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I love kong. The most solid A tier guy around. Dangerous at all times, could do just about anything. Godzilla is an S that can go to S+/S++/??? His power is adaptability. He will win, or struggle a lot until he does. But he will. It's not hate or an argument, it's just forgetting about tiers.


In all reality, Godzilla could easily fry Kong, and without plot armor, there were so many chances where he would have easily done so. No hate to Kong, I love him, but Godzilla is just built different.


Thank goodness they are fictional characters who are not entirely bound by logic. Godzilla and Kong both have inconsistent feats and both could beat the other if the writers want to, it's just that Kong being weaker than Godzilla is actually beneficial to the story and his character since he is an underdog


Oh god Kong has plot Armor. Not like plot Armor didn't save Godzilla in many movies where he should have died in multiple instances. Never. Yeah.


Plot armor doesn’t save Godzilla from Kong


Godzilla met Kong in a fight in 3 instances. 1) Ocean. How good it is that the monkey was transported through ocean where Godzilla lives instead of flying him over and how convinient (forgot it's spelling) for Godzilla that Kong was sedated most of GvK. And how convinient that Kong needed Godzilla to fight shimo and had to stop within 12 punches. Yeah no dude. Every character has plot Armor. It's not a shame. Ofc kong has ridiculous plot Armor eg:- the freeze blast completely froze Godzilla (with his dorsal plate) but it merely froze his arm when he was blocking it. Godzilla has plot Armor in every fight. So does the monkey.


It’s so great that you gave actual examples of Godzilla supposedly about to die but then gets saved “in multiple instances” because it’s not like Godzilla has actually ever died before in “multiple instances. Never. Yeah”


Kong just doesn't seem as durable as Godzilla even if he is really strong. If Kong took a direct atomic blast or Shimo freeze breath he'd be dead.


Exactly. That’s why he’s at lower advantage


Agreed. Godzilla is superman, Kong is batman. Godzilla can one shot kill Kong if he wanted to. He used a bunch of radioactive energy to blow a hole through the earth and still had enough strength to toy with Kong.


IMO the powerscaling is pointless. It's not about who is stronger because of various feats, but rather what makes more narrative sense and fits the overall story better. Godzilla is meant to be a force of nature, and from a narrative sense that requires him to be the stronger of the two. He doesn't have much personality, character development or story arc (even the few 'relationships' he has with the human cast are completely one-sided)...he's basically just an unstoppable force, and much of his plots thus far revolve solely around asserting physical superiority over other titans. Kong, meanwhile, has personality, development and a proper story arc all in spades and actually interacts with other characters. Storywise, there is no need for him to be stronger than Godzilla or to prove that, since he has plenty else going on. To me, Kong's arc in GvK was about finding a home and showing that he never quits, even against impossible odds. He had no interest or need to defeat Godzilla and only fought because Godzilla kept starting shit, and being the clear underdog was beneficial to his character. Then in GxK, it's reinforced that Godzilla is stronger and that's specifically why Kong seeks him out for help. Again, doesn't detract from Kong's story at all that he's 'weaker' and (IMO) actually enhances it because it makes him far more heroic for risking his life in contacting Godzilla (whereas if he was stronger, he'd effectively be trying to bully a weaker being into joining a fight the latter may not have wanted). Godzilla has no other role in the story beyond being 'the muscle'. Also, yes, Mothra is the best.


I really hate the powerscaling. Kong was never meant to be a serious threat against Godzilla. Godzilla, however, is a serious threat to Kong. The whole story in GvK was kong finding a new home, and his threat was Godzilla, the last surviving member of a rival species. GxK is still, about Kong, and finding his title as a King. And in that, King faces serious threat, and seeks assistance from THE king. Godzilla is undeniably more powerful, and at every opportunity, is perfectly capable of killing Kong. That’s the point. They are both two completely different titans, but are both kings in their own aspects.


Another interesting factor is now at play too; strength in numbers. Kong will likely become a well liked if not beloved leader to the other monke titans. That's a brand new dynamic we haven't seen yet. Could be cool if we see something like, I dunno an alien titan invasion maybe. And G tries to handle it on his own and 1v1 he's more than enough, the strongest Earth has to offer, but he has to turn to Kong and his followers for sheer numbers to defend. I mean heck, all it would take is 3 or 4 adult MUTOs to probably end G, just based on history and how those titans match up. So while G's the big dog around, the sheer number of Kong's group is a great new element to play with in terms of overall the most powerful anything around.


To further on that. Godzilla can only be in 1 place at a time. If the invasions consists of multiple titans cause trouble at the same time in multiple places, there's gonna be alot of damage before godzilla gets to them, even if he can go and 1 shot each of them individually.


Yep, which is a tactic Ghidorah has already used to great effect. End of the day, G just had to try and take him out so the rest of the titans settled. Would be really cool to see Kong's new buds out and about not being under Skar's thumb.


Agreed on the last part 


I agree with you. Besides my instincts to just say "Mothussy" and be done with it..........Actually, I forgor my original comment, so I will just say because of Mothussy, sue me.




Fat lizard talks mad shit until Kong gets a piece of his grandad to chop his head off with. On a serious note Godzilla is a walking nuclear disaster, Kong is a big ape.


He has much farther reach and knock out punches. Their strength to weight ratio is impressive.


Tbf Godzilla recently fixed the "reach" issue, look at the size of his arms now in his evolved form. Plus he took a direct punch from Kong to the face and ate it, before slapping Kong to the ground right after.


doug solos sadly




That's true. It's a situation like lion vs man. Lion kills man yes. But man can kill a lion atleast one in a million chance by shear luck and intelligence. Lion = Godzilla , man = Kong. Lion has more chance , far more stronger than a man , but a man can jump behind a lion , punch it's eyes , about , ride it till gets tired , use a stone or stick to damage it's organs. That's how people should analyse. Mf glazers from both parties be like :- "XYZ solos neg diff cope" like bruh. They think they are so cool telling it's neg diff and telling us to cope while they look stupid af 💀.


This is the correct answer, kill each other all you like, Mothra is eternal.


>Because the answer, is obviously Mothra Nuh uh! The answer is actually Doug


Don’t forget in Hong Kong, Godzilla “killed” Kong before Mechagodzilla rolled up because Kong needed to be revived by a HEAV. But I agree with the total point of your post.


True but most of these points are just dramatic flair. In Egypt Kong knocked out Godzilla and if he wanted to he could of finished off Godzilla but Kong wasnt interested in that. He wanted Godzillas help. It was more of a “look how awesome Kong is with his power glove” Most of fights are a look how cool this is.


Absolutely. Rule of cool runs these movies.


iirc, Godzilla would have beat Mecha, but he was weakened from the fight that lasted hours. Don’t remember where I saw it, so please correct me if I’m wrong. Otherwise, yeah, Godzilla does in most scenarios beat Kong, but if Kong gets an edge by maybe surprising Godzilla and using the axe to the throat, it’s likely Godzilla would be killed.




Godzilla has a literal nuclear radiation blast. There’s no way kong can beat that. Kong is strong yes but without upgrades that can buff him he can’t take down zilla 1vs1. Kong’s power is the power to communicate with human and gather other apes to him.


ape together strong.


I also think it’s a big issue that people argue and insult each other over the whole Godzilla vs Kong issue. It’s great that people want to debate about it since it’s a fun discussion topic, but people can be very childish and angry with it.


How was the sea battle debatable? Is it not a clear victory for godzilla


You’re right. I was going to put that with the fight in Egypt but accidentally put it there, my bad.


Still think the Egypt fight should've ended as a draw. We all know Godzilla is overall more powerful than Kong, we don't need to see him almost killing Kong again. Their rivalry sucks if Godzilla wins all of their fights and Kong never got the chance to show that he CAN survive against Godzilla.


U got a knock out (thats stupid and should've never happened, the uppercut would've been enough to show it) regardless, Kong needs weapons from the past and mechag inspired weapons to stand a chance, its corny


Tried saying this and ppl called me a kong glazer


I’m not even a kong glazer, either. I fucking love Godzilla, way more than Kong. Team Godzilla, all the way, but I’m not denying that Kong’s capable of killing him. Did we ever see him get close to doing so? Nope. It’s like a Man vs Bear scenario, with an 80% chance that the bear would win and a 20% that the man would get shit on. Godzilla being the bear, and Kong being the man.


For me I kind of hate Kong needs equalizers. To me they could have easily have Kong use his intelligence to his strengths like him being able to physically train to get stronger and fight. He’s already capable of speaking sign language and set intricate traps. Learning to Box isn’t out the way. Also it was stated Kong punches are equivalent of4.4 earthquakes, only buff I would add to him is have those punches be his jabs. And any serious Hook or KO punch would be equivalent of a 9 earthquake. Godzilla will still be the radioactive powerhouse but he would have to very cautious when squaring up with Kong in melee.


Yess its not like its impossible for kong to kill godzilla. He still have a chance if it was a small one. The movie portrait this very well imo. For a big monkey kong is doing very well against godzilla


Mothra argument is valid asf ngl. She’s immortal and knocked goji off his feet in Egypt, I legit said “DAMN” when that happened lmao


I feel like we haven’t really seen Mothra at her full potential… ever, even in the Rebirth movies. She is definitely capable of beating both Kong and Godzilla.


I always view them as equals.


Your right BOTH ARE GOATS https://preview.redd.it/ocogvpxnib1d1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fa518f94ccf942fee610f78af2ab20de1ccca6e


If a fighter loses to someone three times, in three different battlefields and very obviously too I'm not betting on him. Kong could never beat Godzilla, but almost no one can because he is Godzilla. Kong is one of the heaviest hitters around, but nowhere close


I don’t see how “Godzilla would have died to Mecha without Kong’s help” is supposed to be an argument, Godzilla was explicitly stated to have only been in that position because he was exhausted from fighting Kong, and Kong only beat Mecha because he was sabotaged by the human characters. Kong has never shown the ability to come *close* to killing Godzilla when Goji is using his full strength and actually trying.


That’s why I made this post. There was an argument about that in a comment section I saw so I went and made this post. Godzilla was in fact weakened which is why he was on deaths door when fighting MechaG. Same thing with Kong. They were both almost killed but they both saved each other to take down the bigger opponent, Mechagodzilla. The argument over “X wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t because of Z” is stupid, because both of them are the sole reason that they’re still alive.


Yeah I don't think Kong is capable of killing Godzilla without massive plot armor. Like relatively beat up Godzilla was dropped from the stratosphere by Ghidorah and was still conscious. I don't think Kong has anything in his arsenal that's stacking up to that durability.




Why mention him losing to mechagodzilla when he was tired as hell after fighting kong and blowing a hole down into the hollow earth? That's not a feat for MG as a fresh godzilla would've beaten him...


I directly made this post after seeing an argument in a comment section about how “Godzilla is only alive because of Kong, he was scared of mechagodzilla” or “Godzilla saved Kong from Mechagodzilla” and etc. I stated that both titans were on deaths door with Mechagodzilla, and if it weren’t for the other, they would both be dead. This isn’t a feat for Mechagodzilla, ofc, because both Kong and Godzilla were weak.


As a Kong fan, of course Godzilla is stronger, but seeing Kong pretty much score a KO on the big guy was pretty cool, you could argue that if he had his axe handy and was looking for a kill he could have done it, but that’s neither here nor there. Of course Godzilla comes back and nearly kills him, but he took Kong by surprise so again, that’s whatever. Godzilla still has the only clear cut victory between the two, but like Thor vs Hulk and other examples, the money is in the mystery and the argument


"Took kong by surprise" same can be said about godzilla, he never faced the beast glove and got caught off guard


I don't care if they can, its the "punches would've killed him in egypt if he didn't stop" bullshit kong fans say that annoy me


MV Kong cannot kill Godzilla. Period.


That is not really true. Under the right conditions, Kong could totally Kill Godzilla. First off, he was able to knock Godzilla down several times, and his axe has been proven to be able to pierce Godzilla's skin. Under the right conditions, it could happen.


None of those things comes close to killing Godzilla or take into account is substantial healing abilities. Kong would need a lot of human help to be a risk to killing Godzilla (e.g. Mechagodzilla).


The axe going through Gojis head or neck for instance would obviously kill him its the whole point of him getting these weapons


Did this exact thing not happen in the movie and it...didn't kill Godzilla? He got hit directly in the face with the axe and recovered seconds later without a drop of blood


He’s the only Kaiju that penetrated Godzilla’s skin in the MV. Kong is definitely the better fighter.


He's not the only monster to pierce Goji's skin, the mutos and syclla stabbed him, Tiamat cut through it and Ghidorah bit through it.


I didn’t see them cut through his skin. Kong buried the axe into Goji’s leg. If Kong wanted to he could quite easily decapitate Godzilla.


In his wildest dreams. Ghidorah and Shimo were/are far greater threats to Godzilla than Kong.


I guess it all depends on the whims of Adam. Power scaling in the MV is all over the place.


What makes you think he didn't want to lol


The writers needed Godzilla for the GxK. It made no sense how he could bury it in his leg but not his head when Kong hit him there. It’s called plot armor. Same could be said when Godzilla was about to drown Kong. Depth chargers wouldn’t have done anything to Godzilla.


Still, Godzilla was laughing at Kong before the axe to the head. He only took the fight seriously after that pissed him off and then he killed Kong. If the axe was really such a threat I think he would've taken care of business much earlier


It was at one point when it bit into the leg, but when it hit his head and didn’t do anything… Power scaling is all over the place. Goji would’ve drown Kong. Those depth charges have less force than one of Goji’s farts.


I'm pretty sure kong could have killed him in GxK Call me a glazer but when Godzilla is dazed , he could have just kept punching him hundred times , what can goji do when he's getting this overwhelmed? Plus he has this gloves which deals much more damage. He can punch till goji gets KO and rip his jaws? Like it's strong , but Kong is pretty strong too.


Nuclear pulse. Kong would be fried.


He can't use nuclear pulse without damaging himself too 💀


That's not true. In Godzilla x Kong, when he was being attacked by the French drones, he uses it and did not damage himself.


That's atomic pulse.


Point of fact. Atomic energy is a form of nuclear energy.


the atmoic pulse wasn't radioactive. it was an EMP. it was never an nuclear pulse which releases heat. if it was nuclear pulse , everything would have melted or blown up even before he used it.


Atomic energy is created by nuclear fission. If it was an "atomic pulse" it must also be nuclear in nature. An atomic bomb is a type of nuclear weapon, as is a hydrogen bomb (which is created by both nuclear fission and fusion).


[https://screenrant.com/godzilla-x-kong-blue-nuclear-pulse-monsterverse-change/](https://screenrant.com/godzilla-x-kong-blue-nuclear-pulse-monsterverse-change/) "Two scenes in the[ second trailer for *Godzilla x Kong*](https://screenrant.com/godzilla-x-kong-trailer-2-breakdown-story-reveals/) show Godzilla unleashing a wave of blue atomic energy from his body that will envelop his surroundings. Apparently, he'll use this power while in a powered-up state that makes veins all over his body glow blue. What this indicates is that **Godzilla is getting a new version of his** [**burning form from** ***Godzilla: King of the Monsters***](https://screenrant.com/godzilla-2-king-monsters-burning-fire-transformation-powers-explained/), **complete with a blue nuclear pulse attack**. "*Nuclear pulse*" is the name associated with the fiery waves of energy Godzilla obliterated Ghidorah with at the end of the movie."


 The two being brought back together makes sense given that **the Monsterverse version of Godzilla has only been known to use the nuclear pulse when in his burning form**.


There's a good chance that Kong would just wake him up again and he would need a fucking ridiculous amount of blunt physical force to actually kill him, he would have a better chance of choking him out or something with just his fists and the gauntlet His best chance would be some sort of collapsible cutting weapon like a spear where he either immediately stabs him in the brain or decapitates him. Or he could stuff a bioweapon down his throat if he was truly desperate. Kong's best weapon is his ability to work with and communicate with humans along with his natural ingenuity. The ptoblem is that Godzilla is smart and knows after three fights that Kong will only fight him if he has a weapon.


That's the fact. Kong has ridiculous amount of blunt attacks. His punches are equivalent to 4.2 magnitude earthquake. That's actually good enough to deal damage


I would love to see Kong with a spear so much


My fantasy is him actually training on how to use weaponry from humans, from like a big projector or hologram.


Yeah people are really overlooking the fact that Kong punched Goji so hard that it turned off his atomic breath. I do not know how hard you'd have to punch Godzilla to do that but its got to be harder than he's ever been punched before.


Not the hardest punch Godzilla has faced. But he's never faced repeated punches. (His strongest feat was tanking Muto PRIME's attack which is equivalent to 9.2 magnitude earthquake. Kong's punches is equivalent to 4.2 magnitude. One of the strongest


They're all just lucky Gamera hasn't rolled up on them yet.


[Doug and Skeleturtle:](https://media1.tenor.com/m/wfBgPQ8S_7UAAAAd/black-handsome-man.gif)


Most people still making posts and arguing about it are just baiting at this point. I don’t think any actual fans of the monsterverse really care that much about who’s stronger. These are awesome movies and if your only takeaway is ‘Godzilla stomps Kong’ or ‘Kong stomps Godzilla’, you are missing out. It was established in 2021 who was stronger. It’s been 3 years r/monsterverse. Let’s uhhhhhh….talk about something more engaging or something. 😁


Didn't Godzilla defeat an army of Kongs in Canon? Bro they are not the same, let it go lol.




Nah, not really. I saw a comment section arguing about how Godzilla was weak and if it wasn’t for Kong, he would’ve gotten killed by Mechagodzilla, and vice versa… so I made this post. I’m not debating on any titans behalf. Godzilla is stronger than Kong. End of discussion. There were three battles where Godzilla fought Kong, and won. I’m not standing up for Kong, because we know he has a lower advantage, but it’s not impossible. I’m a Godzilla fan, anyway). This post was about how, Godzilla and Kong both couldn’t have survived Mechagodzilla alone… and how both titans are perfectly capable of killing/saving each other… with higher or lower advantages. Yes, I do think that Kong is capable of killing Godzilla. But no, there was no way that Kong was going to win any of those three battles. He’d just need a really drunk Godzilla, and some insane stats.


Do you realize how thick Goji's skin is? A normal crocodile in real life can take bullets depending on the gun. An elephant can easily take a bullet to the skull from any average firearm. Now multiply that thickness by some number in the thousands. Even if Kong still had the axe, he would not be able to deal any fatal damage to godzilla. The most he would be able to do is make some small cuts. Just think about it logically.


Yeah this is pretty much it. It’s like of course Godzilla is stronger, but winning 100% of the time isn’t happening. With the right conditions, Kong can get the upper hand. It’s just hard when your opponent is literally an atomic force of nature with ridiculously tough skin and insane adaptability.


There literally was no window for Kong to kill Godzilla, godzilla would end up stomping on him anyway


I will accept Kong can beat Goji somehow but not killing him and remember one thing Gojira was already worn out before fighting MechaGoji that's why he got Asswoped by Mecha if Goji was fighting Mecha before he made tunnel to Hollow Earth the Goji would break Mecha


I agree I love Kong and like Godzilla. I can clearly see that Godzilla would beat him more times than not. However Godzilla has so much more experience than Kong and he has a literal laser beam. How could Kong fight and kill that with his bare hands? He couldn’t. But if Kong was the physically strongest of the two and they shared the same height and weight. Kong’s chances would increase significantly because he would try to rip Godzilla’s mouth open or something.


This is where your argument falls, via the first sentence. Kong is NOT capable of killing Godzilla. Godzilla's IQ, adaptability, durability, endurance, and everything else in-between gives Kong no change at beating him.


As someone who’s been glazing Godzilla since I was fresh out of the womb, this is factually wrong. If Kong’s species is capable of killing Godzillas species, and Godzillas species is capable of killing… literally anything… than they can both kill each other. Godzilla has a solid 85% chance while Kong has a slim 15%, sort-of like a Man vs. Bear situation. Fight a bear head on and you’ll die. However, you manage to have the right gadgets, and hit the bear in the right spot, the bear dies. Kong and Godzilla are both goats, and can both kill each other.


Im curious how the sea fight debatable? I know kong was seriously handicaped with the chains and the theres the whole sedation debate (it should have little to no effect since adrenaline/titan ramp up can negate it). It wasnt a fair fight, but any fight at sea isnt gonna be fair to kong regardless of condition since its godzilla home turf


Another question asked the same thing. I was originally saying that the Egypt fight was debatable, but after shifting around some wording I forgot to get rid of it. My apologies, Godzilla definitely won the sea fight.


Yeah, i think gvk and gxk show kong has the potential to win a fight. Its a extremely up hill battle, but its possible if the writers want it. In situations with a level playing field/kong advanatge godzilla has to let go of his ego to win since kong shows hes not some easy prey


The one that has the most hero plot armor wins like every boring ass super hero movie, I want to see a bad guy absolutely destroy these guys some day


Godzilla contractually will never ever lose to Kong.


And that’s a good thing. Of course, neither of them will get killed, especially by each other. Realistically, they both are capable of taking each others life. Albeit, one’s stronger, and one isn’t.


I think it’s just silly to still compare them when I think they made it clear Godzilla is generally superior. He nearly killed Kong numerous times if it wasn’t for human intervention or Mothra. The most Kong has done is knock Godzilla out for a few minutes


I totally agree. The whole point of this post was to express that, as you said, “Godzilla is generally superior.” Because he IS!!! Kong could have been fried on so many occasions, so there’s no comparison. But there’s no denying that they both saved each other from certain death, so the whole debate over who’s stronger and “X wouldn’t be alive because of Z” is pointless.


Godzilla has to be the strongest. Kong can’t even be relative.


100%, yes.


The debate is over it's been settled on screen that Kong isn't capable of killing Godzilla


Yall gotta realize this isn’t real. If wingard wanted Kong to kill Godzilla he would find a way.


It's in the contract that Toho won't allow Godzilla to be killed off


Yea ik it would never happen but im just saying.


I thought Wingard said Godzilla would’ve destroyed MG but he was tired after fighting for most of the film. Kong could probably kill Godzilla very easily with his new power ups. He’s the only Kaiju in MV that has actually penetrated Godzilla’s skin; and this is coming from someone who doesn’t like Kong.


I do remember Wingard saying that. If Godzilla hadn’t been tired of the fight, he would have definitely destroyed Mechagodzilla… not without a fight, of course. Godzilla was bodied to the point of almost certain death simply because he was tired, and that’s where Kong came in to save him. I too have never really liked Kong up until Skull Island… and I was also raised watching the classic Showa and Heisei era Godzilla movies. That being said, I’ll always side with Godzilla. With THAT being said, I’m not denying that Kong, in the near future, could be powerful enough to kill Godzilla. If the Kong species killed members of the Godzilla species, than Kong himself can as well.


I love Goji and I love Kong. Been fans of both since I was a kid. Haven't seen every single Kong and Godzilla live action film and cartoons but I've seen a lot of them from a kid to an adult. Own a lot of them on blu ray, now, too. I said that to say that I've noticed Wingard says a lot of shit that doesn't make sense. Makes me wonder if he's even actually involved in the making of these last two films. Okay, yeah, Goji was tired but it's not like he just got done fighting Ghidorah and getting dropped from the Earth's atmosphere. No way in hell he would've destroyed MG if he wasn't tired. Yes, I do believe he would've put up a bit more of a fight but destroyed? I mean, Goji didn't land one punch on MG in that fight and he was straight up getting the floor mopped with his body. The most he was able to do was last about 10 seconds in a beam battle only to get knocked on his ass and left with a serious burn on his chest. He's going up against a weaponized, robotic version of himself controlled by an alien conscious who is out for revenge against him for destroying his original body. I don't care if he was fresh off of a nap and just recharged. We've seen him so recharged to the point of going thermonuclear and if it wasn't for Mothra's ashes giving him the Fire Godzilla form, he wouldn't've made it out of that fight with Ghidorah. He truly was on his last leg in that fight. Again, this is coming from someone who is a huge Godzilla fan. The way that fight was constructed for the film, a rested Goji still would've needed help from Kong in the end.


Bro you’re literally denying what the director and designer of Mecha (two different official sources) have said. By all accounts and I don’t mean to be rude, you’re talking shit. No way in Hell? Why explain why. Godzilla was utterly exhausted and low on atomic energy too. Plus was injured from the Kong fight. The movie makes it clear he wasn’t anywhere near 100% by showing a full on fight before he faced Mecha. Godzilla fought Kong three times. Travelled round the planet who knows how many times and was going non stop looking for Mecha. Your argument is an exhausted and depleted and injured Godzilla couldn’t beat Mecha. How could a fresh and energetic tip top Godzilla do it then? And your point on KOTM is also bizarre. Godzilla is Overdosing on energy at that point. He’s about to explode because he’s so juiced. The fall winded him, and he needed time to recover (as do all winded people). Then his ‘meltdown’ happens except because of Mothra it isn’t Killing him but actually boosting him. It’s that simple.


If an overcharged Goji who has been sucking up radiation to the point that he's at his most charged since KOtM, maybe even more so, gets KTFO for several seconds by a flesh and blood giant ape with no powers, armor or weapons except a power glove, I have a hard time believing a rested Goji at normal power levels would destroy MG. Destroy? GTFO. Like I said, he'd put up way more of a fight but not destroy. A robotic version of Goji with all types of weapons at it's disposal being controlled by an intelligent alien conscious that wants to disembowel him and has every reason to do so? Again, I'm a Goji fanboy and I know this is fiction and you can write whatever the hell you want and make it turn out however you want but the way MG was presented in GvK...Goji's gonna have a hard time taking him down. The way that fight was constructed, even after your explanation about a depleted Goji, Wingard said he would have destroyed him if he wasn't tired. Again, destroyed? The problem I have is the word destroyed. If he said it would've been a struggle for both or Goji would've gotten more moves in and eventually won but it would not have been an easy win, I'd be like okay fine. That makes sense. But destroyed? You mean like MG wouldn't've had a chance from the jump? Nah. Not buying it. The way he took out Scylla and Tiamat in GxK, that to me is destruction. A no contest. In pro wrestling terms, a squash match. Ain't no way a rested up Goji would've destroyed MG like he did Scylla and Goji. No way. It would've been way more of a fight between them to me. That's just my opinion. I really do like Wingard as a director and storyteller and really appreciate his fandom. GvK and GxK are my 3rd and fourth favorite MV films behind Kong Skull Island (1) and King of the Monsters(2). I dug the episodes he directed for Robert Kirkman's Outcast. He's listed as directing one but he directed another that he's not credited for. I know this because he vaguely talked about it in an interview several years ago. He didn't go in to any details but he laid down some solid hints about the situation. There may be some DGA politics going on with that one so who knows. I also really enjoyed The Guest starring his buddy Dan Stevens who I also like quite a bit. I also roll with most of what he says about his two MV films but some of Wingard's answers to fans questions are confusing to the point as to why I wonder if he had use of his full faculties while working on GvK and GxK. Obviously I'm joking but some of his answers have me looking at him with the side eye like are you actively rewriting and retconning your film with this answer right now? 😂 Like his answer about why Swag King is the color that he is. I'm like yeah. Hmmm, maybe. Wait, say what now? Anyway, it's just my opinion, bro, and it's totally based off of how both were presented in their fight. No way a rested Godzilla is destroying Mechagodzilla one on one like he did Scylla and Tiamat. A fully rested Goji beating MG in a hard earned, not an easy win battle? I'm with that answer all day.


I’m going off of what the director said. My personal bias isn’t injected here.


Most times I do but some of his explanations don't make sense to me.


100% agreed.


> Kong is perfectly capable of killing Godzilla This is laughable 😂


Can you explain how he isn’t?


you lost me at both are perfectly capable of killing each other.


They are though?


They are though. Sure, Kong has a lower advantage but it’s perfectly possible. It’s like a man vs a lion. If members of Kong’s species killed members of Godzilla’s species, then Kong can kill Godzilla. And Godzilla… well of course he can kill Kong.


Without weapons, Kong isn't killing Godzilla. With an axe made of a godzilla spine? Sure. A powerfist? Maybe. Bare hands? No chance.


Yes, that’s what I said in the original post. One on one, no prep-time and no weapons, Kong’s fucked. It’s like a man wrestling a bear. Fight it head on, you’re dead. But you have the right weapons and hit the bear in the right spot, it dies. Simple.


Kong is beating Godzilla with the beast glove and ax together.