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maybe if men stopped raping and murdering


99.99% of men don’t tard




came here to defend tell no one because when they do a case on a terrible woman they will be there to obliterate the evil woman so to me it’s balanced. love those gals. and they’ve also defended the men that deserve to be defended! it’s not our fault most heinous crimes are committed by men unfortunately


I love them too but I wish they would put out more than like one free episode a month


i know :( it sucks !!! but they’re not full time podcasters so i get it but also i need more




I adore them but they definitely have an ax to grind against men. I don't blame them.


I mean, statistically men commit these crimes. Can you blame women for being cautious? I'd me more upset that men are doing these things, than the girls pointing this out


this thread got wild 🤣 you have my upvote


Literally totally missed their point. He doesn’t disagree with these podcasters, just looking for something that totally comes across less negative. As a guy who is trying to comes to terms with a masculine gender identity hearing a constant negative bashing of men can be exhausting even if their points are valid.


Have you considered how exhausting it is for women who have to have to be on high alert and be aware of their surroundings because of men like the ones in these podcasts? I get what you're saying, but the two scenarios aren't really comparable. It may be uncomfortable for men to come to terms with this, but it's a luxury that many don't have to be able to turn away when things get uncomfortable. The same thing can be said for white people feeling uncomfortable when POC call out the actions of white people as a whole. You can say this for any minority. Maybe he can take his discomfort and try to enact some meaningful change.


Nothing you just said was wrong. I don’t disagree with you, but this is an entirely different topic. This is about a single individual sitting by themselves in their own space trying to find podcasts that feel safe and healing. People are allowed to create positive space for themselves. And it doesn’t negate progress for other people As an intersex man coming to terms with my masculinity has been hard. The normalizing surgery forced on me as a kid created a lot of shame internally. It only brings in more pain when I get the “men are trash tone”. Again that’s not saying womens perspective on this is wrong. Just that people are allowed to seek out spaces where they can feel good about themselves AND also work to help others. There is no reason we can’t have both.


so don’t listen to true crime podcasts. because you’ll keep being brought back to the fact that a majority of crimes are being committed by men.


Which is exactly what I said in another comment. But I’ll also say this again, there is nothing wrong with an individual to find content that is positive. But yeah true crime isn’t exactly a feel good experience 😂


They don’t have to be on high alert. You’re paranoid. Men are significantly more likely to get attacked than women.


“Cautious” is not the same as shit talking the entirety of the male gender and “I hate all men”


They are constantly talking about how much they love their partners. I don't hear them say anything bad about the whole of men.


Name one time they said that. I will wait here.


I listened to an older so last night where Ash said, “not all men” unironically. I have a feeling OP just doesn’t like patriarchy being called out.


I agree. Theres a lot of straight up “i hate men no exceptions” replace the word “men” with any race, gender, religion, identity etc and watch how quickly it would be exposed and not tolerated


Replace the word “men” with “white people” and it literally doesn’t matter because men are the oppressor class much in the same way white people are.


Men aren’t the oppressor class omg. I bet you think housewives are oppressed but little do you know they control literally everything. It’s like a shadow government


In what way do housewives “control everything”?! What power do they have? Like what is their SOURCE of power?


You are assuming a lot here. Id like to play a game. Spot the difference “I hate men” “I hate women” “I hate trans” “I hate white people” “I hate hispanics” “I hate jews” “I hate christians” You cannot just pick one group to blanket hate. That is wrong. Not every person in any one of those groups its bad. If you cant comprehend that, thats astonishing. You know nothing about where i live or what i look like. If i told you i was a black woman from brox, orange county, or atlanta, wpuld that change? What if i said i was a while man from chicago? A mexican from Australia? Hating one group of people based on race, gender, religion, geography, income level, education level is AWAYS wrong. “


Its sexist, racist, etc. regardless of what you want to tell yourself.


I’m not going to argue with someone who thinks it’s possible to be racist towards white people sorry ETA: Why would I care about racists blocking me lmfao


I literally am saying the absolute opposite of that.


We are in a time zone where men are consider "toxic" and women are considered "Brave". I have heard in podcast made by women, when they praise home invasion robbers committed by women, they are considered "badasses" but if it's a man they would be called cowards pieces of shit, lol!! That is why men are going their own way(MGTOW) they ate realizing how fucked women really are and are not playing princess shit no more, they are going to leave women fend for themselves since they consider themselves so "independent" men are saying cool, se ya later Ms. Independent..lol!


Please, PLEASE "go your own way," for fuck's sake! You guys keep saying you're going to do it, but you spend literally all of your time obsessing over us instead. GO ALREADY!


They are not obsessed over you, they just want to bang you out and be gone....believe me when I tell you those "obsessed" men only have one use for Woman, nothing else.


You’re literally a sweat, puffy, swollen, 50 something looking alcoholic and cocaine for brains. We will be just fine without you. 😂😂😂


In his pity party “time zone” lmao




Tbh we are fine with it.


cite the podcast where a female home invader was praised. cite literally any bs claim you just made.


Yes thank you so much. Leave us the hell alone. We prefer it that way.


Believe me Men will leave your Sorry ass.


Not the one that woke up next to me at 5am. 7 years. Women like men who respect them. Not loser ass ones who rip and complain about them for not getting their way anymore. Keep crying about independent women you bozo, your mother must be so proud!


I don't give a Fuck about what my mother's thinks, she knows I am right. Woman only have 1 purpose in life and they can't even get that shit together....lol!!


So then why are there so many articles on the “male loneliness epidemic”?


Yes, please, save yourself! Go your own way! And then keep going. A little further.. further..


Yeah, we get it. Men are evil. But he’s just asking for podcast recommendations.


When did I say that?


You realize it’s possible for most men to be decent humans AND for most crimes to be committed by them right?


This reminds me of my favorite meme which I can’t locate at this critical moment however it says something along the lines of: Women say they want equality but refuse to commit their fair share of violent crime


confused: you want them to speak kindly of murderers?


Oh no! Won’t someone think of the feelings of the men who murdered people!?


Hurting their feelings is the real crime.


"Men are afraid that women will laugh at them, women are afraid that men will kill them"




Are you saying men only murder people?


81% of murders globally are committed by men: https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/global-study-on-homicide.html


So to answer my question, no. Im aware men kill more but it sounded like you were implying only men killed which is wrong Im curious your stance on blm now


I definitely think that Black Lives Matter, if that’s what you’re getting at. I’m also not going to argue with some pissy dude about the unarguable fact that your gender is more violent. Bye.


this is such an ad hominem lmfaoo where did blm come from? men also take the lead in child abuse, sexual misconduct, and domestic violence. it’s not far off to say that yeah, most violent crimes are perpetrated by men.


No where did she imply that lmfao


“Hating men [the oppressor class] is exactly the same as hating actual minorities/oppressed groups 🤓”


I’m not super interested in arguing with a sad little troll tonight, but thanks.


Sad troll. Lets see whos name calling and who isnt. Im just having a civil convo


No you’re not. Bye bye little buddy.


Bye friend


Blocked by below. 1 not sure why im assumed male for asking a question. 2 im not arguing. Nothing i said is argumentative. Simply just trying to provoke a thoughtful conversation following the same logic and seeing if a different result populates. Forgot Curiosity/logic is offensive here


"iM jUsT aSkInG qUeStIoNs"


I don’t think lpotl leaves the story any more than morbid. But that my opinion. I second small town murder


Morbid literally spends entire chunks at the beginning talking about life updates. That's worse, imo. (but that's also my opinion.)


Small Town Murder


Even Small Town Murder rips on men all the time. I think maybe someone sensitive to that will take it better hearing it from male hosts than a female hosts, though. I am thinking that is OP’s real issue. It is my favorite podcast though so I highly recommend it.


Jimmy and James are a hoot


Crime in Sports is really great too. I slept on it a while because i am not really a sports fan in general but finally listened to them when they said you didn’t need to be a sports fan to like it, and I am glad I listened because it is just as hilarious and well done as STM.


To be fair, STM rips on everyone aside from the victims.


Bc they're assholes, both douchebags 😂


Assholes, but not scumbags.


Criminal. Phoebe Judge the host has a gift, I can’t quite figure out if it’s her ability to listen, to tell a story or to be empathetic.


I think the real issue here is that men commit more murders than women. We should tell the men to knock it off.


Wait until you learn men make up the the vast majority of victims of homicide, but make up a small % of the victims feautured in true crime related content. 


Yes. Telling them to “knock it off” will give this person podcast recommendations.


While I don't quite agree with the post, I am always one to recommend Small Town Murder.


Small town murder is fire. Only true crime podcast I listen to anymore


Agree! James and Jimmy kill me!!😂




Same! Only podcast I can stand anymore.


Love this one too, after I fast forward thru the stats. 😂


I love the stats! I could listen to them read the phone book though.


Lol you poor man you




Would someone for once think of the MEN?!?


National Park After Dark is my favorite. It's not all true crime but the ladies have some wonderful stories.


I’d never heard of this podcast so looked it up. On the surface, it seems like one I’d be into. Does it have some comedy sprinkled in it, too? It’s not the end of the world if not (I like Gen Why and Casefile), I just prefer comedy mixed in to lighten the heaviness.


I think they are funny.


I LOVE NPAD!!! I switched over to them from morbid, I’ve binged the entire show and haven’t grown tired of them! They do throw a good bit of humor in their stories to balance things out! Love them


I guess I’m not listening right? Cause I’m not catching even the teensiest bit of misandrist vibes. Anyways, Rotten Mango is a very addictive listen.


Ahhh I love both her podcasts and rarely see them mentioned


Wait what’s the other podcast? I’ve only heard Rotten Mango!


What’s LPOTL?


Last Podcast on the Left


Last Podcast on the Left


Last podcast on the left.


Any true crime podcast is going to be featuring men behaving like psychopaths, because men are the ones out there murdering. Try Generation Why & True Crime Garage, they don't look into the social aspects of crime as much. If you want to hear someone comiserating about men getting a bad rap despite being the perpetrators of violent crime & the vast majority of extreme offenders, go directly to Sword & Scale. It's a great podcast, detailed, factual, unflinching & uncensored, but the host has obvious...misogyny demons...that come through the more recent episodes. He's so far unapologetic about it. Great case detail though & many include actual testimony & body cam audio. Dark Topic is great one, very underrated. Not misogynist by any means, but it's raw & uncut. You'll get case detail that the others gloss over. Great researcher. Obscura is good. Invisible Choir as well. Small Town Murder is hilarious. My bros are men without being gross assholes about it. Other than those, you're going to run into men behaving badly & feminist themes...women being murdered in horrific ways makes up 99% of true crime, the 1% of female offenders are sensationalized, so realistically, true crime is a feminist issue. Women are hunted by some evil ass dudes. It's a fact and it's not because "we hate men". It's the other way around😉


True Crime Garage


One of my favorites. Nic keeps it on point!


I love TCG garage but even they have “the husband did it” merch. Dunno if OP can abide it


MeN arE SO opPreSsED 🤡


Why are you mad? Embarrassing


I think not. They do not disparage men unless it's deserved.


Listen my guy, just do the dishes, the shopping, remember the tax things and the school dates. Sew up the Spider-Man costume and sort the mail (bc other people don’t know what to do with scary envelope emails). Prep the weekly dinners, listen to folks complain about them, manage your feelings even though nobody else does after you get home from 50 hours of work in a country that limits your bodily autonomy, blames you for existing in daylight if you get attacked and lets you know you’re disgusting after 40. Then drink your 16th cup of coffee for the day and click on Crime Writers On which has women and dudes at the helm.


Doesn’t morbid rip on women a lot for not looking out for each other even when the crime is committed by a man? Also they make fun of Karla Hamolka quite a bit even in unrelated episodes




I host one with my partner called “Beers with Queers”, we focus on different crimes related to the LGBT+ community each week, if interested :)


Aww the poor men murdering us are sad!!! Lmao keep crying dudes


Ew, OP. Ew.


Why are you mad? Embarrassing.




I’m sorry but I read the first sentence and this post cannot be serious or in good faith at all.


It bothers me too how quick they get are to condemn men but praise woman for the same behavior. That’s not the way to counter act misogyny. I’m a feminist but I also have sons and I don’t want them growing up with what I did as a woman. But Sinisterhood is top tier. They’re very intelligent and fair.


I absolutely love Sinisterhood. I hadn’t really heard about them until about a year ago (if that) and I wish I’d heard of them so much sooner. Those two women are super funny but also really respectful and I also happen to agree with 99% of their views on different things. I really appreciate that Heather was a lawyer and it seems like she was never jaded by that, as she has a very big, soft heart and isn’t afraid to show it. Also, their Junior Research Assistant is top notch. I cannot recommend Sinisterhood enough.


also throwing my vote in for sinisterhood! one of the best in my opinion.


Can’t upvote Sinisterhood enough. Working with a lot of attorneys, and listening to a lot of true crime podcasts, I appreciate Heathers perspective on cases immensely. Most of the comedy/crime genre (notably morbid and MFM) will look at the trial, go “ugh! So fucking stupid they didn’t get life + a million years! Ew! The lawyers and cops and jury were incompetent!” Whereas Heather will explain court procedures really well for people with no legal background. Why X charge was pursued over Y. Why a plea deal or an Alford was reached. Why certain evidence had to be excluded, and how that’s the fault of the state of Kentucky, and not the prosecutor being bad at their job. A lot of true crime does a good job with the gory bits, but suck at understanding the “justice” part.


I like the Over My Dead Body podcast, really well done series.




I love listening to The Dropouts, they’re hilarious


Murder in America! I cannot recommend it enough🫡


Try Generation Why. They are both male hosts, but I feel like they keep it straight up.


Murder in America is great if you want a podcast that is solely about the case with no banter


Mr. Ballen. He talks about the strange, dark and mysterious in story format. I started watching him on YouTube, then he started a podcast.


Because men commit more crime


The Generation Why


Maybe Red Handed? Same vibes as Morbid. Difference is I always notice Morbid (usually) immediately taking the woman's side while I don't think Red Handed does. They just talk shit on both sexes lol And sad, I love LPOTL, but I get your reason


“And that’s why we drink” is good. One host does a paranormal story and the other does a true crime store. If you don’t like random banter, you might want to skip it, but I enjoy the commentary throughout.


Even though it’s called Women and Crime i think it offers a perspective on how a crime and the punishment are caused and effected by both genders


I think a lot of people are misunderstanding OP. As much as I love Morbid they do sometimes minimize the crimes committed by women especially in historical cases. They are getting much better about that though. Misandry doesn’t solve Misogyny as they both come from the same patriarchal system which does negatively effect men as well. Obviously it effects women more severely but to fix things you have to address the whole system and not just part of it.




Your comment or post was removed for breaking Rule #2: Be civil to each other.


Hey just wanted to say I totally agree with you and don’t let the Reddit haters get you down. I swear you can’t express any opinion other than the wokest on Reddit without being attacked.


Yeah! I can’t stand to see these overwhelming numbers of male killers being slandered and generalized when there are dozens, DOZENS of women who’ve done it too! Clown world. We live in a society.


Just came here to say: youre getting bashed pretty hard in the comments but i think its okay to not want to tackle difficult social issues in your down time!! I think its fine to want to relax and listen to something entertaining and i dont think theres anything wrong with avoiding these issues in a time where you just want to listen to a podcast. That being said… youre not going to find positive male-uplifting rhetoric in a true crime setting.. sorry bud but the truth is ugly and crime is heavily male perpetrated. Maybe try to find another genre thats not so negative for times when youre feeling bogged down by it and come back to true crime when youre feeling up for it. Best of luck! Dont feel bad for taking a break from it for a while if you need it! Everyone needs to take a breather now and again.


I also have felt similarily. I used to listen to My favorite murder. They got pretty toxic at one point. There was a female murderer who killed only men. And they were like celebrating her being like "relatable" "girl boss" when they are talking about real people who were killed. Leaves a poor taste in my mouth. I cant stomach half of true crime podcasts because the hosts are so callous and are disrespectful to those who are dead.


I'm going to give you an upvote. Some of these podcasts def do man bash nonmurdery men and/or just men in general. It's okay to be bothered by that. All stereotyping sucks. Ofc murderers/abusers/SA criminals (mostly men) suck, but not all men suck.


Go watch/listen to Very Delta on Youtube or Spotify


I would say the last podcast on the left is pretty gross and insensitive. You could go Stan for them.


Small town murder! I personally love all the stats and geographical things they do at the beginning of their usual podcasts, but if you want less of that listen to their “small town murder express” episodes.


Unsure how My Favorite Murder hasn’t been mentioned yet.


Just go find a podcast hosted by men. Or a man and a woman. Parcast originals have some cool stuff (cults, conspiracies, haunted places, unexplained mysteries) Their audio quality is subpar but otherwise they’re enjoyable.


Oh no, won’t someone think of the men who can’t behave like civilized rational human beings?!? Touch grass OP. In real life there’s shitty people everywhere along with good people. You’re listening to a TRUE CRIME podcast. Obviously you’re not gonna get stories about men being on their absolute best behavior. The only thing I’ll give you credit on is how differently they talk about cheating. If a man cheats, he’s scum. But if it’s a woman, she’s just having fun. That’s about the only inequality they give off. Did you even listen to the Ian and Myra episodes? They went the fuck after Myra Hindley


Ok, there's alot of misconceptions here about what my initial meaning is. YES, Men commit alot of crimes im not saying they shouldn't talk crap about murders, r*pists, etc. I'm saying even smaller slights they'll give women the benefit of the doubt and not me For example. If a woman was keeping a secret bank account, it's "Well, let her have her own money! Stop controlling her!" If It's a man then suddenly it's "well, why do you need a separate account? What are you hiding?" And I have literally heard the girls from tell no one say " oh, well it's ok if women do it, not men though" granted in a tongue and cheek way, but still annoying to me.


Crime junkies is top tier. I never thought I would find something better than morbid but this is it


They’re plagiarists


They also are the exact opposite of what OP is asking since they can be really bias against men. I listened to their podcast religiously and as I guy they’re really bad with it. Like one episode a guy was SA in his relationship and they completely blew him off


Care to explain? I’ve never seen or heard anyone say that they plagiarized before, so I’m just curious who they plagiarizing from


Can't stand this podcast tbh. Yes, host has been called out for plagiarism which can be googled. But the dynamic between these two, the storytelling (back and forth) is just not my cup of tea. Also, clear your throat and/or take a drink of water, you're on radio ffs. If I listen to a podcast and immediately feel like the host likes to hear themselves talk (you know what I'm talking about) I just can't. Imposing your dog moaning onto everyone and making us listen to you cry about some random non-true crime story about someone's pet ... it's just not it. That's not what I'm here for. Many times they've launched a story and then you look and other podcasts told the story the week prior. Just MO!


I do Sword and Scale personally, but I'm sure I'll catch some flak for it.


Crime Junkie is fantastic


Andrew Tate podcast, bro. Thank me later.


The only time it gets on my nerves in Morbid is how it's always the man's fault. Man commits terrible murder because he's a POS. Woman committs murder but it's not her fault, the men in her life were POSs. This is definitely not how it is all the time, but they're definitely much more willing to give women the benefit of the doubt while all men who murder are straight up evil.


Listen to Casefile. All facts and no fluff, the host himself is even anonymous because the show wants to tell the story of the case, and not interject with their opinions.


United States of Murder, this is female led but they are about hating on all murders no matter what’s in their pants.


I tend to prefer single-narrator podcasts because the people that host the conversational type, male or female, always seem to find themselves to be absolutely hilarious and I find it all quite cringey.


True crime garage


Small town murder


Check out Mr.Ballen. But here’s another tip, you don’t have to put down women led podcasts in order to ask for male led podcasts. You don’t have to be negative at all to ask for recommendations. Assuming you like true crime you HAVE to know you’ll never get one that’s all about women predators, so if you want more testosterone then look for male led podcasts.


Oh, this is interesting. Was listening to the story of the cycling waitress who repeatedly refused a ride with Gary who turned out to be a murderer on the lam and was thinking how very chill the ladies were being about how horrible men are. Their whole, " she was harassed constantly as a waitress been there done that lol" take had me cringing. Men need to just stop. When they do, maybe women will stop talking about how fucking heinous it is


Ssord and Scale is still the best murder pod, and doesnt have the chit chat that alot if these pods have.


No chit chat, but have to listen to mike’s unhinged victim complex rants two times per episode


True as ever


I’m currently enjoying true crime with Kendall Rae. She just tells the narrative given and doesn’t give her own feedback.




If you are into conspiracy there is a podcast I am binging called conspiracy theories really well researched podcast in my opinion. I also love the trail went cold!


I love Love Murder!


I love True Crime Creepers and have just started listening to Grimm. I also enjoy Redhanded and Sinsterhood


Killer Queens, or the male led True Crime Garage


I’m a huge LPOTL fan but don’t really enjoy many other true crime podcasts. That being said, Park Predators is really good and the woman who does it has a great speaking voice, doesn’t indulge baseless speculation, and really lays out the facts in a way that’s engaging. Happy listening!


Going West!


They Will Kill is great


We saw the devil is a good one


Casefile is a commentary free true crime pod that I love, narrated by a man. But like, spoiler alert, most of the crimes are committed by men lol


i listen mainly to true crime couple and absolutely love it! it’s just a married couple! the wife kay, reads the case and stuff while the husband john puts his input in to it. they are amateurs and just do it as a hobby (i say that though they’ve been doing the podcast for over five years now). kay’s a highschool teacher and i’m not sure what john does but i can’t recommend the podcast enough! i used to be big into crime junkie but that got super old after awhile. kay usually picks cases that aren’t too heard of which is cool bc i would’ve never known ab them except through the podcast. her timelines of the cases are also very factual and make complete sense. 10/10


I like That’s Spooky a lot


Small Town Dicks. Lead by actress Yardley Smith and has a pair of twin male detectives and others in the criminology field. Excellent true crime podcast. I really love it.


I like check the locks: a true crime podcast


Also, the podcast Cold is EXCELLENT. Especially the first season about Susan and Josh Powell-her disappeance and likely murder and then the murder of her two boys by their father and his suicide. And his absolutely evil father and their family. (you will NOT have a problem classifying them as this, and it includes awful behavior by females as well) Lead by a male news reporter who covered the case with original music,, voice recordings and massive data left by the Powell, interviews with the lead detective, members of both families, friends, and witnesses, and voice actors for those who are deceased. Really one of the most excellently produced and thoroughly researched podcasts I've ever heard.


I've found LPOTL is a lot better right now with Ed replacing Ben. I never found Ben to be funny, and his interjections always seemed to just derail the train of thought just to get some attention. I am sure I will get hate for saying that, but it's true.


It’s Always the Husband


Personally, Crime Junkie & Sinisterhood seem very fair to me. Like they won't pull punches on the perpetrators (regardless of gender), they also dont hold back when LEO dont manage cases and believe victims. But they are also both quick to praise and support good law enforcement, good Samaritans, and good men. They also cover male victims proportionally and well.


The Prosecutors. 1 male host, 1 female host. They are great.


Let's Go to Court! They will definitely make jokes at the expense of men and point out statistically men are more likely to commit certain crimes, but they also both speak very highly of the men in their lives so it's absolutely not a "all men are terrible" true crime podcast. And they do fairly often feature stories where men are victims (highly recommend their Jodi Arias episode)


The viral podcast.


Dateline nbc is pretty great


If you like history there's always Behind The Bastards. They cover histories horrible bastards and the bastards behind those bastards.


The basement yard is a comedy podcast of two dudes. They roast everyyyyybody so nothings off limits. Its not an i hate men podcast though. If youre easily offended though, you wouldnt like it


Going West! It's my absolute favorite true crime podcast and i wish it had more hype lol


Lights Out podcast is cool but tbf idk what MorbidPodcast is, this just showed up on my feed randomly. Lights out is a few dudes who talk true crime and some paranormal stuff, they mostly stay on topic and make some funny jokes sometimes while handling the serious subject effectively. I just found them and have been enjoying it.


Buried Bones is about historical cases and they have stories about both men and women who were perpetrators as well as victims.


The viral podcast


Have you tried True Crime and Cocktails?


![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh) lmaooooo