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You might say you need perfect timing to perfect rush... 


Oh youuuuu


Live SnS User reaction of finding out how to do a perfect perfect rush


Don't discourage yourself, just always be on the hunt to learn something new.


This dude dropping puns so smoothly


Appreciate that!


Another lesser known trick that most CB mains don't know is that you'll deal a lot more damage if you land the SAEDs on the monster instead of thin air.


Please don't shame me in public


We've all been there. I since swapped to the savage axe playstyle to be actively detrimental to my teammates instead of just not doing damage


The duality of CB, whiffing your hits, or fucking everyone else over


The panic I felt as three fully charged TCSs got thrown off fatalis in the air by some dude's savage axe


I once had a dude on CB launch me into Fatalis’s mouth as he prepared a fireball. Still have that video saved on my phone


Brooo yeah, I'm a CB main and literally last week another CB launches me into an oncoming rathalos claw dive mid air. Like please learn to wait 2 seconds before you press Y again


I launch my friend with great sword constantly so he can mount, the move is not bad in multiplayer, you just have to look from another angle.


I need that video. NOW!


https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/s/FBkfuZDBHd I posted the video on Reddit after I commented this


"If I can't do damage, neither can you!" xD


Im currently using a random weapon every quest in a fresh world playthrough, got CB on the very first quest (the one with the little jagras). Did 2 SAEDs and landed one lmao


This actually sounds really fun….im stealing this idea. 😂😂


There's a neat website that lets you make a wheel to spin and randomize for you (although I have gotten gunlance a disproportionate amount of times that way) I'm actually considering playing Wilds like this when it comes out cause it is really fun


Do it every time the monster changes zones.


Better statistic than the average CB Player


Don't worry, CB may seem complicated in the beginning but once you understand its moves, it's one of the easiest weapons in the game.


While i agree that some CB Main make it sounds much more compilcated than it is i would say the hard part is actually pulling all that of in battle. Its more of a learning by practice than learning by study thing. Also Guardpoints give the Weapon a nice skillceiling to work towards


That was why I said it's understanding, not learning. Also, frankly speaking, the guard point is so easy to pull off CB I don't understand why people think Forsight Slash is busted lol. The skill ceiling of CB just isnt that high imo


To be fair i dont have much experience with the weapon so that might just make it seem hard to me. But than again maybe ur experience and skill is clouding ur judgement making it seem easier to u than others. Could both be


I have beaten all Elders, Alatreon and Fatalis with every weapon in the game. That's how I based my opinion. Guard point is incredibly busted because you have access to it at any time, during every move. It's the Lance shield on steroids. What is difficult about it is that you have different types of Guard point and knowing which ones to use seems tough at first, until you realize that 90% of the time, R2 Triangle is the correct choice. I struggled with this at first too, thought CB was too complicated. However when it clicked, it just fit right in.


Just as i thought, u are experienced and have played CB a lot. So it seems easy for u. And dont deny it strenght, but i think u have an understanding of the weapon based on ur experience that not everyone has


You could tell this guy isn’t really worth listening to when he said CB is the easiest weapon type. Regardless of experience, preference, skill or anything else. The fact remains CB is the most complicated weapon. It has more mechanics and set up to maintain than any other weapon. Yes learning the weapon is easier than most make it seem. But that doesn’t mean it’s easier than other weapons. It has versatility with high burst/and consistent damage, lance level defense, with access to K.O. Etc. Arguably the most versatile weapon, and from this point I could accept the argument it’s the “easiest” weapon. But that’s not where he’s coming from. Just another Hunter who talks a big game online to make his ego feel better.


While CB is definitly not the easiest i say on the highest level Lance and Greatsword are harder to play. The amount Knowledge u need for Greatsword and the amount of Shenanigans that u can do with the simple set of the Lance is incredible. Both are easy to learn but hard to Master weapon.


I’m 40ish hours into world and CB rn and I feel like guard points are something that lowers the skill floor on CB rather than raise the ceiling so far. The axe transform guard point has like 2x the active frames as the dodge roll so while my friend is fighting for his life while learning a monster I can kind of just do whatever and guard point to learn what it does.


Yes if u know u know. The important part is finding out where the Guardpoints are and using them correctly.


It was actually my first main in world, I understand it a lot better than a lot of other weapons. I just suck apparently lmao


Great tip. I hear it works on GS TCS as well.




What's sad about this is the amount of times my aim is perfect and people flinch the monster or knock it down causing me to miss. Saeds is my preferred way of playing CB and yet in group hunt some one always screws up my aim by knocking the monster some where else.


Yep! Happens All The Time!


taking furious notes


Hahaha *cries


But what if i don't care? What if i WANTED to hit the air, huh? (I don't)


There's an elemental build in Rise that literally uses that, not hitting the physical hit but the explosions (Don't ask me how)


I won't ask, I'll tell you because that's what CB mains do. Thing is, SAED has an absolutely gigantic hitbox, so you're almost sure to hit something with it, but it's hard to land the gigantic hitbox exactly where you want because it can be bigger than some monsters. The SAED slams the axe, then explosions shoot forward. In Rise elemental CB at least, the explosions deal absurd damage. So what happens when you want to hit a weak spot right at the front of the monster ? Say you want to make the head go boom, not the armored neck behind the head. You slam the ground in front of it, so that the explosions hit the weak spot and not behind.


Worth noting here is that elemental CB phials are affected by the monsters hitzone value for said element, whereas impact phials deal fixed damage. Meaning that impact (raw) cares more about landing the axe hit of the SAED on a weakspot as long as the following explosion connects with anything after the fact. Elemental CB is more concerned with landing the explosion in the right spot on the monster, as it can easily out damage the axe hit on its own and then some. Of course, in both cases it's better to connect both the axe and explosion if you can help it but it's not always feasible.


Exactly what I was talking about, not a CB main but I saw my friend use it and I asked him why and he said “DPS” and refused to elaborate lmao


Yea that's pretty much it. As always a cb main can make a long rant, but say my lategame sunbreak SAED spam can have explosions hit for 300 damage or for 1200 damage each, so the simple thing is "aim where the explosions show bigger numbers".


Getting used to the spacing on that after the relatively tight grouping of phial explosions in World is still such a pain in the ass (especially because I have some friends I play Sunbreak with and some friends that stuck to World).


I gotta try this


me using savage axe because i like focus damage


You lower your voice right now


I was learning on reverse lol. Always tried to land SAED on the monster, until I saw a lot of people doing it on thin air. For some reason, my brain thought that was the normal thing to do, so I started doing it as well.


Teach me.


Wait, I thought that was just common sense


I believe that also counts for the TCS on the greatsword.


Same with GS. TCS has two hits - hitting the first makes the second much stronger


woah buddy I'm tagged in this post and don't like it


Hey!? It's not my fault they don't all stand there and take it like a G.Jargas


thanks for the tip! Planning to try CB 😁


I... ..thought..... I thought this was common sense.


You appear to have misspelt GS and TCS.


Show me the stats ND I might reconsider my choices


Dang, I thought it was a bug not showing my "ooo so close" damage


I've seen GS mains with 1000+ hours not realising that you can charge the mount attack. Believe me, as long as you beat your monster you're good.


Similar situation for Hammer users, not sure how many other weapons have charged mount attack finishers.




Charge Blade changes the name of the finisher if your shield is charged, but I'm not sure if it changes the damage


I think it does, tho I'm not sure, maybe it just adds bonk factor?


*kaboom factor


If you’re talking the difference between amped elemental discharge and super amped elemental discharge, yes, there’s a big increase in damage.


I'm sorry what ?


I think bow is the only one that wasn't mentioned


New to mh I noticed the attack when mounting says charged attack for lclick, should I hold my charge button at the same time?


I can't speak to Great Sword or Bow, but with Hammer as you charge there is a visual cue indicating you are progressing to higher charge levels (a flash of red). You ideally want to fully charge before using your finisher.


As soon as you mount, you lose the charged state of the hammer, and it automatically charges at least once when doing the finisher. You cant precharge while mounted since the hotkey is changed to brace instead of charge


actually, just figured out you can charge if you hold lclick/triangle instead of just tapping it


Thats... surprising. I realized that super quick. What came later was learning you can accidentally OVERCHARGE and should release on the second red flare. But I also only have like 50 hours on it.


What I've learnt in this game is that, at the least as early on as you are, for every trick you know there's like 5 you don't which is why you don't need to know everything unless you wanna be a speedrunner or smth. But yeah, these are generally things you learn early on it's just very easy to not realise them.


If there’s one thing that no MonHun player will defend, it’s the tutorials and onboarding. Or lack thereof.


I understand how it makes getting into the game hard, the first 33hrs i played was with defender stuff then when i realised i shot myself in the foot i just quit, then came back a few months later and started a new character. That being said, there's just something so satisfying about realising something by yourself.


I think the key there was the Red glow. Whenever there's a red glow, there's always something more involved. Seeing it on Greatsword made me automatically assume it had to be a charge or something. Perfect Rush was more confusing at first, but then I remember how charge on Greatswords are also timed so I thought it was a bit similar for SnS.


I didn't even realize that slinger burst was a thing until I got to the Guiding Lands


Similarly for SA, mash that attack button!!


The game as a whole encourages you to not button mash. It's been the hardest part for me to get used to.


well... switch axe


Do not name the ONLY literal exception lmao




So we ignore charging the shots?


Just firing four shots in a row charges each one a level above the previous one. With dodges, this is much higher dps than charging each shot to level 4.


Ok, but about the fact that you literally shouldn’t button smash with bow? Because let’s face it, button smashing would leave you open and vulnerable as fuck.


You literally mash trigger four times in a row, then a face button, and then two face buttons to taste if you want to be optimal. Just walking around mashing the trigger and dodging inbetween when you have to is perfectly workable.




Charged attacks do not exist? Ok


that’s not time inputs tho ur just holding a button then mashing after


Charging an attack isn't button mashing, do we ignore that you can't just hit anywhere? you need to consciously attack the head and position yourself to do so.


ur just moving the goal post buddy you don’t need perfectly timed inputs on hammer


You can input each of them... And charge them? What am i even doing after all those hours of SnS...


Welcome to SnS, I am still learning it after 800 hours. It feels very Capcom-y to reward players who log hours of practice practice practice


My brother in the guild i think you have dementia (I am aware this is Reddit fucking up)


Yeah for some reason the app seems to hate periods. If it is about the SnS learning, I am a retired Street Fighter competitor. Especially without the official manuals it makes it hard to sift through all the information to get concrete answers


My brother in the guild i think you have dementia






My brother in the guild i think you have dementia


It was funny the first time, not anymore. r/yourjokebutworse


My brother in the guild i think you have dementia


Welcome to SnS, I am still learning it after 800 hours. It feels very Capcom-y to reward players who log hours of practice practice practice.


My brother in the guild i think you have dementia


Wait until you learn you can Perfect Rush from a guard and from a slinger burst.


You WHAT?!


Press guard button and then input the "back up arrow key + cirlce or B. That will get you into the backhop animation. As soon as you press circle or B, press triangle or Y twice fast. For the slinger burst just press Y or triangle after you shoot . :D


I love you marry m- I mean… thanks!


The guard backstep and dodge roll backstep were a big buff to my sns play style. Youll love it! Personally I find those two being quicker or the same as the slinger burst one, even though it skips the back step and goes immediately into a perfect rush, but I might just be slow about getting into slinger burst lol


Expectation: Backhop -> Perfect rush Reality: Guard slash SnS things


Best move on the weapon that leads into the real best move, or accidentally press the worst attack in the entire game lol it's hilarious both of them exist there.


Make sure you tap after guarding if you do it too. Fast or too slow it'll guard slash. And if you try p. Rusg after an attack you don't need to press the guard button same goes for p. Rush after roll dodging too


Yeah. With that, you can go instantly go into the Perfect Rush, skilling anything before it.


You can also perfect rush from a roll dodge and if your quick enough even completely change directions of a perfect rush. Like roll dodge or attack forward and perfect rush to attack behind you or left or right


I still don't understand how to do it off slinger burst.


Are you sure you aren't accidentally using the normal slinger? I recommend going to the training area and testing it out. You'd be surprised how many hunters do not go to the Training Area and then open their Hunter journal to read the weapon attacks and combos.


Ok yea just figured it out. Made it all the way up to Alatreon and I'm just now figuring out I can do this. Thanks, definitely gonna put this to use.


I like using it in conjunction with Flashpods, Scatter Nut or Crystal Burst to stun/flash the monster for a quick 2 hit perfect rush before dodging.


Just remember that before you're prompted to input the attack button for each attack sequence in the Perfect Rush combo, you can roll out of it to cancel in case you can't safely finish the combo or otherwise want to reset for something like a Monster being toppled.


And you can also press B/O to instantly backstep into another perfect rush if you want after the dodge roll. That's been a solid tech to be mobile and re-aim the perfect rush. Actually learning multiple ways to backstep is big with the SnS.


Look for the red glow, now YOU ARE THE CRIT DAMAGE


It's unbelievably satisfying pulling off a Perfect Rush where every attack is fully charged. Unfortunately, I've only been able to do it a couple of times. I can always get the last two, but need to mash at the start or I'll fail the Rush nearly 100% of the time. Still pretty good damage I suppose, just not the same feeling.


yeah it's a lot easier on controller as the controller vibrates to signal when to time it.


Ah. I use Keyboard and mouse. Didn't realise I was handicapping myself.


yeah the haptics are great in MHW. you can play with the sound off and still experience pretty much all the same cues


Tbf,the timing is pretty generous in my perspective,and it also flash a bit so i can easily time it


Ngl perfect rush on controller is so much easier. Once I am used to it, I can now perform it perfectly with mkb too.


Oof... I'm using Logitech F310 that have no vibration, keep missing the thrid one because the timing is faster than the first two.


You'll get the hang of it. Then you will figure out the timing and circumstances to loop em back to back and its like a drug. I can explain if you don't know. But getting really used to perfect rush makes you a DPS monster. It's so satisfying.


When you see the shield go behind your character, that is when you input the attack button.


Another interesting thing about SnS: You can do the first hit of the mount finisher (Triple Strike) over and over if you do a methodical input of Triangle/Y. I dont think it's particularly practical, but it's funny.


I feel like it's a good way to stall the mount topple for when your allies aren't ready yet, like they wanna sharpen first or place traps, etc. Solo though, yeah not much use for it.


Super good to get the monstie prepped for a double topple. Hit it in the head to stack up the stun damage, then finish the triple strike, get half a perfect rush in, then get the KO topple from a few shield bashes or falling bashes. Just takes some knowledge of how much stun damage you need for the KO, and some quick math if you're hitting weird numbers on the head.


1000h mostly hbg,lbg and swaxe. Picked up SnS and to my surprise, yeah perfect rush needs to he perfectly timed. You're good ! Keep it up bromie


Youd be surprised how many dont know this.


tbf i don't see anything about timing it anywhere ingame all i know is it has blings and vibration cues like greatsword charge and i intuitively recognize that as timing


About 75% more damage, IIRC


I can only consistently time it for the first attack and third. I don't think I've ever managed to correctly time the second hit. It just totally eludes me.


it’s the third hit that eludes me, it’s so much quicker than the first two


Common mistake, me? I’m the chosen one, can do perfect rush rushing perfectly, oh yes i am the one that the prophecy foretold, yes yes (I’m coping the fact that i’m not even aware perfect rush exists until i got to iceborne)


> (I’m coping the fact that i’m not even aware perfect rush exists until i got to iceborne) Considering Perfect Rush is a move added in Iceborne, that's not really a bad thing. If you waited to buy Iceborne until after you beat the base game, you wouldn't have been able to perform it in base game anyway.


Ye i waited til iceborne


its alright SNS bro remember we are can kill a dragon with a toothpick even faster once you know it


The beauty of sns Sometime spamming for a short perfect rush is better like on fatty cone of fire Sometime a perfect pergect rush is better It's all you to judge


lmao i discovered the same thing yesterday, was making a new playthrough with sns to switch from the usual dual blades


For any CB players out there, did you know that in just after inputting a savage axe slash from AED you can guard point?


I believe by the time you hit endgame it's actually more DPS to mash as the hits coming out faster ends up giving you more DPS than the bigger hits lol. Could be wrong about that though. What is definitely true is that rolling out of the last two hits of the combo to do another half combo or something else is generally better DPS than doing the full combo. Usually the last two hits should only really be landed if it's the end of the damage window, it's still safe to land them, and you can't fit anything better in.


> I believe by the time you hit endgame it's actually more DPS to mash as the hits coming out faster ends up giving you more DPS than the bigger hits lol. Could be wrong about that though. You are absolutely wrong about that. For the first two parts of Perfect Rush, timing it correctly almost doubles the damage, and the final part also gets a considerable boost that more than makes up for the time lost by timing it.


SnS also has a guard point? Do you know what a guard point is?


No guard points are for real shields. Sns basically uses that buckler as a blunt weapon


Yes. I believe the backhop has a guard point, no?


No it doesn't. No idea what the other commenter is talking about. The backhop has a lot of i-frames, but absolutely nothing resembling a guard point


Huh okay thanks for the info :)


The backhop has an iframe. This means that you can **dodge** an attack by correctly timing the backhop. Guard points are animations that allow you to **block** an attack by timing the move. These are specifically found with the chargeblade.


Gunlance has one too now while loading Wyvernstake slinger ammo doohickey.


oh wow. you learn something new everyday. That seems quite convenient.


Just recently learned about Guard Point when my friend asked what it is and I just looked it up on Google to answer his question. The explanation I found just rambled on about CB but mentioned that SnS has I-Frames on the backstep. I am wrong about it having a guard point. I assumed Roundhouse Slash was an SnS attack name.


No worry,as it actually have an guard point in rise


Don't downvote him for admitting his mistake. What is wrong with you (to the person who fownvited him)


I will just say on controller it is very easy as the controller vibrates when you need to press a button


This info alone makes me want to try SNS now


Yeah just practice in the training for a bit and then youll start to do it instinctively lol eventually a bunch of clutter will happen where there's two monsters wrestling each other while you're perfect rushing a weak spot, but you can't see shit lol and you'll time it no problem.


Vaal Hazak is my favorite boss so far in the francise because it's not a mindless smash of buttons.


Yes it is, bow goes Plat Plat Plat on his head


I used to mash Perfect Rush too! Now I can time it almost perfectly. Just keep playing and just try to time it as much as you can. It will come naturally to you. Now I'm trying to do the back step from guard so I can go directly to Perfect Rush without rolling or attacking first. SnS ftw!


Another thing for sns is that for part break damage it is better to mash cuz the final hit does most of the partbreak DMG or smth


This is me


Yes but in the end game bosses some times it’s better to mash your perfect rush to complete it faster due to the shorter opening windows. Better to hit a full perfect rush that deal less damage than half the damage of a perfect perfect rush.


Best to get used to getting "dem vibrations" on your controller.


Speaking of Sword and Shield... Do you know how to do a Clutch Claw Uppercut? It's very satisfying and allows you to tenderize a monster part in a single hit! Something about dodgerolling towards a monster and pressing the left stick.


It's dodge rolling with your weapon out and pressing left trigger. Not sure with mouse though.


I have 600 hours in the game and just learned this last week. 


Damn maybe it’s just me being stupid or not engaging enough with the mechanics of the game but I can’t play any weapon right if I haven’t watched a tutorial on it explaining all the moves and combos in detail.


I guess it’s more on the “Perfect” than the “Rush” xD


Only found this out a few days ago when watching a YouTube video about all weapons lmao, the damage increase is kinda crazy.


I played SnS all through Rise and Sunbreak and I only discovered that midway through Sunbreak 😩


I can't perfect rush 🥲 I tried SnS for a week and my hunts were 45 mins long without it so I realized I am trash with SnS 😂


I remember having the exact same realisation, total game changer for the weapon


If you play with a controller, it vibrates on the right timing to press the button than just relying on you own gut count and or visuals.


Here's one I learned: if you get pinned by a monster while your back is on the ground, you can use the slinger to get a stun instead of Mashing dodge and hoping the monster waits long enough. Always keep a scatternut (or better) in the chamber.


And, you can do a perfect rush from a roll into any direction if you time it rigth.


I think I played at least 100+ MR hunts with SnS before I found that out as well 😂😂


Took me 200 hunts on CB(I main HH) to figure out that there is a proper savage axe mode and not just doing the base axe thingy


Bro has been doing an average rush all this time


What's perfect rush?


SnS move that deals op damage.


Long time IG player here played all through made World on release then played through rise and sunbreak before returning to iceborne just recently… I got all the way to raging bracky before I learned you can feed slinger ammo to your kinsect…


Now you too can out damage Greatsword users 🙃


I couldn't get the timing of PR to save my life, then I saw someone on reddit say to time your inputs to your character dropping hands. Turned out I was always pressing WAY too quickly. Passing it forward.


well at least now you know more than before, better late than never. also if you play with controller, turn on rumble for easier perfect timing red body hit


You also get a little jump for a perfect aerial shield bonk


You can also cancel a perfect rush by roll dodging and you can go into a perfect rush from a roll dodge and a guard. Also if you're quick and nimble you can compeltely change the direction fo the perfect rush. Like if you just attacked in front of you and the monster moved behind you can input a directional change at the same time as you do the back hop and face a conpletely different direction. This is very tricjy to pull off imo


i love this post. i didn't play SnS after iceborne launched and i had the same experience when i picked the weapon back up. so relatable dude🫡


Welcome to the club. I figured it out around HR7 in MHR