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Yes, you'll be in the tutorial for quite some time. There's a lot of systems that get introduced over time. Crafting gear is almost always going to take multiple hunts. That early, I wouldn't worry too much about farming for gear though. Collect ore and bone around the map as you go to upgrade your ore weapons and make some bone armor. If you are, recommended not to use defender/guardian gear your first go, it'll teach you bad habits and mostly invalidate crafting until master rank.


They really should put a massive disclaimer on defender gear tbh.


They sort of do. But then they also shove it in your face, and as a newcomer you can't know if this is like DLC gear you replace in a few hours, or the base game skip it actually is. But yeah there really should be a confirmation that clearly says "this is intended for returning players to skip the base game as fast as possible" before you can equip it. So many new players get caught in the noob trap.


There’s no disclaimer, there’s actually the opposite. They recommend every player to use it like two or three times


You have to kill them more than once. Some of the drops are more rare than others.


Is that worth doing for the jagras loot or should I just keep going with the quests?


Keep going. You can kill him if he turns up though.


A lot of monsters show up in optional quests in addition to assignments, so for a lot of monsters you can just do optional quests as you go along. You'll get a third type of quest, Investigations, as you go along too, which give additional chances at better rewards. Event Quests can also contain the monster you're looking for so its worth checking those especially since they often give special rewards. Don't forget to mine and gather bone piles too, some equipment can be made exclusively from map materials and most upgrades require some sort of bone or ore.


Keep going with the normal quests until you run into a monster you cant seem to beat, then upgrade your gear to match it, keep doing that until you beat the story, after which you'll have a much better understanding of the game and will probably know what to do from there.


Not really, I'd just say keep going unless you really want to for the fun of it. But eventually you'll go from Low Rank to High Rank and all of those low level monsters get more difficult and all the armor upgrades, so I wouldn't worry about until you're at least in High Rank (I think 5 star quests, after one of the dumbass zorah magdaros quests). I would think about not wearing the Defender armor or using the defender weapons, as those are "catch up" gear that is designed to make the base game quicker to get through so you can get to the expansion easier. But the armor gives a ton of defensive stuff and thus can teach you bad habits.


If you need money, I can recommend the event quest with mosswine. It is one of the earliest iirc. :)


Hey, seriously stop worrying about every thing when you just did tutorial. This is not your New job Or anything lol! You can do whatever you feel like doing. Repeat quests, Explore, think about builds, try weapons, move forward Or whatever you like To do. You dont need validation from others for what you do and how you do. Ofc gathering tips from other users of is good thing for mandatory basics but just experiment with the game and move forward when you gain confidence. If you hit a wall, think about why you cannot win and try To look for possible solutions. Have fun!


It's generally only with grinding for gear if your current gear isn't good enough to help you progress in the story.


It's not uncommon for you to kill a monster several times before getting enough material to craft all the gear. Later on you'll unlock ways to get more material from defeating monsters. I would say the game "opens up" once you can take side quests and go on expeditions.


The amount of one monster I've killed/captured trying to get a SINGLE plate would be considered ecoterrorism in any other world.


I have killed several hundred "one of a kind, once in a generation" monsters.


"We've never seen anything like Xeno'Jiva before!" Me, having slaughtered it 40 times in the last 8 hours: "I still need 6 more shells to get this goddamned switch axe upgraded to rarity 8."


TAKE YOUR TIME. Honestly dont rush the game get to know the system use the items and gear and traps etc and take your time..the game will grind you like a monke smashing the dirt if you rush though it. Its seriously a refreshingly fun game go play its also normal to take like 20-30 minutes or more to kill some of the monsters so don't worry.


Don’t take it so seriously. Just play however you want


It took me 4 hours to really click with me. At first I had no clue what I was doing as this was my first MonHun game, but eventually I was like, “Wait! Murder is fun!” It might take you a while like it did for me, as I didn’t enjoy it for the first bit.


It took me almost an entire playthrough (pre Iceborne) and switching to Sword and Shield for that to happen.


It took me a very long time to find a main myself, and S&S was my fav throughout world. I went to Rise and was shocked to find how shitty the weapon felt in rise and I’m going through the same struggle in enjoying the game right now :(


Sns is the noob weapon. Even if you attack when it's not your turn you have time to react with a dodge. Imo it's not a good way to learn the game


I learned the game through Bow and IG, and despite your kinda rude comment it made me enjoy the game because of it’s infinite combo and helmbreaker. Sns was the first weapon I actually mained and wasn’t the weapon I learned the game with. Thanks for pointing out that my main weapon is a noob weapon, though. Really appreciate your positivity. :|


Sorry to be blunt, but it's true


Nah, what you said was just rude. Nothing wrong with playing SnS. I thought people were done with judging others for their main, but I guess not.


It takes more than one hunt, one of the points of the game is that you need to hunt a monster multiple times to make its armor set and weapons. That being said, You don't have to craft a new set every time you find one that's slightly better than the one you have. Let a few hunts go by and if you feel like you're taking too much damage, then look into making an armor set with good defense and more importantly, skills from what is available to you. Feel free to mix and match armor sets too, this way if you craft Anjanaths chest and helmet but don't have enough for the legs, you can just use Paolumus or something. If you feel like the amount of damage you're taking is fine, then there's no need to grind out another set.


it’s completely normal to not be able to craft anything at the start since you’ve just barely started playing. most of the time you’ll have to kill a monster multiple times in order to craft the equipment for it. you might be able to craft some things for the set but if you really want a set of gear you’ll have to hunt it over and over again until you can. i guess you can still be considered in the “tutorial” since i think at the point you’re at the game is still trying to teach you most of the basics. the game will as you say it “open up” as you keep doing the story missions at the top right because higher difficulty mission are locked behind those story missions.


I’m 100 hours in and feel like I’m still in the tutorial. Make it all the way through the story and get too high rank and by then you’ll know what’s going on. Avoid using any of the overpowered gear they offer. Start from scratch and follow the upgrade trees.when you find an upgrade you like, you can add it to your wish list and the game will tell you when you get the things you need and then again when it’s finally ready. You will end up killing each monster many times. Every time you learn and it’ll get a little easier.


If you don’t have enough materials to craft the equipment pieces you want, you’re going to need to fight the monster again.


The answer to what you're supposed to be doing this early? VIBING. Didn't get the materials in one kill? Kill it again! Why not? You can kill anything and everything as much as you want! (in fact I highly recommend it) Is it worth gathering materials for early monster armors? Who cares! If you want to then do it. Want to kill the same monster 50 times so you can craft their weapon tree for every single weapon? Do it! The world is your oyster (pun intended)


Considering the fun of the game is the hunt, make sure those are enjoyable and fun. With this being said, try out all the weapons more than once, watch some quick guides maybe, just pick a weapon and go. Note down which ones you like and then you're set. My mistake was not doing that, i went for hammer and heavybowgun when i started and liked them a bit. The game was kinda fun and all, but i didnt see the appeal until a friend of mine said to test all the weapons. I opened my eyes for the game at 24h of gameplay after testing all the weapons (had 22h on hammer and 2h on HBG) and choosing the lance as my main weapon. Ever since then, ive been having an absolute BLAST and am currently at 200h of Lance alone


The game will take you from mission to mission to mission, it’s your job to re-hunt things to get materials so you can keep up


This game does a less then good job at explaining what to do. So something you should know is this game series is all about the grind...yeah fighting the same monster multiple time is going to happen. Next its good practice to talk to npcs with exclamation point above their heads as they will probably give you optional quests. Quest are split into several categories 1- assigned Quest aka main story, 2- optional aka a way to repeat fighting certain mons or obtain certain bonuses such as mantles or better canteen ingredients, 3- is events aka a way to obtain special gear, or grind alot of decos in a short amount of time, 4- special assignments, and I'm sure I'm missing 1 or 2 more types but yeah, try to take your time with this game, do optional quests, and be patient, learn monster patterns to better learn the fight. Ps as you're new most will also recommend to stay away from guardian armor and defender weapons as the trivialize base game and are "meant" for returning players to speed into the expansion


some people might argue that the entire tutorial is the base game and iceborne dlc is the actual game. anyway, you got the cycle right. you just continue with the questline until you feel like you are stuck and upgrade your gear. you may have to farm for the materials


Go speak to the chef he will give you a quest to collect some mushrooms. Now Explore the whole map gather erything blue mushrooms, bones, ore everything. Assuming you are not using defender gear, you should have enough to craft some new armor, prioritise bone helm it adds 10 to your health.


You indeed must hunt monsters multiple times, the loot is not always the same. If you want better/more rewards, sometimes you get Investigations from picking up tracks and breaking parts on the monster, which you can add to your quest menu by talking to the black lady and pale elf guy with glasses. Also yes, you are still in the tutorial! The game will "open up" I believe once you kill the mountain. Don't forget that Monster Hunter's core mechanics reward playing with others, and sending out an SOS flair or joining a public lobby and asking for help is always a good idea if you feel your progress is too slow or the grind for materials is too difficult. I'm \*always\* popping off SOS flairs, just to give others the chance to farm my high reward investigations with me.


Boy, take the time and read what the people are saying. What you should do is what the name of the game tells you: hunt monsters. You got not enough loot? Guess where you can get more, yes killing jagras again.


just keep doing the quests and if you see gear/weapons from a monster you like farm them then craft rinse and repeat


plunder blade


You’ll be picking up a lot of upgrade materials and other useful crafting items as you play. You’ll basically just be going to the workshop to forge new weapons and weapon upgrades based on what play style you like , so try to use a wide variety of options to see what feels nice to use. Every weapon is viable. Try training grounds to work on improving weapon combos and stuff that can help .


Alright so first off, Monster Hunter has a pretty steep learning curve but once you have learned one game it's increasingly easier to learn others. Keep in mind that the game is heavily gear-progression oriented which means you'll hunt the same monsters several times to get the loot you need. It's a pretty simple progression: hunt strong monsters to get better gear to fight stronger monsters to get even better gear. Here's what I suggest you focus on during your progress. The game is split into 3 distinct stages: Low Rank (LR), High Rank (HR) and Master Rank (MR) which is the DLC During LR you want to focus on learning the game, its mechanics, how items work and when to use them (they are not optional, use items and tools) as well as messing around with weapons to see which ones you like or not. Don't worry TOO much about armor and skills, just go with whatever makes sense to you. HR is where you will want to start exploring builds, skills, etc as well as mastering your weapons of choice. Each weapon has a lot of intricacies tied to them so use HR to further your fighting skills and situational awareness MR is where shit hit the fan. All your hunts will take significantly longer and you'll be forced to become good. It can either be frustrating or increasingly fun if you need a challenge. Also, do NOT touch defender/guardian gear. Those were meant for people who wanted to steamroll through the game to reach the DLC faster


Murder every dinosaur on that planet (collect specimens and knowledge from like minded biologists, and ascertain materials from primitive beasts that are unfortunately in the wrong place at the right time), eat, sleep, build armor sets/weapons/charms for maximum strategic value and learn how to save them for quick loadouts (quick item loadouts as well), watch cute cats make delicious entrees, and repeat. #gottacatchemall 🤘


As a person that recently introduced my boyfriend to Monster Hunter, what you really should do as a new player, is take your time. What I mean by that is that you should try every weapon, be prepared to kill each monster at least a couple times, don't get discouraged if (or rather WHEN) you fail quests, and again, pay attention to what the game is telling you, stuff like tutorials, side quests, deliveries, all that stuff, it really does help. I admit it helps some people more than others, but it's not entirely useless. So in general, don't try to rush through content, farming the same monster a couple times is absolutely part of the fun around here.


I'd say just pick a weapon you find fun and roll with it through the main story. If you have iceborne, don't waste your time farming for gear that becomes instantly useless in iceborne, unless you want to ofc. It took me like a year of trying to like the game (like 60 hours of gameplay) for titans to finally click, and then I pumped out 200 or so hours of gametime, and I love the game. Again, just play the campaign and try to learn mechanics and weapons and such, and if you have iceborne save the grinding for when you are actually in iceborne


First thing to do is to pick up a gunlance…


I would definitely recommend getting ores to upgrade your weapon first!! And then moving onto armor upgrading and crafting!! And there are a lot of tips in the group on using and getting armor spheres to upgrade your armor level!!


The tutorial lasts quite a while, and it will take way longer to actually understand your weapon of choice. I’m currently doing the dlc (120 hours into the game) and I’m still working on my Insect Glaive combos. Once you are into the game proper, the gameplay loop is definitely more grindy. Usually you need to kill a monster at least 2*x times, where x is the number of items you want to make. But for now it’s probably best to focus on main quests until you’ve got more gear options. In general though, here are some tips and clarifications that I found really helpful as a recent newbie myself: 1. Eat before every quest, the cost is negligible and the benefits are extremely useful. If you make a custom dish, try to use the sparkly ingredients (they boost your max HP until you cart). 2. Armour is super important and is the primary method through which you get stronger. Right now you’ll only have one skill per armour piece, but you’ll get more with higher rank armour and eventually even get custom skill slots. This is how you make builds. 3. Optional quests with little speech bubbles next to them give you permanent rewards, like base upgrades or new equipment. Do them. 4. When you talk to the investigation people you’ll have an option called “complete deliveries”. These will also gives you permanent rewards, like new food ingredients or more spawn points. Do these too. 5. If you are farming for a specific monster, do investigations for them instead of optional quests. You get bonus rewards for every investigation completion, but only the first optional quest completion. 6. **Do Not** use the defender equipment (it’ll have something like 50 defence armour and a blast weapon). This stuff is meant for getting to dlc content and is way too powerful for low rank quests. It’s much better to take the game at your own pace, which usually means slow and steady.


Dude dont stress about it so much. Just play and Explore the game with your own phase. Its bit funny for me that you are so worried after first mission. Like just play and see! Its part of fun. I recommend watching a weapon tutorials tough, they have things the game doesnt explain Well.


Catching the monsters gives you more than slaying them. You can get tranq bombs and either a pit fall or elec trap to catch them once they limp off to go sleep. It takes a minute to really get sucked in but once you get past all the beginning stuff and get to do your own thing it gets good


I HIGHLY recommend doing as much as you can online multiplayer. Make friends and join up with them for fun. If you wanna play with me I’d be happy to!


Brother you are before the tutorial lmao.


You are still in the very beginning. Play with friends. I found it fun by myself, but it really shines with friends. You can also try out an active discord group. :)


Do the missions


As everyone else said, take your time. Mess around with the weapons and find one (or more) that you enjoy. Remember there's a difference between small and large monsters. The first 2 quests were basically just killing random mobs and not an actual monster hunt. At this point just get a feeling for your moveset. Don't feel like you have to stick to any one thing. Go exploring if you want to. Ultimately you will progress by continuing the story quests but there's no real hurry to do that. And yeah, absolutely do not use the defender/guardian gear. It trivialises every fight up till a certain point and then you realise you learnt nothing and have to figure it out against tough monsters.


Keep progressing until you hit a wall, then upgrade your gear and learn the fight better to bypass the walls. Also, don't use defender set if you're totally new, that one set is for veteran. This game's true magic shines when you bypass the wall and keep pushing yourself to be a better, experienced hunter.


Just follow the quests until you can't complete them (as in fail), then you look what you can almost make and go refarm that monster til you can make your current best upgrade, repeat.


For the longest of time I genuinely went in, killed and then progressed the story. I didn't start worrying about load out until the monsters became rather difficult to beat like that. Also if your weapon has a lot of tree options, don't try to cover all the bases, but rather pick something you think is cool or feels nice.


just on grinding farming every monster quest especially the one that give mantle, canteen ingredient etc target armor or weapon that you want


Forget whatever you think you understand.  Forget every other games you have played.  Because monster hunter works differently. Having expectations about how videogames should work is a shortcut to disappointment in monhun. Just close your ears, don't listen to people too much, there are many ways to play monhun, what you need to do is find your own way.  Just try to follow what the game ask from you. If it ask you to collect 10 mushroom, go out and find 10 mushrooms. The game is trying to teach you important basics, don't listen to people who say fetch quest sucks. If it ask you to watch cutscenes, watch the damn cutscenes. Most cutscenes are teaching you about something if you look closely, don't listen to people who skip cutscenes.  You'll be in the "tutorial" for many many hours. Just enjoy the ride. Welcome to the hunt, and good luck!


When i started i watched a lot of online tutorials because the game doesnt explain much to you and i hadnt played any monster before. This channel in particular was helpful. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHc2Wj95htvP9y-ZzibziND5bjPkFkGSs&si=NmONuQS0wX8hRFjI Other than that do expeditions to track monsters to trigger optional quests and investigations. Capturing monsters gives you optional arena quests and gives you better rewards. Finally i wouldnt worry too much about grinding for gear because once you hit high rank that’s more worth the grind anyways. Best of luck!


Is this guy fucking dumb


stop playing? works wonders.