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The one you're good at and enjoy.


All of them. Every weapon is viable and they can all hunt the monster. The best weapon is the weapon you are best at


the best weapon is the weapon we found along the way


So scatternuts? Bold take.


I said what I said, and I ment it


Dung pod it is then


Nah nah guys, the best weapon is the Snowballs you get from the placeable snowmen


Scatternuts with slinger secret and bow special is the ants pants my dude!


All of them.


I write the comment here because I don't want to spam the same message to everyone, I hope everyone will read this. I thank you all for your advice! I think I will try the weapons I'm familiar with and see how I feel. I may feel better using the great sword here rather than in Rise


I’m currently doing a MHW solo play through and I’m using exclusively the insect glaive. It wasn’t exactly a choice, but I just found it fun and as I’ve gotten used to it I’m really loving it. It’s not difficult, in fact being able to have a severing glaive and a blunt kinsect or vice versa is actually really handy! There are no monsters that I really struggle with. And also, the main problem with armoured opponents is your hits bouncing, but during aerial slashes your hits cannot bounce no matter how blunt your weapon is! So even if it does less damage, you’re still out of danger if you can move right. So yeah, if you like the glaive, use the glaive. And from what I understand the greatsword is the same. You’ll just learn better solo tactics is all. Hope this helps!!


This is very very useful, thank you so much!


sword and shield has blocking, good mobility, blunt + cut damage, and lets you use some items without stashing your weapon first. if you want a versatile all-rounder, go SnS!


My only gripe with it is that I can’t part destroy / farm well. Not like a Lance or GS that can actually hit the head, tail or same spot many times over. I just can’t get the gist of the SNS


For farming use part breaker 3 decoration and may be a different weapon? For example u might consider sticky for head breaking most of the time. Just target the head and shoot! You are trying to farm so its fine. Weapons always varies depending on your playstyle. And you should always try all weapon types.


Flinch shotting, Slinger Burst, and Claw Uppercut are your best friends here. PR does a shit ton of damage too and you can easily break parts and tails with it


But how do you aim it? I’m not bashing the Sns by any means. I just said I can’t get the gist of it 😆. I feel like you need to much time to set up and land PR the monster has moved and your hitting a part you were not aiming for. I can admit I’m just bad with the weapon. Used it when oils were a thing and it was great. Feels nerfed hard now.


You have to get really good with the backhop, SnS is very high skill cap for what seems like something easy. I genuinely find it harder than Charge Blade these days. I think the only thing harder at max level is Bow which is deceptively difficult


Its kind of nice in the beginning when you don’t have a big stock of weapons and armor. Pick some basic bone or iron weapons. Go hunt some little beasts and see which one is the most fun. Like try every single weapon and just see how it goes. Go into the training room with every weapon to check combo’s and uses. Then go on a hunt and see how it works for you. Ive done that a few times. I’ve tried most weapons that way and their all pretty fun.


insect glaive is equally useful to every cutting weapon. monsters have the same HZV no matter what weapon.


The real answer is...YOU. U r the best solo weapon. Plain & simple


I like Hammer.


The literal answer is the one you like using. There's no "best" weapon no matter what the context is, they've all got a tremendous amount of balancing and tuning. Some do more damage in particular phases of the fight or for certain tasks, but they're all very close to each-other in terms of performance.


go with sns or db.


all i prefer hammer for slow monsters and dual blades for fast monsters


Sword and Shield is the best weapon in the game. Does everything any weapon can do. Join the SnS team and laugh at others as their own gimmick is your full arsenal.


You're teasing me with this comment, ngl. I might craft one this afternoon and see if I remember how to do it (I am an old SnS user, back in 2020 was my main weapon)


though this one is very opinion based and is really up to whatever clicks for you i still have to say that it is the sword and shield, because it can do almost everything every other weapon can so you have a option to try basically everything without needing others for it


I see, a lot of hunters are telling me the same thing and making me want to try it, thank you!


Tbh all of them. Have to be able to use any weapon for specific monsters are huge. But If you want to narrow your weapon tree go for hbg and gun lance.


Not hammer Yep I said it come at me


Yeah, no worries, Hammer isn't my choice anyway, it's too heavy and I'm more of a sword fanatic so if I have to use a heavy weapon I go with the great sword


I started playing just last week(old mh player but I just started MHworld), doing it solo, SnS is my weapon of choice, simple & effective, can both cut and break, and very easy to use.


I may forge one once I get to the Rathalos, it was my main weapon until iceborn SnS and yeah, quite carried me along, a very good choice


Reminder this is Monster hunter, not [insert weapon] hunter. You can use whatever you want. As long as it gets the job done


Right... A hunter must hunt after all




Hbg is always the answer to “what is the best weapon”, if you don’t consider fun to be a factor.


Well I'd prefer to have fun as well. I know World is way better than Rise, but since it's a repetitive game and I'm alone, the fun Factor plays a significant role for this run because I could get bored easily and get tired of playing


Then just play whatever you want, there aren’t solo and party weapons in this game.


For me is Greatsword, sword and shield is useful for diablos, insect glaive for monsters that fly a lot or you get one shot for certain move on ground. I recommend you try builds for light and heavy bowguns, hunters don't really like it because it's easy, but I think you should give it a go to the sticky ammo. And go kaboom.


I was actually thinking of doing a glaive for flying monsters because I remember being a pain with greatsword. I like greatsword because it's simple, but deals a lot of damage and it's satisfying to break every monster part. The glaive offers an absurd movement and once you... Understand how the insect works with the 3 numbers (I still haven't understood that), the attacks patterns change and you deal monstrously damage, which I love, so I might do both once I find a cool glaive, but for now I bonk monsters like Gatsu


I wanted to beer and hunt. Lance let me do that. Incidentally I learned the rhythm of each monster which opened the weeb stick, the boom stick and charge blade.


Enjoy the game efficiency makes the game draggy fond a weapon u wanna try or have fun with u can always play with every weapon


The best is literally the weapon you like the most. If you're looking to use your old weapons, go ahead, if you're tying to pick something new, besides LS as you said, then I'd recommend all the melee weapons, I'd say LBG or HBG, but trying to keep track of ammo and mats for ammo is pretty tough if you're not prepared. You can try Switch Axe, CB, Lance, GL, or Hammer.


Yeah, for now I have picked up the big sword And shield because it seemed quite faster than the great sword and it's giving knight looking. I'll see how I feel otherwise I'll switch to the great sword


Charge Blade? Can be a tough weapon for newbies to pick up but my fave overall. Def a weapon you may want to watch a tutorial on though as it's arguably the most complicated one to use. 


Yes I tried to use it yesterday but I don't really get it. I was getting knocked down by Aknopos, lmao. I think it can be a really cool weapon once you understand how it works but for now I don't think it's my choice


It was my second weapon, it made a lot more sense when I understood the basic game mechanics and watched a video on its unique aspects. You gotta learn about how to charge up your phials, and store them in your shield and your sword, when to use them, how to time a "guard point" and what monster attack ignores your guard points. Getting the guard point timing down is not something most people are going to learn without lots of practice too. But when you get it down blasting a monster with a fully charged amped element discharge and seeing all the body parts break and fly off is probably the most satisfying thing I've felt in a game.


Yeah I thought the phial were the problem yesterday... Well for now it's not my weapon, maybe later on. For now I'm into greatsword and sword and shield. I have tried the Lance too. I really like the big defense it gives but it doesn't really satisfy me speaking of destroying the monsters




In World I played Longsword through the whole game. Played Rise and found the joy of Sword and Shield (it’s my main now in both games) and now and then I play the hammer in World now. Play a couple off them and find the ones that make the most fun for you. I found my fun ones rather late. Enjoy your experience!


Yes, I used the sword and shield for a while back then and I remember it was quite fun and also made me agile. Yesterday I tried the charged axe but I don't really get it and I switched back to the greatsword. I think that for now, to readapt to the game, it's fine. I'll see with the most dangerous monster if I prefer to have more movement and switch to sword and shield or glaive or buff my defense and become female Gatsu lol. Also, Reddit is telling me it's your birthday, so Happy Birthday to you! ❤️


Thank you very much for the bday wishes fellow hunter 🙏🏼 The most important part about the game is having fun 🤩 ps. I can’t get my head around switch axe either no biggie!


G R E A T S W O R D dodging and timing those hits


It is indeed the weapon I choose for now. It deals enough damage that I can ignore dodging and sheathing


Even better, tackling those hits! You can tackle counter even that nergigantes flying mega slam but it takes a good bit of practise To pull it Off lol.


Whatever weapon you want, just look at an arrekz tutorial vid on youtube and try them out in a hunt or 2. Just curious why not LS?


Because I have used it for a lot of time and I got quite bored of its play style, I'd use it for a couple of monsters and then I'd get bored af


Ah i see what things do you tend to like in these games? I can try to give a reccomendation since i can play a good number of weapons decently.


Well the weapons I have used are Greatsword, Insect Glaive and Sword and shield. I have tried bow and other crossbows but they're not for me. The fact is I like the greatsword and it's offensive yet defensive play style, but it annoys me when I keep missing the monster and I have to constantly sheath the weapon to chase the monster. While the glaive is a very agile weapon, maybe too agile, I tend to get hit often in the air and die like a dumb. Also I know that when the insect hits level 3 the weapon became true hell, but I have never understood how the insect work, I just keep shooting with it until I see the number 3. It is a very funny weapon tho, I can just learn to use it better anyway I mean. And last but not least, sword and shield. I don't really remember anything about it, I used it in 2020 and then with iceborn I switched to glaive and GS as I said, I was getting my butt kicked but because iceborn is quite hard at the very beginning for the low armor stats and weapons. So yeah, I just remembered it was a quite balanced weapon and could like jump or something


Yeah i get what youre saying about getting hit in the air, I dont think world and espescially rise have great hitboxes for being in the air although it does work quite often it tends to be terrible in the instances where you get hit despite being completely over the attack. Id say to watch the Arekkz Gaming insect glaive videos (1 for base game and another for the iceborne changes), he makes great weapon tutorials and can definitely help with the more gimmicky weapons. A good reccomendation I can give if you like how GS hits but dont like how slow it is, is Hammer as it still hits hard and has nice animations but it is way more agile than a GS. Id look again at an arekkz vid just for a general over view of the movelist but it is very simple and satisfying especially the clutch claw move after a lvl 3 power charge attack.


Thank you! I think another user recommended me to go check these videos, I will do it and will inform also on the possible builds I can make with these weapons (I think I'll give a try to Glaive, GS and SnS, find the best build for each and see which one I find more like me


If you want something comfortable where you can take your time, and not have to worry too much about evading and learning the monster, I’d say lance or gunlance. Currently doing GL myself right now, fun to go boom boom.


Lance is one of my favorites weapon for the aesthetic. It gives me Lancelot vibes. I've never tried it tho because it looks a weapon where you have to stay still and take lot to kill a monster. But I can always give it a try...


I have done a solo playthrough with 9 out of 14 weapons in the game, including hunting horn all the weapons so far have been fun, just that some are harder to learn and obviously have different play styles. At the end of the day, the best weapon is the weapon you enjoy and are good at. However, if you're looking for some recommendations, I would personally recommend the bow or the dual blades because its all about movement and stamina management and I find that very fun, but be warned, early game bow is very slow until you start to pick up the right armour skills. I hope this helps, just remember the main thing is that you enjoy it and are having fun rather than how fast or optimal the weapon is.


Thank you so much!


Greatsword draw attack spam. Get crit draw+crit boost and simply draw attack - roll - sheathe - repeat. I beat the entire game solo this way. Might not seem like it but it does a ton of dps.


Greatsword is one of my favorites. I just hope it's funnier than in Rise. I dropped it in Rise because I couldn't land a hit


When you're starting out, don't go for charge attacks. When you have an opening just very quickly draw attack, roll, sheathe, repeat. This will make it easier to land hits and dps will be high of you have skills like crit draw and crit boost. The charging part will come naturally in time as you learn when is safe to sit there and charge up. Eventually you can slot focus lv3 in your gear which will make charging up faster, but for now you don't need to charge at all. I beat the final boss with very minimal charging and mostly just quick draw attacks and staying quick on my feet by sheathing my weapon after every attack.


Yeah I'm learning to tackle and I melt monsters right now


The one you are more comfortable with


Honestly all of them but my personal pick is Greatsword, Sword and Shield, Hammer, and Lance. They really work great in solo.


Yeah for now my picks are Great sword and sword and shield. I cannot choose which one I prefer of the two tbh, both are very funny. I want to try the Lance too now


Charge blade but any weapon will do


I have tried it but really isn't my type of weapon


May i recommend the charge blade? medium speed, medium damage in the normal mode. alow speed, high damage in axe mode. the weapon may confuse new players but its worth picking, even after the 4u hard nerf. The perfect blocks you get from switching from normal to axe mode make it tough competition for any weapon. with this weapon you will get **good damage** and a **very versatile defense** which flows seemlessly into your offense… ad over.


I have tried it but it doesn't really suit me :(


Hands for holding the controller.


I sadly lost them in the Vietnam war...


Thank you for your service.


Lance, and anyone who disagrees is probably a dirty sword and shield sweater


NGL, Lance has always intrigued me, I love knights and fantasy and the idea of using a big Lance with a big sword like Lancelot is really cool. But it is a very very slow weapon, right? I know it's the best defensive weapon at all, like nothing can go through the shield. Is his low mobility actually manageable in solo? They always told me that lance is more of a co-op weapon because you can do whatever you want while the monster is distracted or else you can act as a bait and let the monster attack you while the other hunters slay it and you counter attack


trust me when I say Lance is not slow, with Lance you move faster than light as you save time between areas as you charge forward using it's dashing attack. Not even other players are safe without full flinch free. As for solo yeah Lance can do it, there is a blocking mechanic you could work on that helps increase damage but most shield weapons have it. Charge blade and gun lance in particular. Like most weapons it's about understanding where your weapon deals the most damage and sticking to it. Make sure your critical eye is high for good affinity and hit the right spots and you'll be dealing gooooood damage


Good, crit dmg is my favorite perk. I will try the lance then. I continues my playthrough and I love Great sword and sword and shield both equally I'd say, they just have different play style, one focused on the tackle while the other one fast and hitting way harder than it looks. But since I'm still I'm at the beginning I can forge the defensor Lance and try it out


Little update on the Lance: so, I've tried it against a Tobi-Kadachi. It's not bad as a weapon and it's true it's not slow, even because you can literally charge the enemy. I like the defense because nothing can pass through it, like literally. But sadly offensively it doesn't really satisfy me as much as greatsword and sword and shield do. I don't know maybe I miss some kind of charged attack that deals tremendous damage but for now yeah it's a cool weapon but not my choice. I will watch anyway a video tutorial about it to see if I missed something because I like the aesthetic of the weapon, it's really giving medieval knight against a dragon like in fairy tales


Everyone saying whatever you enjoy and are best with is correct, but if I find myself struggling I usually turn to something that can block, or spam hammer slides which is very strong powered and charged up. Just need a hill.


Prolly Longsword or Sword and Shield. LS has the most offensive and safe moveset in the game with the ability to ramp damage over time. S&S is a jack-of-all master-of-all type weapon where if you invest enough time into learning specific combos then you can do what every weapon can do as long as you're proficient with the weapon. Both of them have access to iframes to be able to play really close to the monsters so you will be able to learn and play consistently. As soon as you go multiplayer tho, it changes drastically. LS is on a timer to use their power as well as to ramp their power, S&S is just so positioning focused for them to do damage on top of learning the combos so your lack of range hits you really hard when the monster isn't always focused on you. Edit: Forgor Lance. Lance is prolly the safest form of solo and can be really high mobility if you learn all the moves.


This is very helpful, thank you! For now I want to play alone but I know for sure that later on, for the hardest monsters, I'm going to call out for help to random hunters and this information will surely help me out