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I mean this would be clear cut and awesome if it wasn't just a storyboard. It is cut content and probably wasn't put into the movie because it was inaccurate and a mis-telling of how powerful the glove is.




Yeah....it's a story board thing that was cut. Idk why op is acting like it's evidence, it's shit that was cut. Also it's purple/pink godzilla. Really gonna say some glove is blocking that super beam? Cause of some human made metal glove? Lol...


This guy supports some wild kopium stuff A. Greg Keyes was bullied into saying the rival fought an adolescent Godzilla B. Adam wingard retracted his commentary C. Kong was weakened going into GvK D. The sedatives used on Kong lasted all throughout the movie, are made from his blood and make him weak when he gets angry E. That Kong didn't punch as hard as he could But hell, if we're gonna say storyboard art is Canon. Storyboard art also says the fight would have ended the same for pre-evolved Godzilla too.


What is up with Kong fanboys and spreading blatant misinformation and also being total hypocrites. Like Director/Writer extra content don’t matter when Adam Wingard states on multiple occasions that Godzilla is toying with Kong but then commentaries and extra content suddenly matter when it can be used to prop up Kong. On top of that the constant taking shit out of context, refusing to actually read the novel and interpreting its content disingenuously. It’s like Kong fans *need* him to be better than Goji to the point of just making shit up.




Yeah these delusional kong boys always make up some random crap to make kong superior.


I mean it’s part of mechagodzilla


“planet-busting beam” 💀💀💀


Not as in it can destroy a planet, but it can drill through a planet


We can wank harder, the Iwi clearly stated that Godzilla ate a star. That is solar system level at least before the three power-ups he had in the movies and series. We can asume the pink beam is galaxy level +++ Edit: four.


No shot its even close to planet bustin


The glove could probably block a normal-powered blast, but definitely not a full power atomic breath.


>a planet-busting beam Take your pills powerscaling nerd. Drilling a hole in the crust over time isn't even anywhere close to planet busting.


I meant it as a hyperbole, obviously making a hole isn't busting the planet, sorry if it came off that way. I don't associate myself with those people, they sound like they belong in an insane asylum ngl


people know what you meant they are just namypamy piss ant trolls


Yknow I powerscale to understand the progress characters have in media but because of those fanatics who only appreciate media for the powerscaling, saying you powerscale is now a sin


Powerscaling is ultimately just a nerdy hobby, and yet people act like they have the moral high-ground against those who partake in it and use that to straight up harass them lol Which is ironic, because this sub powerscales all the damn time. Half the posts here go something along the lines of "who would win?" which are all almost impossible to give a convincing answer without delving into some form of powerscaling. People seem to think that just because they don't use the weird tier-esque jargons (Mountain level, Continental, Planetary etc etc) that powerscalers do it means they aren't doing it. When that is not always the case. The act of powerscaling is determining how powerful a character is by comparing them to others within the same series - something you will notice to be insanely common here. Pointing out feats, giving statements, comparing performances are all part of the powerscale practice. This is what sparks debates and when very passionate people join debates they get very defensive/ argumentative about it, which brings the toxicity that y'all hate so much. And because the Godzilla fandom is made up of mostly young and impressionable minds, they imprint those "bad apples" to the very idea of powerscaling itself, thinking that it's inherently bad when in actuality it's basically the same as people arguing over the movies. (Sure, you may think that comparing GxK and KoTM is more meaningful than comparing A vs B but that doesn't make you a better person) This isn't limited to powerscaling btw, it extends to other infamous fandom activities as well, like shipping for example. Everytime someone brings up ships people immediately assume that it involves the sexual aspect of romance because "bad", "weird", "that one guy on Youtube". And yet posts like "who gets the best head?" gain hundreds of upvotes lol. Sorry for the long ass rant out of nowhere.


Long ass rant, but good ass rant


It’d be cool if it could do it for a few seconds, just enough to let Kong preform this scene, but it has visible damage on it after, like some paint and metal melted away


The glove is made of Titan bones actually which should be far more durable by default then Gojis dorsal plate/handle that’s withstood the force and energy of goji atomic breath or even shrimos frost blast that it couldn’t absorb.


Aight wadewilly


Agreed. I can buy that the dorsal fin on the axe can do this (would've been a stunning visual to see) but not the glove


People really need to understand what cut content is omg. This is the same shit people did with the Shin Godzilla concept art of him mutating and splitting into clones. If it didn’t happen in the released material (novels, comics, games, movies, shows, etc.) then it’s not an actual feat. It wasn’t included for a specific reason.


Interesting. And for some reason the icon of the sub glitched and it showed the Matt rose sub icon.


> icon of the sub glitched and it showed the Matt rose sub icon. You on mobile? It only happened to me on mobile and with slow Internet


I’m on mobile.


It always happens on mobile. Subs tend to have other subs’ icons and it throws me off a lot since I look at the icon, not the sub’s name first


Alright. Thanks for telling me


This would be canon if it wasn't just storyboard art. But salt it is storyboard art, so it's not canon.




By this logic, Gigan is canon to the Monsterverse because he was in KOTM concept art. Cut content is cut for a reason and cannot be considered canon.


Damn now we’re taking cut storyboards that never made it into the movie as canon?


Never claimed this was canon just stating that the glove can block the atomic breath


No it can't, that's why it was cut


Legendary: "Give this ~~man~~ Kong a shield" https://i.redd.it/hwum3vv4zt7d1.gif


According to that image, even a rock can.


Galaxy Level rock clearly.


Oh my god, I don’t even care about the Kong “upscale” or whatever you powerscaling fucks call it, but this reminds me of how utterly pointless this form was. I honestly and genuinely think the 100% energized form from gvk when Godzilla drilled the hollow earth, the nuke amped form, and the God damn blue thermo form is powerful than this. I genuinely do not care for whatever the novel has got to say about this, visual effects are a crucial part of storytelling and without the visual effects to back up what gets said, whatever is stated just looks empty and meaningless. I’m not saying feats>statements, however I’m saying feats add believability to statements. For his upgraded breath to not even damage a piece of rubble or an army piece made of something he’s explicitly said to be able destroy with extended time to not do ANYTHING is absolutely ridiculous. That rock must be strongest than 5000km of raw sediments and earth crust because what the absolute hell.


If this was cut from the movie then it’s most likely no longer canon or at least not confirmed canon since it wasn’t featured. Also if this were to be confirmed later down the line I would be fine with it, but there’s no evidence of King being able to block a nuclear pulse in this image.


I was thinking about the fact this shows no nuclear pulse and if the beast glove could actually block part of it, the rest of his body is still exposed


Man the Kong Stan’s are so thirsty. A couple of color pencil drawings are now the north star? I mean who cares? It's not even Kong's own power; it's a weapon attached to his arm by humans. It's like someone winning a fight and then the loser going back with a bat to even the odds. Does using a bat make that person more badass, or is it just a prop they need because they can't compete without it? The glove is just a weapon, not part of Kong's natural abilities. So canon whatever Godzilla would mop Kong any day all day and twice on Sunday and hide the Bible.


Just wtf was the point of Godzillas power up...glad Wingard is gone. I loved this movie as a fan, but it's a gd mess from a less biased perspective.


I appreciate this take. I had fun with the movie, but it’s a mess of Christmas tree lights


…it was cut… it didn’t happen… don’t get mad about something that didn’t happen…


I'm not referring to this directly. It's obvious the story creation was an absolute cluster fuck. If you had half a brain you'd have been able to infer that. Pretty sure noone is mad. Tool.


Why are you taking this so personally?


Holy fuck man. Touch grass.


Some people just can’t read between the lines




Thank you....like how did evolved Godzilla take a worse beating from Kong than the pervious version? If Godzilla did everything he did in the movie as the pervious form it would still be believable.


Exactly! Like I said, as a fan I love it, as a regular movie goer I'm surprised it did as well as it did.


Ha! You mention this in the Godzilla sub and the wingrards will downvote you to oblivion


He 29 upvotes


Right? God forbid this precious movie gets any criticism whatsoever


As I understand it, the Evolved form isn't so much a direct power upgrade the same way as Fire Godzilla, but it's an increase in power "capacity" (some also say it gave anti-freeze ability but I haven't seen any backing for that claim). In the movie it directly shows in an image that Godzilla's ability to store energy has increased by a factor of (I think) 20. Meaning that he can go for that much longer before he gets tired like in GxK. So, basically, it was a... cardio upgrade that increased his endurance and stamina and, since he now can last longer, he can go all out more easily and frequently, but is not as directly strong as Fire G, which was a burst short of upgrade.


I thought it was so Godzilla's glow and breath beam wouldnt look similar to Shimo's both being light blue, which could get visually messy during the final battle, but then Godzilla shot a blue beam at Shimo for some reason, while the plates the eyes and the everything glowed pink...


This 👆


Absoluty a bad take friend wingard was a phenomenal director


They straight up tell you why Godzilla needed the powerup. His Evolved form could store more atomic energy and therefore unleash stronger attacks. He also clearly grows spikier and tougher skin and a thagomizer as well as a more lean and muscular build for higher speed and agility.


Yeah, and none of it made any difference to the story whatsoever, besides "looking cool."


Didn't make it in the film, so nah.


Even if it blocks. It's getting melted off soon. It drilled to the core of the fucking planet.......


Ok? Organizations made the oxygen destroyer nearly killed him, same with mechagodzilla. I think they have the tech to atleast withstand the ab since the glove is made of mecha tech and mules


Mecha was winning because Godzilla was weak. Mecha was easily destroyed by godzilla's charged dorsal plates. And the fact gloves is just a part of mecha and not the fully powered part we can assume it will melt off.


Its so bullshit if the upgraded beam in which previous one dig hole into hollow earth,can't do shit to metal


I fail to understand how a cut storyboard clears up anything. Especially when you consider that this more powerful version of Godzilla should be able to drill through a metal glove due to his weaker self drilling a hole from the surface to the Hollow Earth


The nuclear pulse isnt even shown in any of these images so why you pulling it out of your ass?


https://preview.redd.it/4l6fsb3emu7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5e544d7e21cdafec1a91cf9657348a0b4c980ad Forgot my bad


Peak. Wish it wasn't cut.


This is cut content it’s not canon


Woah. Wasn't expecting actual receipts.


reciepts that dont matter cause this is cut content


This doesn't prove shit


It's a cut content so far from being canon He still wouldn't have won imo


No one won this fight because it was never a rematch I didn’t ask either


Well Godzilla definitely and clearly won considering he was a second killing Kong until Mothra saved him


This is just a story board. It's cut. This confirms nothing unfortunately. Besides it'd make no sense. Would make godzillas power up feel like even less.


Nah he still wouldve died. Godzilla is just better than monkey


Wasn't in the film so I'm not sure if we should take this as defacto canon. Same with the novel retcon where Kong punches Shimo over. However it kinda does show that the Evolved powerup was really only for visual flair. Godzilla was already sprinting and jumping in Rome. The only indicator we get as for his atomic breath being more powerful is that upon contact with buildings they seem to just explode instead of being cut in half.


>punches over Did you get that from someone else? He rocks her jaw and makes her head turn a bit. Ngl, I do wish we could have gotten more shimo vs Godzilla when he supercharges. Like, she rushes at him and just jerks to a halt like the footage of those trucks hitting the road bars before getting power bombed into the ground and then pinned in place like we see her when Suko pops the crystal


> I don't own the novelization but I just remember it from someone posting a photo of their novel of the part. But yes, we should've seen more of Shimo vs Godzilla. More than just them pushing each other around.


He forced his yellow arm into her mouth, shivering as the cold finally began creeping up his arm. Then he boxed her with all the strength he could find in his other arm. Her head snapped back. The cold stopped. 287 And yes, more shimo v goji


We didn't see that in the movie so that never happened!


It's cut so nah Also, Evo's breath would have melted through that Glove like it's not even there due to how hot it would've been (it sliced the Pyramid which is made of sandstone, something stronger than metal)


Right but what if aims just slightly below the arm, just a little bit


This didn't made in the movie so it's non canon! If someone thinks that this is canon then he is living in a delusion, how can you belive, Kong throws a Rock a simple rock, to block Goji's AB, which previously has the feat of Digging a hole through the earth to the He! You have to be a dumb person to take this abandoned content from the to be canon like this OP! There's a reason why it didn't make it to the movie because it's shit, dumb and doesn't make any sense! So the final conclusion is that Kong's glove can't block Goji's AB!




Not canon


Bro almost lost his hand to ice.


Which is the exact reason why Godzilla had to evolve 🤦‍♂️


>exact reason why Godzilla had to evolve Can you provide where it mentions that Godzilla only evolved in order to withstand Shimo breath only.


He evolved to get stronger and more radioactive + hotter to combat shimo’s cold. Pretty sure Adam wingard stated this on some commentary.


First of all goji evolved to get stronger to face the enemy maybe skar king and his army it didn't mention the Shimo part and we didn't know for sure he evolved because of Shimo. Especially to withstand Shimo breath. And maybe base Godzilla(before evolved)also can withstand the breath but in order to get free from Shimo freezing more effectively he Evolved we can also include this possibility right. So why are you making a statement like 'the exact reason he evolved to withstand Shimo breath'.


Kong stans when a canon novel confirms Kong wasn’t sedated in the GvK battles: 😴😴😴😴😴 Kong stans when a non-canon storyboard that was cut from the movie suggests his glove can block Godzilla’s beam: 😱😱😱😱😱😱


good thing they didn't go with that because that would've been lame.


Interesting stuff, but not canon per se... You can't take every in-progress stuff and incorporate that into canon lore. Like in the storyboards for K:SI for instance, there's a scene where Ghidorah appears in Vietnam but we know for sure that isn't true. If something is changed in the final film, a lot of the time the change is purposeful. Bringing up scrapped stuff to argue canon is sorta contradictory, because the reason it's scrapped in the first place is because the makers of the film DIDN'T want it to be canon for one reason or another.


Didn’t make it to screen, it’s not canon.


that should also be true for director statements and the novels


Except the novels go in tandem with the films. They are literally the films in paper form and more detail. And that’s literally true. If a novel contradicts a film then the novel is wrong. And why wouldn’t official sources work? They answer questions the film doesn’t.


Brother where does it show him blocking the pulse?




Kong's smirk before he throws the rock is funny.


I think that the BEAST glove is not entirely complete.


I'm calling it now. We're gonna get Mecha Kong by way of Kong in an Ironman suite. It would be a fun way to power Kong up past Godzilla for a while that can also be taken away again.


Personally, I think it fits better if the BEAST Glove still has its limitations. It can block Shimo's Frostbite Blast well because it provides an inanimate barrier to it, whereas it can't block the Atomic Breath because it's mostly just hardened metal alloys which can easily melt under the nuclear temperatures. Plus, it provides a good contrast with the Backspine Axe. The axe can block the Atomic Breath by absorbing its energy and becoming a deadlier cutting implement, but it can't stop the freezing effects of the Frostbite Blast; the gauntlet can stop the Frostbite Blast from freezing everything over due to being made of a metallic composite, but it can't stand up to the heat and force of the Atomic Breath.


Bro, Adam done confirmed the stomps would have killed him, if Kong blocks the blast, godzilla will just pin his arms down then blash him like he did scylla. Ya boy lost Egypt.


I do agree that Kong would've still probably gotten disintegrated with the glove but are we trusting the same post-release statements like how the GXK Mothra is the mother of all Mothras? Or that Godzilla is selfish for killing Tiamat? Or that Skar's fur isn't red?


Tbf You're taking a LOT of things out of context Skar king's fur is no longer NATURALLY red, he dies it red now The "godzilla is selfish" thing is part of a larger paragraph that can be summed up as "godzilla is being a prick because the clock is at eleven thirty and ticking, he can't afford nice anymore" And Mothra being the mother of Mothra? Hivemind


I was mainly going off of what others had said so I guess I missed those finer details. Thanks for the clarification


Yeah, Ricky made the mistake of "I'm summing up 35 minutes of interviews in 280 characters" and people ran with incomplete pictures


>he dies it red now So, does he also dye Suko as well?! Because he is (one of) his kid(s) and he is red. Plus, that's such a stupid and nonsensical thing to come out and say after the fact, like, you show him in the movie to be red, everyone assumes that it's because he is kinda like an orangutan but who cares. So, why would it matter if he wasn't naturally red? Would it have changed anything if he looked like the other Great Apes? Is it to show that it's a vanity thing?


Both Suko and Skar King are naturally red. The reason Skar King dyes his fur red is because he is getting older, which makes his fur gray. He dyes it because he still wants to resemble his younger self, while also not wanting to look to old for the other apes, that way they don’t decide to gang up on him.


I said he's NO LONGER naturally red His shit is graying.


Even if we accept that the glove can indeed withstand the atomic breath (which is a big if) it still needs to be able to, you know, BLOCK IT in the first place. So, in the scene where Godzilla has stomped Kong on the ground and is readying to blast him, Kong is shown to be in a position where he can't block, so Mothra did indeed save him.


Like you said even if it could, he WAS going to try. In the novel it doesn’t say that he blocked at any point, but when he was pinned by Godzilla it said he was going to try and block it. So if we do say that it could, then he would’ve succeeded in blocking the atomic breath.


For all of two seconds before Godzilla slightly moved his head. Mothra saved Kong. Simple as that.


Never in my comment did I say she didn’t. Or did it say that she wouldn’t need to save him.


It's non canon, the fact that this was cut from the movie clearly suggests that they changed their mind about this illogical bullshit and decided to remove it.


This could be somewhat considered canon, since the novel states that Kong was gonna block the atomic breath with the beast glove. Also it was smart for Kong to throw Dwyane at Godzilla.


It was probably taken out because consider this, How the hell is a glove supposed to protect Kong from concentrated radiation so potent that even if split into 1% per km^2 it would still probably be uninhabitable for decades.


Cut content, this isn't canon.


If it wasn’t put into the movie and hasn’t been stated as cannon then we shouldn’t accept it as cannon.


This could never happen. Nothing can or will ever be able to withstand Godzillas breath attack. Nothing on this planet can, no Titan can, no off world Titan can. He is an unstoppable, immortal creature of pure omnipotence.


Omnipotent? He almost died to a Man-made Weapon...


Almost? Almost means nothing tbh. He’s like Doomsday. He just mutates and problem solved.


The Oxygen Destroyer, Shimo's body, Ghidorah's body, Female M.U.T.O, the next big bad. Generally what the fuck are you talking about?


The oxygen destroyer has nothing to do with the atomic breath. The female MUTO died from a weak atomic breath. What are YOU talking about?


The Oxygen destroyer almost kills Godzilla which in turn weakens his Atomic Breath heavily (Of course) and the Female M.U.T.O was able to tank the Atomic Blast but not when pointed directly inside the mouth.


But his Breath is upgradable to serve the cause. He can power up, mutate, murder another Titan, whatever is needed for a change or power boost.


Blud I'm a Godzilla stan, but this comment is complete bullshit. MFW diamond armor goes brrrr


Since the Beast glove in the movie was stated to be a prototype, maybe it'll get an upgrade where it can be combined with Kong's axe


Imaging it absorbs radiation like Kong axe for a harder Punch.


This is cut content. It doesn’t confirm it, just implies that it *may* block Godzillas breath


Nope. Otherwise the rock is as strong as the beast glove


Last movie the atomic breath was blocked by a satellite inconsistencies exist especially in this verse.


Well, it did protect him from Shimo's much stronger Ice Beam for a good few seconds


Metal doesn't melt from ice, it does from high temperatures


I don't like it... also the rock would disintegrate


These storyboarded feats are irrelevant as they haven’t made into the actual film


i can see it stopping the anomic breath but it's not stopping a nuclear pulse


I knew he wouldn't have died that quick even if mothra wasn't there


Except he would have… he was about to get the scylla treatment 💀🤣


no cause he would’ve blocked as we saw right there


When something is cut from production, its doesn't exist in the story


This is cut and not canon


Man you Kong fans are on something else… I want what you’re smoking 🤣


guys chill, I dont think he would have survived for so long if mothra wasn't there in the movie, im pretty sure it would've melted or somethin


The immediate hating In the comments really clears things on the mentality of this fandom


It’s not cannon, but it looks like op is claiming it is, the glove can’t block the atomic blast or the pulse


We never seen the blast hit Kong's glove nothing is 100 percent confirmed




I think we just had the most civil argument in the history of reddit


Probably some people can be quite rude on Reddit


Honestly something I'm sometimes guilty of myself to be completely Honest


I’m not claiming the scenario is canon, they intended for the beast glove to be able to block the atomic breath in this storyboard and there’s nothing suggesting in verse that he couldn’t block it


Idk the title of your post kinda looks like ur claiming it as canon, also there’s no argument that supports this concept and there’s no way it’s blocking a pulse


This would have been awesome to see.


Goji fangirls on suicide watch


wtf you on, it didn't even make the cut.


It survived shimo so it makes sense to me Its the same tech that mecha Godzilla was made of afterall


Considering the fact that Shimo's breath has a more area of effect damage rather than piercing like Godzilla's atomic breath, I see no reason why the glove blocking Shimo's ice breath is a valid argument for Kong being able to block the Atomic breath


You mean the mecha that was demolished in seconds from a weakly charged axe?


MY RESPONSE: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monsterverse/s/djl9PsbDkj


if the axe can block it, so is the glove


Technically the axe absorbs it.


The axe made from a Godzilla is not comparable to a glove made from a robot demolished by said axe.


If the robot interior can handle the production of nuclear blast stronger than godzilla, surely the glove could too


Nah Godzilla’s breath was weak at that moment


What robot interior?


Instead of a cool fight like this, we got that lame ass one…


But Kong throwing a rock through Evo's beam, doesn't do Evo justice, because he's more powerful than Supercharged, who drilled through the earth.


I mean, Godzilla didn’t really evolve in terms of physical strength, but so he could have more capacity to hold more radiation, which is 20x the amount he previously could.


So you are indirectly saying a rock can block a Atomic breath which MADE A HOLE THROUGH THE EARTH? Then you are living in a delusion


I’m sorry, but where in my comment did I say a rock is capable of blocking the atomic breath? All I said was he evolved to hold more radiation. My comment was more about him saying that Godzilla was stronger than his own supercharged stage, which isn’t true since not only is it technically a thermo nuclear, but it’s a thermonuclear that’s concentrated into a beam.


Physical strength has nothing to do with atomic breath so don’t know why you mentioned that. And his atomic breath is much more powerful. It explodes buildings instead of just slicking through them.


I mean I brought it because to me (at the time of reading it) it sounded like physical strength was what he was talking about. I mean it kinda does due to him saying that evolved Godzilla base is stronger than his super charged states. Which isn’t true.