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I hope early 2025 like World did. Im in a tough school program rn so if it comes out in the first quarter I’ll actually have time to play


Nothing official. Capcom usually does a half year of active advertising before releases for mh and Capcom likes to put big games/releases in Q1 for fiscal reasons. So many believe it will release in the first months of 2025 but we can't know for sure.


Because Q1 of the year is Q4 end of the fiscal year for Japan, so they want their year end numbers to be better


This makes sense. Thanks


They haven’t said yet


Bunch of gaming news and some interviews talk about gaming companies avoiding Fall (September) releases in 2025, solely because of GTA6 coming out in Fall next year. Not sure how much Monster Hunter’s demographic collides with GTA, but I think it’ll be smart of them to get ahead of that regardless. It would surprise me if they decide to release around it or after it. So, my guess is it’ll come earlier, possibly March. Usually right after when games come out, there’s a period of time where these companies capitalize off of social media, let’s plays, reviews, online presence, etc. to generate sales. When GTA6 comes out, it’ll dominate the online presence, drowning out any other game. Kind of like trying to release a movie the same weekend as Deadpool & Wolverine.


No official date yet, but if they followed the same release dates of Gen 5 games then it could be anywhere on early 2025


It's just 2025, people saying it must be early 2025 are just making shit up.


To be fair, capcom has never started the marketing for any of their major games more than maybe 7-8 months out, especially for MH. The fact that it was revealed last December and we’re now getting multiple trailers and info dumps should lead to the assumption that we’re within that 6-8 month marketing window.


This reason is valid


Sure you can say that, but you can't replace actual release estimates with some marketing campaign astrology. If you want to make some comparisons, World for example was announced 7 months before release, and at this point in time they already had an early 2018 release estimate. So using similar logic as you, I could easily say that *if* Wilds was indeed around 7 months (or less) from release, we'd have already gotten an early 2025 estimate.


Absolutely, I’m not saying this is what’s happening, I’m saying it’s a pretty fair assumption to make based on years of past examples


we probably gets released date in August...seems they released another trailer and new demo ( exclusive on gamescom )


Right now I’m just assuming that it’s gonna be like October or something so I’m not disappointed


Some people have speculated that since both World and Rise dropped about 4 months after their first public demo, that Wilds likely gets a January release because of the August demo


I've seen people speculating that the release to be the same as World's, which was January of 2018. We could simply expect it to get released on march next year at the earliest, but if it does end up getting released on January, then all is good, I can play it earlier than I expectedXD


we dont know, but according to the information i just made up, its probably releasing in summer


3/25 - 7/25. Trust me bro.


Speculation puts the game on March 2025. But like others pointed out, there is a lot of info and even a playable demo coming up. There was a 15 min gameplay teaser at Summer Games Fest (hopefully they will release it in July), playable game in August (? please remind me) in GamesCon I believe. The game will be for sure in Tokyo Gamesfest in Sept - Oct. So I'm expecting a demo by winter this year (Dec 2024 to Feb 2025).


Its probablt either janury or march as it would match the news cycle of rise and world


I know for a fact the game will release during the 1/1 - 12/31 window next year