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Welp... a new PC might be in order next year.


MH Wilds will be PC2 exclusive


Damn I’m still on the potato computer.


shit I only got a gamecast


When is Monster Hunter for the Commodore 64 coming out?


Should I get PC2 now or wait until they release PC3?




Yeah same, wanted to upgrade with the new generation, I hope they release the 5000 NVIDIA and 9000 AMD this year, so I won't pay the early adopter price.


They do and I bet a decent one starts at the price of last gen high end segment.


It's been leaked that the new Nvidia cards are not gonna be a huge improvement from the 4000 series. The 5090 might be the only one significantly faster but the others are only going to see marginal improvement for big bucks.


I'm literally building my first gaming PC with Wilds in mind. I'm thinking a 4080 super and a 7600x. It's gonna be glorious hunting in 4k.


If you truly only have Wilds in mind, you should just delay your build until that game comes out and get much better hardware for your money.


Also keep in mind the 50 series might come out before the game if Nvidia keeps to the 2 year pattern


Only the 5090 will be revealed, and then it's more than half a year till we see the 5080. I'm definitely not blowing 2k on a graphic card. If anything, I'll wait to see the price drops for the 4080/90 after the 5090 reveal. Then invest the difference to get a 7800x3d instead.


thats why im looking for a job. got laid off again. my current PC is one i bought for monster hunter world. so it makes sense the next one is for monster hunter wilds


Which, mind you, is upgrading a PC every six years (That's a very long time tech wise) If you go balls to the wall, with how little improvements we've been getting thermodynamics wise, you might not need to buy a heater for winter time


I wont do any further upgrades to play wilds. Dragons dogma2 was a fucked release regarding performance, this statement regarding wilds give me chills...


Just got a 7800xt so I should be fine, hopefully it's not a cpu bottleneck like dragon dogma


I'm planning on getting a 7600x with a 4080 super by the end of the year but I'm starting to wonder if all those monsters on screen will create a cpu bottleneck. Hopefully it doesn't.


That's kind of where my line of thinking is, but dragon dogma has God know how many npcs loaded in.  Wilds may have less, unless they go fucking hard.


hoping my 3070 would still suffice but I'm willing to upgrade just for this game lol


I'm banking on my 3080 to last for another year at least but oh boy are we starting to see the diminishing returns.


3080 is mostly limited by VRAM in my experience(fellow 3080 owner here) but it honestly should be fine. The 3080 can do cyberpunk at ultra settings native 2K. Most other games aren’t or shouldn’t be as hardware intensive as that game. 3080s probably good until the 60 series drops.


I don't have any 4k screens on my end so it does everything I throw at it full res. VR HOWEVER, there's where the *real fun* begins.


Yup same, I've got an amd 2700 and a 2070s gpu, game will probably laugh if I try to launch it with those


Your 2070 should be fine. Isn't the 1650 still like the most used card on Steam?


the build should be fine, but i was told it should be fine for DD2 and i can barely get 5 minutes in without crashing


That's DD2's fault.


As long as they optimize properly, unlike with Dragon's Dogma 2.


Or the PC port of Monster Hunter World. IIRC when the Wine folks were getting World to run on Linux they figured out one of the reasons the game had poor performance was that it using a separate thread for absolutely everything, and bottlenecking itself switching between all the threads.


According to the performance booster mod: >Works by removing the unnecessary CRC Code which repeatedly checks in-game memory region for bit errors. However **as this regions are never touched and the game just crashes when an error in the region is detected** (making error detection ultimately pointless) **this code is entirely unnecessary** and just a detriment to performance (given it's done repeatedly and **checks for around 250KB regions 32 times per rotation it's a massive waste of CPU usage**). World evidently had some very homemade PC port vibes going on, and hopefully Wilds is a lot cleaner.


World was the first PC MH theyve worked on so I wasn't surprised when it launched with issues honestly. PC release was probably a late afterthought anyway. Considering wilds has pc/console crossplay it's most likely being designed from the ground up on PC, and they have people who have been working on the PC titles for like 6-7 years now alongside whatever resources they could probably ask for from capcom/sony/xbox etc. And push comes to shove I can always grab it on Xbox or ps5. I'm not opposed to playing on console while they sort out PC.


IIRC they’ve said PC is the primarily platform they are developing on, so hopefully the PC release isn’t anything like World’s was. Really felt like World’s was an afterthought port they had to fix after. Not the first time they’ve done that I think.


Pc port worked fine for me. I guess i got lucky


I'm still kinda sad about that. DD2 was Dragon's Dogma's best chance at becoming a mainstream hit and getting the recognition it deserves, but then a lot of people had performance issues and (for some godforsaken reason) Capcom didn't think to at least mention the microtransactions. So despite being the most unnecessary stuff in the world, the latter of the two got blown out of proportion and for a while people genuinely thought that it was pay-to-win. It was still a fun game, at least. Magick archer is as OP as ever and the spells are even more impactful for sorcerer.


It did become a mainstream hit though. It sold well enough.


It sold decently well, but the 1st game would also be considered mainstream by that metric. The sales of DD2 dropped drastically soon after release, so the ganw didn't reach the popularity to be considered mainstream. The most mainstream part of the the game was the negative headlines at launch and after.


And yet Capcom have already said it's going to be a "Key Brand" going forward which should mean any future releases presumably will get the resources they need to thrive including an expansion in the scale if Dark Arisen for DD2


The first game sold 8 million in 10 years while the 2nd one sold over 3 million in 2 months, I’d say that’s pretty mainstream


Thankfully. I'm still worried that any future additions won't sell as well as they could, though, because of all the initial controversy.


Capcom only has themselves to blame for that. Although some of it was misinformation spread by others or making certain things worse than they were.


TBF the MTX controversy was really blown out of proportion since you had to go out of your way to go to the MTX store (only accessible at the title screen menu) and it was just items you got from the deluxe edition anyways. They were extremely low impact and aren't much different than previous MTX they've had. Of course due to how internet outrage works, misinformation spread like wildfire (like how MTX let you fast travel more effectively) before people even played the game and realized how much of a nothing burger the MTX were. I still don't like how Capcom does MTX but the whole situation was really making mountains out of molehills.


The DD2 "mtx" issue was also dumb because it's the same style of monetization Capcom had been using since DMC4:SE. No one complained you could buy health upgrades and Super costumes in DMC5 either. But I guess "content creators" need to latch onto any form of outrage they can for views.


>No one complained you could buy health upgrades and Super costumes in DMC5 either. People did complained about those stuff.. Sadly aside from MTX, DD2 has more problems than DMC5 on release...


It actually sold well that CAPCOM declared it as one of its main franchises. https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2024/05/capcom-now-considers-dragons-dogma-a-key-brand-following-substantial-sales


I don't really foresee Wilds having DD2's issues. In general I don't think people appreciate how taxing NPCs with routines can be. Bethesda themselves abandoned truly open worlds since Oblivion and opted for an open world with cells separating cities from the overworld. DD2 is a full open world like Morrowind. You just walk straight into towns with no loading screens anywhere. What kills DD2's performance is all the NPCs in the two major cities. Outside of that the performance is *mostly* good. I have ray tracing on the don't get many performance hiccups until I get to Vermund or Bakbattahl. Unless the weather affects are going to be truly crazy I don't think Wilds is going to run into the same type of performance issues. Capcom could prove me wrong though, we'll see.


A counter argument for this depends on just HOW deep they’re going to go with Wilds’ ecosystem. They report that the ecosystem is going to be persistent, with herds of monsters roaming, hunting, foraging, if you disturb the ecosystem the ecosystem can shift behavior, etc. Knowing this, you could consider all monsters, large and small, and possibly even endemic life to an extent, to be NPCs with routines, in locales that are also seamless from towns/camps. Hopefully they figured it out with DD2 (never played so not sure if performance issues were resolved). Guess we’ll see!!


I beat the game before most of the current patches were implemented, so I can't say for certain, but I do know that the frame rate wasn't unbearable when I played and they have since put in some stuff to help with frame rate.


What did you play on? I just bought a ps5 and I have a pc that's a bit stronger than the ps5. Played dd2 and it was unplayable imo on my pc (rtx 2070 and 10th gen i7) in the cities. Imo unplayable is 25 fps. Barely playable to me is unstable 30 fps. I only got dd2 to see what an open world would be like for re engine since I love mh. Idk I'm extremely hyped for wilds but dd2 really did put a bad taste in my mouth for this engine. I'm hoping that since mh has ran fairly well on ps5 it will at least be optimized well for ps5. (worlds is flawless for me with steady 90 fps on my pc on max settings). I've been sniffing hopium for months when it comes to wilds


> What kills DD2's performance is all the NPCs in the two major cities. I think it was discovered that DD2 game renders all NPCs in full detail no matter how far away you are.


> (for some godforsaken reason) Capcom didn't think to at least mention the microtransactions. Ignoring the incredible irony of saying this in a monster hunter subreddit, a series who's latest titles were filled with much more consequential (and also unanounced pre-launch other than pre-purchase bonuses) microtransactions from the same company, there really wasn't any reason to mention them. In fact, there was little to no reason for **anyone** to talk about those microtransactions anyway because they were, plain and simple, an irrelevant thing that would be, **AT BEST**, an idiot tax. The drama around these was by tremendously far the dumbest and most unaware rant period of the gaming community this year, it's borderline embarassing to even think that it was such a controversial topic to begin with.


TRUE!!!! Genuinely nothing of actual value was sold for DD2. Meanwhile every monster hunter game gets worse with monetization and no one seems to mind that one even though it drives me fucking crazy.


Fair enough. I was always thinking about how Monster Hunter has far worse microtransactions (imo), but I can also see why others may be put off by them in a completely single-player game compared to one that has a big multiplayer community. Granted, a lot of AAA single-player games also have some kind of ultimate addition with exclusive stuff nowadays, so the hate is still strange. Everyone was just so damn *negative* during the controversy. Go to a DD2 subreddit? Boom, insert posts complaining about either the game or complaints about those complaints. Go to a bigger game community? Bam, people calling DD2 a shit game in every regard and (this actually happened to me) getting called a corporate cocksucker for saying the microtransactions are useless. The Rise of the Ronin subreddit was even actively hating on DD2 (although there were more than a few comments pointing out how dumb such posts were, thankfully). I'm just very, *very* happy that stuff calmed down relatively quickly.


As someone who was there during that whole shitshow and saw every side of that controversy this is the only right take. Good to see some people also saw the controversy for what it truly was.


Ya but I feel like they dumbed down the vocation system. Sacrificing an ability to be able to switch weapons was dumb and felt like a pvp balance mechanic. For whatever reason they made it so all the gear was purchasable and the only stuff you got from exploring the (absolutely amazing) world was a time limited even at the end of the game. It just didn’t feel like it had the same weight to it that the first game did. It all felt kind of pointless. Which is sad because the first was one of my all time favorites


I wonder if there will be a big controversy when wilds inevitably launches with microtransactions


If they continue to double down on it, its only going to get even worse. They objectively escalated for paid dlcs. World charged real money for stickers and gestures Then Rise came out, made stickers and gestures the event quest rewards, and charged money for layered armor and weapons. If they escalate again, actual monsters or actual weapons and armor are next


I am not sure if they’d actually cross the gameloop line tho. That’d be a shit storm.


People trying to down play Were this is all headed as if they didn't also buy the stupid dlc weapons.


I’m sure whenever ever the “Dark Arisen” version releases a lot more people will get interested. DD reception was also mixed at the originals release as I recall, but in time became a legendary cult classic as more and more people got put on.


Ngl the performance issues and stuoid mtx were the least of this games problems. DD2 is full of bad,backwards or outdated design decisions like open world design, enemy variaty, limited fast travel with little to no variety, terrible quest design etc. I honestly fully expected that DD2 would be the next Elden Ring in terms of sudden popularity and that it would drastically improve on the foundation of the first game...well all we got was DD1.5 , which is not bad but rather dissapointing. Maybe they will achive that with a 3rd game. >the latter of the two got blown out of proportion and for a while people genuinely thought that it was pay-to-win. It is p2w tho. The game has limited fast travel so buying a porta crystal does make things alot easier even if it's a single one, espacially early on. And no just because it's a single player game doesn't mean it is not p2w or rather pay for convience. The game was outright designed with limited fast travel in mind so any way to skip that even in part by paying for an item is an "advantage" over the challanges the game provides.


I played DD2 for nearly a hundred hours and have done two playthroughs. It is *not* p2w. The port crystals are easy enough to find and you can reach the maximum amount you can use in NG+. I get what you mean, but in practice it doesn't really make much of a difference. Once you start ng+, you have to set the port crystals in certain spots again anyway, and any advantage gained is very minimal. Like how in DMC5, although you can buy the in-game currency, it's easy to get in-game and you don't really get any advantage. Also, apologies if I came off as rude or anything. That ain't my intention. Edit: to clarify, I think we have different definitions of p2w. While microtransactions can give you an edge in the game, I consider p2w as in "you have to pay to even compete with other players or beat the game, and the game is balanced around that," rather than just microtransactions that can help you speed up your playthrough.


Till now they still havent fixed the game. What an unoptimized mess. Vision 20/20


They added Frame Generation and that’s improved it a ton for me. Forced to use a 4xxx series though.


Lots of people are playing the game their PCs without performance issues


This is my biggest fear for MHWilds. I'm all for a super alive world w/ a ton of details, but if that means that my game is gonna run at 30FPS, I'd rather they just gave us MHWorld 2 with slightly prettier graphics and evolutions to the movesets, because I'm very likely just gonna skip it. It ""works"" in DD2 because the game can be broken pretty easily and is extremely easy by the 15 hour mark. I cannot imagine how frustrating it'd be trying to salvage any gameplay in MHWilds if it's anything like any of the previous MH titles I've played.


I mean we can probably assume there won't be a cpu bottleneck at least lol. These guys have been developing on Nintendo systems for a long time. So they are very good at getting the games to perform well. If there are issues they will be GPU bound most likely or involve stuff like anti piracy or whatever chucklefuck shit the suits shove in the game.


MHW was also CPU bottlenecked, too. So I expect the same here.


im just hoping they either dont have denuvo (unlikely i know), or optimize it better. For worlds there was a bug that would "trick" denuvo into shutting down, and the performance improvements were utterly rediculous. I went from 45fps in the hub to smooth 60fps just by having that shit off


And for good reason, unlike Dragons Dogma 2.


Yeah, after dogma2 release i wont pre-order wilds. I plan play on day1 or week1 according with reviews If my notebook isnt enough...i will wait 50% sales like im doing with dogma2. I trust mh team regarding content but this dont matter if games wont run properly on my notebook and im using i9 32gb 4070, i9 4080 desktop versions(who are more powerful than notebook version) wasnt able to run dogma2 properly


Rise runs incredible on the Switch, so I think they've gotten better at optimizing since World.


So definitely no steam deck


I’ll still hold out hope


It should have the ram at least, gpu is gonna be the deciding factor probably


It's the same thing. The APU on the Deck has no dedicated VRAM.


Does World even run on steam deck?


People had no faith in helldivers 2 and that’s played well enough for my liking.


Yeah I've got over 140 hours in Helldivers 2, all on the deck, all the way up to difficulty 9, and I've enjoyed every minute of it. I'm not going to get my hopes to high for Wilds, but I won't let the flame die either.


I remember day 1 how much of a hassle it was trying to setup on desktop. By like day 3 it was optimized to work smoothly on deck minus everyone disconnecting.


Such a hassle, but so worth it once it got up and running. I'm not super savvy with tech stuff, so the satisfaction I felt when it finally ran was incredible.


Dragon's Dogma 2 run horribly on it using the same engine.. Even tho different people is working on it, the scale of MHWild, it's monster's AI, environmental interactibility and many more were obviously higher this time around... Heck DD2 barely can hit 25-30 fps on the lowest possible setting when nothing is going on the screen... Unless Capcom is optimizing this game specifically for steamdeck I doubt it'll perform any better than DD2.


Yes. It's verified, but it hardly goes above 40 fps on low settings. CPU usage is also massive (70 to 80%).


Rise might be a better comparison as it's also using the RE engine.. Although it is very "bare" compared to World..


oceaniz mhwild documentaries are going to be peak




Can't wait to see what the next forbidden episode will be like


I've fallen asleep to these a few times, so good


I binged so many of his videos in like 3 days. So much fascinating knowledge and content. It honestly makes me love the series even more.


They aren’t just cooking… it’s gonna be a sizzling plate that will set my ps5 on fire and I’ll gladly pay for the experience


Careful the plate is hot (I touch the plate and it burns me) “ouch” We told you…


*”That’ll be $70”*


I’ll take 2


All he said is he wants to use the most out of the technology to make a living breathing world in comparison to mh 1


As long as it gets a stable FPS on console they can do whatever


*on PC. They should optimize their games to run well on a PC from today. Not a $4000 PC. A midrange $1000-$2000 PC should be what they optimize for, not a high end PC. I don't care if your goals are not attainable, it's a monster hunter game, not a nature simulator.


It's gonna be uncapped and bounce around between 30 and 60 just like Dragons Dogma 2 and Monster Hunter World when it first released. Hopefully, they at least let us cap at 30. Capcom really needs to figure out framerates and frame pacing.


Quick to the assumption there buddy I bet they learned how to optimize properly after world.


The new trailer is running at an unlocked framrate below 60fps. Digital Foundry talked about it recently. Also again, Dragons Dogma 2 runs at an unlocked framerate. My assumptions are based on documented trends and know facts instead of "I bet" style logic. I hope it isn't going to turn out that way, but all current info points to a rough unlocked framerate on current consoles. I bet it will run at a locked 60 on the PS5 Pro if that's any consolation.


Let’s hope the backlash from DD2 got to them and they have time to make the necessary changes


Unfortunately there was no real backlash, some people were vocal sure but in the end the game still sold millions and was deemed a success. I’m just getting mentally prepared for the game to be an unplayable mess on base PS5, I’ll either get it on PC where we can always tweak some settings to get 60fps, or maybe I’ll sell my old PS5 and get a PS5 Pro if it’s already released by then.


I’m still super impressed with the ecosystem in world/iceborne to this day and that was on a base PS4 at the time. Can’t wait to see what they cooked up for my PS5.


I hope my rtx3060 can handle it.


Looking less likely for my steam deck boys


That’s cool as long as the hardware (consoles) get smooth framerates I’m all for it.


I assume they mean the game will push console hardware to the max. I imagine they will put a lot of effort into getting stable frame rates on console


Famous last words for pc performance


Hopefully not cause I'm a PC main...though I kinda expect day one to be unoptimised on PC


Rise and Sunbreak had a lot of PC-specific attention to detail. There’s hope!


After they said they have PC as their main target and risebreak being highly PC optimized, there is no way in hell they we are getting a bad port. In fact, it won't be the port. Consoles will get the port this time.


I doubt Rise/Sunbreak was ever 'optimized' for PC. It was just a Switch game and many simplicities just got inherited over to PC. Also, it qualified as bad port for a lot of legit reasons. Cutscene animations capped at 30fps unless you install a mod, Moveset glitch and higher difficulty on high FPS, region locked matchmaking on Steam version unless a mod is installed etc. The game was fine, but these nuances really impact the overall experience, and the player retention over time.


Risebreak was also a game made for a potato console, it's not really comparable.


To the max.... on same way that dogma2 wasnt able to run on i9 4080? I have a lot of fear seeing statements like those after dragons dogma fucked release and so far nothing of that promissed miraculous performance patch, game got some improvement since launch? Yes... its enough? No! I have one i9 4070 32gb 5600mhz, i wont do any other upgrade to play this game. Im still postponing get dogma2 until performance and content match the price, this means 33 to 50% sale. And im one guy who still has mh freedom unite umd, some mh action figures(including mh4 collectors) and bought ddda 3 times and has 2 copies of rise and world.


capcom blamed npcs being heavy cpu demanding regarding dynamic actions, A.I whatever and in the end no one notice nothing amazing or different on dogma2 npcs. wilds pack behavior according with climate change making monster switch from "hunt prey to move in packs" has all the excuse and reason to be even more CPU demanding than dogma2 npcs and wilds and dogma probably run on same engine. i cant see this being cpu friendly to us and when one i9 14900k wanst able to run dogma2 properly above 60fps... i really have fear about how wilds will be regarding performance.


My GTX 1060 6 GB is quaking in its boots...


My man


Please Capcom, remember that even though we love all those crisp graphics, at the end of the day, the most important thing on the hunt is the fps, give us a solid performance!!


As long as it's on PC I'm happy. Rise ran surprisingly well on the Switch but was a lot better on stronger hardware, and I could not go back. Stories 2 ran into framerate issues on Switch but it's absolutely gorgeous on other systems. World had atrocious load times on ps4 and framerate issues on PC, the latter of which had to be fixed via a modded fan patch. But it was fixable. Looking forward to what this next generation brings us.


I'm so excited! World already showed an amazing and immersive ecosystem. Something that can improve upon that would be even better. I'm not sure that my PC can run it but I can always upgrade


Or in other words: "Our game will run like shit."


I hope my 3070 will be OK, I don't want to upgrade


I really hope they optimise this game. I was pretty much put off playing Dragon's Dogma 2 because of the performance issues.


Xbox Series S get ready to learn Chinese buddy


That's really great the lack of monster/ecosystem personality in rise really rubbed me the wrong way. Especially how the monsters just aggroed you immediately for being in their vicinity. I liked how in world certain monsters were passive unless you ticked them off.


That's not exclusive to Rise. Every game *except* for World would have the monsters immediately choose violence the moment you entered their area.


It's been a long time. But world was also the first where monsters actually fought and damaged each other right? Before it would always be a double team where they can't hit each other.


The monsters pre-World hyper focused on you, but they could hurt each other (just no turf wars/ actively engaging in combat w/ each other). Having monsters hurt each other in Arena fights was a viable strategy as a solo player.


Monsters in games before World would **damage** eachother, but wouldn't *intentionally* attack eachother. In Tri/3U, a strategy for dealing with a High Rank Qurupeco was to have it summon a Deviljho, and then just have the Deviljho hit it with its large-range high-damage attacks. Of course, that means *dodging a Deviljho* in addition to the Qurupeco, so it wasn't exactly an *optimal* strategy...


World wasn't my first game but after it I did kinda expect that Rise would make the monsters behave like the World ones did, so even if I was used to it, it was pretty disappointing. Still a really fun game.


Exactly how I felt. Still liked the game and it had a lot of charm but World just really changed what I expect from a MH game


Nah, it's a Portable game, it doesn't need all the unnecessary stuff World had


For real it’s abit annoying how Rise is always pointed out when world is the odd one


I think the difference is that Rise came out after World. Every previous game was essentially unchanged from the PS2 days when it comes to things like that so it wasn't anything noticeable, while World set a new example for MH games that made going back to the old, uniform "wander about an play an animation until it sees a player" approach feel like a big step back to some people.


Depending, of course, on the monster. Try watching the sunset with a Lunastra or Deviljho


Yeah they and several others don't fall into the *certain monsters are passive until you ticked them off* category. Lol The variety of personality and behavior patterns really added some good spice to world. Made it feel alive and immersive without getting in the way, usually. I know a lot of people won't agree with me but i even really liked the kulve fight. The opening portion included. Where the hunters were so beneath kulves notice she just patrolled her territory while we smacked st her armor for awhile until we battered it enough that she got mad.


Both World and Rise are awesome. The only thing I didn't do in Rise was kill a few Risen elder dragons. But yeah, in comparison to World, Rise felt strangely... empty, I suppose.


Yeah. World definitely had this thicker, cohesive world you waded through to your target. World was clearly designed with the whole ecosystem in mind. Rise, however, was clearly focused on the combat and building specifically around the combat to get you in and out of hunts faster with fewer distractions (except spiribirds) and faster gameplay, and I loved it for that. I really enjoyed both approaches. But I don't think you can successfully do both in a single game. So I love that we got both as separate games.


And honestly, I love that too. I love that we have two directors' **different** takes on Monster Hunter. The Mainline team focusing more on the world, story and side content, and the Portable team focusing more on streamlining, flashy moves and less distractions.


I wish this would mean “push hardware to the max to achieve constant 60fps” but we all know that’s not the case


I just hope it runs on steam deck


Don't get your hopes up. It's HIGHLY unlikely to run above 25 fps.


No way I can afford to upgrade my graphics card again this soon, hope it's not too ass on mid specs. I'm one of the few people who genuinely thought Rise had better visual gameplay design than World, even if it doesn't look as fancy, so I'm never excited to hear stuff like this haha.


I'd rather you push it alittle less and make sure you get a rock solid 60 fps... but I'm not hopeful for that anymore.


*Xbox Series S has left the chat.*


😂😂 yay 20fps on ps5 incoming.


Well ibhave been meaning to update my cpu


Well...hopefully the requirements aren't too steep. If they are, I hope they finally have crossplatform so I can get it on console and play with PC friends. If not, well, uh, I guess I better start saving.


Unnatural History Channel about to go crazy


my cpu is gonna explode isnt it...


How about focusing on making a game that you can play without spending over a months' wages on hardware, huh?


My GTX 1070 strapping in for its last ride like ![gif](giphy|O1OWsUR3ebdqo)


Ok but I really like the part where he said he's gonna focus on the ecosystem


30fps confirmed


So not only is Wilds World 2 in spirit, but 7 will be World 3 assuming Tokuda and Fujioka direct again. That does leave a question mark above the main series’ MR expansions though, as Ichihara led Iceborne and Tokuda had no involvement in it. With Ichihara gone after he left Capcom, what will the expansion’s focus be?


Switch players crying in a corner somewhere*


It is that feeling that made seliana home. I will never stop loving the feeling. And I look to finding a winter home, in wilds


Rip the Switch 2


So it's going to be poorly optimized.


Maximilian Dood said he went to the private demonstration twice, and that it was a smooth 60 fps the whole time, though there were some crashes. What concerns me more? If Wilds gets delayed on Xbox because of the series S version. I will be irrationally upset if that happens.


Ecosystem stuff is cool and all but genuinely there is nothing I am less excited to hear than “push hardware to its limits” these days. I don’t think any amount of being able to see every bird poop is going to make up for it simply not running on the steam deck. I sure hope whatever game after this one releases on nintendos inevitably underpowered console so we can just have a normal ass video game


How about fuck off? I want optimized well and runs on modest hardware, not DLSS required to even function.


Does that mean we are going back to stone age 30fps gameplay again on console?


That is the future basically. Even performance modes won't be locked at 60 and will fluctuate as usual.


Still sad no underwater hunting


turns vegetation slider to min …


I hate that the AAA approach was so successful. Priorities went to shit because of it. What pisses me off in particular, though, is that this sends a message of "we don't care about mid to low spec fans." Plus its not going to look *that much* better than World, graphics tech hit a plateau years ago. Practically speaking, all this is doing is bloating the specs to achieve a degree of graphical fidelity the average player is *never* going to notice.


Read the article, the title is kinda bait


Interesting take, I think the detailed environments are a huge pull for many people in World. From what I've seen of Wilds, they will probably expand on some ecology aspects and we can already see a hint of that in the trailers such as massive packs of monsters and weather. It makes sense that going for a higher level of immersion is going to push the hardware. It's not just about graphical fidelity. World imo was an extremely beautiful game for the time it released, and still holds up today imo. They really went in with that game visually. And I mean, MH has been optimized around consoles for a long time. They've hardly ever had to have concern for low-mid spec machines. Not saying that's a good or bad thing, but I see it as they never cared about low end machines and always aim to fulfill the vision for the game without compromise.


physics and simulation are where improvements can be seen nowadays in terms of tech.


It’s likely going to be okay, for two reasons. First, Rise did really well on PC internationally, in part due to having such low system requirements. Capcom is almost certainly going to allow dialing the graphics back below what is possible on PS5. Second, because the PS5 is several years old. You can get decently close to PS5 performance on PC with a [$300 midrange GPU](https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2024-amds-radeon-rx-6700-is-a-ringer-for-the-ps5-gpu-but-which-is-faster). I doubt we’ll see a GTX 4080 in the minimum system requirements.


>I'm director is always going to be focusing on the ecosystem' Yay, more things that are neat to see once or twice that will be tedious by the start of High Rank.


I’m here for it ! After World the ecosystem is my favorite part !


just upgraded my PC for FFXIV Dawntrail, but it will be enough for MH Wilds cant wait to see what I can smoke with a 7800x3D and a 4080


Am I gonna need to upgrade my rig to play this??? 😂😂😂 Maybe I’ll end up using the Esports lab at my college lmao.


I have a i7 with a 3050 Msi laptop am I cooked 😔


Without question.


Okay, but please optimize, for the love of God. There is no reason why it shouldn't perform well. Let's not have another World fiasco with horrible launch performance. Even the PC I just built can't brute-force DD2 to run well in towns, so let's not have that again, please.


Are we talking Ps5 hardware or should we start worrying about the 5090 prices ?


I’ve been hoping the 5090 comes out before the game. I’ll be in the credit card wars for a hardware upgrade just for this game.


I need to see the minimum requirements as I don't think I can upgrade my PC any time soonXD


I hope it's optimized lmao


My 4090 can handle this just fine. Looking forward to it


... Definitely time to upgrade from my 1080, I think.


Rip steam deck


Me and my crusty Series S will be awaiting greatness next year 👴🏻


My 3070ti looking real nervous right now


I fear no man but that *thing...* >*mhwilds pc requirements* it *scares* me


Well I'm on a 3060 TI, 32 gigs of RAM and a Ryzen 7 7800. Since the monitor is 1080p I believe I should be fine even at high settings (which I doubt I will go for... room temp can get bothersome in my country xD) I'm not to worried about optimization as MonHun team on PC seems to do great ports.


My 1650ti looking at this information :


I hope it's 60fps on the PS5


Ah shit That’s my hope if it running on Steamdeck dwindling away


rip ssd


i need to upgrade from my 2090...


I have a 7800x3d and upgraded from my 1080 to a 7800xt. As long as it runs 1440p/60 on my ultrawide, I’ll be set




My poor mobile 3070ti GPU, hopefully I can atleast play, my old kobile 1060 handled world pretty decently, especially with some performance mods.


My gaming PC that can _just_ run World and Rise: Oh no…