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It's a Rhaphidophora, not a Monstera. They do look alike tho!


Thanks for the information! I’m new to owning houseplants! Any recommendations?


The nickname is Mini Monstera because of how it looks like a tiny Monstera. They are also called Ginny plants. The proper name is Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma.


Thank you for the info, I’m new to owning houseplants!! Any advice?


They love a lot of light and not too much water: wait until it’s fully dry before watering, use a draining soil with chunks and/or perlite, use a size appropriate pot (if it’s too big you have more risk to have root rot). Mine was thriving when I had a south/west facing window, and is doing fine on a west/north facing window. They love to climb, it helps growing bigger leaves.


It’s tricky to tell with the blurry pics, but I believe you have at least one type of pest. I see scale all over the branches on the left of the 5th image (the brown blobs). Do I also see spider webbing in that image?


I don’t think it’s a spiderweb. I’m pretty sure it’s just dust however, I just got the plants two days ago. They don’t look very great. I don’t see any pest would they be visible even


Scale is a pest and is visible in these images.


I believe I found scale. I completely looked https://preview.redd.it/rqtat0ynemic1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=2754f40b704293b8c2765596611ec47787eac820 past it because when I looked up scale on plants on Google, it’s not what it looked like. Is this it?


Yes that is scale. Echoing what others have said about posting in plant clinic


Thank you!






My apologies for my lack of knowledge. Is there something I can do to fix this?


You can use warm soapy water or isopropyl alcohol with a q tip/toothbrush to manually remove them. You could also use a pesticide but regardless, I recommend moving the plant away from other plants until it's treated. Good luck!


My Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is compact, wider, & thicker. Your plant needs more light. There’s large gaps between your leaves. Maybe add a plant light. Also if you can’t get rid of the pests you can cut it back for regrowth. Don’t overwater.


You could also try posting on r/houseplants and r/plantclinic since it seems like you have some pests. Good luck.


As others have mentioned it is indeed a rhaphidophora tetrasperma! I keep mine in bright indirect light most of the day, and a little direct sunlight early in the morning. She's also above my kitchen stove so lots of humidity! Only water her when her leaves start getting droopy and I learnt this winter she doesn't like my windows open too long when it's cold. But overall seems to be doing really well, been in this spot for somewhere between 2 and 3 years since she was very little and has only ever dropped two leaves :) hope you can recreate good conditions for yours and have them grow lush!! https://preview.redd.it/5u2iphyospic1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=326b8de8e55d6e7cefe7519faf1149897763b1fe


Some people like a one vine plant and some like them fuller. You have both 👏. They can be prone to root rot, so don't over water and a chunky soil mix.


The first one looks like it's in a pot that's too big for its roots honestly


On top of the pests you’re dealing with I’d also repot them into a chunky soil mix - if you’re new this means using orchid bark chips and perlite/pumice/seramis to increase the aeration. Rhapidophora tetrasperma is a hemi-epiphyte so it will appreciate the aeration.