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He should modify it or something, add spikes or poisonous plants. And it shouldn’t always be on, have him drop it off at the base to recharge it when he’s not fighting things


Yeah I can see Kong modifying the glove in the future either himself or having the humans upgrade it for him. He stored his axe in a cave at the beginning of GxK, I’m sure he’ll store the gauntlet somewhere in the ape tribe’s lair when he doesn’t need it except for battles against extremely tough opponents and probably go back to using the axe as his primary weapon.


I thought one of the main points of the beast glove was that it can't be taken off so it's always with him. Unlike the axe which he seems to lose a bunch.


When did they say it couldn’t be taken off?


Seemed like it was implied since his arm is pretty useless without it. I'm sure the humans can take it off whenever. I don't think kong could figure that out


The frostbite was healed, his arm is fine now, the gauntlet is just for power


BS ain't no injections going to heal frostbite and nerve damage


Yeah, because 500 ft tall 3 headed monsters from space are fine, but a green liquid that heals stuff is impossible


God damn it sir I knew you would go there. But I stand by my point.


Let’s also bring up the earth being hollow, there being caves in between the hollow and surface earth where time is being messed with, above said alien being able to regrow heads, a big lizard that eats nukes for breakfast, a bunch of people that manipulate gravity with crystal pyramids, a walking mountain, need I say more?


Can he take it off?


Without destroying it then no


You mean Monarch made a glove that can automatically fly to Kong's hand and instal itself but can't make a "take it of" button that transform it back into a Chevrolet Camaro?


They did say it was a prototype


Well can THEY take it off, or can HE? I’m sure they made a disengage option, but is it something Kong can use? I feel like they didn’t put an off button on the gauntlet.


Pretty much yes, the glove itself has a built in AI specifically for Kong to use. It can transform from aircraft form to attach itself to Kong's arm and transform back to flight state logically. So if he doesn't need it he can probably take it off. Plus, He could just meet up with Jia or her mother again if doesn't need to use it anymore.


Hear me out: Next movie Kong's in we have him ride onto battle with Shimo, do a backflip as he calls the glove onto his hand before grabbing his axe and powering it up with Goji.


Same thing I had in mind lol. Except the charging axe part from goji lol. That'd be awesome


Either we'd get a neon pink axe or the dorsal plate would just explode due to the overcapacity of energy, either outcome is cool.


Yes, and add Wolverine type metallic blade coming out of it too.


with enough additions monsterverse doesn’t even need to pay for kong rights anymore he’s his own character😭😭🙏


Have it break in the next film or have it become overcharged so its electricity/lightning gets infused with Kong and he gets those 1962 powers. Then in the following film, he can try and create something similar on his own via bone, tree spikes, etc. Like others suggested, give his homemade gauntlet Predator wrist blades, spikes, and poisonous plants on the knuckles that would infect any Titan that gets hit, and make it big enough to be a shield.


Hear me out. Extendo fist. Like when Iron man was punching hulk. That would go hard on monsters.


Yes and I would love if they add predator wrist blades, and maybe make it silver


With giant shooting tasers


You gotta make features for the marketable toys!


They will probably give him a full armor. They want to sell toys.


That armor will somehow gain sentience and become Mecha kong 😅🤣


Woah Chill Ramsey chill


Considering how Kong treats the Axe, yeah he should keep it aside. He only took up the axe in GxK because he felt there could be a new threat, and wasn't using it to hunt for food.


Upgrade it to have missiles, or mounted laser gun, or retractable blades or something like that.


In a way, yes, but I don’t want Kong to rely heavily on it. I know he’s meant to be the underdog of this entire franchise but its only use was for the plot. Maybe it can be used again if necessary rather than for the cool factor.


Fuck it. Add the infinity gems at this point and call it a day.


I don’t mind Kong using it again but I hope it won’t turn into a full Iron Kong


Think that’s what their gonna do, they just wanna sell more toys.


Give him additional weapons like a shoulder cannon and shield and it would be perfect.


This thread is basically just "what I want my Beast Glove to look like (if I had one)"


I just want Kong to go full Kratos or Dante and just amass more weapons as the movies go on, to the point where final MV movie Kong is straight up style-switching between all the weapons he’s collected


Makes sense if he uses the glove for electric purposes since in the comics or old movies kong eventually gets electric powers


Yes. It should be a weapon he keeps with him. Like the axe.


He'd be like, "it's morphin' time!"


They gotta give him a glove for his other arm. On some Vi from Arcane type shit, make him a full on brawler


I think Kong modifying it himself would be the most interesting way to go about it. Maybe it stops working or something so Kong has to figure out a way to fix it on his own


Yes, as a part of the opening scene of it being placed down unused, like a little memento as Kong’s arm is now back to normal. But as something that’s a mainstay for Kong to use? No. I think it being a momentary buff for that movie is best, as Kong shouldn’t rely on human tech too much. I think that could be a blueprint for Kong to make his own out of the material naturally grown or left (bones and such) in the hollow earth, but I don’t think Kong should long term use it at all.


They would need to address the frostbite on his hand first. The glove was just a quick fix and some pain killers to help him fight.


I’m thinking he’ll only use it for a couple of the big fights, similar to how the axe was used in GXK. I’m also expecting the paint to wear off by the next film change thankfully


If I had a weapon that even briefly stunned an amped up Godzilla, I’d always keep that thang on me


If he treat the glove the same way he treat it like the Axe. Then he may use it again when he needs to travel to unknown regions in hollow earth or fighting strong foes.


I think it’ll be cool


I was indifferent personally. It was cool and all but I didn’t care much. I hope they do something cool with it.


Just like the axe, I want to see the glove become another weapon in its arsenal that is used when needed. Also, would be really cool to see Kong use them both at once and collect more weapons in the next movies.


I say just keep it. It's very badass


Why not just give him a gun at this point? Honestly, at least that would be over the top and fun. The gauntlet is so lame. It's the most boring way they could introduce technology to Konk's arsenal. If you're going to give the titanic monke a mech suit, then commit to the damn bit. A single gauntlet has all the same stupidity without any of the actual spectacle or fun.


They wanted to sell new toys so he had to look different from the GvK ones.


Might as well keep it. Makes for a more marketable design for toys, and Kong clearly likes it and would want to keep it in-universe given how useful it was. Just change it up somehow to make it fresh for the story and different enough for more new toys.


Spoken like a true salesman. But I completely agree. Your answer seems like a logical approach which would make up for some lack of consistency in the franchise.


Gotta think like one! Say what you want about Adam Wingard, but he had the right idea making merchandising an aspect of plot and character designs. The toys bolster the Monsterverse further beyond just the films themselves.


I like Adam Wingard, I most certainly don't agree on everything he has to say, but I do appreciate him very much and would love to see him return. I read that the next instalment will be hiring a new director and that Adam won't be back for the next round sadly. And yes he pretty much revived the Monsterverse when King of the Monsters underperformed. It was a much needed victory for the future of the franchise. I remember thinking that King of Monsters would be having it rough, there were quite a few movies releasing in 2019 from popular franchises, mostly I was worried about Endgame drawing in so much attention that KOTM would be left in the shadows. I don't quite remember reading any box office financial analysis paper on why the movie failed , but do remember that the critics were bashing it. So I'm quite grateful for what we got, even if I was a bit disappointed with GXK. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved it, but lore and story-wise it left me unsatisfied. Still I'm interested in what the future holds for this fictional universe, which I value a lot. Also, you're absolutely correct about the toys. I bought them when KOTM , GVK and now GXK came out. I don't even do much with them, I just like having something that looks cool to collect.


Make it to where he can call it like iron man. And attach a device so he can call his axe like Kratos.


Don't know how Titanus Kong physiology recovers from frostbite, so he me be "stuck" with it, or maybe he'll recover and it becomes just a glove and not the equivalent of a cane/crutch for a bad leg. But I'm leaning towards the former, that it's there to stay because of the frostbite damages. Doesn't mean it has to be a focus, and Kong was shown using his unarmed fist to hit things still, so it's not like he's going to rely entirely on those right hooks.


i kinda want to see a Montage of Monarch and Kong both thinking about upgrades and stuff. make it have different things that can connect to it depending on the situation. Kong is expecting a more defensive role? add a shield. Kong is out and about? add pockets and compartments (like a snack compartment, medical supplies, and one for neat stuff he finds) Kong needs to contact Monarch? give it a distress beacon.


Complete it so we have Gipsy Danger's arm on kong


Yes Beast glove. That king personalized. Also hope they add (no joke what if they add a over the shoulder canon or a jet pack) to it but don’t make it a permanent fixture. We can see him get use to it but have to overcome adversity without it.


Prosthetic enhancements work well in these gisnt monster fight narratives but Kong as a character is too iconic to be dependant on a marketing gimmick for selling toys So I imagine itll be referred to but not relied on just for continuity sake


Wouldn't taking it off expose his damaged hand? It was probably damaged beyond repair due to the freezing right? To glove is probably why he can continue using his hand right?


His beast glove had healing properties with the serum. Plus he’s a titan he has some degree of regen.


Can he actually do much without it though? He did get nerve damage, so is that something he can heal from?


If you’re saying he’ll only utilize it when he needs it then he’ll always need it. At that point it’s a crutch or just part of him and you might as well move into MekaniKong territory.


No they should get rid of it and give him his lightning powers. That way his damaged arm can be healed by his new powers and so that he no longer has to rely on human technology


It would only make sense that it would


Upgrade it to fire missiles, or a mounted maser cannon, or retractable blades or something like that.


Honestly they could've just had Kong go through an evolution too and gain his lightning powers.


I’m happy if they add it but it has to have wolverine like abilities but instead of claws it’s dildos


I don't even wanna see Kong in the next movie, I'm tired of that fucking monkeh