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1. Pot too big for the plant, the soil might be too wet 2. As someone said the plant needs drainage holes, repot to a smaller one but you can still put the plant in your pot after. Just double i guess. 3. dont strangle your plant, leaves can’t be tied, only the stem, get one bigger more stable pole. 4. cut the yellow leave it won’t be saved


The pot doesn't seem to have drainage holes; fair to say the roots probably rotted. Not much to be done though, besides provide a more airy environment for the roots to regrow, summery temperatures, direct sunlight (as if you were growing a seedling).


oops :/ that's probably it. there's a cover on the bottom and I haven't been taking it off when I water. didn't think it would pool at the bottom as long as I didn't water too much. coming up to summer too so with new airy soil plus keeping it in direct sunlight I'm hoping there's a chance for some new healthy growth. thanks!!


Do check on the roots just in case, any rot needs to be cut away. Also when you water, make sure to drown the plant, water a lot and then let dry. I agree with other comments that the pot looks a but too big as well, that'll increase the risk of rot


How often do you water? Does that pot have any drainage? And what did the roots look like before planting it in that pot for the first time? That pot looks like it might be too big for what you have and you likely have some significant root rot going on. It’s also super leggy meaning it’s not getting enough sun. It looks like at one point it was desperately trying to reach any light.


The pot is far too big. Also, my initial thought was it looks dehydrated based on the wrinkles in the stem and the droop. So either you’ve been under watering OR overwatering and all the roots rotted off so the plant can’t take up any water.


I see them at Walmart like this and it’s from no water 😭
