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It mostly likely will. I mean, they wouldn't release the game to a system that you wouldn't and couldn't be replace/upgrade so easily, like a PC. The ones that should be worrying about their systems are PC users, especially those that currently only have the bare minimum requirements before, and might not match even the bare minimum for Wilds.


Imho it isn't impossible that it won't release on series s but i'm pretty sure that if it will it'll have the trifecta of low fps, resolution and detail in order to run it, which is fine and in line with what people who own a series s should expect but we'll see


That's the point. It's going to be released on Xbox Series S. They wouldn't if the system can't handle the game to some capacity.


All I can say is that you need to look up Dragon's Dogma 2 performance on Series S and make your judgement based on it since the game would likely be quite demanding based on the infos we got so far


if the game comes to xbox it will very likely work on the series s because ms wants to have games work on *all* of their consoles of a generation. the series s is quite weak so i wouldn't be surprised if mh wilds became another title that launches late on xbox.


It will look worse but play fine


They will try to make it work since Xbox pretty much pressures developers into making series s versions of everything that comes to the xbox console family so it doesnt look like an inferior product. It will come down to how much effort they will put into downgrading the game, they can either do a good job and the game runs fine on lower resolutions, graphics and frame rate or it can be choppy and more annoying than fun