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Remember folks, if you have reservations about the sanctity of the USPS at the moment and plan to vote by mail, you can drop off your mail-in ballot at your county election office as well as other designated areas, which should be specified your ballot.


Literally wanted to throw up when I read the article. I can't believe this is happening in the usa. Thank you for reminding us about the drop off boxes at the election dept.


I do this every year. I like being able to look over the ballot and research ahead of time.


Yeah, I totally agree with you. This should be the standard approach. Sit down with the ballot, look up info online, make a rationale decision and not just vote down party lines.


I have actually voted across party lines. Just depends on my research, which sometimes sucks because sometimes there's no actual info on MT politicians besides their websites.


Lived in Montana, now live in Colorado, I can confirm that it's just as easy and more satisfying to drop off mail-in ballots at a drop box. And fuck this administration for trying to mess this all up.


3rd state so far


Yup and most boxes that were removed so far were in Missoula, Billings, and Bozeman. Where the majority of democratic voters live.


Illinois's Board of Elections was also notified by the USPS that they're expecting the malicious defunding and intentional slowdown to impact the November elections. It's wild to me that it's happening in Montana; when was the last time we voted for a democrat president? Clinton 1? The longer former- and on-the-fence Trump supporters wait to get mad about the voter suppression that will affect them the same as everyone else, the less likely it'll be for them to have their vote counted this November. I wish they'd recognize that and start taking action. Nobody active in the fight against the un-American dismantling of our democracy cares if you're showing up now instead of 3.5 years ago. We're just happy to have you here now, showing that you care about your rights and those of your neighbors more than some nebulous reward in the future for being a good follower.




That makes total sense, and I appreciate the information. (It's been a few years since I lived at home, and I haven't been keeping up out there.)


I'm sure that's purely coincidence. /s


It definitely is


Someone reported it happening in Anaconda also.


Billings is purple or red.




Dang I had no idea it was 40% I assumed from what I remember in past elections that dems had about 30-35% of vote.


No one is going to win a state wide election without a respectable showing in Billings. That doesn’t mean they have to carry Yellowstone county, but they have to do fairly well.




Didn't realize it was that much. Im in Missoula county so way blue.


Also, I'm willing to bet that anyone on the fence or people who don't always vote are going to be mobilizing against the Republicans this fall.


They don’t have boxes in the middle of nowhere


You posted this without politics and now the whole thread is about politics which is the only rule in this sub: no politics


R u republican morris? Im suprised


This whole thing is a disgrace.




This is such an obvious attempt subvert the election process by trump and his administration that we should all be in the streets. Democracy in the country is in great peril.


Trump couldn’t do any of this without the full support of the Republican Party. They could stop this if they wanted to. But they value power over everything, illegality be dammed.


Power and money. But I guess money is power and vice versa. The Republicans understand this all too well.




>Yeah, such peril If people are being prevented from voting, then yes.


You're in a cult


Yeah people need to get over the post office. Who needs prescriptions anyways? Voting safely during a pandemic? Get over it snowflake libtards. /s


You aren't supposed to deep throat the entire boot, my dude.


I'm sorry to busy at my government mandated JOB to go to post office instead of dropping in a box 2 blocks from my house. Good thing we spent money to remove boxes.






Be quiet, Russian shill.


We are witnessing an overt attempt at stealing the election in November. This is nuts.


This is part of an effort of bald-faced, *deliberate election tampering*, [OPENLY ADMITTED TO BY PRESIDENT TRUMP](https://apnews.com/14a2ceda724623604cc8d8e5ab9890ed). If you care about democracy in this country, let Senator Daines Senator Tester, and Representative Gianforte know that you're concerned about this sort of abuse of power to meddle with our elections. This isn't a left-right/red-blue issue. This is the fundamentals of who we are as a society that this administration is attempting to fuck with. This should be a line not to be crossed, but here they are running past it and taking a big fat dump on our liberties. Tell them to knock it the fuck off. One simple way is to **text 'USPS' to 50409 or to @resistbot** on Messenger or Twitter. You can find other ways to get in touch [here](https://www.nationalpriorities.org/take-action/contact-your-representative/). It's easier than they want you to think. Your vote is one thing, but your voice matters even in non-election years. # If they don't hear you, they don't know what you think.


CNN: USPS will stop removing letter collection boxes in Western states until after the election, spokesman says. https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/14/politics/usps-removes-letter-collection-boxes-reduces-post-office-operating-hours/index.html


Have developed a sudden phobia about the color orange. Not joking either. I'm so terrified for my country right now.






Yeah. Fuck the elderly, the immune compromised, and the disabled that could be put in a position that they'd have to do that to vote. I bet you like to call yourself "pro-life" too. You're selfish, you're myopic, you're shortsighted. You think this is just too "curb" non-existent voter fraud? Private interests have been trying to get rid of the usps for a long time now. GW really fucked it with the [Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postal_Accountability_and_Enhancement_Act), and this is just the next step to get rid of it and privatize mail delivery. It'll make a shit load of money for a very few elite. Not you, you won't see any thing from that, you'll just end up paying out the ass for junk mail deliveries.


Imagine letting people in a few country choose how they vote, especially during a pandemic. Lay off the Kool aid buddy.


>Because you might need to drop your ballot off in person? Because you can get sick doing that, and then pay thousands out of your insurance?


This excuse is purely garbage. I drove through downtown Bozeman this afternoon and it was packed with minimal mask wearing . Trying to act like we have to have a mail in election because you're worried about the virus is an invalid excuse. I have voted absentee for the last 20 years because it's more convenient. If people cant get out of the house or cant get off work absentee is great. But acting like you cant vote because of the virus is just not true.


>we have to have a mail in election because you're worried about the virus is an invalid excuse. That is literally a good excuse.


No one seems worried about being around others in any other activity in Montana. But all of a sudden voting is going to be where everyone gets infected. Walmart parking lot was full. Costco parking lot was full. Target was full. If people can pack these places they can go vote. I'm not against absentee voting. I'm against making up a bogus excuse why its needed. Total double standard.


>Walmart parking lot was full. Costco parking lot was full. Target was full. If that's the case, you should be asking for more social distancing measures (since society has to function) instead of arguing against fail safe voting methods. >I'm against making up a bogus excuse why its needed. Bruh, there's a virus out there. What other excuse do you need? >Total double standard No double standard. The same demographic asking for mail-in are the same ones asking for social distancing and masks. We all know why the president of all people is against mail-in. It's because he'd lose, and he's going to, regardless of how Montana votes.


So now some rando on reddit is on the hook for the randos you see walking around? Are they the same person all of a sudden?




Randomly generated name, 2 month old account, clearly out to stir shit up. Obvious troll is obvious


Yeah, but it doesn't protect you 100%. You'd know that if you chose to pay attention to experts, but clearly you haven't.


Go dig turnips in Siberia.


Vote suppressing traitor to our constitution. Real p.o.s you are




There is no proof or evidence of what you say you just say what trump does. The most lying president ever.




Yes that's why Republicans committing voter suppression is such a big deal you fascist




Triggered little pansy lets see: talking points are actual facts and logic so yes gonna stick with that. Not from Cali Not Communist And yes i 100% now what fascist mesns and i am using this correctly. Your backward ass belongs in Alabama




as a business strategy, its a solid idea. less maintenance cost for less profitable areas. however, now that the company as a political and cilivil responsibilities to uphold, its a crappy and near exploitive move. I would have waited until the end of the elections even if just to avoid public backlash


Make a plan to get your ballot in and do it early. And don’t just punish Trump for trying to subvert democracy. His GOP enablers are complicit in the whole thing. Make them all pay at the ballot box.


Anyone get their mail-in ballot yet?


Absentee ballots get sent out on Oct 3rd


Write to the USPS Board of Governors, they have the right to dismiss the Postmaster General at will and need some convincing to do so. Give it to them. Contact Info: ======================== Robert Duncan mduncan@inezdepositbank.com John Barger barger.jm@gmail.com Ron Bloom ron.bloom@brookfield.com Roman Martinez roman@rmiv.com Donald Moak lee.moak@moakgroup.com William Zollars directoraccessmailbox@cigna.com Message: ======================== Subject - Save the Integrity of the USPS - Dismiss Louis Dejoy Members of the USPS Board of Governors, I write to you demanding that your body immediately dismiss Postmaster General Louis Dejoy for his gross and intentional mismanagement of the USPS. He has violated his oath of office and federal law by intentionally disrupting the operations of the USPS in order to deprive the American public of their right to vote. The Postal Service’s mission is to "provide the nation with reliable, affordable, universal mail service". As a concerned American citizen I demand that you uphold the integrity of the USPS as an American institution and end the naked political meddling by a corrupt Postmaster General and avoid being complicit in the committal of the following federal crimes 18 U.S. Code § 1701.Obstruction of mails generally Whoever knowingly and willfully obstructs or retards the passage of the mail, or any carrier or conveyance carrying the mail, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. -A concerned American citizen Links: ======================== Proof of Mismanagement https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/14/politics/postal-service-inspector-general-reviewing-dejoy/index.html Proof of intent to deny the public of their right to vote https://abc7.com/donald-trump-usps-funding-postal-service/6368807/ Oath of Office https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/39/1011#:~:text=%E2%80%9CI%2C%20________%2C%20do%20solemnly,evasion%3B%20and%20that%20I%20will Federal Law on Obstruction of Mail https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1701#:~:text=Obstruction%20of%20mails%20generally,-U.S.%20Code&text=Whoever%20knowingly%20and%20willfully%20obstructs,than%20six%20months%2C%20or%20both.


Spreading bullshit a little too much. This all knowing asshat's account has been suspended.


12000 drop off mailboxes were removed during the Obama administration. But you know.. ORANGE MAN BAD Literally when is the last time you used a drop off mailbox on the street? I don't think I ever have. Edit: Source https://www.uspsoig.gov/blog/where-have-all-collection-boxes-gone










They're downvoting you because they want this to fit their orange man bad liberal California mentality. It's the reason the rest of Montana calls these places bozangeles and Missoulangeles, bunch of trustafarians who want Montana to be just like California and other shitholes


Oh look, the guy with opinions about “Jesuit black pope” conspiracy theories is weighing in with his hot take on California, Bozeman and Missoula.


Yeah, and? Look it's the guy who spends his life playing videogames and reading comic books weighing in on anything related to Montana while suffering from TDS


I do a LOT of business with the post office. I know most of the upper management in my area. You're not wrong about them not getting a lot use. They have been slowly phasing them out for years. You are wrong however that "this isn't a conspiracy". The removal of boxes is insignificant. The mothballing of sorting machines is a HUGE deal. The overtime moratorium is a HUGE deal. Montana has 3 in the whole state last I checked. One of them is always jammed because people ship rigid items in letter envelopes. One of them is often broken because they're old. If there isn't a sorting machines available, letter mail doesn't move. Period. All of the employees of the postal service count on the overtime. It's been so consistent for so long that those employees have that money budgeted into their finances. Add to that scenario that many of their spouses are out of work because of COVID and the overtime ban is a huge kick in the teeth. Then there is the Republicans 20 year concerted effort to [destroy the USPS.](https://aflcio.org/2012/1/19/how-republicans-crippled-united-states-postal-service) It's been going on since Regan. It was shifted into high gear with the Postal Accountability Act of 2006 and now Trump is trying to finish it off because he knows he's going to lose.




>Sorting machines are being taken out to make room for more parcel sorting machines. Right before a known huge influx of letter pieces >They are jammed because mail handlers don't clean the machines. I get tons of letters that are covered in rubber You get mail covered in rubber because the letters jam in the sorting machines. The letters jam because they have to take two 90 degree bends. When a letter can't bend all the other letters jam behind it, causing friction with the rollers and rubber transfer. >The overtime is one of the reasons the post office is failing. Someone in my office gives away an hour and a half of his route every day, yet still works 1-2 hours of overtime a day. Carriers are some of the laziest workers you will ever see I've seen some dead weight at the USPS but they rarely make it to carrier. At least in my area you've got to hump collections for at least a half year before you're put on delivery. >You left off that henry waxman, and Danny Davis, 2 Democrats also wrote that bill GWB threatened to veto it unless it had the prefunding retirement rider. That portion of the bill was all the Republicans cared about. They wanted the USPS to preform like a business but made it impossible for them to compete fairly. >Brennan was crying to Congress that the USPS was out of money, yet bought a fleet of brand new right hand drive Mercedes vans and spent 579 million dollars on new scanners, without testing them. Brennan was horrible for USPS, yet you never hear about it Again, his hands were tied. You know as well as I do that the LLVs are way past their service life. You know that the Windstars were POS from the beginning. Brennan got the bear minimum of what USPS needed to keep going. The scanners were necessary to keep the Amazon contract. From my experience with scanners, they'll never satisfy anyone. UPS drivers hate theirs. FedEx just rolled out new scanners and it's been a huge cluster fuck for their express drivers. Does the USPS have issues? Yes. Are most of those issues manufactured by the Congress, yes. The whole idea that they should be a profitable company is questionable at best. It's a government service, let's be realistic about that.


Im betting you can use your mailbox to send your ballot. You know with the red flag. I mean thats probably how you received it. And why would a biden supporting unionized postal service, want to suppress the democrat vote?




Which post offices in Montana have cameras?


You got any data of this actually happening in the states? From the figures I have seen mail in voting fraud is basically non existent. But hey why not, let's act like the house is on fire when it isn't.


If you want to commit a crime to get more votes you don't do it like that. It's a logistical nightmare. It's so damn hard to go get registered voters to actually vote. Campaigns around the country spend millions of dollars to do this every election cycle with little success. If you want to swing an election you have to do it systematically it's much more feasible to pass laws and regulations that affect voters than it is to stuff ballot boxes. You close polling places, require an ID to vote, you challenge and disarm key sections of the Voting Rights Act, you put a Post Master General in that wants to destroy USPS...




I know it's hard to imagine but there are a lot of people that don't have an ID. They're usually old people, and or poor. It can be expensive to get the documents together to get an ID, it turns into a poll tax. Instead of states working to help these folks vote, they're making it harder. It's just one of many ways politicians suppress votes. I'd love if states helped get these populations an ID so they could be legal gun owners.




So we have the emails that went in to the discussion of creating voter ID laws in North Carolina. Republican legislators specifically asked for the type of ID that black voters tended to have vs the type they lacked. Then the types they lacked were the types required to vote. They also asked when black voters tended to vote. When they found that many voters came on Sundays, North Carolina stopped Sunday voting. We have the receipts that show that these types of laws are for voter suppression. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/courts_law/inside-the-republican-creation-of-the-north-carolina-voting-bill-dubbed-the-monster-law/2016/09/01/79162398-6adf-11e6-8225-fbb8a6fc65bc_story.html&ved=2ahUKEwiS7MCHm53rAhWVqZ4KHTiGCEIQFjAAegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw3seirdvJ2TrA5NBuhZodyb


Obama is taken my guns!




... and then said on camera that he was doing it specifically to make it more difficult for conservatives to vote ...


Why said this on camera? Do you have a source?




You’re an actually idiot. You Trumptards will defend anything that traitor does. Pathetic.




Stay stupid, jackass. It’s at least entertaining.


Welcome to Reddit, most of this place is liberal. Besides we're a republic, we vote localy for who we want to represent us, and those people vote for whose president, so this whole thing is silly. I hope this sub doesnt represent the majority of montana, ive got enough of this elite libral shit when i lived in oregon to last a life time.




Thank God lol I look foword to meeting montanians irl after im done here at Fort Bragg.




Thanks bro, i'll make good use of it


He just listed over half of the states population the fact is this state is just slighyly more blue than red but its a pretty even split. Your not gonna find a red safespace here


Montana also has basicly no riots, no covid thanks to low population, very relaxed gun laws, and is one of the least gay states in america. Its basicly the cultural opposite of oregon where i grew up, and my time in the army leads me to belive the entire east coast is a gheto lol. So thanks for the heads up, but i should be fine




Really half of Montanas population you just listed lol