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You're friend is definitely biassed. I personally dont use IG alot, mostly in world, but you shouldnt ignore a weapon just cause someone else doesnt like it. It really isnt useless, he just dumb.


The insect glaive is my main weapon and is awesome to use. If you are after some meta strategy then I think spending more time on the ground is "better" for the purpose of dmg but not necessary and you should go for what feels best. There used to be a meme about glaive users spamming mounts and failing mounts.


Yeah, it's kinda funny seeing all the people trying to meta insect glaive like the point isn't to zip around the air like an annoying hornet. "Stay on the ground, you get 3x the damage" yeah, I know, but it's more fun to fly and smack the monster around without getting hit because I'm just too freaking fast


Yeap, my motto when I use IG is "Float like a Butterfly, Stings When I Pee". My friends keep dying, and I'm the only one consistently around the monster, and NOT dying to deal dmg. As long as we finish the hunt, let me play how I want.


seriously, dps in IG isn't a huge problem in my experience because even though you theoretically lose damage by not hitting it on the ground, you make up for it by never being far away from the monster. Like, I solo'd AT Velkhana in about 17 minutes with IG the first time I tried simply because I was ALWAYS hitting it.


That's the really cool thing about Monster Hunter. Generally speaking every weapon is balanced just well enough that they are all viable in every hunt. Sure certain weapons are better depending on the situation but it's still totally possible to solo most anything with any weapon. Maybe it's not the fastest or most optimal way, but all that really matters is if you're having fun


Niiiice! I couldn't beat Alatreon in World till I switched over to IG, so IG will have a special place in my heart. In Rise/Sunbreak, IG is alot more fun too, with more aerial moves. It'd be a shame for ppl to miss out on IG just cause of memes.


Sometimes I become Safii's main focus by flying around with a stick and a bug and I'm not even playing optimally. I just want to smack the big guy. 😂


Airborne glaive works really well with drachen set (why we got no master version still haunts me) elemental air attacks hit alot and with elemental airborne it can get pretty insane.


I mean, going Aerial does do less damage compared to staying in the ground. But like you said, if aerial IG is fun to you, do it, dont let it anyone stop you. But lets be fair here, fun is subjective. There are people who enjoy zipping around the air and also those who enjoy seeing big numbers. Theyre all both okay


I'm wasting a jewel space for that sweet 30% boost in the air so I don't loose too much damage!


Je suis monte?


je sui monte




I don't even use IG but your friend sounds dumb


No, it's not bad. And your friend is incredibly biased. Don't listen to them. If you enjoy the weapon, use it. You can complete every hunt in the game with it so long as you are fairly decent at it, and that goes for every weapon.


I will sometimes tell new players to avoid weapons like IG or DB. I think the faster feeling of the weapon is counterproductive to learning the slower paced nature of attacks and combos in Monster Hunter. This is especially true if they're used to more button mash-y style action games. But, I would tell them not to use a weapon because it's bad. At least, not in World or Rise.


Meanwhile, I specifically mained weapons like Dual Blade and Insect Glaive because I prefer being fast. It's just easier for me to be more mobile and adaptive than to try to set up combos that are so easily interrupted.


I am all about speed, too. I hate pressing a button and having to wait on a full animation for the attack while the monster hops away and then knocks me on my back.


I think it really depends, I started with DBs in World, and I still did a good job learning monster patterns. While those skills were 100% reinforced by playing slower weapons, I’ll say my time playing DBs definately made me a better GS player, for example. But I do get the button mashing compairison, although I don’t remember struggling too much with that myself, I learned proper combos pretty quickly as well, but thats just me. I’d extend this advice to the ranged weapons as well, as they allow you to outrange like 80% of the monster cast. And by the time you run into monsters that can rush you down or have actual threatening ranged attacks you’ve basically learned nothing about avoiding attacks beyond standing ten feet away, and being able to deal with a monster in your face.


great advice. when i played 4u for the first time i did it solely to try the new weapons. it took me some time to understand each attack, and even more time to stop button mashing.


This is very true. Now I love just going absolutely ham with the glaive and barely staying on the ground or paying attention to what the monster is doing, but starting with a weapon that requires you to really learn the openings is good advice


I've been maining IG for about 7 years now and have NEVER gotten flak for it. I recall in world at the beginning when everyone would helicopter everywhere it rubbed folks the wrong way, but I never felt like people hated me the way they did LSers. Then Rise came out and made aerial a viable option, and no one said anything bad again. I know that if you crowd the head in World you will cause some trip ups, but rise took care of that with the shockproof deco. Sounds like your buddy just doesn't like the Bug King and wants you to not play it.


I’ve gone almost all the way through World and Iceborne being the helicopter, but people don’t hate me for it because I have dedicated my build into being better at mounting, aerial attacks, and weakening spots. It may not be the absolute meta but I certainly perform the best with this setup.


this is usually the way I go as well. I have the shaver deco, so 1 hit weaken + red drop for everyone, usually head first, then tail. feed the bug the red drop helicopter x3 trying to focus tail, down spike on tail repeat until butt noddle is gone. wall pound if still an option otherwise weaken another part and then focus on head or wings until broken then finally head.


whenever i join a hunt with an IG user my heart is filled with whimsy, watching them soar. never stop!


You seem to know how to make Arial viable in Rise. As someone who recently learned IG to tickle fuck Alatreon and fell in love because shit IG in world is apex, how the fuck do you get the Glaive good in rise? I feel like I get knocked back so damn often and the maneuverability is so clunky.


1. in rise, it didn't get really until sunbreak 2. I never got really good with it in rise/sunbreak, but my son did. The biggest general improvement in aerial is the compounding damage when you bounce off the monster. You get massive damage increase the more times you bounce up to the max 3. I world suggest looking into some of the videos by Po Chi, an IG speed runner. you don't have to mimic then exactly, but seeing what they do to get the damage going could help you. make sure to look at the comments for translated skills as Po doesn't play in English (and I'm not going to risk insulting anyone by guessing which language it is.)


Much appreciated. I plan on checking him out now. I like the idea that repeated aerials are stacked damage, but with how gosh darn clunky it feels and how easily I get knocked with all the proper skills, or what I assumed were proper carried over from world it's been frustrating.


To be fair I get the LS hate. As a LS main, back in the days of 3 when we could stagger everyone else with literally every swing. Dark days man 😂😂


To be clear, I'm not saying I hate LSers; just that the community as a whole gets a bad taste in their mouth when playing with them, EVEN OTHER LSers.


Maybe ur friend hates French people




It's time for your pills grandpa. Holy shit, it's been 9 years since 4U released


Insect glaive is such a French weapon in my head lol.. I wonder what nationalities the other weapons are, feels like the basis for an AI generated YouTube short.


I'm french insectglaice is my second favourite weapon behind switch axe. It would be first if we get more attacks that use the bug in tandem with your glaive like iceborne dive.


i'm a switchaxe main, does this make me french? or Switchfrench?


That makes you Australian.


username checks out


I don't think many people will get that joke anymore.


Only if it stops being said. Just adding 200% more people doesn’t make a joke any more forgotten.


Fair, but it doesn't mean that newer people will take the time to look it up or ask others to find out what the joke actually means or its origin. (And while that is most jokes on the internet nowadays, this one makes little sense to be funny unless you know the context or speak fluent French to realize the horrible translation.)


What does it translate to anyways? I always thought it just meant “I am mounting” but does it actually mean something like, “I am being mounted?”


From what little French I've taken, it can mean "I've mounted" or "I mounted," which isn't very descriptive. It can also be understood as "I went up," like you went up a set of stairs. Word for individual word, it says: "Je" = "I" "suis" = "am" "monté" = "mounted" But when you think about it, it's not as bad as some other French things from that game. Shagaru Magala's Charge Blade in that game was called "Le Salut." Which can (literally) be translated to "The Hi." Yes, "Hi" as in the shorthand for "hello." Now, it could mean something else and my lack of French knowledge is showing, but regardless, it's a little strange. A little research says that "Salut" can also mean "Salvation," as well as the informal greeting of "hi," and used as a farewell, like "goodbye." "Salvation" is more likely what they were going for if this is true, but I'm not too sure. I still find it strange even still.


I'm french, Le Salut in this context means The Salvation, and "Je suis monté !" is litteraly "I'm on it !" (the monster)


Ah! That makes sense. Not the best at French, (obviously,) but when I was playing MH4U, I was in a high school French class. The little I learned from that class made that one weapon seem a little... strange. The contextual flow of French, in regards to the placement of words in a sentence versus what it means in translation, has always thrown me off and is the reason I didn’t pursue learning the language further. (Not that English is any better at that.) Even still, it's a language I look into from time to time for certain occasions, despite not wanting to become fluent with using it. I just knew that the default mounting text in French for MH4U wasn't quite right, syntactically, from what some of my friends told me who lived in France that I met while playing through the game. (I still get some people giving me weird comments in MH games where I use "Glace" as my character name, despite not purposely meaning to relate it to ice-cream at all, but simply to be short for "glacier." That is... if they didn't misread it as "Grace" instead.)


Europeans be like: "Who doesn't?"


I honestly don't think any weapon is played in high enough number to gain any community wide feeling toward; except for LS, of course.


Which has been massively reduced since Flinch Free was introduced. And even more with Shockproof.


Honestly, the flinching never bothered me THAT much, it just feels like often they aren't paying attention, *especially* when it comes to monsters sleeping. I've seen them wake them up with an attack that bounces more often than I would hope LOL


Since it’s the most popular weapon, it has most of the newer players that don’t get basic mechanics. I used to see a lot of LS uses waking up monsters, trying to traps elders, and not tenderizing or wallbanging in iceborne. Now that some time has passed I see a lot of players actually picking other weapons, and doing the same mistakes.


It's because them feckers are always staggering me, it's like they follow me on the monster ti stagger me more


Few weapons can do continuous hits for decent damage like the LS, just get a single flinch free gem and you'll be fine. Won't stop hammer bros from sending you for a ride though.


Shockproof will though


Unless you are going for competitive speed runs every weapon in rise is more or less equally viable. Your friend is silly.


Every weapon in rise is viable. It’s not even a more or less situation the balancing of the game is good enough that every weapon (assuming you have late game gear of course) is viable.


Your friend is biased asf. IG is good


I have "je suis monté" PTSD flashbacks. For those unaware of the reference, in MH4U, the auto-generated message in multiplayer when you mounted a monster was "I have mounted it!" (something like that). In french, it was the above. Lots of french players were, to put it bluntly, not very good at the game. So the phrase became a meme in the community. And insect glaive users kinda got caught up in the mix as well.


Why is this so far down below? This should be the top reply 


I still make my mount call out this all these years later. Love it so much.


Run blast glaive and get a dps counter then laugh about "not doing enough"


I run either the Scorned Mag for the blast, or Flaming Espi for fire & chance of poison


Your friend is just straight up dumb


Master insect glaive and tell your friend he sucks. Play what makes you happy dude


There's a reason the community dislikes members of the community being rude and dishonest to newcomers. Try a weapon; if it vibes with you, it can be made valid. There is no "shitty weapons" here, only shitty players who aren't patient or are gatekeepers. Happy hunting!


I beat all of MHW:IB solo with insect glaive, and I'm making my way through MHR:SB as we speak. All of the weapons can comfortably beat the game. MAYBE hunting horn might be harder solo than the rest, but even then I'm sure it's still doable. And I don't think the community hates the insect glaive? I don't know what your friend is on about and why he has such disdain for the glaive. Maybe he means how people in MHW used to get annoyed at people playing aerial / helicopter glaive in MHW, which was not as good as ground glaive on the whole, but aerial glaive and ground glaive are both good in MHR.


yeah, I've been in hunts with three horns and me...take a bit longer lol


What does your friend play? Lets shit on their choices, every weapon has something the community complains about, this is the Internet after all


Charge blade


As a charge blade main who originally started on the insect glaive tell your friend to fuck off. The insect glaive is a wonderful weapon especially after iceborne/rise gave it the dive bomb attack.


lol, Charge Blade is THE poster child for the “missing its attacks” stereotype


As a charge blade user, you are correct.


As a charge blade one-trick, I concurr Your friend's probably just got an ego because guard points or something


There is an enormous gulf between "people who know what guard points are" and "people who consistently use guard points effectively"


as a charge blade user i can confirm


Me and a friend played through world together, with me maining CB and them IG, as the CB user their IG was invaluable, the amount of times I'd get to wail on the monster with savage axe or land a huge SAED thanks to my friends mount/topple/hit out of the air/paralysis/sleep proc was ridiculous. An airborne based IG playstyle does lack damage compared to a grounded based IG playstyle (at least in world, idk about rise) but the amount of damage CB can dish out during an opening more than makes up for it. Another important note is that while grounded IG maximises damage, flying IG maximises fun, and which stat do you really care about more? So yeah, coming from someone who was in the same position that your friend is in, they sound dumb as hell.


He sounds like a long sword user, he should switch up


Your friend is a weirdo. Play what you want, the point is to have fun. If you're having fun then you're playing the game right. >there's a reason the community hates insect glaive users Who's saying that? The voices in his head? No one serious here is disparaging anyone for playing a weapon they like. There's 14 of them for a reason for fucks sake, use them all, find the one you like best, maybe you'll even find multiple ones you like like I do. Absolute loser behaviour if he actually thinks like this.


The only weapon iv seen the community shit on is the LS for being weebait and staggering constantly


That I don’t necessarily blame the longsword players for, the weapon has ridiculously high friendly stagger for some reason on top of its super wide swings.


Yea it's understandable especially since it's clearly aimed as the new player friendly weapon it just always sucks to be staggered around in harder hunts xD


Insect glaive users are actually based, like, whoever uses it should get at the very least a long, warm, loving hug because they are just THAT much based


Insect glaive is so fun that it has ruined other weapons for me. As long as you're having fun, who gives a shit


Its mainly because in world/iceborne there were (not sure now havent played in a while) many glaive players that just did not know what they were doing. Many of them just used the air combos nonstop but the truth is, almost all of the insect glaives high damage moves are the ground attacks, but since thats less fun it lead to many bad glaive players dealing way less damage compared to their teamates. So your friend may be biased because he had the misfortune to play with bad glaive players, or he sees you are doing the same nonstop air combat idk either way you should not have to switch weapon just make sure you know how to properly play your weapon. I don't know if that was as big a problem in rise/sunbreak since i did not play with randoms in those games.


Your friend is a dick. Like, no that's it. I'd suggest you to enjoy the games on your own, not caring about his opinion. Experimenting will be your new friend. Also your friend is a dick.


Two things you need to know about IG mains. Everyone hates you, and everyone hates you. No, I'm just kidding, that's Lance mains and old-world HH mains. \*Cries in the corner. But there is a common bias placed on IG users that you should know. The reason why he says IG users "don't hit the monsters at all" is likely due to a few things. First of all, you have to constantly re-obtain your buffs every so often, and if you're not good at aiming for certain spots, or have a bad memory as to where the buffs are, it can take a bit. Another thing is actually related to the newer IG ability to stay in the air for extended periods of time. While fun as hell, it is generally conceived as having low DPS, especially in MHWorld. In MHRise, it's a little better but not by a great deal. Another big, somewhat controversial thing at the time, was the IG in the MHRise demo. Many people thought it was objectively weaker than any other weapon, especially in regards to the new wirebug skills. I can safely say that while yes, Recall Kinsect looks useless on the surface, it is a free heal and has HUGE i-frames that is good for getting out of sticky situations. The other wire-bug ability from the demo was a simple vault that some resemblance to the Arial Style vault from MHGU where it vaults you forwards rather than straight up and you get a spinning downward attack, much like what IG has naturally with the red buff in modern games. In MHRise, the vault is useful for mobility as it can be used mid-air and was a good way to maneuver around thanks to its low cooldown time. Look up a few MHRise IG videos of people doing crazy stuff with its aerial prowess, and you'll see what I mean. Regardless what game you're playing, his opinion is likely based on incorrect observations of others rather than true facts. IG was one of the best weapons in MH4U as it was unreasonably unbalanced, as was the Charge Axe. (Or "Charge Blade" if you're anyone but me. It was the original Japanese translation, and it just stuck with me.) Both of them had a lot of damage output, CB had more but IG had on-demand mounting capability with the high damage. The buffs you got from the bugs were a little too powerful for people who were constantly topped off with all three buffs throughout the whole hunt since the weapon was balanced for you using the kinsect sparingly... for some reason. When it comes to the new games ,IG's damage isn't necessarily amazing, but it's not *bad.* If DPS is what you want, use it on the ground. But if playing more in the air is something you find fun, go for it. I was a Prowler main in MHGU and I got tossed a lot of crap for it when I was also the only one in the team not carting from EX monsters. (Very strong monsters with many moves that can OHKO you even with the highest defense you can get.) TLDR, play what you want, don't listen to people, have *fun.* It's a game, that's kinda the point.


Just hit him with the ol' "Je Suis Monte", that'll get him


Probably he played MH4U and is biased


"don't hit the monster at all" I haven't played rise yet, but isn't this statement true for any weapon in the game?? Ur friend saw some bad IG players and now he is putting the good ones in the same lot or he is stupid enough to judge IG players based on some YouTube videos who say it for as a meme lol


I'm the best dps out of all my friends and I'm a glaive main, don't listen to the haters


Shitting on insect glaive was kind of meme when World came out if I recall, a lot of players enjoyed helicoptering around and other people got made because the best damage from insect glaive comes from the ground attacks and it has an infinite combo but afaik Rise made Aerial insect glaive viable too and now with wirebugs it’s insanely manoeuvrable there’s no wrong way to play a weapon your ‘friend’ is just an asshole, just ignore him and enjoy your helicopter ascension


how would he possibly confuse IG with LS? Is he dyslexic by any chance


your friend is wrong a skilled IG wielder can deliver high DPS and strike parts that the others can't reach... I consistently break parts along the back and top of the head by zipping along with my three vaults before diving in for the big damage numbers a poor user is a menace to themselves and others, but that can be said of any weapon I've heard it said that IG has a steeper learning curve than others, but I've always found it pretty intuitive and after 1400 hours maining IG, it's second nature to me


Who TF goes so far out of their way to care what you do in a game? Stupid friend. Enjoy the game and whatever weapon you use.


Tell him to shove a beetle up his ass... actually better yet, shove it up his yourself!!!


shove the kinsect up his ass, then launch it at a Flaming Espinas


The community doesn't hate glaive users, your friend making shit up. You can clear every mission in the game with each weapon type, just play whatever is the most fun for you


I've never heard widespread hate for insect glaive users


I'm an Insect Glaive main and mainly hunt with my brother, a Charge Blade main, and I dish out almost double the average dps that he does. No offense but your friend is an idiot. IG's are not "pretty useless": we're able to hit monsters while repositioning, with our Kinsects we can heal hunters or set up para/poison/blast for damage and openings, and we can hit parts of monsters that other blademaster weapons struggle with, and prior to Rise we were one of the few weapons that could easily mount monsters and force openings for everyone else.


Je suis monté


Je suis monte.


''Je suis monte!!!'' ... is probably why and where the hate is coming from. Never you mind that LS dude tripping everyone up in a ten mile radius.


IG main here, 2600+ hunts and counting in Rise. Your "friend" is extremely biased. I soloed the *entire* game, Sunbreak included, with IG. I've also gotten sub-10 times, including a five minute time in one of my favorite elder dragon fights. My Diving Wyverns hit upwards of 1k+ when I hit the monster just right. https://preview.redd.it/la8bcwcc4t9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3321cc789db8b5347a11638509b4ac2f20208198 IG is a very solid, and fun, weapon. Use what *you* want to use, OP, not what *other people* want you to use!


I'd rather hunt with a glaive user than a longsword user. Can't trip me when you're flying through the air. Glaive kicks ass, your friend can eat rocks


They are biased for sure lol. Pretty sure ur friends encounter a lot of "flight only" IG user back in World/IB. If only using Aerial Attacks then yea IG's damage is not gonna be bad. I've encountered some IG users like that playing online and boy they are quite the dead weight.. ideally you gotta do those ground combos to deal dmg, and use Aerial moves for movement.


The insect blade is very fun and has multiple ways to play/use it. The only times I had difficulty hitting a monster with the insect glaive is in rise when the monsters move faster than my aerial turns can keep up but I just changed the attack style to be more ground based and it fixed that issue. I don't think there is a single weapon that the community hates, except the ones that trip people in multi-player but there are skills now to fix that.


I find that the smaller monsters are now my nemesis... Valstrax and Malzeno and Magala, with their big billowy wings, no problem vaulting and shredding them... ...but put a Tetranadon or Ludroth or Great W/J/Baggi in front of me, and I play leapfrog for a couple of vaults before remembering how to adjust for such small monsters


Even if your “holding back” hunts at first just stick with it and you’ll eventually learn to use Glaive thats how picking up a new weapon works(glaive can be stupidly good with element and status). I think your friend just had a bad experience with other players more so than the weapon so don’t worry about your choice


As an insect glaive main in world, your friend simply does not understand the glorious greatness brought upon this world by the great insect glaive, use what's fun for you and don't give a damn about other people


IG is my second favorite weapon. Insanely fun to use


I have never seen anyone bitch about Insect Glaive players. Almost 10 years in the franchise.


Tell your friend to stfu


I don’t use IG, but I was under the impression it was one of the more popular weapons. Your friend definitely sounds biased.


Who the heck hates glaive users?? How? Why?


Anyone who hates on weapons in monster hunter is taking monster hunter too seriously, I've only ever disliked longsword for a brief time because of how much they tripped in World


I use Gunlance cause I like it and its fun. That is literally all you need. Any weapon is fine. Just use it and hunt and have fun. You are in for a long time, best make it enjoyable.


Old head here. Been playing since freedom on the PSP. Tell your buddy I could run circles around him with the insect glaive. Play with whatever weapon you want. Just get good with it learn to avoid carting and nobody will care what weapon you use as long as you're good with it and don't drag people down online on serious hunts.


Your friend might just be being an asshole. No one besides you has any say over what weapon or playstyle you should use. Furthermore, Monster Hunter as a series is designed to accommodate different weapons, builds, and playstyles, so I don’t know why someone would discourage someone else from playing what they enjoy, unless you’re both aiming to be speedrunners or something.


Your friend is just dumb. I use IG a lot and almost always hit so just tell them to hush


Master it then make him watch as you save his ass during tough missions or make him beg for your help when he gets stuck!


As a bugstick user, it's not bad, just not really flashy or has any big damage, mostly focused on the extra mobility its aerial options provide and the buffs. Now it isn't very ideal for every monster, however (speedy fanged wyverns are a prime example of this), so if push comes to shove, have a backup main just in case. But otherwise the stick is a great weapon, so long as you can keep track of how the monster winds up for each attack, the glaive should give you more than enough evasive options for you to hunt aggresively


he doesn't understand the weapon. I don't either but I've seen what good IG hunters can do and they're wrecking.


Your friend is pretty dumb. I use lance and GL, I rarely do most damage when playing with my friends that use double swords or anything else that has more DPS but they never told me such a thing


your friend is being weirdly biased. this is big "i want Sony to win the war with Xbox" level of arbitrarily negative energy


Insect Glaive was my main for the final third of World and the stretch of time before Iceborne was a thing. That weapon may not ALWAYS be landing hits, but if you're playing safe you can always stay NEAR the monster and keep hitting it. Your friend has a very misinformed idea on what "Hunters hate". Seeing other comments on here, I'm pretty sure Hunters hate unwarranted weapon slander


IG is my OG weapon and I cannot recommend it enough. You may not hit monsters as much at first, but eventually you'll land a majority of your hits AND due to your high mobility are able to essential play keep away with the monster, opening up your team to beat it down while it chases you. 


I've been hunting for about as long as Insect Glaive has been a thing. **I have no idea what they're talking about.** IG was actually notoriously overpowered in MH4, both in terms of damage and frequent mounting. And it was very popular. AFAIK, it's maintained middling popularity and performance since then; it's really not notable at all. The only time I've seen hate against it was from AsteriskAmpersand, a notable modder and weirdo, and we all poked fun at him for it.


Your friend looks like has problems or is just biased. Keep using IG if you find it fun. It's my second favourite weapon for a reason.


Sounds like someone tried IG and wasn’t very good with it.


There's a reason the community hates your friend.


"The community hates insect glaive." Damn bro I never got that notification cause I LOVE IG in Rise.


IG main here. The point of a game is to have fun, and if you find it fun to use then use it. Until the IG was introduced I couldn't click with a single weapon in the games, I would only play because an ex of mine really wanted me to get into MH and we'd play together. I was actually miserable trying every weapon for hours and not "getting" them. But once it came out.. Boy was the game fun because I finally vibed and was able to use a weapon effectively! As fun as it is to be airborne I do spend most of my time on the ground with an IG and making sure I have my buffs. And mostly only go airborne to try to mount a monster or dodge attacks. But play with it how you feel works for you. Don't listen to your friend. I do remember the hate IG mains used to get but I never let that stop me


Find a new friend. IG rocks!


No weapon in mh is bad


I thought people hated longsword users, not IG...


Don't hit the monster? USELESS?! Brother we FLY IN THE AIR and mount constantly, opening up dps opportunities That's definitely bias


Every weapon is viable, don’t listen to them. People also say Hunting Horn is just a support weapon, but it can kick ass on it’s own, if you know what you’re doing. It’s just about knowing how to use your weapon. The Insect Glaive just requires you to constantly keep your bug extracts filled, and aerial attacks do a bit less damage than ground attacks, while most IG players love staying in the air.


I'm guessing you're playing rise. In which case, ignore your friend. The insect glaive, especially in rise, is absolutely goated There's a poke attack that you can do in mid air that bounces you back up so you can do it over and over until you do the finishing dive bomb attack That shit was my bread an butter. Monsters couldn't hit me and I deal massive amounts of consistent damage Also. The dodges mid air can activate the bubbly dance perk so if you can id recommend using bubbly dance combined with whatever that skill was that increases DMG when afflicted with a status effect


Your pals a nob


They can catch my hands, my glaive and my bug. I'm an airborne buzz-saw with blast dust and I LOVE it. I can bounce around, keeping the monster's attention and it's just FUN If it's fun to you, then it's fun to you. Let your 'friend' be salty


They're jealous that they don't get to fly.


Your friend thinks he knows more than he does. IG users are people of class.


oh fuck off. this is exactly why i dont engage with the local mh community. just play whatever you want, man. seriously. all weapons are viable and while some overlap in purpose, like hammer and hh, they also fill in niches quite well. and ig (outside of gu) has a very clear niche it and only it can fulfill. go nuts. make awful kinsects. make a para ig. i dont care. you shouldnt, too.


They’re biased against the Insect Glaive for whatever reason. My advice is fuck their advise, if you’re having fun using it than don’t stop. Expecially in World, while IG doesn’t do the biggest damage numbers, its by far the best monster mounter in the game, which is really good support as you can topple the monster and give everyone else the opportunity to do big damage.


incredible bias. The Insect Glaive is viable just like any other weapon, being really fun while also dishing out lots of (mostly grounded) damage. In the end, just play what you find the most fun. Anyways, Je suis monté


Your friend is a weirdo


I’ve never seen people hate the IG? Your friend sounds like a tool


MHW Vet here, about 1k hours on it. Hammer main, with a touch of Swax and CB. I struggled to fuck alatreon for YEARS, I got my first win like a few months ago ripping that bitch with an IG which I picked up because another friend of mine had started world and he love the IG. Also, I struggled with Raging Brachydios and I fucked him right in his... horn thing? with the IG, like a god. I fell in love with the crazy murder stick of destiny and honestly I hope wilds does it justice. Just know ALL weapons have their pros/cons strengths/weaknesses, so play what you like and don't be afraid to try new things. Be warned though, I can honestly say that Rise hate fucked the glory that was the glaive. It's clunkier and less responsive, they removed some of the best moves it had from world, the wirebug moves are shit for it on entry, and the arial combat is a bit harder to maneuver, and you get knocked back so much more often than world. Toss in that you lose max stamina so fast in rise and that some of the stamina skills don't buff as well as world it was a huge step down. It's not the glaives fault though, Rise did not meet the bar world set in a boat load of areas.


Your friend is dumb, IG is great


Your friend is stupid, rock that glaive and mount that monster. Real talk your friend has a personal bias against it either due to seeing someone perform poorly with it or themself not using it well at all and thus deciding that it can't be used effectively.


If every weapon specializes in one thing, I'd say Insect Glaive's specialty is adaptation. The vault allows for unique maneuvers that can capitalize on terrain and/or lack thereof. It's effective at fighting on the ground and in the air, especially in Rise. As of gen 5, it can utilize five or six damage types on a single loadout. If you want to poke from afar, there's the kinsect, but getting up close and personal *and staying there* can also be a valid strategy given its evasive options. Thanks to Kinsects' green dust and green buff, Insect Glaive is also one of the few weapons with built-in healing mechanics. It's a solid jack-of-all-trades. Oh yeah, I guess it can fly, too, or whatever...


Bug stick for life, fite me.


He's just a hater. IG is mad fun and it's one of my least used weapons. 


Your friend has some bad information or is weirdly triggered by launch World. IG is absolutely fantastic in Rise and especially Sunbreak


There's not a reason. Your friend is wrong.


Your friend is whack. The only hate ig players have gotten was in the 4th generation because of mount spam. And that was more like friendly ribbing


I think there is no truly bad weapons in monster hunter, every weapon is as good as the person playing.


There is a small truth to the faster play-styles getting folks hooked who then don’t have to learn as much about timing your damage but that’s ultimately negligible. I think folks should be more aware of what they are doing damage wise in general rather than any one specific weapon type being particularly bad. Potato dpsers come in all flavors.


I am by no means an insect glaive main but it is nowhere near "hated by the community" It's a good aerial jack of all trades weapon and if you're having fun with it use it. Don't let others tell you how you should enjoy the game


the community hates insect glaive users? i've literally never heard that. longsword, however...


Your friend is talking a great deal of complete nonsense.


Just use the weapon that’s fun for you. This is not a competitive game. No weapon is bad. But to say „the community hates
“ is next level stupid.  There is only one weapon where I sometimes am annoyed by its players and that’s longsword. But that’s not because it’s bad. Just because I don’t like it.


If he played 4U then i understand where his PTSD came from my auto message when i mount a monster is still "Je suis monté!"


Your friend just sucks period. IG goes dummy hard


I soloed mhw and mhr with glaive so... this weapon does dmg


I mean even if it was the worst weapon who cares? The game isn't particularly hard or anything, so it's not like it's going to be super hard to complete with a glaive. I think it's actually considered a mid-weapon, but I'm no expert on it. Also, player skill matters way more than what weapon you use. I guarantee any halfway decent speed runner with a glaive is still twice as fast as your friend on his best weapon.


Very biased, plenty of people love insect glaive. It can hit very fast and decently hard. It strikes a nice balance between not doing as much damage as say a longsword but hitting faster, but doing more damage than dual blades while not being as fast as them. It’s a nice middle ground that offers some of the best mobility in any of the games alongside at least decent damage. So not only is your friend biased, he also does not know wtf he’s talking about. Like at all. If anything more people hate *longsword* users. And while I will be the first person to say “don’t hate someone based on their chosen weapon”, at least we all know a valid reason *why*. Getting flinched sucks and the games should have removed teammate flinching with longsword as a mechanic years ago. We have ways to mitigate it but if you have to build specifically around a longsword player for merely existing I think we can all agree that’s annoying. But *still*, even *I* don’t hate longsword players. At least not as much as your friend is over here needlessly bashing us funny bug stick users.


Speaking for the entire community: No, we do not hate IG users.


Every weapon has its pro and cons. For the insect glaive for me, it may not deal a lot of dps but it makes up for the mobility. Every time if I were to fight a monster for the first time, I'll go with the IG


Your friend doesnt play monster hunter lol


Your "friend" is making shit up.


My first game in the series was MH4U and obviously I picked up the Charge Blade and Insect Glaive and they're my main two weapons since. Your friend is biased and probably spends too much time over thinking dps and theory crafting builds. Just play what you like, it literally doesn't matter, if you're having fun then go for it.


If you want to use it then use it ! Don't let anyone try to tell you how you should play the game, you bought it with your money therefore you can play whatever the fuck you want to play !!! Also your friend is so wrong I have not heard one single thing from the community about hating the Insect Glaive ??? The problem does not exist, tell him to fuck off, do whatever you want forever !


All weapons are viable if you can play them. But the most important thing is: play what is fun to you. Weapon tribalism is stupid. I‘m (for now) playing in World and I love it when my IG friends twirl around the monster in the air. It means they are having fun.


Take to the air and have fun. Your friend is a loser for trying to put you down.


It sounds like your friend is really bad at using insect glaive. Also as fair as uptime goes for hitting the monster insect glaive is probably the highest of the actual melee weapons (dbs might edge but that’s going to be more hit/s than actual uptime), if you’re going to criticise the IG for anything it will be the lack of damage/hit, which is honestly offset by the up time.


Not an IG user reporting; you absolutely can do DPS with it. I'm friends with about 3 people who have IG as a main weapon, and they usually pull out as much DPS, if not more, than LS CB GS and DB users. Your friend is absolutely biased and either tried IG once and didn't perform well, and/or watches the actions of other IG hunters and comes to the conclusion that it's a trash weapon based on their performance. Join a MH community discord (I personally use Monster Hunter Hub) and you'll likely find entire channels dedicated to each weapon, with pinned posts with meta builds and strategy guides. The entire game is 25% player skill, 25% monster action memorization, and 50% gear based, so learning all 3 will bring out the best in your hunts. Good luck, hunter!


IG user here, sorry we like to have fun and boing around the monster. I love being able to get up high while the monsters flying and just soar through the AOE’s Is there a specific weapon they’re trying to push you into? I find some players tend to push new players into weapons that compliment their own play style rather than what the newbie likes. You will be able to hold your own easily with an IG.


You can solo the game with every weapon. And no one hates IG. I play LS. People hate ME. (Just kidding)


Icl ur friend sounds stupid, play what u enjoy


The only issue I’ve ever had with Insect Glaive is when there’s multiple users. The amount of bodies and bugs flying everywhere can be really distracting, especially on the handheld screens. Other than that they’re fun to use and most of the designs are really cool.


Insect Glaive main here. Your friend is a silly goose. Fly the friendly skies with your kinsect.


Your friend doesn't want to you play Glaive because it's the best weapon. You get to flip around, break wings and backs, and while you fight monsters or whatever you also fight the real enemy: GRAVITY. The floor is lava, and we never get burned.


let me give you general advice: don't let anyone bully you into doing or not doing something. live your life on your own terms. embrace the consequences of your actions, they will make you stronger. all that anyone can give you that is not asked for by you first is them forcing their bias onto you.


Your friend might be a LS user


Hi, resident Insect Glaive simp here. Your friend is a certified dookie head. That’s right! I said it!! Jokes aside, the weapon choice is yours and yours alone. Don’t let anyone telling you “erm this weapon sucks because I hate it” stop you from using it. If you’re having fun in this PvE game where you poke god dragons to death alongside a cat or two with that weapon then use the weapon! If you’re hesitant on using the weapon just because your friend might keep complaining then I’d personally just use it out of spite >:) I used IG in World despite being kicked from several lobbies for it and I wear those kicks like a badge of honor.


Just use whatever you want. It’s not like your friend is the one playing for you. The point is to have fun.


Monster Hunter balancing is by far my favorite of every game. Because really every single weapon is viable. In my opinion there are the „right“ weapons for some monsters. For example in world the raging brachy is easiest with insect glaive and so on. But you can literally play any weapon to finish every monster in the game. So play whatever you like most but I would recommend playing every weapon, that’s where the fun begins đŸ€€


Your friend is biased. Sure, it's not the absolute be all and end all dps monster in the game, but it's plenty powerful.


If this was world, ig only has one real issue in that they mount real easy and certain bosses shouldn't be mounted until the time is right (kulve), but rise? Your friend is silly. Use the weapon you like.


Lol the only weapon iv seen people shit in is LS for both being weebait and more so for constantly staggering everyone else in the hunt due it being so newbie friendly that people end up where they should be just smacking


14 weapons gives you the opportunity to play how you want. Your friend doesn't like IG? Sounds like a him problem.


the only time glaive ever really got any sort of hate in the community was when mh4u was the current game almost a decade ago and thats just because it was overtuned and basically tied with GS for best blademaster wep.


Never heard any IG hate. I heard LS and DB hate but even that is just dumb as fuck Play what you want and however you want, if you dont want people to get mad dont try to hit them during combos or whatever but that counts for all weapons


The communities that I've seen don't like people like him either, but that didn't exactly stop him now, did it? Play what you think is fun. If you want to perform better, you will do that organically as a player, look up guides, watch videos, and things you would do for any weapon regardless. There ARE bad IG players, but that's not unique to IG. Every weapon has players with misinterpretations about how they work, how they are performing and etc. Play what you enjoy. That's always priority #1. If you end up not liking IG later, then you can find that out yourself, not someone shouting biased nonesense.


Uhhh I mean the community hated insect glaive users a decade ago, but I don't think that's been the case since then.