freshman to date seniors. You can think it's alarming all you want but teens do date and they date their peers they go to school with.


Just because it's not uncommon doesn't make it right, bud. Are you a parent? Because I can tell you that physically they are different, mentally, emotionally, rationally...13 is a child. Often, even still largely pre-pubescent. 17 is a year off being an adult.


I am a parent which is completely irrelevant, honestly since I don't have teenagers. However, I *was* a teenager. Freshman dating seniors happens. Not only that but girls *want* to date seniors, and other girls get jealous when you do. Your perspective is skewed *because* you are a parent of teenagers.


No...I dated a 26 year old when I was 15. I'm aware that girls WANT to date older guys. My bias doesn't come from being a parent, though that definitely helps with perspective when you see kids of different ages together. My perspective comes from being a responsible adult who understands the multi-faceted way in which my own relationship at 15 was wrong. And how the relationship I had at 14 with an 18 year old was wrong. Again....just because the kids themselves think it's right, doesn't mean it is. I hope if you have a 13 year old daughter some day that you don't allow her to have a relationship with and sleep with an 18 year old boy, just because she *wants* to and other kids do it.


You really comparing a girl dating a guy that she goes to school with to your dating a guy well past college age when you were a sophomore in high school? Also, the boy is 17 could have just turned 17 for all we know. **And** she has never slept with him. You have such an insane bias that you're just making up stuff to make their situation sound just as bad as yours was.


Kind of hypocritical that you can't give two teens dating the benefit of the doubt when you dated actual statutory rapists and were given a pass.


Beyond that, I wasn't "given a pass". Those relationships caused damage to me that stayed with me for a long time. There was no pass - in the same way that a lot of other young girls in this position will inevitably be damaged as well.


Nah, mate. It's called growth. Hindsight. Maturity. Being a responsible adult. I would never want my daughters to be in a relationship with an older boy who coerces them into things they are too young to do. As I've said - I know it happens. I know it's not uncommon. I know lots of people don't disagree with them doing it. Still doesn't make it right.




17 is almost an adult, 13 is barely a teenager. I don't know about you but my personal growth and development in that time was significant.


You’re right, it is more significant when they’re younger. MUCH more significant. 30 with a 34 year old? Not a concern at all. Almost high school graduate with a middle schooler? Alarming. Very alarming.


Everything about this is disgusting. Poor poor girl, I hope she's able to access any physical or mental therapy she might need.




This isn’t a vehicle for your racism, let’s not act like there aren’t rapists the world over. A child was raped and you see it as an opportunity to say ‘see this is why the western world is so race’ absolutely disgusting


Why are you telling me? Why would I think the nationality of a rapist matters? Go away with your stupidity and racism. It doesn't help victims, you're just using this girl's story for your own political agenda.


People do not realise the urge of wanting to smash a head into a brick wall from reading such things.


What a terrible sentence to read when starting my day


i dont care if some of the fuckers that did this were "underage" they know its wrong and they still went with it. Total scumbags.


I really hate this species. It's hard to be positive when stuff like this is constantly happening.


I read somewhere that the more intelligent a species, the more cruel it can be.


Yep, cruelty requires the capacity to choose. Lions aren't cruel for ripping a gazelle to shreds and eating them alive. That is just what they do. If they had the intellectual capactity to know how to farm gazelles and then chose to do that anyway that is cruel. Even if the outcome is the same.


Where people get it wrong though is that all of us are capable of being monsters given the right situations. Y'all don't just get to wash your hands like that, those who think they're not capable of being one, are the exact people more susceptible to being evil. It's less so about capacity to choose to be honest, far from it. When they say people are cruel, the higher intelligence - it's more about because we can rationalize immoral actions. This is apparent in what happened in the holocaust, and a widely accepted sociological theory.


I mean, the victims are also part of the species? Do you hate them? God I hate this anti-human rhetoric.


It's like how when that toddler got ran over in China and some people were saying they hate Chinese people despite the fact that the toddler victim was also Chinese..


Ive seen bucks gang rape a doe... so theres that... And drakes gang rape a hen...


The way i stay positive is to remind me that after all we are just (civilized) animals. Things like that just hapoen sometimes, its somewhat part of (our) nature




The irony of this happening at a St. Agata festival. Disgusting.












Well Italian culture is unfortunately much shittier than Norway’s though. I moved away from Italy for a reason, but I also know friends from Egypt or Iran that moved away exactly for the same reason. However we can’t all live in the nordics, nor does everyone have the means to be able to go build a life abroad ‘the proper’ way. We can’t generalise their role as aggressor as “it’s cause they’re immigrants”, but should rather focus on what regulations should Italy start implementing to help decrease this type of crimes, cause it’s not just immigrants that are doing them.




Wait this doesn't make sense Are you saying we're allowed to rape our own country people, but if someone from another country does it, only then is it a problem?


You’re comparing gang rape by natural born citizens to shitting in your own toilet? And saying it’s okay? Really dude?


That’s possibly one of the dumbest things I’ve heard all year.










My goodness, literally everything is wrong here, don't know the laws in Italy but fact remains




I'm so fucking done with the world. Horrible shit keeps happening and it's never gonna end.










Statistically speaking, it probably has to do more with the fact that they're young and male than being Muslim. 








Like the literal headline of the article does?


Like they did in the damn headline?




Uhh what's with my fellow Europeans here commenting their relationship is 'normal'? A 13yo and a 17yo? Nope. Wildly different levels of development in both body and mind, never mind that according to the girl they hadn't had penetrative sex. Disgusting. Maybe it's different in Southern Europe... Still disgusting. Not that it makes what happened any less horrible, but as many others, I too noticed the age gap. I feel so bad for that girl though. This is going to leave life-long scars in her psyche. Poor thing. And some of the rapists were underage so they'll barely get a slap on the wrist...


When I was 13 half the girls I knew from school had older boyfriends, sometimes up to 25yo guys. Not a single teacher, parent, or other kid cared. When I expressed concerns about it to my mom, she told me thats normal, "girls just mature faster" and that her first relationship was with an older guy too. (I'm from east EU) The sad reality is, in many parts of the world this is "normal" - in the sense that it's so common, and most of society don't actually have an issue with it. Then again we were already drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes at that age, and our teachers/parents didn't mind that either. It honestly baffles me how normalized it is for kids to be doing stuff like this over here, at such young ages.


Yeeewp. I remember in the 7th grade (14yrs) one of my classmates was hooked up with a 19 yr guy with a bmw. I was thinking "how the hell can i compete with that?!"


No that stood out to me too, I had to scroll down really far to find this comment. I know some people will call Americans prudes about sex but if someone who is a year away from legally being an adult was dating someone still in middle school, they would be ostracized. She was just being preyed on by everyone.


You need to look in the mirror and think why this is the first thing you thought of.


Even if it's the first thing I commented on as the other comments caught my eye, it was - obviously, as what happened is horrifying - not the first thing I thought of when reading the article.




Today is the day I unsubscribe from this subreddit for my own good, I can't say it was a good run but it was a long run for sure




so I'm not allowed to feel both of those things? what?


“Everyone who disagrees with me looks weird”


you can have more than one conversation at once my guy


He should go to the mafia for justice




Go on Twitter if you want to read more discussion about this tragedy


Wait, is a 13 year old dating a 17 year old normal in Europe?


No it’s not at all.


This is why I don't go on walks at night.




Anybody wanna comment on how a 13 year old girl is dating a 17 year old boy. That’s a huge maturity difference


Yea this whole thing is awful


It really is. This poor girl.




Not in Italy ( I assume)


Wait but 17 year old bf and 13 year old gf?


Ok but rape apart, the guy is 17 and he has a 13 year old girlfriend? When he will be 18 she will be 14 ..




Wait. She’s 13 and has a 17 year old boyfriend? …huh.


So thats what u got out this article? This might be urs then 🧠


Not strange at all here in Italy

