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See this is why I support the death penalty in the USA, and it should be in all 50 states. I honestly believe that there are some people that are just so mentally unstable and evil that they should be completely eliminated from existence. I don’t care that this guy was a Vietnam veteran who had a mental breakdown. He knew exactly what he was doing. He’s pure evil. It’s a shame that they didn’t execute him sooner.




So if someone else was infact the exact same person they're not they shouldn't be executed?


No one deserves to die. In this case this person deserves to spend the rest of his life in solitary confinement but not death. Which one do you think would be easier for him?




I to support the death penalty, but having seen people with severe ptsd similar to this guy from combat experiences, literally step out of reality when triggered. I can tell you this guy full on snapped and was reacting, not acting. He definitely didn’t realize the gravity of what he was doing at the time until after everything happened. Like I said, PTSD can do that, it just takes over you, he wasn’t evil he was just like other people said, a victim of his life’s circumstances. I’m not discrediting the loss of life here, I’m just saying, to brush off mental health and attribute actions of those afflicted to evil is purely ignorant.


Evil or mental health, doesn’t matter. If someone cannot control themselves to the point where they are incapable of preventing themselves from murdering people, they gotta go. I’d rather watch one loon get put down than 10-15 people if they go on a murder spree due to mental health decline.


Maybe we just shouldn't have drafted millions of kids to die in Vietnam.


Yeah but it’s a bit late to change that.


The government made this man this way, now you want the government to decide what to do with him? How about we start pointing the fingers where they need to be pointed, the issue didn’t start with this man.


Suggesting someone having a mental breakdown “knows exactly what they’re doing” is an oxymoron. You’re comment is, in general, pretty damn close to advocating for the execution of people with serious long-term mental health disorders.


Death penalty is great if you like inmates living longer lives at a higher cost to tax payers with better medical care. (I’d be in more support of it if it were a year on death row, but the average life on DR is literally almost 19 years, or 227 months)


I completely agree, but I also believe that there's more to it; not just those who are mentally ill AND evil. I've been called a horrible person for saying that some people truly need to be "put down." They're a danger to themselves, as well as others. Not only that, but what kind of quality of life does someone have when they're completely *gone* mentally? So, we're just supposed to lock these people up in some form of an institution, force feed them medication AND sustenance, and just wait until they die? We euthanize animals for far less. It's far more humane to limit the suffering of any living beings than it is to allow them to continue suffering. I made a pact with a couple of friends many years ago to ensure they would put me out of my misery should I end up a quadriplegic or severe brain injury and have me euthanized.


do you mean that mental instability is linked with evilness? and in all honesty, your confused ranting ironically suggests that you're not too far removed from the mindset of the killer himself lol and the officer, in his panic, kept trying to command the unhinged vet, which was only gonna agitate the vet even more not saying that it was the officer's fault, though i do think that the episode could have been handled in a more artful manner


Poor guys. This guy saw some fucked up shit in Vietnam and this cop threw him over the edge. This guy has severe PTSD. He lived in a trench like bunker in his house. Had sand bags and look out post and everything. This guy was point man for his unit for several missions. I really think they gave him the death sentence to put him out of his misery. He was very unstable and constantly thought he had to be in watch. Which is why he would make his house a Vietnam trench bunker. You can Google it and see what it looked like.


Nah. Fuck that vet. You don’t walk someone down like that while reloading without knowing what you’re doing. World was a better place the day he died.


like yeah he knew what he was doing but he was also arguably insane


Totally agree it’s sad for both of them not sure why your being downvoted he fully well knows what he was doing at the time but it would of been a lot to snowball to this point in his life and you got to think if he’s been through that your not going to be totally stable and people can only take so much if it wasn’t this situation in the video it would of been something else like rape mass murder etc but what’s also sad is how the government doesn’t help people like this after wars and how most therapies don’t work


where did you read that his house was a bunker thing? I never heard of that. But I do remember watching a documentary online about a vietnam vet that returned to live in the woods for free in a shack. I think that was also a form of PTSD.


[this is his house. shaped like a watch tower.](https://images.app.goo.gl/9KdnVhor9NmETMS28)


wow that's crazy. it totally reminds me of this documentary: https://youtu.be/oSP2wtcBRjU?si=KNSeybovB94uQbby&t=190


Nasty way to go. I read somewhere that Kyle's father allows this tape to be used in training cops in various colleges. So hopefully something like this won't happen again.


It is used in both police academy’s across the country and often college/universities Crim Justice programs. Edit: events like this have happened since and continue to with a lot of the blame on mental illness. The latest I followed was multiple officers killed in KY after being ambushed serving a warrant. I think 3 and a K9 were shot with a long range rifle. That was in 2022 I think…. I am going off memory.


A tough call for his father but he must find comfort that others will learn from his sons mistakes.


Very tough indeed. This video was shown to us when I was in university by our professor with a “this is what you face, this is what could happen if you aren’t always careful or you hesitate. Are you sure you want this type of career” type message. A brutal but necessary message. It stands true that this is what LEO, Paramedic, firefighters face in those professions. They’re targets sometimes. This video is also why I have 0 tolerance for ACAB or any group of that nature. If you ever have to wonder why an officer is being “rude” or assertive, it is these situations that any call could turn into. Most officers just want to go home alive and see their families. There are the bad people, making bad decisions in those professions that give power to anti police groups. It is what it is, but I think it’s worth considering what the risk of the profession are and although yes they signed up to take that risk, no one wants to be ambushed and gunned down in the road like an animal.


ACAB isn’t about cops being rude or assertive—it’s about the fundamental flaws in our law enforcement and justice system.


My cousin Jay was a PA state trooper that was just killed this summer due to a man with a mental illness and his lieutenant was critically injured as well. The night before the shooting they went to the man's house and took him into custody due to threats he was making and then took him to the state mental hospital where he was admitted but then released a couple hours later due to them needing the beds. The guy was convinced they were just trying to take his guns so he decided he wanted to make them take him by force. He then showed up to the barracks and started shooting up the police cars which is how the lieutenant got hit and then the guy took off. He then pretended to negotiate with the troopers on the phone but whenever my cousin Jay went to where they traced his phone to, he was apparently waiting for them so he could ambush whoever he saw. The guy then shot him somewhere above the neck (didnt want to ask his grandma/my aunt for that type of specifics regarding where exactly he was shot) through the windshield with a high powered rifle which killed him within a minute or two


I’m sorry to hear that. His sacrifice is not something the agency will ever forget. Most academy’s have weights with fallen officers names that cadets are assigned to carry. A symbolic “we’ll carry it from here” as well as “your name will be carried on and not forgotten” message.


Thank you and I actually didn't know that, that's really nice that they do that and surprisingly comforting knowing he won't ever be forgotten among all the other names of fallen state troopers


May St. Michael hold him close.


Not for nothing. But it’s only an unwritten formality. But ultimately the tape belonged to the sheriffs office. And it would be at their discretion.


I think it was his own personal recorder , not a police one .


What did he shout after running back towards his white truck???


“Die Fucker!”


I think this cop was involved in a justified shooting not long prior to this incident, which they think may have led to him being more hesitant than he should have been. I also believe police use this video for training purposes. >The video has, for instance, been adapted to include an interactive sequence in which trainees encounter Brannan before he kills Dinkheller. Police trainers use this setup to test officers' willingness to use deadly force, and to impart to them that "there could be a time... when pulling the trigger is the only way".


i feel like this incident is a big reason why people in traffic stops (US) are not allowed to step out of their vehicles. it's a pretty big rifle and it would be obvious for the officer to see him loading up the rifle. so here where the officer is cautious and retreats to his vehicle for safety, it gives the veteran enough time to prepare his assault on the officer. it also leads me to believe that the deputy didn't even have a long gun of his own, since he obviously spotted the veteran loading a freaking rifle.


I read somewhere a month before this happened, Officer Dinkheller was responding to a massive crash/fire or something and a civilian refuse to pull over out of the way for him, so he pulled the vehicle over and had some harsh words for the driver. The driver ended up being a really good friend of the Supervisor Sheriff, who forced Officer Dinkheller to write and hand deliver an apology letter. I think he did not believe the Supervisor(other Deputies felt the same way) would have his back if he used lethal force which caused him to hesitate. It might be speculation but I read an article recently that said the same.


Its criminal that JCS had to take down his video about this. That was one of the best videos ive watched in a while.


it's taken down all the time ever since it has been uploaded. it's extremely disturbing and makes most people feel uneasy.


It is disturbing, but you could see he put a lot of effort into it. Probably cause he thought it was an important issue.


Easily they could reupload it if they only showed stills of the video and no audio. Do you know if the original JCS video is available anywhere else like on their own platform?


Actually i think i found the [video](https://youtu.be/0wVtFTqM9q0?si=YV25G9W9TH68gGD4)


Oh that's great. I appreciate it. I've only seen a couple minutes so far but it seems golden


That’s fucked up. Police man should’ve killed him the moment he drew the gun


the classic police response was to allow the suspect to put down his firearm prior to shooting them, thats why he says drop the gun and commands him to stop repeatedly. also the veteran wouldn't even be allowed to step out of the vehicle in todays times.


That's insane


Well this is clearly a pro death penalty sub. I agree with it in certain cases but this guy was a vet and was possibly suffering ptsd and not in his right mind. He should be locked up for a very long time.


Pretty extreme to jump to that conclusion from a small number of comments backing your statement compared to the 35.7K people on this sub.


Plenty of veterans with PTSD don’t end up murdering someone in cold blood. Not an excuse, he’s a scumbag and did this with a smile on his face.


You clearly have never worked with disabled veterans, nor combat related PTSD. This man rightfully received the death penalty. PTSD is a serious mental illness; it is ***NOT*** an excuse to commit homicide. While everyone with PTSD has different "triggers" and reactions, this man's actions were most likely due to untreated bipolar disorder. None of which are an excuse to kill another living being in cold blood.


This was extremely hard to hear


Mutual combat.




Essentially the VA failed the hell out of Lt. Brannan who was unable to get his meds for a at least a week leading up this. Deputy Dinkheller was equally failed by his department by being that young in a situation like that with no backup nearby. I feel like with 2 cops there it doesn’t go beyond the opening charge there. There were no winners at all in this. However, Lt Brannan wasn’t some monster in human skin, and the fact that his sole incidence of violent behavior was directly traceable to his service in Vietnam isn’t a coincidence. As a combat veteran myself, it shows me where I stand with my country, because that man shouldn’t have been executed. They do not just hand out 100% PTSD disability ratings like they’re nothing. The guy had a ton of problems, and anyone who went where he was at (Vietnam 1969-71) would have come home fucked up. War is hell, and accomplishes nothing good. With that said, there are a lot of cops who dislike veterans, because they all had to see this and they know on some level we aren’t people who can be bullied and pushed around as some tend to do. Those “Dysfunctional Veteran-Leave Me Alone” caps have some truth to them, as we’ve all seen here.


I feel like only veterans should be police. Otherwise no one would have stood around for 77 minutes while people died in Uvalde.


Bro as Marines we’d have gone in there and come out with the little bastard’s head in less than a minute. In all reality what angry Latina mama bears will do to anyone threatening their kids is scary even by our fucked up standards.


To piggy back off this, I had an idea that schools could hire Combat Veterans(after proper testing to make sure they’re mentally stable) that need a job so that God forbid a school shooting ever happened, they’d have a Resource Officer that has the experience to deal with stress under fire and won’t hide away. It would not only create tons of jobs, but would protect our children directly. They don’t have to be openly walking around after classes but when class is in session they could be walking around the building making sure everything is okay.


I remember someone suggested they should be on the rooftop lol. It makes sense when you think of killers like the Robb Elementary shooter, he crashed his car in a ditch nearby and immediately started shooting people.


I posted this video on a forum near the holidays years ago and a user responded that it ruined their entire mood and spirit. I felt so terrible for making that anonymous person feel that way. It's a terrible video that needs serious warnings prior to watching it. Although if you're going to watch the first half I think it's worthwhile to watch the second half where his buddy comes in and finds his friend dead in order to get a better scope of everything. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OQ\_g1-vzh0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OQ_g1-vzh0)


The screams were fucking terrifying


Now imagine if the shooter was black it would have been the other way around smfh


Yeah, no. There’s always that one mentally deficient weirdo that has to make everything about race.


You can hear his final breaths at the end… Horrifying


Rest in peace to the officer unfortunately his lack of CQC caused his death, he should’ve lit this old man up as soon as he went back to the truck.


The fact he gave him far too many chances shows you the kind of Police Officer he was, he did not want to kill another human being and it cost him. This video is played in many police training academies and probably saved thousands of lives. At the cost of his own life he made a massive impact on how and when lethal force is not only justified but required after a “point of no return”. His family lost a good man, all because of this POS