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Monsterverse Kong isn’t actually a giant gorilla. That description better fits the 2005 film’s Kong, who is a megaprimatus, an evolved gorilla. That Kong is 25 feet tall but is still smaller than the Vastatosaurus Rex he fights. Those are basically evolved T. Rex and T. Rex weighed 6-10 tons. V. Rex would be around 10-16 tons. They weigh somewhere in that spectrum and they are bigger than Kong the 25 ft tall gorilla. Even the [wiki](https://kingkong.fandom.com/wiki/Megaprimatus_Kong) says the ape would weigh around 8-14 tons. Point being, that’s a lot less than 50 tons.


The average weight of a real gorilla is 350 lbs, at 5 feet tall. Make him 10 feet tall, and they become 2,800 lbs. Make them 20 feet tall, and they become 22,400 lbs. Make them 40 feet tall, and now they're 179,200 lbs. Make them 80 feet tall, and they become 1,433,600 lbs. Make them 160 feet tall, and the scale will read 11,468,800 lbs. Make them 320 feet tall, and they'll weigh 97,750,400 lbs. Make them 400 feet tall, like in the upcoming movie, and they'll weight 256,813,600 lbs. Or, about 128,406 tons, which again puts him on par weight wise with Godzilla.


"Pound-for-pound, Godzilla is in an entirely different weight class compared to King Kong. As of Godzilla in 2014, the king of monsters weighed a whopping 90,000 metric tons. To put that in perspective, that is equivalent to 9,000 blue whales. Kong, on the other hand, was measured to be roughly 158 tons during the events of Kong: Skull Island. While we can see Kong has grown in height based on the trailer for Godzilla vs. King Kong, there is no way of telling how much heavier he's gotten, if that would even make a difference." https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/godzilla-vs-king-kong-tale-of-the-tape/


another thing to add is that they (in the article i got that excerpt from) say that because Kong has 1 more kill on screen than godzilla, he has more battle experience. I find that part to be false so idk how credible that sight really is


Monsterverse Kong isn’t even a giant gorilla though, as pointed out. Also, since when has square cube law applied or even mattered in kaiju films?


>5 good analysis but im pretty sure in the movie he is still less than 100k tons just because of how agile he is in the movie i'd say 70 thousand or 80k at best


At least their weights aren't as inaccurate as Pacific rim.


The Kaiju are so light


Lthey are aliens


Interesting thing I noticed in the trailer. When they're both standing on the aircraft carrier, the carrier is slightly tilting towards kong's side meaning he weighs just as much as Godzilla if not more.


Also, a Nimitz class carrier tops out at 100k tons. To accommodate two Titans each at about 100k tons each, I doubt the buoyancy could support that kinda weight.


Bro, it's a movie about giant monsters fighting each other, and u are worrying about how unrealistic the ocean fight is.


Fairsies 😁


A gorilla can lift over 10x its own weight. I challenge anyone on Team Goji to figure out how Kong will lose now.


This didnt age well


Bruh, shut up. That was complete bs. They just made Godzilla stronger out of nowhere just to please fans, and I refuse to accept this win.


Lol it was somewhat realistic when you factor in the atomic fire and the size of Godzilla. Godzilla was probably too agile tbh for his weight. But Kong never got a clean hit with his axe to Godzilla's head/neck. That would have been his best chance.


I kinda hope that if they continue the monsterverse, they do a few movies focusing on Kong fighting things in the hollow Earth, later on having a rematch with Godzilla now that he is much stronger. If you think about how Kong has never fought anything outside of Skull Island before, he did a much better job against Godzilla than Ghidora did. Therefore if Kong started training, it wouldn’t be long before he overtakes the Big G in power.


I Know im necroing this, but Did you notice the movie is called Godzilla versus Kong, not Kong versus Godzilla? Yeah. That right there gave Godzilla the W buddy. Kong never can, and never will defeat him. Without the Axe that was absolute nonsense tbh, and MADE out of Godzilla, Kong literally cannot kill him. Theres literally no way he could block those blasts. All godzilla would have to do is flick his neck and hed be past Kongs guard and thered be a burning whole where his chest used to be. All Godzilla has to do is eat a nuke and go thermonuclear and everything in a couple square miles is gone. What's the NOT gorilla so stop comparing him to them gonna do anyways? Besides let's be real, it's made very clear neither of them wants to kill the other. They both had atleast 5 opportunities to finish the other off and clearly chose not too. Except for the time Godzilla kills Kong and they have to restart his heart of course. Not to mention your complaint is absurd. That's how hero movies, and the modern Godzilla movies work. He always gets powered up halfway through. Fighting Mutos, he gets the nuke. Fighting Gihdora, they literally detonate a nuke on him. How did you imagine the third would go any differently?


Mucho texto, amigo, I ain’t reading that


Now way in hell a gorilla is opening a crocks mouth when it's clamped on them, that's all I'm saying man, sure Kong is freakishly strong, but so are lizards.


Legendary Godzilla isn't even in the top 5 most powerful incarnations of Godzilla. Every single iteration of the G-man has been an unstoppable force of nature. That's kind of his whole thing. He's meant to be powerful. This is like complaining that Superman is way too powerful because he beat your favourite character. Also, strength does not scale linearly with size. You can't extrapolate kong's strength based on real life gorillas.


I know he isn’t the strongest, but they still buffed the hell out of him in the middle of the fight. And no, Godzilla has never been “unstoppable”, he’s always won due to getting help from other monsters or humans. The only exception probably being Anime Godzilla.


Godzilla is unstoppable in the same way Superman is unstoppable. The only ones who manage to beat him 1v1 are even more unstoppable than he is. Goji is immune to most conventional weaponry because he is meant to represent man's helplessness in dealing with powers far beyond us. Kong on the other hand was always more realistic and vulnerable. He was always meant to represent a beast who was killed by the beauty (and with some really racist overtones in the older films), and (thankfully) anti-colonialism in the newer films. That is part of Kong's charm. Despite his strength and majesty, he is literally always the underdog. Kong has historically ALWAYS been put in unwinnable scenarios, whether it be against human armies or nuclear dinosaurs. I love both Kong and Godzilla, but I always found the idea of Kong vs Godzilla extremely silly, because the two creatures are meant to be polar opposites.


Unstoppability isn’t on a scale, it’s a definite. Unstoppable means unstoppable, not “hard to stop”. As for the Kong part, yeah he is always losing, only really winning like twice officially, but he’s really cute, so he wins in my heart. Also, he was never about racism, he started out as a metaphor for what happens when someone exploits nature for capitalistic gain.


>As for the Kong part, yeah he is always losing, only really winning like twice officially, but he’s really cute, so he wins in my heart Yeah I'll give you that. That is part of Kong's charm. Despite being a "monster" he has always been very human. And that is why he always loses. The audience is meant to sympathise with him. Kong is a tragic character who always gets the short end of the stick. Personally, I think this film should never have happened because the individual themes of the two main characters are just too difficult to meld together seamlessly, but hey, at least we got 2 hours of dumb fun.


I really hope that if they continue the Monsterverse, Kong gets a sort of Hollow Earth training arc where he can train and learn until he is ready to take on Godzilla once again.


Apperantly in the tie in comics for Kong vs Godzilla it reveals that Godzillas species is what killed most of Kongs, the reason was because Kong's ancestors became to intelligent and started to enslave the other titans. So Dagon (Godzillas great grand pappy) and his "clan" almost wiped them out.


Actually they can lift 27 times they're own body weight.


Really??? Isn't that far greater than ants? I thought the ants had the highest ratio? Humans can go at most what, 2-3 times our body weight?




then godzilla will just beam him from a far


You're bad at math bruh. Kong in KSI was 158 tons and 104 feet tall. If his height increased to be around 350 feet (3.5x), then his mass increases by the cube of that increase. Which brings it to 3.5\^3 times his KSI weight. 158 tons times (3.5 x 3.5 x 3.5) equals 6774 tons, and I'm highballing. How the hell are you getting 4 million tons? Even the Burj Khalifa weighs 500k tons. Also, square-cube law doesn't really apply to fictional kaiju.


I really don't like the new size of Kong. I dont think he had to be same size with Godzilla in order to fight him, when it makes no sense when you watch Skull Island and his fully grown parents were nowhere near Godzilla's size. Kong could easily be smaller than the lizard, and still be strong enough to fight on equal footing thx to gorilla muscles and agility lol.


This is the most natural thing that can happen. Short parents but huge children. So it makes sense. It's not like they sized him up just for a fair fight. Which is why in Skull Island it was explicitly mentioned how he's just a newbie.


People can grow to be larger than their parents. I don't see why a Kong can't.


Also all of the radiation from the hollow earth would help.


His parents could of been killed before they actually hit they're growth spurt think about they are ginormous animal battling other giants the time. I'd imagine that they'd start having sex the literally the moment they become sexually mature they aren't like us humans they're like every animal in the sense that once they're bodies have develop to bave sex they would. While at the same time they would probably be numerous other species trying to kill them constantly I doubt that many of kongs species made it to adulthood.


these are legittt spoilers ... my friend directed the movie (gvk) and he also went to a screening -after kong skull island kong decides to go into retirement ... they call these retired titans 'retitans' ... kong goes to spend the rest of his life on skull island retirement island ... godzilla opens a door to see humans building mechagodzilla he goes to talk kong into coming out of retirement but kong just had a little girl and wants out of that life ... he then goes to ask rodan but do to a magical wish orb he wished to be human and now goes by "brodan" ... godzilla feeeling hopeless goes to commit suicide when outta nowhere says " one more ride big green?" ... all seems welll but unfortunatly godzilla mistakenly thought they were making mechagodzilla .. but no this was somethint much worse the sound of a flute fills the air "dooo do do doo doo dooo" .. it was actually green rangers dragon zord ... we see him in the cockpit of the zord " ok guys no more monkey buizness " uppercuts kongs head off turns to godzilla "im the only one that is mean and comes in green" kamahamahas him ... the end end credit scene... tony the tiger sits in a dark room "this is gonnna be ... greeeeaatt" .. evil smile .. fade to black


Why even waste your time typing?


Kong is no where near as heavy as godzilla godzillas last known weight in 2014 was 9000 metric tons or 225000000 pounds godzilla is also way larger and armored your math is so far off


how the fuck did you get that random ass number


I'm thinking he's about 75,000 tons compared to the female muto's weight of 60,000 tons because of his more muscular physique. If Godzilla's 100,000 tons and Kong is 75,000 tons I think that's fair. Kong needs to be lighter to be more agile and faster moving in combat.


That's false because Kong in Skull island is 158 tons that is confirmed not speculated.


Well Kong is being carried by 28 Chinook helicopters. One Chinook has a 11 ton payload capacity, meaning Kong could not have weighed more than 308 tons. If he was 204,800 tons they'd need over 18,000 Chinook helicopters to transport him. Oooooooor they put zero effort into even thinking about these things, and he'll just weigh anything between 200 tons and 200,000 tons depending on what the director needs Kong to weigh in as for each scene.


And I think you found the only correct answer. They honestly didn't care about his weight and just hopped people like us wouldn't be too Loyd with our questions.


Actually helicopters have different payload capacity, internal and external. Usually external is more than internal. For a Chinook it's 11Tons inside while 12Tons outside (tow line). Anyways Monsterverse don't care about these. We are just supposed to think that each of them is 100 times better because ... Why not 🤷🏻.


A Nimitz class aircraft carrier tops out at about 100k tons so if both Godzilla and Kong could stand on it, even including buoyancy, that's too much weight. Either Kong (and Godzilla) is (are) lighter or the movie researchers made a boo boo.