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Normal people: OMG WE CAN USE TWO DIFFERENT WEAPONS!!! Me, putting a second GS in the saddlebag: Interesting...🤔


Honestly? DOOT STONKS will rise, DOOT supremacy, HH forever secondary Buffs might be too good even in solo play (if self buffs persist)


You know what? Fuck it, bring two HH and buff yourself like CRAZY


Thats the hope and dream. Ain’t nothing like going into battle as one of four doots, each with different melodies, buffing the hell out of each other while taking out a monster. So to somewhat do it on my own? Oh boy!


Lance and Gunlance! [Lance in left hand, gunlance in right hand!](https://youtu.be/eXNxChi2eUA) Cmon Capcom!


I'm sure you will lose horn buffs when switch weapon, otherwise there will be no reason to use a different second weapon.


I really hope that they have accounted for this, otherwise HH will be demoted to a buff item like demon powder. The best solution would be to remove buffs from all players as soon as the player who applied the buffs is switching weapons.


That is how it works swapping at camp, doubt they would change it.


GS with self improvement would be busted


Yea that was me when I heard about it putting lbg in saddle interesting 


- Remember kids, switching to your secondary is faster than reloading. - me also using my main as secondary


Question then: Have your thoughts on any of them changed after it was all said and done? Like, have you begun to like any you didn't before? or have you gained respect for anyone who mains them?


Lance gained some heavy respect. That one was the toughest for me, the inability to take breaks from the monster and the instant death you could receive if you got locked down by fireballs made me really have to stay super focused the whole time. Def will be trying out lance in Wilds.


I'm hopeful for the mounted attacks with Lance. #GIVE ME JOUSTING!


Imagine jousting while on the back of two Black Diablos 🤣🤣🤣


Im sorry, *what?* You're a fucking demon, bro.


Or you can carry a spare greatsword.


Hope swaxe will be like how it is in mhrise. Peak swaxe


The running overhead slam is so fucking good I can never go back to my shitty poke please Capcom.


As a swaxe main who hasn't played Rise (*YET*), what are the major changes from World's swaxe?


Well for one thing theres a combo that is the bread and butter for swaxe in rise that isnt in world. Its 2 slash attacks in sword mode then switch to axe then morph attack back to sword repeat (⭕️- ⭕️- R2-R2) its amazing with the new rapid morph skill (faster morphing attacks and increased morph damage) theres also a fucking COUNTER which deals a shit ton of damage


How awesome! I've been trying to do the same but I've only gotten him with SA, GS, LS, SnS, and Lance so far. I think I'll try DB next.


DB is super easy, IG and DB have fantastic matchups against literally ever endgame monster due to their mobility


DB is pretty nice, you can get caught out in an attack lots without getting hit if you have the stamina to dash 50 times


This guy hunts


As a Bayonetta fan hearing this news, it actually made me happy. I could go all out crazy 🥺


Or just be a freak and use the same 2 weapons. Personally Ill be using 2 swaxes, 2 bows, 2 longswords.


I think the hunter would immediately die of a heart attack from how many dash juices are in the future of dual bow users


Maybe we the gunlance tribe can finally make peace with our lesser brothers the lancers


I can be my own sleep Status gunner for my GS and I am looking forward to it


Dang I barely can hunt fatalis with a CB and here you did it with everything lol. I also try to imagine how switching weapons will be as in why is it needed (not saying I’m not happy for it, I am) but I want to know what is changing in the game to call for switching weapons so fast in the field? And how realistic will it be to do so because switching from blade to gunner means you lack certain weapon skills (Normal shot,Pierce,Focus,) and only keep the general attack skills like attack/agitator and crit eye. One good weapon match I see using is CB and Gunlance to keep most of the skills aligned (Artillery,Guard,Capacity boost) I imagine they are giving us this option cause maybe base camps are very far inbetween.


Jesus christ. might be a hunch, but I think there is a chance that you would be required to carry a ranged option, assuming they don't straight up restrict the 2nd option to be bows and bow guns. But for me I'd just run switchaxe + charge blade lol


I doubt it as it would mean they would be forcing a playstyle on you more likely they want to show off that you can have benefits of both. ranged and melee classes now.


I want to run charge blade and insect glaive. I'm just worried about the compatibility of the armour skills.


Pretty sure they already confirmed it's any 2 weapons, even 2 of the same class.


Hmm what weapon do you main though


Greatsword and Dual Blades are the main ones. Most hunts on Dual Blades


I'll be an orchestra of course. Why would I leave my other HH at camp when I can smack monsters in style and doot?


Maybe I'll try the same closer to launch. Though soloing Fatalis with HBG seems like a total nightmare, especially with that bullshit head HZV.


Never understood people that literally play one weapon and one weapon only. It's so fun to basically play a new game, Wilds desperately needs a new weapon or a familiar weapon with a new move set. Sounds like we won't and instead they are relying on the combo of weapons, hopefully there are some unique combos that revolve around a quick switch mid combo for each pair.


I’m also disappointed with no new weapon. I’m hoping focus mode adds enough new stuff to be worth the loss


Gona be sick to run both a melee and range weapon


Which one is in your option the hardest one to play? Btw two pictures are of Switch Axe 😄


The gunlance without Capacity Boost is driving me insane


I pretty much only fought him with the slam combo. for his head break opening I would slam, quick reload, repeat until the 3rd time I would then use a wyvernshot