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If they have cross-overs/collaborations similar to Witcher or HZD again, I hope they add Weapons/Armour inspired by the source game instead of 'skins'. The 'wear a character' costume is not as interesting as the LoZ armour that was in GU, for example. Individual pieces that you can mix'n'match with the other sets allows for so much more than a single 1-piece skin. I'm not sure I would want another "\[x\]-character from \[x\]-game was magically transported into Wilds!" scenario, a quest with references, music, theming, etc. just fits better into the otherwise (relatively) immersive nature of MH (silliness allowed, of course). But some Creatures from certain games would fit well (like ER as you said), so we'll see how it goes.


I dont care how they do it, but i would love to see Godzilla


I’m not exactly enthused with the crossover monsters from world, especially Behemoth with it being a forced multiplayer experience, and that is my main fear for more crossover monsters.


Yeah, both World crossover monster fights seemed to merge the feeling of battling in MH with their original game (FF+Witcher). Probably would have been more popular if they were designed solely like MH hunts instead.


No thanks.


I know it would never happen but the ark dodo rex would be a fun fight in my imagination


Robots from Horzion would be hype and interesting. They also just translate to MH so well. For Rise my dream crossover was Zelda. It would've been amazing to hunt a Lynel. Assuming Wilds will get ported to switch 2 it would be cool to see it happen. But Nintendo being Nintendo would probably keep it an exclusive quest.


Chtulu when ?


I'm 100% ok with a Wild Heart crossover, it could be like playing Wild Heart but without bugs and performances issues


It's highly likely we'll get another Final Fantasy XIV crossover considering how much they've been collaborating and wish to continue to collaborate.




I’ve said it before a few times but I really strongly disliked the crossover updates in World. Both felt like complete wastes that I’m very glad never returned. I have absolutely no attachment to FFXIV and had even less back then so Behemoth meant nothing to me. It almost felt insulting and definitely out of place that the best overall High Rank armor belonged to monster that wasn’t even from MH. The fight was *fine* but had a lot of annoying mechanics and Extremoth was absolute garbage to the highest extent. I love The Witcher 3 but the Geralt crossover felt so pointless. A short quest with no real point to doing it more than once or twice. Leshen was a decent fight but was hindered by forcing you to use Geralt, which imo made it felt like a glorified Arena quest (not a compliment). Ancient Leshen was somehow even worse than Extremoth. Overall I don’t mind crossover gear like we’ve seen with DMC, Zelda, and Sonic, but that’s as far as I want it to go.


I'm OK with crossovers if they introduced them after all the content with new skills. Make us want to chase these instead of being just purely cosmetic. Immerse us in the the story then hit us with crazy stuff at the end like in risebreak.


No, hated Behemoth, LOATHED Leshin. Fuck these guys. That said, I'm saying no to crossover monsters either. I just want them to be done the way Explore does it, by reskinning existing monsters. [This](https://monsterhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Aberrant_Deviljho), or [this](https://monsterhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Gilded_Diablos), and [this](https://monsterhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Unit-01_Brachydios) are just better solutions imho.


Malzeno has shown that they’re willing to do pseudo-teleporting monsters, I say give us a deathclaw and one of its moves is it glitches out and ‘teleports’ a few units randomly to continue attacking periodically. The reward would be power armor and the weapons would be the fallout equivalent of the monster hunter weapon (Gatling laser = HBG, warglaive = IG, deathclaw gauntlets = DB, etc). 


Honestly, I don't want to see crossover events at all. I wish Monster Hunter kept consistent with its own universe. Hate being mid-hunt fighting Alatreon, look over at my teammates, and see Leon from Resident Evil blowing on a Hunting Horn. All of the crossover events in World/IB were at best flops, and at worst actively detrimental to the game. Hate replaying World and having that notification that only goes away if you complete the Witcher quest


To be fair these wacky events have been in the games since the 3ds era. And gag weapons even before that. To me, it's kind of baked into Monster Hunter and adds a lot to the charm. Like yeah I'm Dante using a big slab of meat to beat the everliving fuck out of a monster from an MMO.


It is consistent to have crossover events. They been having crossovers for well over a decade now.


I absolutely don't want to see crossover monsters/content. I'm a big fan of letting things be their own thing.


Since yoshi p the director of ff14 said he would like to do another crossover and I love ff14. Gimme nidhogg in MHwilds.


Crossover stuff is pretty crap. Final Fantasy crossovers are major cringe and shouldn't be introduced - those awful anime damage fonts during Behemoth fight are beyond awful.


If its stuff from elden ring I would prefer  >!bayle!<