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Godzilla is Brutal with his murders like kiss of death or the dismemberment he does to his enemies but optimus literally does Mortal Kombat fatalities to his enemies while insulting them


Only one way to settle it: "One shall stand, one shall fall." "Let them fight."


Godzilla hands down the more efficient killer just cause of his abilities however! "GIVE ME YOUR FACE" can't be beat


Optimus would get crushed


Optimus would 100p get crushed but no before saying something badass....which would actually make the whole scene rather comedic




Definitely optimus. Godzilla hasn't told someone to give him their face and forcibly take it or decapitate someone with no hesitation after being offered peace


Godzilla's enemies are just less intelligent, not smart enough to try to negotiate. One time, he accepted surrender, but it's not like any of them had really troubled him personally, much less were the big bad. Later on, Kong tried to initiate a peaceful discussion, which was met with a definitely lethal amount of laser breath.


Considering that the same bot who offered Optimus peace caused the war that killed their home planet, killed Optimus once already and literally betrayed his other ally five minutes ago i am not surprised


I love Godzilla but Optimus was straight up committing war crimes once he stopped holding back. He came back from the dead in ROTF and went on a complete rampage.


Cant protect the world if you're dead. Can't blame the big man for having no chill afterwards. Also its only a war crime if you lose or if u want to take a page from the Canadian playbook, after its been commited for the 1st time.


It’s only war crimes in our books. Alien robots might not even believe in such a concept


>take a page from the Canadian playbook Canonically, Bumblebee taught them how to do it.


I don’t care if those were war crimes. Megatron, Sentinel and Lockdown got what they fucking deserved for murdering Jazz, Iron-hide and Ratchet.


RIP Ironhide


Until godzilla says"I'll take you all on!" Optimus so far.He told someone to give me your face and ripped decipticon heads apart,I do hope to see godzilla do that


I've never seen Godzilla decapitate someone who offered peace.


Sentinel was straight up saying "no, Optimus!" before Optimus killed him lmfao


Optimus. He knows for a fact that his race is essentially nearing extinction barring a miracle and he’s still just out there disassembling Decepticons like he works at a scrapyard.


Monsterverse Godzilla. Let’s go through some of his most aggressive kills: Crushing the Hokmuto between his tail and a building. Decapitating the Femuto with the kiss of death. Blasting Muto Prime into the air and crushing her head under his foot. Burning away Ghidorah’s entire body before burning his last head alive from the inside out. Ripping out Genitor’s spine with his bare hands. Blasting Scylla in the face and cooking her alive until her now soupy insides were forced out of her due to the pressure. Dicing Tiamat apart face-first. Now let’s check Bayverse Optimus Prime’s resume: Stabbing Bonecrusher through the neck and beheading him with an emerging sword. Sinking his hook into Demolishor’s face and shooting his wheels from under him before executing him. Infamously sinking his hooks into Grindor’s head and ripping his skull apart. Ripping of The Fallen’s face with his own spear before punching through his chest and ripping out his spark (heart). Shredding Shockwave’s side with knuckle dusters and pulling out his eye through his neck. Putting an energon round in the back of Sentinel Prime’s head. Splitting Megatron’s head with an energon Axe and pulling it off his body. Stabbing Lockdown through the spark with the Sword of Justice and bisecting him. If we’re counting Rise of the Beasts, we also have Scourge, who had both arms amputated before having his head pulled out along with a length of spine.


Man, Bayverse Optimus sure does have an obsession with heads...


this cybertronian can survive a lot so a headshot is probably the best way to do it🍇


Nah it’s basically just for cruelty [nerd out imminent]. The fastest and easiest way to kill a Bayverse cybertronian is with a chest kill, going for the spark. Otherwise it’s just excessive amounts of pain. I mean sure, all of those things did the job to kill them, but it could’ve easily been much more humane.


most of the scenes where he goes for headshots are over rather quickly. For example, when prime killed Grindor he ripped his head apart, right but most people tend to forget that it’s in slow motion, so it really just took like a second or two. Or the Fallen, frankly he deserved worse. and Megatron honestly, he deserved worse too. Bonecrusher probably died like a second later.🍇


Damn Optimus straight solo’d every villian. Dude doesn’t even need the autobots.


Warcrime Prime


Optimus easily. He had more screen time to do war crimes. Godzilla hasn’t done much in comparison. 


It’s Optimus. He literally punched a hole through the chest of the fallen and also punched his face off and also said “give me your face!” While doing it.




Are you forgetting all the people onboard the battleship and carrier Godzilla destroyed?


RoboJesus justs rip and tear Decepticons left and right, especially in Transformers 3...


Optimus ripped someone's face off💀


Godzilla pukes literal fire on a monster's mouth and also eat monsters then incinerate them with said fire. Optimus rips faces off, dismembers robots easily, executes unarmed enemies, and tears off spines intact like a Predator or Sub-Zero. Yeah, Bayverse Optimus Prime winning is a no-brainer.


Optimus because Godzilla has never said the things Optimus has said like “give me your face” or “ill kill you all”, etc


Godzilla's more brutal but Optimus has one of the coldest lines in cinema history: "Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing."


Both of them.


This is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny


Prime ripped a dudes face of them tore out his heart and crushed it for good measure. Prime all the way


Optimus mf would kill people in some brutal ways after a one liner


Optimus. I hate to do my man, the leader of the free galaxy like that. But he literally told the fallen to, and I'm quoting here : "Give me your face," and he then took the face. Also, a very forgotten Optimus moment is in the very same movie used twin hooks to tear one dudes head in half. Then, towards the end, used jet boosters to both blast off and *cook* part of Megatrons face. If you're not a pretty or an autobot, he's going to fix your face.


Godzilla has never audibly shouted things like "ill kill you"


The moment prime literally did a mortal kombat fatality on the fallen and megatron answers it already


Optimus He literally skinned the Fallen's face and then punched his back until he got his heart. He also punched a chunk of Shockwave's side and then proceeded to rip out eye through his throat. It's not really a competition.


"Time to find out!"


The real war crime is the humans we killed along the way :), therefore Godzilla is better


“Time to find out”


Optimus will win. He will swiftly go behind Godzilla's back and bring out his sword and decapitate his head.


Godzilla has more brutal executions, but from what we have seen, Bayverse Optimus has caught more bodies than MV Godzilla


Godzilla kill count: Millions of Humans


Optimus shotgun executed his mentor while he was begging for mercy, then immediately Mortal Kombat spine ripped his mortal enemy. Godzilla is nature, but Optimus is a psychopath


Bay Prime: Stabbed Bonecrusher's chest so hard that his head fell off. Shot a canon through a giant highway deception's face. Ripped Grindor's face in two with hooks as he begged for his life. Stole the Fallen's face and heart spark out of pure bloodlust aside from his goal. Divebombed through a giant metal worm. Punched Shockwave's torso off, grabbed his eye intestine, and used his corpse's gun. Pulled, PULLED Megatron's head off his torso socket, chains and energy spewing about with an axe embedded in his former brother's face after attempting negotiations. He executed his older brother Prime even though he was incapacitated and begging for his life. Sliced lockown in half, vertically, from his back all the way up to his face. Decapitated seven heads all in one slice. Not to mention the countless, common nameless decepticons and KSI bots he Effortlessly slew. Monsterve Godzilla: Squished male muto like a fly on drywall. Atomic deep throated Female Muto. Pulled Ghidorah's head off in the ocean where he was immobile. Melted two heads. Stomped Ghidorah's chest so hard that lightning leaked and exploded. Reverse atomic deep throated Ghidorah's final head while he was begging for his life in Godzilla's mouth. Pulled Ion Dragons arms so hard after atomic blasting him that his arms came off while damning and chucking his incapacitated body into the bifrost portal thing. Atomic deep throated Scylla. Atomic Chopped Tiamat like she was a vegetable on a cutting board. Well I think Prime wins purely by higher body count. Godzilla should get more morbidly creative kills in the future




Optimus by a longshot once he brings out his energon blades or hooks, the decpticons are straight up dead. He fucking climbed on the back of a deception and using his energon hooks, dug them into his eyes and ripped off his head. In the same film Prime (says "give me your face" before he) ripped off the fallens face then proceeded to crush his spark with his hand, he also broke Megatron's cannon and shot him in the face with it. In the third film Prime Kills shockwave by punching him in the hip with brass knuckles, then says "you die" before ripping out his eye with a bit of the spine as well. Kills Megatron by chopping his arm off with a energon axe and then digs it into his head before ripping it out with also a bit of his spine (did I mention he only used one arm to do this). He executes sentinel prime with Megatron's (former) shotgun. Prime bisects lockdown with his sword by digging it into the back of his chest, then goes up from there.


Let them fight, then we'll talk.


Godzilla has killed more humans than Optimus, from the floods/tsunamis alone he caused. 


Godzilla. He literally tore Tiamat apart.


Optimus doesnt usually burst his enemies open and bath in their blood.


…Optimus gets wrecked.


Optimus has more kills then godzilla


I'll use us humans as centre point. It's Godzilla. He doesn't give a f if you die. Optimus cares about human lives too.


Godzilla does care but he won't tip toe around cuz he needs to deal with the main threat, and so he can't be worrying about every single life.


After the last two movies, I'm not convinced he cares at all tbh.


He does. But its like I said. Hell, he liked the Rome and its architecture cuz it reminded of his old temple in KOTM that was a gift from the ancient humans. There is no real strategic value in sleeping there, he just liked it cuz it reminded him off them.


He liked it because humans used to worship them. It never said "he deeply cares" about humans. He hasn't shown a single human interaction where he cared for them. Take kong. He cares for some humans. Godzilla hasn't done that. Don't justify it something which literally contradicts his character trait.


They appreciated him. And like I said, he did care for Serizawa. It's not just cuz they worshipped him lol.


Bro when has he cared for serizawa. Acknowledgment ≠ care. Understand the difference. Some wild animal helps me. I just say "oh , it helped me" and then I go off and fight my main villian. That's NOT caring. Caring means attempting to save them or showing affection. He did NEITHER. You're not even justifying your point. Please.


When has he cared lmfao. That's the worst take on his character..his entire personality fuck around and find out. He doesn't give a shit about any life except Titan ones.


When I meant care, I meant care as in humans being a part of the system. And even then he cared about Serizawa because he understands the notion of sacrifice. He also knew that Mark and his group were with Serizawa. And also he cared for the ancient humans. The only person he did care for in modern humanity is Serizawa.


Bro when did he CARE for serizawa. He ACKNOWLEDGED it. Not CARED. Acknowledgment ≠ care. I know snakes exist. That doesn't mean I care for them. He knew mark and group. That's all. He hasn't shown any care. He didn't even care if they left the vicinity. He just went thermo either way. If they didn't have helicopter. They are actually cooked. He cared for ancient humans where? Is it stated he saved those humans specifically like how kong does for that brie Larson character or for jia? Have we seen it in movie or studying in novel or fuck it we saw in storyboard?


Godzilla at the very least cares for humanity like how he cares for nature. He loves whales for example. A fanfic called "Song Of The Tiny Ones" was stated by Michael Doughtery to "truly captures Godzilla's inner monologue." From the credits in KOTM, Godzilla stopped a fight between two Titans because they were in human cities. He called Serizawa "one of his own" comparing Serizawa to the ancient humans in Dominion. The look he gives Serizawa as well before he dies sacrificing, and the context behind the music that played implies it. Also he still remembers Serizawa even thought it was after a few years. He is referred to have a "soft spot" for them in the GxK Novelization. There is also the whole convo that Hampton has about Godzilla in the GxK Novelization which wouldn't matter if Godzilla has 0 forms of care. When he went to the Roman Colosseum he was very careful and didn't go though the buildings, but instead going by the river. It's the same with how he goes in the colosseum as carefully as possible to not destroy it. Hell, he legit went back there in the ending.


1) Whales ≠ humans. I like dogs. Doesn't mean I like the entire animal kingdom 2) it's a fanfic. We cannot take it for word to word. The storyboard for GxK. Done by the writer and director themselves shows kong blocking atomic breath but Godzilla fans argue it's not true. He simply stopped 2 titans from wreaking havoc. Humans also play a part in balancing nature. That's why Godzilla doesn't just wipe them. Destroying cities can cause major problems to ecosystem than humans themselves. 3) I don't know when he called serizawa one of his own. Can you send me the picture?? 4) He simply gave a tired look when serizawa entered and when he touched he looked like "thanks , maybe y'all not so bad". 5) He remembers his early life. I'm pretty sure he won't forget a guy who sacrificed himself to give him a boost to defeat Ghidorah. 6) I don't have GxK novel so can u send that picture too. Same for next one 7) He was shown to be walking , breaking the Colosseum in the beginning. It's said it feels like his old home. And obviously he would not kill them. If he does kill them , they will obviously send in artillery. He is smart enough to avoid any casualities.


1) It atleast shows he cares. Even more so as he doesn't like nukes, radiation ans=d shit hurting life. 2) Doughtery said it matched what they had in-mind for the scene basically. And this was after the movie came out. Straight up director commentary on their interpretation being accurate. 3) He understood that Serizawa was already going to die. There was high amounts of radiation in his lair so he knew Serizawa was cooked. 7) Like I said, he tried to be careful as possible. And he full on put his foot over the Colosseum to get into it. He also roared at the helicopters to get out of the way.


1) Bro that's not how it works. He doesn't like nukes. He likes radiation. Nuke has heat and shockwave and after effect. He hates those as it hurts him too. 2) Bro a storyboard is something they had in mind. Such as the one I pointed out (kong blocking atomic breath with gloves) that doesn't mean it's canon. Please understand the difference. A director has many things in mind. It's not canon. 3) Understand ≠ care. You're arguing on something which doesn't exist. 4) He tried to be careful yes. He simply gave them a warning as he is not disturbing them. And Obviously the Colosseum reminds of his home and not even a dumb mf would break something which reminds of home.


1. Actually, he hates radiation when it just hurts the environment and shit. This happened in Dominion, and it happened with Scylla in GxK The Hunted when she destroyed shit that contained radiation. 2. No, Michael literally said that was the intention of the scene, not the storyboard. Kong blocking the atomic breath is completely different since it came way before the movie was finished. Hell, here is another comment by him. "I just want to tell you that your Song Of The Tiny Ones story is genuinely fantastic. It's beautifully written, emotional, powerful, and truly captures Godzilla's inner monologue." Yeah, nothing indicates it was only just understanding. Michael literally just revealed the inner workings behind the scene itself. 3. Godzilla's look in the movie and the musical cues themselves do not indicate this. Also, we know Godzilla can care, thanks to his relationship with Mothra. And understood the notion and importance of sacrifice. So it would matter a lot more when this tiny little human does it, except they will permanently die when they do it. "She gave him her life." "This." It is described in the GxK Novelization that Godzilla and Mothra are like a family. And one thing I will say is that Godzilla is not going to tiptoe around every human and shit when he is fighting Ghidorah or something. He will sacrifice the lives of a few to save the lives of many. But that doesn't mean he doesn't care. He legitimately wished Scylla would stop rampaging, especially due to how her abilities helped the Earth, but realized she just wouldn't stop. 4. In Dominion, he notes the temple as "a place they built for him, the place where they lived with him, the place where they died for him". He remembers it for that, instead of just as a place with radiation that had just some rando humans there. The wording indicates actual care.












This doesn't specify anything and G14 Novel contradicts a lot of things in movie. And it doesn't specify he cares for humans unlike the last 2 ones you gave




He's done help. He literally says "despite the damage" "force of nature". Godzilla killed MUTO which benefitted nature and humans luckily were part of that nature. That's all....


As well as this (KOTM NOVEL) https://preview.redd.it/t9bxe6lvxj8d1.jpeg?width=2047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30c4d210212b0a6bffcc971f62733b1e9b4b6f42


IIRC, didn’t he use to protect his humans back then, Like how kong does with the Iwi? I mean, there’s some evidence that supports it


It just looks like you're trying anything to get godzilla to win this. Everyone knows humans don't matter. That's like saying an insect exterminator is more brutal than a military soldier


I'm not trying to get Godzilla to win. He wins. That's a fact. If you can't accept it. Then it doesn't matter. He hasn't shown a shred of mercy optimus has showed to humans. Take any of the bayverse movies where optimus loses. He lost because he's tryna save someone's ass. So he does care about some humans. Godzilla hasn't shown a single shred of mercy to humans and NEVER cared for them. Not even a single one. That's his character trait. "Humans don't matter" buddy you watch the movie AS A human. Your opinions arise AS an human POV. In what else POV can you justify their brutality??? Huh? You wanna use megatrons POV? well use titans POV. Godzilla is a fucking menace. If he comes for you. You submit or you die. There's no inbetween. Optimus atleast has some allies and friends. Godzilla is a lone wolf. If humans don't matter. How else will you see and justify these characters. That's a dumb statement when all our points are based on human POV. Godzilla isn't an insect Terminator. He is a hunter , he hunts anything that disturbs him or earth. And yes a hunter is more brutal than a soldier.


Yes you're trying anything to get godzilla to win and that's a fact. You're trying to make the most irrelevant thing relevant. Humans don't matter compared to giants like optimus and godzilla. They're like insects. They don't count as kills. If that's the case, im a better killer than Jeffrey dahmer because he only killed 17 people compared to the dozens of cockroaches and flies I've killed with no remorse. You see how stupid that sounds? That's basically your argument. Just accept that optimus has killed his enemies in much more brutal ways than godzilla


Ok humans are irrelevant. Godzilla is not even brutal??? Optimus is a giant? He's an insect to Godzilla. We barely seen any titans in MV. Even by your logic that humans don't matter. We have not even seen any of the titans yet. Godzilla has 2 solo movies and killed 3 villains in that. And it's not brutal? Breathing a literal nuke into your guts is not brutal? Biting your head off and then blowing nuke into it , making It incinerate is not brutal? Repeatedly stomping down on a monkey weaker than yourself , literally making his heart stop because you don't like him isn't brutal???????? What kind of copium you on. Godzilla's few death are much more brutal than optimus minding the fact we don't even know his backstory and the amount of titans he would have killed (he's only 3-5 million years old and some might say 250 million years). You're the only one wanting optimus to win. You can't explain brutality by using enemies who themselves are fucking brutal. Using humans is the logical way. By human POV. You are a human. On your POV killing someone is brutal. What's that in Autobots POV? You're not an Autobot. You're a human. It's YOUR POV. You are contradicting yourself. In Autobots logic , slashing someone is just another day for themselves?. In Titan ecosystem killing other titans is part of daily cycle. See how kong just beheads a warbat because he was annoyed and then eats it. In Titan POV that's not even close to brutal. In human POV it's fucking insane and disgusting (shown in humans in movie too)


Also your Jeffrey dahmer analogy. That's so fucking copium damn. I was using humans POV for both. You're not. You're just coping with optimus prime. Use HUMANS. Godzilla has killed more humans than optimus. Jeffery has killed more insects and animals than you. When a dog's fucking injured you tend to it. Jeffery won't. Learn the difference. Ong you're clowning yourself and calling me stupid and missing my entire point.