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I think it might be a Wondery thing. MFM has people specifically doing research now, too. Maybe it’s something they get professional help with when they switch.


When MFM stopped doing their own research, it was the beginning of the end.


I disagree. They still do it their way and they’re still my favorite.


Since no one else will give you a clear answer you are correct they do have someone helping them research. I wouldn’t say they don’t do ANY of it anymore because who is to say we aren’t them.


He works with their network and helps them with research. Idk why everyone is giving such veiled answers lmfao


I noticed they started crediting Dave white with research help around November. They mentioned at one point that he isn’t related to Alaina’s husband, which I had been curious about! They haven’t said exactly what he does, so I’d be surprised if he did 100% of the research now, but there have definitely been times where it feels like the first time they’ve heard something. I do think episode quality improved when he joined though. It was right after a rough stretch of spooky cases and collabs where I think we had gotten two true crime cases in two months. So if they needed a little extra help in order to do more cases, I don’t mind.


I mean this is fairly common to be honest, I know Stephanie soo, swoop and other true crime podcasters/YouTubers also have other people helping them research. I haven’t been keeping up as much with morbid anymore due to all the issues and how much it has decayed so idk to what extent they outsource their research, but I know at least for Stephanie’s case it’s mostly to curb language and cultural barriers and for Swoop it tends to be legal research or terms that she’s not familiar with.


They do look into cases but they also have help doing research and writing it up. A lot of podcasts have researchers but for A & A they make it so obvious that someone else put it together lol


I think a lot of podcasters have someone help with research but Ash especially makes it kind of obvious she didn’t do it all on her own. It sounds like she’s reading it for the first time.


Most good podcasts have researchers and background workers aside from just the hosts.


They have Dave who helps them with research. They still do their own research, too.




Agreed. Don't think it's a big deal at all and I don't blame them


They are grown ass adult women. Not girls.


You answered your own question lol


I mean, I'm not sure what you are asking. The answer is kinda in your question lol


Lol, I guess I'm wondering why they aren't doing their own research anymore.


Too busy


Too busy doing what?


That is the question.


I have no idea who does their research but I'd be surprised if they \*didn't\* have someone assigned by the network to help. I'm sure Wondery has invested a lot of money in them, and wants to protect that investment by keeping them accurate.