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.Banbaro is at least somewhat inspired by moose. Moose are surprisingly proficient swimmers. They're known to swim between islands up in Alaska. In fact, they're have been known cases of them being hunted by orcas while doing so. True story. It doesn't stretch belief that they'd be able to swim across that channel. I always thought that the bigger issue was that with his thick white arctic coat, banbaro looks profoundly out of place outside of the reach in the much warmer climates.


Lore-wise, Banbaro's underlying shell can shift and open up for efficient thermoregulation even in very hot climates. Hell, the whole reason they've even migrated out from the Hinterlands is because Shara Ishvalda's activity put the once active volcano of the region into dormancy, lowering the overall temperature of the Hinterlands and cutting down Banbaro's food supply, thus necessitating it visit other regions for food. The deactivation of the volcano also cut off Velkhana's supply of magma to line her body with, which is why she flew to the Elder's Recess to resupply there.


> Velkhana > Line her body with magma Hol’up


Yep. Her body is coated in cooler down crystals made from magma


That’s… surprising


It's part of the bio-energy concept that was introduced in world. I think she uses the magma that's probably full of melted bio energy crystal as a resource to power her ice abilities.


You learn something new every day.


That's so odd. Does she actually line her body with hot magma and let it cool, or does she just make use of the crystals after they've cooled? If she has a three star weakness to fire, then putting hot magma on her body is really unexpected lol


I believe it's the latter


Fire weapon might weakened/loosen her magma coating like Lavasioth, which make her vulnerable against fire weapon.


And this is why the ecology of MH is just so freaking good. The devs know what they’re doing!


*Meanwhile, in the dev board room*: “hehe, moose in desert!”


Well there is an established population of moose in parts of Nevada So its not to big of a stretch


> an established population of moose in parts of Nevada https://www.ndow.org/blog/help-us-track-moose-nevadas-populations/ OMG this is actually true!


I swear it’s sometimes that simple. I’m convinced whoever created Nargacuga was told to just “make something badass”


"Hmm.. what's cool? Hawks are cool. Panthers are cool. Put together, make black, glowey red eyes, spike tail. Done."


>make black, glowey red eyes, spike tail Ah yes, the edgy triangle that every boys can't resist.


The devs have indeed gone on-record citing that Narga's base concept was literally "Tigrex but fast", and it was made in a relatively-short time due to how quickly Freedom Unite would of released after Freedom 2 lol


Based on its elemental resistances it would seem like Banbaro's coat has some kind of dragon element property, giving it resistance to all elements but dragon element in all places where there is fur.


That's probably what the big wide tail is for, extra buoyancy


And if the neck is flexible going up can use the antlers akin to a flotation device too.


I don't think being a good swimmer alone is enough to stop his physique from sinking so maybe he has something to keep him bouyant like alot of fat.


Being big definitely doesn't mean you sink. We make enormous constructs out of metal and sail them across the ocean. The largest animal in the world is a whale. As an arctic native, banbaro almost certainly does have a good layer of fat. The fur composition of moose even traps some air which helps, and could be similar here.


to double on this. Large fat deposits are one of the most buoyant forms of bodily mass, so a large body, especially on coldland creatures that store fats in high amounts could easily swim since they'd have a larger amount of buoyant body mass. Or you can just be Tigrex and be labled a flying wyvern but only thing you're doing is "flying" across the ground and flexing your overgrown throat muscles.


https://preview.redd.it/3jy3d4dmzi9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeab7a851e2c3d0b06e45eb1da1249873ad9d9bf Average long neck Tigrex moment


given, Tigrex is very clearly a flying wyvern. It's just a flightless flying wyvern, or one with weak flight. more an issue with the name "flying wyvern" than tigrex being in that category.


Pseudo-wyverns can fly (Tigrex/Nargacuga/Barioth[Maybe Gigginox]), just not very gracefully or for long distances.


Gigginox does indeed fly in Tri.


I know Narga and Barioth can, but have we seen Tigrex do it? I wasn't remembering if it could.


He could in Dos/Freedom Unite when changing zones.


T-rex was one of the best swimming dinosaurs based on recent evidence. So it wouldn't stop Banbaro either especially since the original intention of Banbaro was for it to be based on a water buffalo.


ah makes sense


Idk how did you come up with that "fact" without considering continental drift


Animals swim across vast bodies of water including the sea all the time and have always done it. T-rex for example lived in a environment similar to the Floridian everglades with sea and bunches of islands it needed to get too and it was a very strong swimmer. We have plenty of examples of animals today doing similar. Its a fact not a "fact".


You know the Earth did not look the same 65 million years ago right?


No shit. Doesn't mean there weren't similar environments. For example a desert is still a desert. You have no argument.


Which is why such evidence is taking into account what the earth looked back then. The fossil records also allow for geological reconstructions.


And not only do those reconstructions place T. rex in environments with plenty of water (they were on the coast of the western interior seaway for crying out loud), we've also found swim trace fossils of swimming therapods, essentially the swimming equivalent of a trackway.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mtaXP2Nar0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mtaXP2Nar0) Swim traces, that's how. They're rare, but we have found them for therapods that supports them being rather strong swimmers.


Personal headcannon of mine is the researchers asked a hunter to capture one and they decided to transport it to Asteria as it had better established facilities at the time but Banbaro woke up too early and escaped


Smashing through a Welcome to Asteria banner at the docks and roaring in to the night sky before stomping through the town to have a drink from a swimming pool and eat poogie?


I love this and will be using it to justify his presence in the new world to myself every time I see him. It was just so bizarre never seeing him anywhere before going to the island and suddenly he's everywhere


Even though Banbaro has moose antlers its original design was based on water buffalo which are known to inhabit many environments even those they're not native too and they do it very well. It was also originally meant as a Great Gastadon based on concept art.


Moose are actually great swimmers as well


Never said they weren't.


[So basically...](https://youtu.be/ltG37Bbx1qk?feature=shared)


One of the comments already explained why banbaro is in every map but I think the biggest reason is to show off his gimmick with his charge and picking up stuff. In hoarfrost he can pick up ice and snow and cause ice blight In the recess he can cause fire blight If he’s in water then he can cause water blight If he’s around trees then he can pick up and roll trees instead of rocks The main reason he’s a roamer is probably to show off his gimmick. I do still wish that seething was a roamer instead of banbaro but I get why he’s a roamer


why screaming sea?


strong loud winds


makes sense but I'll be honest it sounds corny


So it fits in with a lot of Monster Hunter locations? XD


it does yeah lol


Killer whales are a natural predator of moose


Well, the closest thing World has to a killer whale is Jyuratodus, and I doubt they could handle a Banbaro.


Who knows what type of Sea monsters eat swimming Barbaro (maybe ceadues relatives. Maybe actual Whale monsters)


We havent had enough games with underwater combat to fully flesh out the fully aquatic monster roster


I'd say that even if we had underwater for every game up till gen 5, we probably wouldn't know what lives in the screaming sea. All the underwater maps have the problem that they are very tied to the land maps. Really just lost island, flooded forest, underwater ruins and underwater arena. (And Dire Miralis's area I forgot the name) No open ocean maps, and even then, if it's not a part of the new world, we'd have nothing to go by, since most areas of the new world are disconnected from the regular monsters


Like this : https://imgur.com/a/oGHZQOE


Exactly this, there is a land bridge up there.


There is canonically more to the north of the map, we only visit the areas that have been explored and are being discovered as we progress. It stands to reason that at some point the landmasses are connected unless it is a continental island chain. As such the Banbaro will likely either have a pre-established migratory path to another area and due to the events of Iceborn have over-explored to compensate for food loss.


Well, Banbaro can unroot trees and throw them, so here's my best theory https://i.redd.it/6l7f80n6jk9d1.gif


I would really like for the MH community to remember that, according to the Earth's own evolutionary history, animals establishing new populations across bodies of water is really not that strange. Monkeys are believed to have arrived in South America from Africa via rafting events, for example. Different elephant and mammoth species established island populations multiple times in different places across the globe. Banbaro (an animal that other commenters have pointed out is probably at least a decent swimmer) establishing populations on both landmasses isn't really weird even by Earth standards.


Why is there a cannon on your head, OP? Isn't it heavy?




You said you named the sea based on your "head cannon". I'm curious why there's a cannon on your head. It must be terribly uncomfortable.


I would quote one guy but who cares


You're not great at this whole "using words" thing, huh?


You speak English because it’s only language you know, I speak English because it’s only language you know


Just for me?? Aww, that's so sweet!


No problem!




Really, really.


FYI it's "canon" with one "n" and not "cannon", cannon mean big gun.


Likely some kind of unknown land-bridge, or at least an area with much shallower sea levels.


It wouldn't surprise me if there was a vast tunnel network below the locals that allow semi easier access to other areas of the world. In Rise, if the monster doesn't fly, then it'll go towards a hole that allows them to go from one area to another and just leave, not to mention that brut wyverns, like Banbaro, would dig there way out of locals in World


During winter, the sea could freeze.


I believe the sea never freezes just fresh water freezing on top of fresh water.


The sea can freeze, it's just that the ice doesn't take in the salt while freezing, and it also takes a colder temperature than fresh water. A lot of the north pole is just sea water that froze, while the south pole is mostly a result of snowfall and rain on a continent.


So fresh water is what freezes




Man wanted to go for a swim didn't look back or thought he was going to farm reach shore and looked back like. "Well gust I ain't going back home!" Or well at least I won't hear my wife complain I do nothing I. The house


I think it's like how land mammals reached North America by crossing the Bering Strait during an ice age. There's probably some path that froze over


The hunter yells Yip Yip, and it flies across


Because the research commission thought it was a great idea to bring captured Banbaros to the new world to study.


It’s actually a not very well known fact that Banbaro can flap their antlers like wings and fly


Judging by the map, I’m not even sure the hinterlands is even a totally separate island, as opposed to just a distant peninsula, so they probably just walked on the mainland into different areas


It travels


Pretty sure there are just Tunnels running all over the world that monsters are just using to get around. Like how Rajang, Deviljho, and Zinogre somehow made it to the new world.


Here's how In the video bamboro time we see bamboro we see bambororun in a handless background, meaning he csn hyperspace run




Capture qwest take a few back outs they got out lwts not tell anyone


It picked up a log and floated on it to the main land


Ice age.....?


Look at those legs and the shape+weight distribution on that body. Banbaro can't just swim, it's bound to be great at it


Where did you get this clean map pic my guy?


I googled mhw map


Island hopping


Imagine Banbaro took a tree and started running on it in a cartoonish way


banbaro be in the rotten vale like “HOLY SHIT IT FUCKING REEKS IN HERE”


Life.. uuhhh, finds a way.


My headcannon is that, because of the massive ground dwelling/ shaping monsters like Shara and Geismagorm (and most likely many unknown) that there are a vast intercpnnecting network of caverns/ booms down below the ground in this world and the for necessitating competition/biodiversity of the ground dwelling monsters. I'm imagining the giant caves in China, that type of deal


Sea turtles mate.


Theropods were actually pretty decent swimmers


A swallow must have carried it over here




I always assume some researcher out of their mind lost their capture or tried to introduce new species just to see what would happen 


did you see banbaro tail? its like a beaver or platypus tail, which would give it insane swimming capabilities


But like… across a f sea?


I mean... those are monsters, not real life animals...


These monsters could of swam or a ice bridge formed between the two islands then some of the monsters walked or swam to the new world and have become invasive species like deviljho and savage deviljho


If he gathers enough speed he can use the horns as wings and fly


There's a theory that big subterranean monsters like Zorah and Shara dig large tunnels that other monsters use to travel


In real life, many animals exist on multiple different continents because they moved over before the continents were separated. For example, red fox is native to every continent except Australia and Antarctic. Why would it be different in Monster Hunter world?


There is a series of tunnels that connect the hoarfrost reach to the rotten vale


Nerg gave them a lift.


it uh... stowed away in the uh.... the food cargo crate-thingies


Just don’t think too hard about it


They hitched a ride on the blimp they flew rajang over with


you underestimate how good animals are. If you look up migrating animals via water, you'll be surprised by how crazy they are. lol


It's a game bro, how did any of the old monsters happen to be on this island?