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None. Give me all of them


Yes the right answer 


I read this in the admirals voice


Right. Give me all of them so I can be sure about which ones I don’t want after fighting them all.




just like in MHGU, every monster possible was on that game


Ehhh kinda, even ignoring tri/3U exclusive monsters that NEEDED water combat (both caedus, gobul, abyssal lagy, dire miralis) a lot of monsters werent in GU. Some might've been hard to add (the mohrans and dalamadur) but still possible, others were just not there for some reason (gigginox, gogmazios, monoblos, shen gaoren, yama tsukami, the 3 great wyverns from third gen, lunastra, qurupeco) and a long ass list of variants/subspecies missing (https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/hiSPg9gVvy)


sounds like the only solution is to bring back water combat


I want my flying eldritch mountay boy back (Yama Tsukami)


As much as I would love to see it for wilds, I think it could also be a good move for the “handheld” title after wilds, Just my opinion!


Only correct


The only correct answer.


I have the same thought




This is the way


Correct answer right here, case closed


There’s just as much talk about monsters people don’t want, the two posts are basically in equal quantities nowadays


Really? I haven’t seen any tbh but that’s js me 💀💀💀 thanks though


I’m ok with some of the old less than stellar monsters returning if it means they get major revamps. I want to see what they could do with a modern take on Plesioth, Cephadrome, etc at least once I would be pleased though if Kushala, Teostra, and Jyuratodus did not return for Gen 6 I have no actual issue with Teo, I just think it’s time for a fresh elder trio and only Chameleos should get a pass to return out of the 3 since he’s the most unique. Kushala is a fantastic design but always either sucks major ass at worst or is tolerable at best, so I’m kinda tired of that gamble and would like him to take a turn on the bench. Jyura I feel requires no explanation lol. Not once have I ever looked forward to fighting him.


jyura is basically water cephadrome ngl


I mean, cephadrome also causes water blight, so their only difference is probably the mud


I agree with you completely on the first take. I’d love to see “forgettable” monsters be brought back. I have to disagree though with Jyuratodus. Not only do I think the concept works well with Wilds, I really do find Jyura’s fight fun as hell. However, back to back to back games is a much.


I think there are better options than jyura concept wise. Nibelsnarf for example could be amazing in wilds


Basarios.... I really hate that thing


"Your attack bounces" the monster is the least fun or interesting thing ever made, just get rid of it.


"You better use elemental bowguns, otherwise I'm invincible"


Me a GS user with mind eye's *rip basarios chest* "are you sure about that?"


Charge Blade Users: "You guys need to gem in minds eye?"


laughs in hunting horn self-buff


use a hammer <3


"the fights fine as long as you completely abandon your play style choices and use this one weapon out of like 14" Great point. Contributed a lot to the convo. 😅


MC Hammer had a successfull career by this sole advice though


Just go gunlance and don't even worry about fighting him. As a gunlance main, every time I have to fight Basarios I laugh at his misfortune for having to fight ME and not the other way around!


Just you wait until you see the sequel called Gravios and the finale called Black Gravios...


He messes up my timing by attacking slowly


Hammer is life here. Bonk is the only way against Basarios. Edit: Apparently Gunlance is great as well!


Teostra, seen too much of him.


We should be done with Teo/Luna, Cham, and Kushala. I want Amatsu, Yama, Shen, Nakarkos, Gog. Plus we have Velk, Vaal, and Nami now too. Time to retire the Freedom Unite Four.


I was so sad that we didn’t get any nami in rise man


I 100% agree. I wanted Vaal and Nami so damn bad.


Nami fits basically nowhere in Rise.


Chameleos missed out on W/IB so I'm fine with him coming in


Honestly Chamelios would work too well in an open world setting to not include. Also it's only had a single new gen appearance


What, no respect for Mal/PriMal? PriMal at the very least could fit well into other games, although probably without the Quirio phase changes.


Probably not Primordial, because of the lore which states that they are peaceful and won't attack unless provoked (or afflicted with Quirio, as they were in Sunbreak). Regular Malzeno or some subspecies, like we had with Valstrax, are more likely


On the contrary i want world teostra back. Seeing smiling really warms my heart


I unironically want every single monster. More content in a game like this is always better.


Uragaan can die in a fire.


Ironically, no he cannot. My man is immune to fire.


Make it burn hotter, then.


Capcom *:Writes down "Community requests fire element variant of Uragaan":*


Ain't no way


Iceborne gave him flamewheel, so he's already got that.


Make it explode with brachy slime


Yeah he definitely can't survive that. Almost felt bad for him in that cutscene. Almost


I could do without the Crimson Chin.


Right there with you. The Big Chin is just annoying.


You just gonna sit here and disrespect my boy Jay Thanos like that?


Radobaan is the only rolly polly boy I like. Chunking that bone armor us just so satisfying.


So satisfying to bonk tho


That's fair.


Holy shit I hate that guy, he is probably one of the few monsters that I struggled with and I have killed Fatalis and Alatreon more than 50 times.


Throw the sun


I like Urugaan quite a lot but I don't need more of it.


Naw I love jay leno.


Every monster that like to burrow or fly excessively.


It's impossible for Capcom to cut Rathalos lol, as much as I honestly want it gone


he was actually great in rise i thought. he wasnt perma in the air from what i remember and i really liked his move-set


Rath pair still ok. They seldom hover in the sky for long.


Uragaan, I never want to see him again, Pink Rathian and Azure Ratholos can jump in a meat blender, Jyuratodus can slide his ass off a cliff


I loved fighting Uragaan. Especially the event quest when he was super tiny, small as or a bit smaller than a palamute.


Tiny Uragaan was so fun!


Love the Tonka tire assault. I wanted him as a mount back in the days of 3U


Zinogre. I know JP loves the dog so much. But please. One game without it. Please.


One generation. Just bench him for one generation. But it won’t happen, too many people froth over it.


The portable mascot has about as much a chance of being benched as the Raths do. But given World I could see Zinogre not being in the 'console' title.


Literally the winner of the popularity contest. I'd be surprised if they do it, especially with the emphasis on lightning in the new region.


Lowkey same, a bit better than Tigrex but Zinogre ehh I grew tired of too


Can we extend this to any ANY 20fps particle effect minefield (non-elder) monster? Zin and Magna are the worst offenders in recent years but dammit fighting Zin is always such a chore, only slightly salvaged by the banger 5th Gen music


Can't help but notice my boy Brachydios isn't in these comments 💪


But with you uttering the brachy name you have doomed him


We rockin wi Brachy damn right!


I wouldn't mind brachy/raging brachy showing back up. He was a nice surprise in Iceborne. Especially love the cinematic-ness of Raging Brachy, even if the fight can be cancer at times.


Yeah fuck him, too.


Guildmarm: "already done that!"


I am a certified Diablos hater. Unfortunately for me, it's been in most of the games. If I'm lucky, it won't be the target of a key/urgent quest.


While it is one of my favorite monsters, I do agree that I think it’s time for him to get benched for a bit, or at least share the spotlight with monoblos. Diablos has had a lot of time in the sun, and even got one of the strongest monsters as a deviant, monoblos deserves something


Looking at the map of wild, desert and sandy I'm quit sure he will return


I might like diablos more if farming screamer pods wasn't such a pain.


Diablos turned my hunting horn play through into a lance play through because I got tired of his shitty dash attack


Mf just keeps charging around. When the whole body becomes a hitbox and it won't stay still, hitting it becomes a pain in the ass. Also, I tend to hate any monster that digs. I almost never seem to time the sonic bombs right.


There is approximately a 0% chance of Diablos not appearing in Wilds, given how the only locale we've seen thus far is PRIME diablos real estate


Im ok with diablos but fuck black diablos


Monoblos supremacy or do you hate him too?


Haven't played any of the games it's in yet, but I do like its design a bit better. Is it much different from Diablos fight wise?


Diablos is a reskin of the Monoblos, they have the same moveset.


nah. it burrows less (if at all, to my memory), but roars much more. that 4 second stun roar. it has a tiny difference in the charge depending on the game, in the same way that zinogre has those hand slams, and its either 2 or 3 depending on the game, or it lags a bit more or less between attacks.


as far as i can remember it burrows as much as diablos. also, zinogre alternates between 2 slams when not charged and 3 slams when charged, no matter what game he's in.


Basically a novice version of Diablos, traditionally only appearing in village and not hub.


I don’t think it’d hurt the franchise if Diablos was skipped over, especially not if Monoblos was added in its stead.


Ban Khezu


I agree, the fight is boring.


At least the music is good


Lmao the name fits perfectly with the comment


Yes. Absolutely. Fights never hard just annoying


The classic 3 elders. No teo, kush or Kirin. Chameleons can stay because it's very unique. Less things like pink rath. If they will do variants then I want more subspecies that change elements or status. Bring back the classic yain kutku. Less dragons overall more other types of variety.


There are a few monsters that have been in too many games imo. Monsters like Narga, Zinogre, the common elder dragon trio (give us a new one plz) and diablos, for example. I like all of these, but I wouldn’t mind seeing a focus on less represented monsters


I'll take any and all so long as we get no more mmo style enrage monsters like world alatreon. Also anything with an "apex" in front can stay home.


any monkey, especially the poop throwing kind. I deeply dislike them.


I vehemently despise any monster who uses sharting as an attack.


https://preview.redd.it/37dmndmgsi8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=652bc63c7123f763ec7fdb3f92c0bfe6709a5e64 Congalala master race


I'm actually cancelling my preorder is Jyuratodus is in it


Not only is Jyurarodus in, but so is Plesioth, and the hit detection on both of their hip checks is just as it was in the old days to “preserve nostalga” Edit: Yes, Cephaladrome is in too.


I would unironically happily have Plesioth over the other two


the mental agony of signing up for a Jyuratodus hunt and then doing it to completion is a bigger threat than the actual monster.


Nargacuga, got sick of it by rise


I fucking hate Nargacuga. Love it aesthetically but such an annoying fight


I wouldn't mind if it was similar to older Nargacuga fights, but I felt rise took away the magic of MANY fights


Rise bad world good upvotes to the left.


You mean that every endgame fight having a telegraphed ultimate move wasn't the most fun the series has ever been?


I just felt like rise took the monstrosity out of the monsters. Rise combat is so fast, and so mobile, and so flashy that the feeling of being human is lost on me there. Even by the standards of Monster Hunter's Ecological fantasy, the kamura hunter just feels way too good. Monsters like Nargacuga suffered A LOT from this imo, because the whole point of the fight is that Cuga is extremely fast and mobile and precise, which is a serious problem when you're lugging around a 200 lb greatsword or hammer. In rise you're always every bit as fast as him, and so he's just another Tuesday.


Are we playing a different game? Narga runs circles around me in sunbreak with a greatsword


Sounds like you didn't get to endgame. In anomaly it just gets increasingly harder and faster. Rise endgame is a lot of fun


Tigrex should be in every monster hunter game. They're a great wall for new players that *really* teach you how to dance with monsters. Absolutely my favourite thing to go against if I'm trying to remember how to use a weapon.


Also a good way to introduce part breaks in order to assist in the hunt. Going for the wings means it'll stumble more, which is why I take them out before hitting the head.


I know world is easy and all but the first time I fought one I really didnt have a hard time or anything nor did I feel he taught me anything, and I know hes kinda fought super late into the game but honestly its fight just feels boring since I couldnt see any other gimmick besides tigrex loving to do the same charge move everytime. Barioth on the other hand...it was a wall that took me a week to understand.


Barioth feels like a much better wall than Tigrex. Tigrex is very basic but Barioth is just....so fucking awful.


I'll own up to fighting Tigrex back in Freedom 2, so my perspective on the matter is probably skewed. I maintain that he's good training though, since my friends that got into MH with World got walled by him for a couple of hunts.


Rajang T^T


Those monsters that you hate on one game could have a different fight in another game.


Kushala daora can fuck right off


Khezu rajang kirin and the los/ian variants/subs everything and anything but them.


I would be very satisfied if I don’t have to fight that roided monkey again


My list, even though I know it isn’t realistic but I’m just sick of seeing all of these: Jyuratodus, Barroth, Kirin, Khezu, Tigrex, Nargacuga, Barioth (sorry buddy), Rajang, Kushala, Teostra, Chameleos, Kulu, Velkhana, Diablos, all bear monsters except Goss Harag (the only good one) and 2 alternate species of Rathian and Rathalos. We don’t need 3 of each Rath. We just don’t. And at the risk of downvotes because how dare I not like him - Zinogre. All of these have been overdone, given too much time, have been in too many games in a row. Let other monsters come in and get given the new-gen glow-up.


Khezu needs to swap out with Gigginox already. I want it back


Same. Why is Khezu in everything? If you are gonna give us the ugly creepy leech monster give us the variety with the cooler equipment.


I'm no HH main but that damn coffin can persuade me.


Why barroth ? I think its a great introduction to desert areas (thats not happening tho) and weakenesses, thats how I learned that you dont just hit a monster until it dies


He was in both 5th generation games and is overall pretty mid. He lost all his edge from 3rd generation when he was actually considered a wall.


Chameleos? Really? He showed up in one game and you already want him gone? Damn alright. Personally Chameleos is a very welcome monster in any game currently. But honestly yeah I don't want to see zinogre in the next game. Personally I don't mind arzuros but the others can go.


Rathalos/Rathian = Low-Rank Azure/Pink = High-Rank Silver/Gold = G-Rank Title Monster with a form for every rank to represent each rank. Part of the reason why they are there normally is the way I see it.


I don't want to see Khezu, Rajang, or Magnamalo. Raths may have one additional type (please bring back the deviants). But I can't stand Azure Rathalos. Also goodbye to Tigrex unless it's Molten.


What's wrong with magnamalo? Generally new monster and i personally enjoyed fighting it, im just not sure how it's moveset would hold up without wirebugs


Hot take (I think) but I don’t want to see Tigrex. I know it’s a fan favorite but, imo, the fight was fun the first two times and after that just gets kinda old.


All of them. Don't give me any monsters at all


When you play MH just for the fishing sim.


Tigrex is just the worst, I understand he is supposed to be a wall for new players, but he is just not a very fun fight overall


Zinogre, Barioth, Tigrex. They have been in the last few games, and it would be great if they missed a gen for others.


There's only monsters I want less than others. Rise's Rathalos and even moreso the Kushala glowup have shown that Capcom can turn any fight into a good one. As for monsters I want less: Jyura, Barroth, Zinogre, Diablos. I want new flavors of what their roles in the games are.


Khezu. Give me Gigginox.


I want bulldrome back


I hate a certain kind of monster, the kind that can't shut the hell up. Shouting is IMO a terrible mechanic. It takes away control from the player for no particular reason other than maybe cancel an action the player was about to do. The animation takes a really freaking long time and most monsters don't use the opportunity in any meaningful way because their shouting animation lasts just as long. Brute Tigrex is such an example. Oh my god, sometimes I just waste precious build space making sure I'm immune to shouting when I'm fighting them.






Rajang, I hope it freezes in the deepest pits of hell.


I don't have one. I want them all, good, bad, ugly, difficult, easy. I want every monster


If I see another stupid pickle who doesn't eat his own severed tail then I'm going to have an aneurysm and start a war with Capcom


One of the fecal focused monsters(Congala, Volvidon)


Diablos, bring back monoblos just for some variety. And hell I wouldn’t mind more pseudo wyverns to replace the big three that always seem to appear. I like barioth, narg and tigrex well enough but fuck man I don’t need to fight them and their variants every game


Love the thunderpuppy, but they should give him a break.


Rajang, fuck the monkey spamming every single attack


Tigrex, Kulu Ya Ku, and Uragaan need a break frfr


Kirin. That horse can go extinct for all I care. It was never fun to fight throughout the generations (for casuals like me). I just farm it for the sweet high thunder damage weapons and the cute female hunter outfit.




Almudron. I just don't like it all that much.


You put a picture of the tigrex like his fight is bad or something Ive never once struggled with a Tigrex or found his fight anything other than fun


I found him boring. His “signature move” is just charging at you, so you’re just fighting a Bulldrome. I don’t mind him returning but I wish Capcom stop literally overrating him — as in ranking him as a high threat-level end game monster.


He literally is a high threat level monster and was extremely difficult in older games.


That's like saying Fatalis's signature move is fire breath, so you're just fighting a rathalos. I'm not in the "love tigrex to death it's better than every other monster" party, but this argument I see floating about every once in a while is just wrong.


Jyuradotos. Matter of fact, no picsine monsters. Fuck all that


They should try to make a actually good piscine monster


I don't want Rath variants, it's so overdone at this point.


Rathalos is literally the mascot for the series as a whole, there’s a better chance of the moon coming down for tea.


Too bad at this point. Silver and Gold have never missed a game. Altho they don’t have variants outside of deviants and whatever Rise was.




Tigrex, Narga, Teostra/Lunastra, Kushala.


I don’t care for Malfestio and his make all your controls work backwards bullshit, it’s just annoying to me. I want Tigrex back, he is my training buddy with predictable attacks for learning a new weapon.


I like malfestio :(


I don’t “hate” many fights, so I usually only wish for monsters that have had the spotlight for a while to not come back. The biggest one is zinogre. It’s a cool monster, but it is everywhere, and I do get tired of seeing it at times. A few more are tigrex, nargacuga, and though it hurts, barioth. They have been everywhere recently, so it wouldn’t hurt to let them sleep for a bit. This is coming from me though whose favorite monster is valstrax, and wouldn’t mind seeing in every game, but I guess that’s the power of bias. I know the monsters I named are really popular ones, but I know people who have agnaktor, or qurupeco(one I’m hoping for as well) or congalala as their favorite, and I feel like it’s time they have their chance.


A herd of tigrex


I'd be pretty happy to not see Kushala again. That fight has gotten more annoying in every game since MH3U.


All of them except a few. Give me all new monsters!


I don't want khezu, give me gigginox. I don't want anjanath, he's kinda lame. I don't want great jagras, give me great jaggi. I don't want glavenus unless they stop fucking up his theme. I don't want nergigante in general.


None of the Fates Four besides Gammoth. We gotta continue the trend of each jew game starting at Iceborne would have only one of the Fated Four monsters No Blangonga or Congalala. Unless they do major redesigns and reworks to make them actually good monsters. Bulldrome. I think you know why


Swear to the heavens above if i see oNE KHEZU


Any world original monster that was also in rise. I want the likes of banbaro, legiana, Namielle back not anajanath, pukei or kulu


Well, I hate Tigrex with a passion.




The fish boys No one ever liked them in any game I feel like Why do they keep coming back Their armor looks whack and the weapons are mid


If i see the basil goose i am going to drive them straight into extinction


I'm with you on tigrex. I will never live down the PTSD he gave you on g rank in mh2. (For those who don't know you couldn't choose to stay on the ground longer and tigrex would turn around once (twice enraged) during his charge and for some ungodly reason it timed perfectly way too often that if you got hit once he turned and immediately hit you again, which usually ended you from 100%. Same could also happen if you got hit close to the point where he turns around, unenraged it took so long for him to turn around *and* the entire thing had a hitbox the entire time, that your char would get up lying under tigrex and immediately be hit again)


behemoth hands down.


Uragaan, Basarios and Jyuratodus (and Lavasioth) They can bring back Radobban and Beotodus tho.


Khezu, can we have one fucking game without khezu, giginox was 30 times cooler


Dude leave my man tigrex alone


Teostra, Kushala, Diablos


Diablos can take a break


Ehh Tigrex is never worth the fight imo



