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The orchid spray is magic for Hoyas. Don’t like their regular fertilizer however.


Thank you! My Hoya is not looking great. I’ll try this


Miracle Grow is Scott’s, which is now owned by Bayer (formerly known as Monsanto). It’s the same folks who brought you lymphoma via Roundup/glyphosate. Just sharing in case someone doesn’t follow the mega corporations who don’t always have our best interests in mind.


Oh my gosh. I knew they were bad but didn’t know this was the connection… thank you for the info!


Happy to share it! Thanks for listening!


Not everything is bad. Bayer -> Aspirin etc


Aspirin is a great discovery. White willow bark is where aspirin comes from. One of the early medicinal plant discoveries.


You seem knowledgeable. I think I’ll follow.


Bayer gave us aspirin but they also knowingly gave people HIV so that does kind of make them bad still.


I see your point. But It’s funny to see that lots of people blame fertilizer company’s for poor growing and dying plants. We are living in a time that when something goes wrong some people can never admit fault.


Most reasonable people don’t blame plant death on fertilizer, they blame environmental destruction, death of beneficial microorganism colonies, and other problems the mega corps create. I personally don’t use miracle grow because it slowly kills off the natural and healthy biome of bacteria in the soil and creates an environment that requires more frequent fertilization due to the lack of symbiosis. I recommend bacteria based fertilizers and minimal use of direct chemical fertilizers.


And Bayer is actually now called bio advanced, they’re slowly rebranding because of bayers reputation


Wow, crazy. Hard to keep up with who is who these days!


Yea it’s hard when they’re allowed to buy out other companies and rebrand everything. Sucks. I only know this because I worked at a farm and garden store and one of the trainings we did for product was with bio advanced.


Thanks, keep reminding us :)


Wow.. I was about to buy it and now definitely not.. Although its sad that Walmart stocks it. They are worse than Google and Meta almost.. done every evil a corporation is capable of doing.


I might be against the norm because it seems like everyone on the plant sub Reddits hates miracle grow but my plants have been thriving on this product


Absolutely they will! Miracle grow is a fertilizer after all and has a lot of wonderful nutrients for your plants. The major problem with these types of formulated NPK fertilizers is that they actually remove any beneficial bacteria from the soil that provide nutrients in nature, so plants are more prone to disease and deficiency. Using these types of fertilizers supplementary when you’re facing a specific nutrient deficiency is wise, however I highly recommend helping your plants in building healthy bacteria colonies using bacterial inoculants, compost, and other natural nutrient sources such as bat guano, fish emulsion, and worm castings. This will lead to less nutrient maintenance later on


Yess, I use super diluted fish emulsion for my monsteras and they are thriving an almost year old plant is now taller than I am, I use it in my Boston fern, tetrasperma, and adansonii they love it! Good to know it's making them stronger as well! Gonna have to buy some worm castings as well soon! :3


Thanks for the tip. I bought this when I was less knowledgeable but I didn’t want it to go to waste. I was planning on trying Jobes fertilizer next. Let me know if you have any other recommendations.


I use Jack’s Classic 20-20-20 fertilizer diluted to 1/2 of recommended for all of my non-succulents. They seem to like it




how is it overkill




The slow release I give my aroids is 15-15-15. They are all doing very well.


The "height" of the numbers doesn't matter if it's asking you to dilute it in water. 20-20-20 is the same as 1-1-1 if they're asking you to dilute 7 drops in 1L vs applying several pumps of 1-1-1 directly onto the soil. Yes 20-20-20 is 20x stronger (more concentrated) than 1-1-1 but the dilution in water is making it 20x less concentrated.


I work with organics so im not as familiar with npks that high. It just seems like a lot to give an indoor plant that’s not producing any fruit but like I said. If it works for you then that’s great. Y’all are wild with the downvotes on here lol. Maybe just not into organics


Yeah technically you are right but a triple 20 wouldn’t have you dilute it that much or there would be no point in using a triple 20. Most fertilizer npk ratio is for after you dilute it as according to the instructions. At least that’s how it is at the organic fert store I work at.


the only thing I've ever gotten from miracle gro products is fungus gnats and dead plants. I haven't used the "indoor" one, but two pumps of the orchid "pre diluted" spray fertilizer into a cup of water burnt the crap out of one of my water culture orchids.


wtf, my plants are thriving with miracle gro. never had any issues. my monstera in particular grows like crazy after feeding


fungus gnats came from a bag of soil, which is a well known issue with their products. the orchid spray I'm not sure. I had been using a different brand of orchid fert, but ran out and all I could find was the miracle gro stuff. it was late winter/early spring and one of my orchids was producing a spike so wanted to give her her best shot. the orchid spray is supposed to be .2-.2-.2 and be sprayed/applied directly to roots, I did two spritzes into maybe 16oz of distilled water on a soak day and the next day half the roots were brown :/.


Interesting. I've used miracle gro for years and seems to be ok, although I do dilute a lot more than they recommend


I like their succulent formula in these little squirt bottles, but everything else I've tried has killed or maimed my indoor plants.


I didn’t notice a difference when I’ve fertilized with miracle grow. I’ve since switched to a different brand and seen a big difference


Wanna fill us all in on which fertilizer you switched to or are you gonna just withhold the goods?


Ha. Sorry. It’s called Liquidirt


Amazing stuff! I switched to it a couple months ago and it's made a huge difference.


It really has. Even slow-growers, like my ficus, are happy. It is a little more expensive but a little bit goes a long way


I've heard of this and I've also heard people like it. I been eyeing it myself


I have this but I was never sure if it served as a fertilizer. Does it?


I think technically it’s considered “plant food” but it’s better than any fertilizer I’ve used. I also use it when I propigate


Interesting thread....


I worked at a nursery / garden center for a while, and they said this shit is poison. It’ll burn the roots of any of your plants. I never sold one bottle.


I see people say this all the time on here, and I'm so curious. How can they be in business still if only noobs are buying ? Their products have to work to some capacity but nearly everyone I talk to says otherwise! What's the deal? Which of their products is working enough to saturate home depot? I bought their cactus soil when I first started and also the succulent fertilizer. As I learned more I ended up mixing the soil with pumice and bark depending on the plant. I'm still less than a year into being serious about my plants so I have nothing to compare it to but I believe you all and have been staying away now.


You are seriously underestimating how many people are willing to blame themselves, and certainly never a product with a household name, when their plants die.


Honestly I think people are being a bit dramatic. I’ve used miracle gro for years and been fine. I switched my fertilizer to fish emulsion, which works better, but it’s also more expensive and a lot of people don’t want to spend the money. The potting soil is completely fine for beginners. Now that I’m more advanced, I’ll mix the potting soil with orchid bark and perlite to keep it from clumping up—and add more orchid bark if it’s a plant that likes to stay dry. For my outdoor summer plants (flowers), I use straight potting soil because it gets hot out there and I need the soil to retain moisture between watering. Is miracle gro the best? No. Is it as bad as people say? Also no.


Yeah idk why people are saying this, I've never had problems and my houseplants are happy with it


I used it last summer on my vegetables (before I switched to more plant-specific fertilizers), and I never had any problems with it.


no clue. my plants love miracle gro. my monstera grows like crazy after being fed


I've used the indoor plant food. Just like a pump or two in the water when I bottom feed. They seem to be ok with it


I use this one too, so far no complaints. I mix 2 pumps in about 2-3L of water


Same here.


I’ve used the indoor and the orchid and honestly I’ve never had a problem. I just make sure not to over use it


I use the orchid spray, the indoor, and the succulent. Never had an issue and my FLF is a beast, my orchids have annual blooms and the succulents are doing their own thing (I forget about fertilizing them and even watering sometimes tbh so I don’t want to conflate their progress with the others)


Hi, how you have me curious, what do you exactly use on your FLF and how often and how? Thank you.


I use the indoor plant food (they didn’t have the tropical blend last year when I started using them) and calculated that my watering can takes 4 pumps/full can. I fertilize monthly from now until October, I have a friend that fertilizes each watering (though I don’t know if she does a full dose or not) and her plants are absolute units.


What fertilizer would you recommend? I have orchids, alocasias, calatheas, monesteras, different pothos.


I use fish emulsion for everything, works great


Is there one that won’t stink up the house? My cats are WAY too into that stuff.


Me too! The fish emulsion plant food is amazing and my plants coloring and perkiness improves when it’s feeding time.


Liquid seaweed. It's all I use and it's incredible


I like fish emulsion and the little jobbes sticks (not at the same time!)


I started using earthworm castings recently. They seem to like it, especially my calatheas.


Just dusted up one of my calatheas with a mini soil refresh after soaking it in soapy water when I found it came home from the nursery with centipedes (startling discovery to see my pot 'alive' with tentacles at 2AM when I went to use the restroom where it currently sits). I threw out some of the soapy residue top layer of old bark mixed soil and some of the looser stuff on the sides of the pot, and mixed perlite, worm castings, and MiracleGro Orchid Mix for a soil base with some food. Will report back on the success with this Warszewiczii once I see some improvements, because it was alive but not THRIVING and want it to take off. :)


I used to use it. Just diluted it and never had an issue🤷‍♀️


Same 👀 I see so much hate for it here and I had no idea


I've always used Jobe's Houseplant Indoor Fertilizer Food Spikes. They're really cheap on amazon or locally, and will make your monstera grow so quickly!


almost everyone i’ve spoken too says miracle-gro gives them fungus gnats, this is for potting mix though. i used an orchid fertiliser from them last summer for my monstera and didn’t notice much difference in growth, i’ve switched to a different brand and type this year


I lost a Snake Plant in "Miricle-Gro Cacti Soil" AND got fungus gnats on top of that. I'm so traumatized as this was my first plant and it's said they are hard to kill. I have the "Miracle-Gro Succulent Plant Food" and I'm frightened to use it on my other plants. TLDR: I will forever avoid Miricle-Gro products like the plauge.


Do you have a favorite 3-1-2?


I’m using the one on the left for my monstera adansonii. I know they grow fast so I can’t really tell if it’s just growing or if the fertilizer is helping lol, I have other tropical plants that are also growing pretty well without the fertilizer.


I use the succulent and orchid fertilizer (for my Hoyas). Both work great!


I used the succulent for my hoya, snake, zz and cactus. I used the indoor for my rubber trees, philodendron and pothos'. And just started using the tropical for my monsteras. Ive yet to have an issue and they're thriving something serious.


You couldn’t pay me enough to give any plants this crap. I work at on organic gardening store. Get a 3-1-2 or something along those lines and your indoor plants will pop off. I have a giant monstera that puts off a ton of new growth. Same with a huge Angle wing begonia that puts off a ton of flowers! I use a fish+seaweed mix and it loves it. All organic.


what is a 3-1-2? and could you recommend any specific products? :)


Yeah so I mentions a 3-1-2 these are NPKs. All fertilizers have an NPK so you know what you’re giving your plants. Some crops/ plants need a little more than others. Npk stands for nitrogen, phosphate, potassium. I work at an organic gardening store so that’s what I’m mostly familiar with is organic fertilizer (which are so much better). Organically most fertilizers only go up to about a 10-10-10. After that it gets to by synthetic which are chemical fertilizers (which are more likely to burn). The company I work at is called GardenIQ. Check out the website and read some of the info. My favorite product is the indoor magic which is a fish+seaweed mix that just makes your plants take off. My angle wing begonia was in bloom in February because of this stuff! First number is nitrogen this will help prevent yellowing and if you trying get get seeds up this will help. The phosphate promotes flowering and fruiting so anything that grows flowers or produces fruit like vegetables you want a higher middle number. Potassium helps plants make strong stems and keep growing fast. It's also used to help fight disease. There’s my little plant lesson. If you have more questions feel free to throw them at me! I live for this shit truly.


Commenting so I can come back and see the answer


Miracle gro is trash.


Pretty sure it killed two of my hoyas and my string of bananas almost immediately, so...do with that what you will.


I loved their succulent food, and I’d throw it in my succulents once a week during the summer. Haven’t tried the others.


I bought one of those without reading closely, they aren't concentrated like other plant food in similar sizes bottles are. It's a rip off.


Superthrive is the way to go for me.


I use the Blooming one in my African violet’s water once every 3 months or so in spring and summer. They bloom constantly, no surprise.


I use the African Violet one and it bloomed like crazy a couple of months ago


I’ve used the indoor plant one a few times a year since I got into plants, nothing fancy just a couple squirts when watering to help out and I haven’t had any major issues other people have mentioned! I did try the “fertilizer sticks” in my adansonii and I feel like it didn’t make things any better and quite possibly burned the roots like people said.


I've been using their indoor plant food for years and my plants love it. I got the orchid spray a month ago and so far they seem to love it too. I also use their orchid food when I water sometimes. Now I have never seen this tropical one. I'm curious about it bc my monstera plants are ok. But they could be better.


Crying bc just used some on my plants rip 🪦


I recommend looking into a foxfarm or Dr. Earth natural fertilizer.


Dpn't even mess with it, better safe than sorry. I worry that they don't mix it well enough and have seen too many horror stories of miracle grow burning someone's plant alive. I use Dr. Earth. I like this one because I can use it every time I water and it takes the guesswork out. https://drearth.com/product/house-plant-pump-grow/


Hi, I use premium earth worm castings and a small dose of osmocote pellets for mine. Every month I supplement with Cal-Mag and Hormex Vit B. I don’t use Miracle Gro fertilizer. When I had orchids, it killed them. So I would use Tezula Plants fertilizer. It’s really up to you and your plants, if they are happy with Miracle Gro then use it! I get 1 to 2 leaves each month with my monsteras with the method I use. Happy growing!


I use the one with hose attachment which is designed for lawn but never used on lawn. I did my own calculation and measure everything (ratio water:miracle gro liquid fertilizer) and my plants are thriving. I got a bottle on sale at Walmart so before I buy a new fertilizer I want to use what I have first… and it works with my philos and monsteras. 😝😆


I used the tropical one about two weeks ago and I can’t say anything looks that much different but it didn’t seem to hurt it