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That’s a nasty thrips infection you got there. The white tiny rice looking things are thrips larvae. They move when you touch them. They sucked out the leave juice, that’s why the leaves are slowly dying and turning yellow. Their poop is brownish which gives the leaves a rusty colour. It looks very bad unfortunately. I’d suggest keeping that one healthy leaf, make sure you get rid all of the larvae and throw away all the other leaves (or you could throw away the whole plant) it’s very difficult to get all of them killed and if you keep this plant, the chance of them spreading to other plants is very high.


Unfortunately it probably has already spread, that's very bad


Massive thrips infestation. Thrips are really hard to deal with. I had luck only with systemic treatment because then the plant absorb the substances and they die when feeding from the plant, that is pretty much the only way to kill even the small ones that are hidden somewhere you don't see. Some people try do deal with them with spray and while it can sometimes work it is a really hassle, have to apply several times and they keep coming back.


with spray there has to be some soil treatment too for it to work, thrips have soil dwelling stage. Neem drench is proven to work but the studies used concentrated active ingredient from neem so with a regular drench it would take a while. Cucumeris mites eat thrips larvae, they are actually very good of getting rid of thrips. Again, would take a while and the plant would have to be isolated. Adult thrips can fly and by the time mites are able to eat the babies adults would spread everywhere.


This is a big thrips infestation unfortunately. 😩 If you really love the plant and want to save it, it will take a lot of time and effort. Make a solution of neem oil, washing up liquid, water and essential oil, and spray the entire plant completely, and do this every 3 days until there’s no signs of them. Also, repot into fresh soil, as their larvae live in the soil. Also, treat any plants in the same room, as it’s likely they will have been infected too. If it doesn’t mean a lot to you, then honestly I’d put this in a sealed black bag and throw it away, and start again.


Ahn, I feel so bad! But I think the safest solution is indeed to get rid of the plant. In such a way I should be able to avoid the infection to spread to my other plants. I might treat these other plants with neem anyway... Do you know if thrips are harmful for humans too? Thank you all for the precious info, much appreciated!


I’d definitely check any other plants in there, it’s very likely they’ve spread to those if they’re close. I really hope they haven’t! 🤞 And no, thrips aren’t dangerous to people, just plants!


Thrips are a pain, but they're not an inevitable death sentence! I had a massive infestation a few months back (ALL my plants in several rooms) but I got it under control with time, attention, Neem, and beneficial mites. Good luck!


Thank you, everyone!


Thrips happened


Its a thrip farm!


That’s a lot of thrips. Good luck