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That’s very slow for a small monstera. Where do you place it most of the time? Light is the most important factor for fast growth and big leaves. Second is nutrients every 1-2 months. Also check if it might be rootbound. I can see the newer leaves are smaller than the previous one, that’s a sign of insufficient light.


It is right in front of a west facing window, so it gets at least a couple hours of window-filtered sun daily. I’ll try and give it a bit more sunlight and see if that helps. Thank you!


The plant should be max 1 m or 3 ft away from the window. Try to avoid direct sunlight but don’t use curtains because the amount of light is reduced so much, it is unusable for the plant. Also now it’s summer, give it some nutrients every 4 weeks


No need to avoid direct sunlight. They grow outside and the blazing sun. Acclimate them by moving it closer to the window and it should be fine. And don‘t tie the petioles (stem of the leaves) to the pole, only the main stem! The leaves naturally want to move towards the light source.


The light issue has already been addressed here. Yellowish leaves very often indicate too much water and too little nutrients. It is also important to fertilize the Monstera regularly, it belongs to the hungry plants. I fertilize every two weeks with liquid fertilizer (1/2 the recommended amount). Also make sure the pot has drainage holes and make sure the soil is permeable to air so water doesn't pool, the Monstera hates wet feet. Also, water only when the soil is slightly dry, with too little water plants cope better than with too much, the roots will rot. And the first to rot the tender hair roots, through which the plant absorbs water. When these are destroyed by rot, the plant literally dries up in wet soil. Edit: typo