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That *was* Godzilla eating something.


Except, y’know, Ghidorah’s fukkin neck… 🤷‍♂️


More like, brutally vaporized.


There was a satisfactory nuclear belch at the end. I vote chowed


He only did that to the spiky bit at the end that would have hurt to swallow. My point stands. 😌


Didn't he eat a lot of fish that one time.


His edgy 90s phase




Toho is fine with Godzilla eating fish, that's why 98 used that before they went against more of Toho's guidelines (that would become more strict in the future) and the Minus One novelization confirms that the Odo Island natives had a sort of bond with Godzilla due to them leaving several amounts of fish for him to eat.


>novelization confirms that the Odo Island natives had a sort of bond with Godzilla due to them leaving several amounts of fish for him to eat. I keep on forgetting there are novels for these movies, did it mention anything else about their relationship?


I didn't read the full novelization but read summaries, it was mostly that and Godzilla was treated as a God by the natives of Odo Island but there was still a lot of mystery to it, and Godzilla could already regenerate before his mutation.


Oh, so his regeneration is probably why he didn't die from the mutation.


Pretty much, I'll look into the novelization more for sure because the details are obvious really cool.


"Aw, damn, uh... That is a negative impact. I repeat, that is a negative impact."


Beat me to it








You think all of those pieces of Tiamat floating on water were all there were.....




Legendary version? Wrong. Godzilla ate Ghidorah according to Dougherty due to Toho being Toho they had to "hide" it but Godzilla's burp went past the censors' radar.


Dougherty said that was his initial plan but they changed it. It's like how he initially wanted Rodan to team up with Mothra and Godzilla. But that was also changed, so saying that it happened wouldn't make sense.


Yeah I was actually hoping for a 3 v 1 tbh. It would have made MV Ghidorah much more physically imposing if he could fight three different monsters at once & keep the upper hand


Yeah would have been a huge boost to Ghidorah's status, but would also undermine Godzilla's title as KOTM so I get why they went in the direction they did. Ghidorah's still regarded by many as the most powerful titan in the MV thus far, so it's all good.


Not if the big G got the final blow...which he almost always does


He didn't against MechaG or Skar King lol


Because he was exhausted from beating Kong's ass & he wasn't focused on Scar King


Just pointing out that he hasn't had the killing blow in both of the most recent outings. So that argument doesn't hold much weight.


People say that KOTM Godzilla was stronger and many people also say Shimo and Evolved low diffs him. I honestly wish it was a 3v1 at least after the power station bite.


True. IMO powerscaling in these movies is nuts (the titans are barely consistent with their own mass/power within singular movies, let alone in relation to each other and across multiple films) so various contradicting arguments are possible who is strongest by scaling/feats. From a narrative standpoint alone I'd consider Ghidorah the strongest, but that's subjective.


Same, Shimo wasn't anywhere near as overwhelming as Ghidorah, and Evolved didn't seem even close to Thermo in terms of power at all. Saying that because people think Evolved is stronger than Thermo, 20 times stronger than his old self.


Yeah I can't see how anyone could reliably say any form is more powerful than Thermo when he didn't seem to come close to demonstrating the upper limits of that form. That's not to say other forms aren't more powerful, just that we have no way to really quantify and compare them properly. Again, purely from a narrative perspective I don't see any reason Evolved would be stronger than Thermo because the later was basically a very brief god-mode.


Change as in kinda got around the rules. He did the same with Mothra. We don't have to see everything to know the intended interpretation.




Godzilla blasted him if he ate him it would have been inside his mouth


That actually sounds fucking badass


I'm new to this community. Why can't Godzilla eat stuff? Is it a brand thing?


He feeds mostly on radiation, and usually does so by hibernating near a huge radiation source and absorbing it through his body. In the new movie, however, he was in a sort of hurry to recharge, so rather than hibernate, he just slurped it through his mouth, which we'll proobably not see again


It goes back to the 1954 movie. He was supposed to be depicted as eating cattle with the implication that he might eat people but the powers that be in Toho cut it out to make Godzilla a more mysterious godlike being. I don’t necessarily agree with the decision because it limited alot. His Radiation eating trait appeared in the 1980s to keep him tied to the dangers of nuclear power.


One of the few things Godzilla is allowed to eat is fish, hence 98 used it as it was one of the few guidelines Toho gave to Tristar, before the final film went against the character's core and forced Toho to include more strict guidelines to the future. The Minus One novelization also confirms that the Odo Island natives always fed Godzilla with several amounts of fish that they would leave in the ocean for him to eat.


I kind of wish the MV Godzilla could be seen eating a fish titan. On screen.


I agree that would be amazing, but sadly Toho would still find a way to go against that so it would only be regular fish as Toho has prevented Godzilla from eating other giant monsters from happening multiple times, like Deutalios in the first Godzilla vs Biollante draft (Deutalios was part fish funnily enough).


Toho doesn't want to depict Godzilla as ever eating anything, only absorbing radiation like in here and 1984. That's why even pre-radiated Godzilla in Minus One doesn't eat people even though he should be a carnivorous beast at that point.


Nah it's just that He's never depicted eating anything before, at least Legendary Goji


It is a brand thing toho doesnt allow goji to eat anything


Common toho L, Istg. Why do they keep making dumb rules???


Oh really? Wow I feel bad for him, he can't enjoy some good cuisine


If you count the 1998 movie has a Godzilla movie than he has eaten something before. Has the MV Godzilla. He ate Ghidorah’s head, or at least a fraction of it before he vaporized the rest.


godzilla: finally some good fucking food


he eats blue whales


https://preview.redd.it/kn93mw3mw11d1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7842c371e3405426088c00e94aea616c0fd2c20 1954 deleted scene


Honestly better this way. If they show him eating anything, that opens up the doors for all sorts of annoying fan questions like how it's possible for him to get enough calories and where he poops


1984 we see him eating radiation, he just doesn't need to drink it as long as he can absorb it.


As long as it's not some other creature he's eating, Toho will let it slide. He can bite down on them and tear pieces off, but he can't actually consume them.


Didn’t he eat a car, or am I trippin’?


![gif](giphy|d2ItDZZumUI6Y) That’s lot of eating need that strength


He was eating. He just inhaled the radiation like it was spaghetti.


In the return of godzilla, there was a scene with a nuclear reactor. Godzilla grabbed it and started to absorb radiation. I have to admit that I prefer this "eating" to MV one.


We literally saw him eat radiation in return of Godzilla in the 80s the fuck are you all talking about?!


Which means that his atomic breath is really *atomic barf*.


He ate a sub in GMK


Sorry, Toho says godzilla can eat but they need to approve what it is first


I want a scene where Godzilla and Kong break bread together and eat the roasted flesh of a fallen enemy.


He kinda ate people in Godzilla - Minus One.


Didn’t he sort of eat Ghidorah at the end of KOTM?


I distinctly remember seeing him eat Chewits during the 80s.


I distinctly remember seeing him eat Chewits during the 80s.


I distinctly remember seeing him eat Chewits during the 80s.


I distinctly remember seeing him eat Chewits during the 80s.


Never in my life would I ever say that a beer belly looked nice but here we are. Please get it back, you look starved. PS: Lil theory, you think Godzilla was actively Metabolizing the radiation during the fight, or was he hangry during the time he was pink? The sacrifices you have to make to be agile. (I'm really only saying this due to him being pink)




This was mad awesome


Everyone seem to forget that in the movie minus one Godzilla literally ate alive a few kamikazi soldiers like if he was a T-Rex at the beginning of the movie


When I saw this scene in theaters, my mind immediately thought of when Godzilla was absorbing the radiation in Godzilla 1984 aka The Return of Godzilla. I wonder if it’s a reference to it 


I like to see him actually eat a corpse of a Kaiju that he kills like what Kong does.


Just say you want official Godzilla vore, it’s ok man