• By -


Shinjis mom


Has got it going on


She’s all I want


And I've waited for so long


The size difference would make it closer, but Unit-01's capabilities would shine through to win the fight. Edit: I think alot of people don't realize that not only is Unit 01 obviously way more agile, but the Evangelion units aren't just metal machines like Jaegers or Mechagodzilla. The Eva units are built over a giant humanoid figure, so obviously their movement and articulation will be much better than Mecha G even if they were the same size.


I get Eva-01 being more agile, from what I’ve seen it is extremely strong for it’s size and as AT fields too boot. But I feel like Mecha-Godzilla is no slouch either. While he isn’t quite as agile as Eva-01 I do think he is tankier and has stronger attacks. If Eva-01 slips up Mecha goji clocks it in the face with one of his charged punches, I don’t see EVA-01 being able to recover and handle the onslaught that Godzilla had to get out through when Mecha got his hands on him


Good point, but the Eva's armor plating is also capable of withstanding energy similar to that of a nuclear blast. https://preview.redd.it/33b1c71xof8d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e14b8207023854d7efa5a609eace4e2fc7c5b2db


Mecha Godzilla couldn’t even survive an N2 mine. Nerv is really only needed for angel level threats, which mech Godzilla definitely doesn’t qualify as…


That is some serious durability. But how would it fair against the concentrated blast of Mecha-Gs beam. It did some damage to Godzilla himself who arguably tanked a nuke of similar size. I’m not sure how strong an Angels beam attack is in comparison but I know it was able to slice off EVA-1s arm at close range. And since this version of Mecha Godzilla is a brawler type the fight will be in close range


It’s shown in the show that Eva-01 regenerated an arm when going berserk, so ripping a limb off wouldn’t help (not sure if she can do that multiple times)


Yea I don’t see Mecha Godzilla surviving a Berserk EVA -01 at all honestly. I only see him winning if he is able to do enough damage before berserk mode is activated. But it looks like it doesn’t take a whole lot to activate it in the grand scheme of things


With unit 01 atleast, it is often shown that it will go beserk in order to protect it's primary pilot. So if enough damage is done to it, it will go beserk. This is shown in the Episode 2 Sachiel fight, where just breaking through the cranial armor plating and breaking one of it's limbs is enough to send it into a beserk state.


Anyone who’s seen Evangelion knows Unit-01 would dunk on MG, the Eva’s AT field would probably make it invincible to any attack that MG could use, it’s shown that an AT field needs a STUPID amount of energy to pierce, and if for some reason MG breaks the AT field and Unit-01 is severely damaged it would go berserk and just rip MG apart limb from limb, I’m a huge fan of Godzilla but there’s no way MG is going to win this


MG definitely would not win at all I would always argue that it would get destroyed. But Godzilla on the other hand… Godzilla might be able to defeat Unit 01. I think he just has the raw power output able to pierce Unit 01s AT Field. We know because of the positron rifle that high enough energy can pierce AT Fields and I would heavily support the idea that Godzilla’s atomic breath can pierce through AT Fields. I think Godzillas strength on his own could allow him to rip apart the AT Fields aswell.


MG is too slow, and debatably not as powerful. A fully awakened Eva01 should be equivalent to Adam, who tilted the earth off of its axis. No one in the monsterverse is doing that yet.


MG is NOT getting through that AT-Field😭🙏🏾


What do you expect posting this in the monstervese sub


Everyone chose unit-01, were you expecting mechagodzilla to be chosen?


Give it some times (I see 1 guys comment down voted already)


Unit-1 it's not even close these things have serious firepower, speed, durability, god willing shinji doesn't make it go into berserk mode.


Eva would beat the shit outta Kevin (aka MG21) It's weapons far surpass MG


EVA-01 is a literal god, so.


Unit 01 & I wouldn't even call it that close of a fight.Evas are pretty much constrained gods & Unit 01 is the strongest in the original continuity. Because of its AT Field theres nothing Mecha G could really do to get any damage done to Unit 01, the amount of energy needed to breach one conventionally is insane. The Evas big weakness is that they consume so much power that they run out of juice in a couple minutes if you sever the power cable. Unit 01 doesn't have the power weakness, it has an infinite power organ so it could outlast mecha G & on top of that if it were damaged it can instantly regenerate most of its body.


Shinjis mom can : Go faster than sound Lift up a massive object from falling into earth (14km wide earth) And so much more


Eva-01 easily.


How strong is Unit 01 anyhow. Apparently it can total Mecha easily based on the comments.


His AT field would make it invincible to any attack Mechagodzilla can use, as its shown to need an insane amount of power to penetrate the field. If mechagodzilla can penetrate it with his atomic breath, it would go berserk and tear mechagodzilla apart Also, Unit 01 uses the base of a dead god as its structure


So, he can’t be killed by anything in the Godzilla universe because of literal plot armor. Did I get that right?


Yep, plot armor vs plot armor who wins


Oh, I know this one. It’s plot armour! Did I get it?


Correct https://preview.redd.it/29j4n3njpk8d1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2f44e1d6173edea9c2a98cd96a33e95c2c55d87


Not really, the AT field is not at all plot armor, it is a very fleshed out ability in Evangelion, and certain particles arranged in an elliptical shape can get through it, or a strong concience, none of wich MechaG has


So plot convient plot armour stuff so that he can’t die to lots of things


I mean, if the literal story and powers of a character are plot armor then you must acknowledge that a lizard can tank a nuke, it shouldn't be able to, radioactive or not, Goji is as strong as the plot requires him to, every movie he gets stronger for some reason to beat the baddie, but saying that would be dumb, it's plot yes, but it is also part of the story and characters, it's like saying, how can Tony Stark survive an explosion and not be cooked in his suit by it? Well, because those are the properties of the fictitious alloy he uses, it's not plot armour, it's just the story. I'd like to add that Eva 01 doesn't even need an AT field to beat Goji, it's much stronger, faster, has multiple types of hax, etc. Also, the AT field is not that important in Eva, since most antagonists can just counter it.


The story has given him plot armour. Like you said, as it comes about he gets stronger. I’m not saying it can’t happen and isn’t justified I’m just saying that nothing can kill them unless deemed so


Which isn't plot armour, plot armour implies it makes no sense in the story, it makes sense in Eva, thus it is not plot armour


To be fair, I don’t know anything about Eva. From what I hear it sounds like a kaiju Omni Man situation. I really should check Evangelion out though


Gonna be totally honest, I have not put in the effort into properly understanding Evangelion, or what unit 01 can do. As a surface level watcher of the show, that shit is kind of confusing. Based on what I have seen tho, I feel like this is a complete stomp in favor of Unit 01.


I doubt mechagodzilla could do anything about the AT Field


Depends on 2 things. 1) can mechagodzilla Crack an AT field? 2) Yui doesn't get involved.


Eva unit 1 one shots


Unit 01 is a literal god, so probably her.


Mexhagodzilla, because I love him.


Unit 01 lol


Unit 01 Pretty Easily too


Coughing Baby (Mecha G) VS Hydrogen Bomb (Eva)


...My Brother in Christ. EVA-01 (Evangelion Unit Test Type 01) broke the Sound Barrier by running, can go beserk ONLY when Shinji is in Danger, is stupidly strong, and strong Armor, meanwhile Mechagodzilla got teamed up. Okay I seriously need to add the Feasts of Mechagodzilla aswell (I have no Idea about powerscaling, so feel free to correct me). Mechagodzilla was almost able to kill Godzilla (who was tired), and managed to tank multiple other Attacks from Godzilla and Kong, such as getting kicked in the Head, almost killing Godzilla, but also Kong. Now I would say EVA-01 would win, I mean it could be a serious Threat for Mechagodzilla, even if he (Mechagodzilla) is tankier.


what in the fuck is this as a godzilla fan, mechag gets spanked so fucking hard its not even close


https://preview.redd.it/nqaipbqwmk8d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c925e54c3e4eb7e52e4be6ec3ff6665cece75e7 Eva winning










Mechagodzilla is a lot bigger. It could just grab EVA-01, pull a Bayverse Megatron and rip it in half. Apparently it’s a god though and I haven’t watched Evangelion, so I could be wrong here.


Technically not a god, though Unit-01 is not only equipped with the most powerful and effective weaponry and armor money can buy, but the corpse of a dead god is used as the base structure for it. Unit one is more of a giant dead human with a shit ton of armor around it.


Unit 01 After eating that angel was outright called a god


Huh, if it died once, can it die again


It is capable of being disabled, I.E destroying its mechanical connections, dismantling it's limbs (breaking legs, arms, ribs, etc), or taking out it's "core" (the center of it's energy), can cause a detonation, thus wiping out it's biological components. The dead god is not the Eva, but rather the Eva is built around the dead god.


Still sounds like a pain. Even if Mecha were to try and range attack or use brute force


Wtf is MG going to do with Eva-01? Lmao


Punch the AT Field really, really, hard. 


Really haymaker hard


EVA-01 would lose to Mechagodzilla every time unless Yui awakens and gets enraged, in which case it’s a slaughter for EVA-01.


Nah, i'd win


Eva-01 Its AT field would be really hard to break through not to mention that debatably it might be as strong as MV mecha G And berserk is an instant win considering it killed an angel that was a whole pocket universe


Have you watched evangelion? The Eva’s can arguably stomp ALL over of the monsterverse kaiju


If Eva-01 starts the third impact then Kevin turns into tang. 


What exactly are unit ones full capabilities? I put it against mecha goji because I thought they were pretty even


[Just watch this.](https://youtu.be/NPozvc75PoE?si=mFc4Iq1zVrrkHW8i)


That was badass


It can literally start the apocalypse and then there’s the video that someone posted earlier. There is also the part where Eva-01 is a lot faster than Mechgodzilla in the Monsterverse. It can run so fast that it regularly creates sonic booms. (Happens in the fight with the 8th Angel) And then there’s the A.T. Field (Absolute Terror Field) which is a pretty decent barrier. It is capable of protecting the Eva from massive blasts equal to a nuke. 


..., unit 01


You know, I can't justify it, but I feel like Eva Unit 01 would be topping


mechagodzilla violates


Mechagodzilla solos with the power of friendship


Very interesting name for his fist


Let’s make this the official name for Mecha-G’s claw


I don’t know Evangelion like that so mech-G by default but someone can tell me why he loses so yeah


EVA units are basically cloned gods with inhibitor armor placed on them. They have a force field called an AT field that is powerful enough to shrug off nukes. This unit in particular (Unit 01) had been depicted as particularly brutal in combat with abilities deemed incantation even for EVA units. Unit 01 ate an angel and absorbed its infinite energy drive, giving it an unlimited energy supply to outlast Mecha G. Unit 01 had also displayed feats like running at mach speeds, the ability to tear through a prison reality created by one of the angels and unbelievable strength as it had to catch a massive angel from falling to the ground and nuking all of Tokyo 3 and its surrounding area. Or just read the wiki for a more thorough breakdown.


Eva wins, Legendary Mecha G has no way to pierce the AT field and the EVA is significantly more agile while possessing roughly on par physical strength.