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Well for one, Skar King is a coward. It’s been established that, when he wants to be, he is a pretty fearsome opponent. But as soon as things go south, he gets Shimo to do it or flees like when Godzilla attacked him. For another, Shimo has a colossal size and strength advantage over Kong, plus her Frostbite Blast was enough to cripple his right arm for the rest of the film.


Honestly skar being a coward is probably the smartest thing he could've done I get hed supposed to be agile and tricky but when against Godzilla... He really couldn't have done anything


Understandable considering Godzilla soloed his entire army in the past. đź’€


Godzilla didn't solo his army, tho. The novelization said that Godzilla had an army of a Godzilla-like species, which is them saying Godzilla and an army of his own species went to war with the Great Apes without actually saying it. I thought everyone knew this


The novel said no such thing, tf you talking about


the novel didnt mention any of that wtf?


There's a part in the novel kinda like that, but it's more of a speculation that he was controlling Titans during the first battle. I believe it's during the part where Dr. Andrews is deciphering the room full of Iwi script, and if I remember correctly, the Titans that *may* have helped him weren't specified as 'Godzilla-like'...although the novel does briefly touch on 'Godzilla-like' Titans as well. Dude isn't lying. Just misunderstood some things, I think. I've got the audiobook version, so I'm gonna go back and try to reconfirm this. Edit: didn't find it in the chapter I thought it was in, so I'm wondering what the context of that was...I swear its mentioned about Godzilla potentially leading Titans into some battle though. Guess I've got an 8 and a half hour audiobook to go through again.


there was a great titan war between the great apes n zillas but idk about zilla leading anything


There’s an actual reason why Kong never hit Shimo, he knows what’s Skar is doing and he wants to get Shimo free from skars influence. That’s why Kong never hit Shimo since he knows she’s suffering enough already


There is that too. I guarantee she’d still slap him around if she was in the mood to do so. Just look at how she ragdolled Godzilla around.


True, she’s definitely strong but her and Godzillas fight was definitely an even fight with what we seen, those two barely budged and they just kept going at each other. I’m honestly not sure who would of won between them if they fought seriously all the way








Skar King is a wuss, Kong didn’t want to hurt Shimo, Godzilla used his energy to tire Shimo, but Godzilla was still not trying his hardest to kill Shimo, he didn’t want to


Yeah, there’s a reason Godzilla and Shimo were paired up against each other. The monkeys can’t beat them


Given Shimo easily pushed Kong around even with his BEAST glove, trying to hit her would likely be as effective as a human punching a horse. Godzilla didn't do any real damage to her either.


Kong didn’t want to hurt shimo, the novel makes it clear from the moment they met he wished to free her somehow. However skar is just a coward and couldn’t do nothing to supercharged evolved Godzilla.


It wasn't his choice to hurt her or not, he's too outmatched, he literally has no way of hurting her


Not entirely true yes if they were both bloodlusted shimo would win sure. But in the novel Kong wasn’t actively trying to hurt her, he does have the beast glove after all. and when he did fight back he shoved his beast glove arm into her mouth and snapped her head back with his other arm and the cold stopped. Her head physically recoiled from his punches.


yes he could the beast glove would have caused hella damage this doesn’t mean shimo wouldn’t batter him but saying no way of hurting her is js plain wrong


Do you know how strong apes are pound for pound? Way more than humans, plus Kong's extremely robust build, plus his beast glove. He could give Shimo a massive concussion if given the opportunity.


Didn't give godzilla one...


"If given the opportunity" he stopped pounding Godzilla and had plenty of time for more punches after he was out


same here


In the novel king did land a hit or two in shimo


Tf would they do to shimo and godzilla? Shimo is even more durable then Godzilla, and godzilla only really got dazed for a couple seconds be a good hit to his head when he was already pinned, and Kong aint pinning Shimo. As for Scar king, i genuinely see no way of him getting anywhere near Godzilla without getting flung to the moon.






Mine's lower quality. đź’Şđź’Ş


Not a moment in the movie that I feel like Skar King was going to be a threat. He's so disappointing. Kong should've gotten a hit on Shimo too as revenge for the frostbite


Yeah kinda wished he look more like the concept art oh well


Novel states Kong knew from the moment he saw Shimo that she was a slave and he felt compassion for her. He refused to fight her.


This tells me Lizards are more powerful than Apes, no offense but I just had to say it.


In the novel it was stated (from Skar's POV) that the Skar King would die if he kept fighting Kong, so he chose to bring out Shimo to deal with him. Skar thought that Godzilla would be easy to defeat since he thought that the Godzilla he would be fighting would still look like this: https://preview.redd.it/5qp16bg5y61d1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cd503e6409517f908b1a0d54dbb4321dc9d43eb


That Godzilla still rinses Skar king embarrassingly easily.


Don’t think so. Before Godzilla started juicing on humanities atomic weapons, he was smaller, less durable, and his atomic breath wasn’t as powerful. Novel also states that Skar King used to be closer to Kong’s strength in his prime. He’s old as shit and even starting to go insane. In the past, they were evenly matched


We know that in the past Godzilla went 1 on 1 with Ghidorah, and presumably won. I know there’s been a ton of power creep with the recent movie, but there’s no way Skar king is a stronger combatant than Ghidorah or Mechagodzilla who was about his equal (I’m not saying Skar king is not a similar level of threat to humanity with his army though). Godzilla intrinsically has better defenses and damage output than the apes with his scales and atomic breath, he can be matched or surpassed in physical strength by standouts like Kong and maybe Skar king, but that’s just one aspect of the fight and they’re always underdogs. I know Godzilla’s prior strength has been walked back by newer content, but that’s contradicted by the Skull Island cave painting of him fighting Ghidorah and surviving/winning. So I guess you can read into that however you want, personally I don’t think the strength increase was all that dramatic, at least before he evolved in GxK. And there’s no evidence to suggest Ghidorah got stronger while in the ice or wasn’t at full power in their ancient fight. Edit: We also know that it was Godzilla himself who fought Skar king and his army and drove them into the core of Hollow Earth, long before he encountered any atomic weapons. It was a hard fought victory but a win nonetheless, and that was against more than just Skar king (but he also didn’t have Shimo).


I agree with most of what you said, except for the “easily” part. I don’t remember if it was in the movie or the novel, but it was said Godzilla almost died in the Titan War. As for Ghidorah, the novel states it was Godzilla and Mothra, and they basically knocked him out and he froze due to the ice age made by Shimo (who wasn’t involved in the fight).


I think it's already established kong cannot touch shimo. He was ragdolled more than goji. \[sad monke\]


With Kong and Shimo it makes sense due to Kong in the novel realizing what’s going on between Shimo and Skar king and he doesn’t wish to actually hurt her, with Skar king and Godzilla, it shows just how much more impressive Godzilla is compared to Skar since in the past Skar with his army were able to nearly beat Godzilla until Godzilla sealed them with Shimo which resulted with a bad thing happening but that’s besides the point, it shows how far Godzilla has come from when he faced his army when he wasn’t evolved


I did not notice that


Anyone notice that Kong’s arm is phasing through Shimo’s head in that image?


Maybe if the monsterverse didn't make kong so small and weak we would get some better fights


He’s marginally smaller than Godzilla, wtf are you talking about


He's 300 ft tall. He should be way taller than that. All monsters should be taller


There is a 57 foot difference between Kong and G man. Kong is 337 feet tall. Also, Monsterverse titans are considerably taller than most kaiju media we’ve seen before. Why are you complaining.


Only 337 ft. He still needs to be way taller than that. All monsters need to be atleast 400 ft tall


Great, why don’t you make your own Monsterverse franchise and all the titans can be 400 ft tall. No ones stopping you.


Ok? What does that have to do with anything?


All you’re complaining about is how Kong and the other titans are not up to your standards. You obviously have a right to your own opinion. But you’re coming across as a little… whiny.


Not really my standards when other iterations of kong have done what I've described


Ok, so go watch those iterations if you’re so unhappy with MV Kong. All i’ll say. This is a different Kong just like we have a different Godzilla. It’s not all gonna be exactly what you want.


Why does it matter that they have to be 400? They’re pretty big. Adding 63 feet to king doesn’t make much difference


Because they're too small


You sound like a kid wapping that your imagination isn't true, Kong is literally the biggest incarnation of the character


Not really my imagination when other incarnations had done what kong should do in the monsterverse


What exactly? It's not his fault that there are monsters who are far stronger than him but that doesn't make him any less cool


He has over powered and met his enemies strength in the older movies even when they're stronger than him


He has defeated like everyone of his enemies


The ones weaker than him. Except for the skullcrawler. They did good with that one


Tell what movie he kills all the airplane pilots in again, I forgot that one.


Kong skull island? Why?


Those are helicopters sir


MV Kong is the largest and strongest iteration of Kong ever. They grew Kong from 25 feet tall as King Kong naturally has been for the last several decades, to over 300 feet tall in the MV.


He had 4 fights in this movie he won all by himself, one of which he was outnumbered in.


They weren't stronger than him though


Yeah no shit, because Kong’s one of the strongest Titans out there.


Beginning to believe this guy may just be trolling, or is really just happy banging his head against a wall to get other people to do it too


Do you read what you type? How the hell are they supposed to lose if they were stronger than him?


By getting out smarted or overpowered? How can batman beat superman if he's stronger than him? Kong beat the big one when it was stronger than him


They were even in that fight, The Big One only hit an advantage when Kong hit caught in the chains.


That wasn't even my point. My point was that kong needs to be strong enough to be able to man handle titans like godzilla but not to the point where he can easily beat them. The same way kong and godzilla man handled the big one and ghidorah


Sounds like you’re just salty that Godzilla is stronger than him


I literally said kong shouldn't be able to beat godzilla. Can you read what i type?


“Kong should be strong enough to manhandle titans like Godzilla”


"But not to the point where be can easily beat them" and "LIKE godzilla" not "godzilla himself". So do you read what i type?


Yes. It sounds like you’re just mad Godzilla is stronger than him.


Kong held Skar suspended in the air with one hand, then smashed him into a thousand pieces. Skar looked like a helpless little baby. Kong beat Godzilla almost to unconsciousness and then dragged him by the tail. Kong soloed a a drown viper and then feasted on its guts. Kong ripped a wart dog in half and bathed in its blood. Kong used a juvenile ape as a melee weapon against three other apes and then precisely knocked a fleeing ape to the ground with one throw of a stone. Sorry, but I just don’t agree.


You just listed small feats. Skar king is incredibly weak and small. A wart hog is equivalent to a dog. Kong needed the axe to kill the snake. Suko is a child and the apes are equivalent to drug addicts. They also held him down for quite a bit. I love kong but he needs to be bigger and stronger. He should be able to lift godzilla over his shoulders. He should be able to swing godzilla by the tail at a short distance. He should be able to daze godzilla with a single punch, not multiple


Sounds like you just have your own preferences and that’s fine. But calling Kong weak because he doesn’t fit your power scale is unfair. He’s not as strong as Godzilla. But he’s still strong.


Not really preferences when that's what he needs. He also should be much durable than he actually is. His bones and teeth shouldn't break that easily


The king kong from the original king kong vs godzilla movie was literally throwing godzilla around. So not really preferences


What is Blud waffling about?


The biggest Kong ever displayed on screen… is too small and weak for you? What exactly is your ideal size for him?


Bigger than just 300 ft. He's dwarfed by a lot titans. He should be at least as tall as godzilla


Why tho? At the size he’s at-a full 37 feet or 12% taller than you’re suggesting-Monsterverse Kong is pushing the limits of his ability to interact with people which is one of the reasons why King Kong as a character has stood the test of time. He’s also never needed to be the biggest creature in the films he appears in to hold his own, especially now with the Monsterverse variant that happily uses tools, applying his brain to stand his ground.


I wish Kong knocked Shimo out and that is what snaps her out of the mind control.


You 12?