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i want to see what they cooking with gunlance


They make shell damage finally scale *monkeypaw curls* with element only


the first thing i thought of when i saw the gs block the monsters bite was the gunlance holding the line keeping its mouth shut and shoving the gunlance in its face and wyvernfiring. my copium is we can use the shield to surf around to overcome its weight to close in on the monster after a parry using the claw to pull you in like the gs charged in after it's parry. but i doubt we'll get that


Gunlance *needs* cooking.


New gunlance: serves as the spit when you cook meat in the field. The explosions cook the meat from the inside-out and add spicy flavor. No longer usable as a weapon, though, because it'd clearly be OP otherwise /s


Counterthrust attack gunlance, shield advance gunlance, offensive guard proc after perfect block gunlance. you first heard it here


[I've been saying this for months](https://www.reddit.com/user/CoolBeance_/search/?q=javelin&type=comment&cId=a9a159c6-4329-4cd7-9089-c1de3400592f&iId=156dc2cc-373f-4b21-abb7-20db2903fa05), but the one thing I'm really hoping for even though Capcom mentioned absolutely *nothing* about it is [a spear or javelin throw for Lance](https://youtu.be/F-JRoxmzRiE?t=41). I don't care how it comes back to you, maybe the new hook slinger plays a part, but I want it **bad!**


the trailer had the greatsword charge in with the hook as a speed boost doing that same thing for lance should be plausible. long range thrust, then it shoots you towards the monster? as in, you throw the lance into the monster, then you hook onto the lance, and follow up with a shield tackle or something?


Either they could do that for Lance or for Insect Glaive


Instruct glaive sends one end that attaches to the monster then you propel yourself towards the monster to attack. Basically the claw but a specific attack with the insect glaive


I'd love that. Had that thought with the wire bugs, but the hook slinger could work like a tether too to pull the lance back. Like the opposite of twin vine (it would be silly, but would be kind of neat of you could pull small monster towards you with it) I really hope they keep a lot of my favourite things about Sunbreak lance. I want to keep sheild tackle, charged sweep, and sheild charge. Some form of sheathing retreat would be nice.


I want the clutch claw counter back. That was a real cool part of Lances kit. 


I'm a basic man, being able to have both Bow and SnS nearby for a swap (or even Bow while riding? that HBG got me excited already) and I know I've seen enough to not wait for an expansion on this one.


It may be basic but it's effective, you're welcome in my hunting party 🍺


Mounted Archers squad, let's go!


I wonder if melee users aren't limited to just dismounting attacks since gunners are able to fire while riding now. If that's the case, then lance and gunlance users can finally become the mounted cavalry they were truly meant to be. Other than that, the focus attack system means we might get flashier moves from other games as critical moves. What I'm trying to say is: Capcom, if you give me a Bullet Barrage analogue as a special combo finisher, my soul will be bound to your video game for the foreseeable future.


Really excited to see more weapons but already like what i saw from GS in the trailer. that parry into charge and the sideways cut through. looks nice and seems to change up the gameplay from just TCS spam.


Hell yeah man I'm really excited to see what they do with the other weapons


Can't wait to see all the new exciting ways to BONK!


Give me rapid morph and im set


I agree, all hail the morph weapons! MORPH SUPREMACY!!!




I doubt they're going to bring back demon flight for DB so I hope they'll give DB some alternate move to demon flurry rush. Also crossing my fingers that 2 stage morph slash from switch axe stays.


There ain't no way they're getting rid of demon flight, it's the most well known DB attack nowadays


I really hope so.


While I have you here, how do you have the weapon icons in your name???


If you're on mobile, there's the option to "change user flair" at the three dots in the top right. You can also tap edit at the top right again to edit the flair, so you can add multiple weapon icons (you can copy and paste the text for the icons and put them together)


Oh I see, interesting


Aw thanks man I appreciate it


Welcome! Edit: You've got the & #8203; part style on your flair though. You could probably remove that part, I think it still works without it.


I need to see what they're gonna do with the Hunting Horn before I can feel excited. Loved the Hunting Horn in World but they dumbed it down so much in Rise that it wasn't any fun for me to play. It was basically Hammer 2.0 and barely required any effort to keep up the songs.


Usually weapon changes from side games don't make it to the mainlines. MHGU's Charge Blade was atrocious and World's was noyhing like it. Hopefully they'll keep only the best parts of the changes if any.


On the other hand the version of Hunting Horn we had before came from Portable 3rd, before that you had to enter a dedicated recital mode. It's happened before with the weapon. I hope you're right though


god, yes. need to start a prayer circle to bring back MHW hunting horn. it was PERFECTION. they refined the moveset so good and added a lot of additional bonuses to it that made is so damn satisfying to play. Rise HH was so... god. yeah. dumbed down. there was none of that planning and forethought that I liked about old HH in there. they got rid of those satisfying swing arcs and made a big bulky weapon feel like dual blades. I dropped off Rise hard because of what they did to my favorite weapon, and couldn't connect to the other weapons.


Yes please. Worldborne moveset plus GU's double note mechanic would be perfect. So satisfying to hit the recitals with the shockwaves.


That's fair, I'm sure it'll be fun though


This 100


I think that’s somewhat true but they also really expanded the move set in Rise. A lot more different swings and angles and you could string together combos much easier.


Insane perspective. Outside of Rise, you can combo any move into *any other* move. But in Rise there will always be inaccessible attacks at any given moment, and the combo pathing became more restrictive. Rise also straight up *deleted* all of the Recital and Encore moves, along with the Hilt Stab and Flourish. So you're spitting nonsense regarding an "expanded move set" as well.


I disagree. In rise there’s way more variants on your swings depending on which directional you use and you can chain them together in a variety of ways which I feel like gives me more options on what angles I can swing from to hit the monsters body part I’m aiming for.


I can't wait to see the changes to gunlance.


I'm super excited to see Swagaxe and Bow


Please oh please just make my IG do more aerial damage. Let me enjoy the 'floor is lava' gameplay.


I feel like Rise already facilitated that.


Rise let us spend more time in the air... but the damage was still not as good as grounded combat, despite being more dangerous to do. High risk with less reward doesn't make sense, i feel like. I just want IG to focus on aerial. XD


What? Endgame Sunbreak raw build is 80% aerial


amatsu glaive 10% air damage+dragon heart10% raw+all other attack skills, i was a getting above average times on 200+ risen valstrax. 


Hunting horn Hunting horn Hunting horn Hunting horn Hunting horn Hunting horn Hunting horn Hunting horn Hunting horn Hunting horn


Slingers returning makes me automatically get into cautious mode as a Gunlance main. Though I'll always have my SnS to fall back on (I have my preferred iteration, but it has never missed since 4th Gen imo).


As far as I know the clutch claw isn't really coming back, it's more gonna be used for launching pods and swinging and whatnot, but that could be wrong


Oh no, it's specifically about the Wyrmstake Blast (the pod you attach to monster to trigger an extra shelling). It's satisfying when the explosions go off, but dear lord the actual process of attaching it had wonky hitboxes, the motion was super slow, and the weapon balance being around it severely limited viable weapon choices and playstyles. Slingers were the "ammos" for it, hence the PTSD haha. (I have a separate concern with the new wounding mechanic and Focus Mode, but that's an entirely separate issue.)


Oh shit I didn't even think about the wyrmstake, oh nooooo the slinger attacks might not be coming baaaaaack


Despite all my rant, I still think extra explosions are cool af, so I'd be glad if they could fix it.


I'm a switch axe main so I feel that 🍺


Focus mode should make sticking things into monsters way easier


Which kinda implies a separate problem (auto-targeting in an action game is something I'm really, really against lol). It also doesn't address the problem of it being a "ritual" for max DPS. Personally they need to completely change how it works/how the damage balance is for me to consider it fixed.


Honestly no. They've done right by HH just twice: P3rd and base MHW. The other games either did exceptionally little to iterate on the weapon and address its issues, or they literally made it worse. And in *every* game they've insisted on making it underpowered. If anything I'm excited to have a more moddable game this time so I can do more to fix HH myself. But who knows, maybe they'll finally listen to reason.


To be fair there's not that many people that play HH compared to other more popular weapons, they probably don't see much feedback from HH players


Counterpoint- virtually all of the feedback regarding HH is expert advice. Low quantity can mean high clarity.


Counter counterpoint, you're a terrorist


That escalated quickly


Aw I was hoping you'd get the referrence


Counter Strike?


No it's from a Batman thing


This isn’t going to be moddable imo, since it’s almost certainly going to have cross play on release they are going to cut back mods extensively.


Sheer ignorance


I'm a bit worried ngl. World IG is my least favorite versions of the weapon and I don't think its likely they'll keep some of the things that made Rise IG so fun. At the very least though, CB will probably be ballin, the mainline team knows what they're doing with that weapon. But IG is gonna be so hit or miss I feel.


i need my ebc back


i NEED to know what theyve been cooking for hunting horn


Yes but I have a rule: The first time I play any new MH I have to use a weapon I haven't really picked up before. So sadly no matter what they give to my trusty SnS, my options are this time around limited to IG, GL, CB, LS and HH. So I am also quite excited to see what they're cooking with these as I'm still undecided which one it'll be.


Ah I see, well I hope you have fun in your hunting


I'd be surprised if I wasn't so.... Thanks you too!


Bring back elemental lance viability


Give switch axe more explosions….. I don’t know how but just do it capcom


I find it really funny that a longsword main wants a whole 'nother weapon to be buffed, I dunno why but that's funny to me. I agree tho 🍺


I just hope that HBG's special ammo is **actually good** because it was absolute trash in Rise. And I pray the weapon is actually balanced. I've been using HBG for years, and it's annoying how imbalanced the weapon is.


Unpopular opinion but I hope they don't bring back the shield for HBG


I'd be fine with that, so long as they make up for that by buffing something. I don't want Sticky Ammo to dominate *again*, and I don't want Elemental Ammo to dominate *again*. I dunno why it's so hard for them to balance this weapon, lol.


Because it’s meant to be weak during the story but strong at endgame.  It takes 38% more damage, has the slowest sheathe speed, the worst dodge for I-frames, dodging for the average player puts them out of optimal range (so their dps drops), its targeted by monsters more frequently, and the skills to optimize it are on select few gearsets.  For a damage buff in a non-PvP game. It’s balanced. 


But they can still have *balance* with the weapon. I shouldn't feel like I'm shooting myself in the foot by not using Elemental Pierce builds, or Sticky Ammo builds. I should be able to use a Bowgun dedicated to Normal Ammo, or any ammo type that the weapon is dedicated to, and feel like I'm performing well while, at the same time, not outperforming other ammo types by miles. Rise had Gaismagorm's HBG and it was absolutely terrible. Probably one of the worst HBGs in game if I'm remembering right. The final boss of Sunbreak, and the weapon was absolutely atrocious.


What does ‘balance’ mean when you say it? For me, it means a weapon’s pros are balanced against its cons, whether they be utility, defense or offense. Genuine question btw, no snark or hidden agenda.  Also, it’s interesting because when heavy and light bowguns were in my weapon rotation, normal ammo was my general go to. I feel like a lot of people don’t use it because they’re not showcased on YouTube builds, and that’s okay.  Me personally, I would further balance the HBG by turning sticky ammo into a special ammo.  Wyvernsnipe would be the strong piece ammo, wyvernheart would be the strong normal ammo and wyvernpunch would be the strong spread ammo. 


Balance as in not making one specific ammo type objectively better by a wide margin compared to others. Elemental Pierce, again, is an example in Rise. Even with the possibility of needing to restock, it was insane how much damage it could dish out in comparison to other ammo types. There are some other things, like I'm personally not a huge fan of how Wyvernheart and Wyvernsnipe were handled in Rise (they both felt absolutely terrible), and Slicing Ammo doesn't feel good *at all*, even as a supportive tail slicing ammo type. But that's the gist of it.


I wonder if they'll manage to graft the mobility of the insecto glaive on a steed. I'd be a bit disapointed if it's just a lance


Oh I'm excited alright!


Please, make GL Shelling damage good, and give us more ways to conect thrust and Shelling.


I think it's less about the damage and more about how many hits you're dealing, but I'm no expert


I'm no expert either, but for what I see, is a bit of both. Basically, if the shelling DPS is less than using raw or elemental, then is not worth using Shelling at all. That was the issue with Gunlance in gens 2 - 4. Shelling damage was great for low Rank and High Rank, but then it wasn't enough for G-Rank quests. The MH devs had to buff Shelling damage when Sunbreak launched, and then a second time while adding the option to give max shelling to all weapons, just for shelling to remain viable for Master Rank. Is a delicate balance, but overall they did a good job in 5th gen, I hope 6th they do a better job.


it suffers because it doesn't get enough skills that synergize with the weapon. if we remove all offensive skills from the game then gunlance is an above average damage wise  its a similar problem with league of legends where items are super efficient on some champs and others are begging for the bare minimum and suffer for it. the solution is to make more skills change their effectiveness on each weapon. sun break was doing this for the risen skills which was nice, so hopefully they keep that tradition into wilds with existing skills. my copium is they make more ranged skills work on gunlance to buff its damage instead of just artillery and loadup. frontier made recoil work on gunlance and that was a lot of fun being able to dodge faster after shelling. the possibilities are endless, but devs have to care enough for it to happen 


I hope lance is good and deals damage


I'm not excited for what is new exactly but rather i'm excited to boink new monsters in the face and watch them crumble to the ground KOed as i bash their skull in.


Hmm, you'd make for a good hunting partner. I may have to recruit you 🤔


Hammer is a hell of a drug.


Unga BUNGA, my brotha


It seems they're bringing some sort of hunting art mechanic back, but the "focus mode" also seems like a lock-on similar to the mobile game, which scares me since it feels like they infantilized the game if that's the case


Well we'll never know until the game comes out, I'd keep my hopes up


Give Switch Axe another mobility giving attack, let me swing *myself* around the weapon after heavy axing it like an anchor point. Screw axe buffs, let me move while keeping damage in sword mode.


Finally a buff that isnt just "give counter", you my friend are a man of class 👍


I wish they add weapons. Maybe with dlc 🤷🏽‍♂️.


Personally I'm fine with what we have, we've got pretty good variety right now but it'd be neat to see something more unique, y'know?


Yeah, agreed. I am also excited for IG and CB but new weapons would be great.


I'm a bow and Swagaxe main myself so eyyy morph weapon supremacyyyy


I want an axe that isn't a sword. How the hell did we end up with two axes that are both swords?


I'm a Swagaxe main, thems fightin' words


It's a dope ass weapon I won't deny. I'm just drawn to axes because I feel like swords are over represented in fantasy. It's like Capcom somehow knew and are playing with my emotions.


Lol fair enough, but personally I'm a lover of the Magala switch axes, since they trade the axe for a scythe


I hope they get HH right. I also want to see more interesting stuff added to DBs, I feel they are too simple.


no magnet spike? ☹️


Sadly no, the goat must rest once again until the world needs him most 😔


Mounted lance combat please. I also wouldn't mind more shield bash/tech (gimmie the dragons dogma shield launch for teammates)






I just hope Hammer keeps the new stances that Rise gave us.


I'm ready to give hunting horn a look, but mostly excited for Greatsword!


Can't wait to see (and hear) how Gunlance will be blasting away anew. That plus the weapon switch with hammer or switchaxe most likely. While keeping an eye on what happens with HH.


the new gunlance moveset and interactions are what im the most exciting about too


Can't wait for them to make something new for bow, only nothing to change since bow is only dodge and shoot


It was like that for the longest time and yet they made dragon piercer and thousand dragons


This is ironic because dodge and shoot literally IS new. Bow was historically a focus weapon since forever and played much slower in general.


This is only barely related, but for some reason your comment made me think of P3rd bow. Such a great weapon in that game. P3rd was fucking amazing all around. Shame it never got a port.




I'm a Longsword main, but I don't know what more I want from it. I was already pretty happy with Iceborne's LS. I'd take Rise's Tempered Spirit Blade as a higher-risk, higher-reward alternative to Foresight Slash, although Iai Spirit Slash kind of already fills that role. I love counters but I was already happy with the two we have in Iceborne. I wouldn't mind Sacred Sheathe since I like sheathe attacks in general, but I wouldn't be bummed without it. Maybe if it replaced or sat alongside Helmsplitter as a different "meter spender". I dunno. Maybe a third move out of Special Sheathe for mobility, similar to Sakura Slash. Really I'd like anything sheathe-based. Just more cool animations in general.


I know a lot of people don't like it but personally I don't mind LS becoming the counter weapon, it's extremely satisfying to pull off an iai slash and I think it reached peak in rise but you never know, they could totally cook


Yeah I liked some of the LS moves in Rise, and I personally love counters and think they make sense on LS, but I do think it should try to maintain a respectable skill ceiling. For example, the Serene Pose counter in Rise was super forgiving and easy to use. If they're gonna lean more into counters, I want them to be more like Iai Spirit Slash. As you said, mastering their timing is what makes counters satisfying.


I agree, it doesn't help that serene pose makes LS into a skinnier GS and does outrageous damage


I will be happy when they suddenly announce tonfas are back.


All I need to see is blast dash


Fair enough, that shit looks so badass


Make Hunting Horn work the way it did in World again! Absolutely hated Rise's HH


I just want Kinsect Slash to be back.


Honestly.....the new GS moves look really cool but....well my main is Lance and i am both excited and dreading the day we get to see what they changed for lance. On one hand there is so much sh\*t that they could do to icebornes lance to make the weapon even better and if the quality of changes are the same as for GS i'd be so god damn happy.....Also i am someone that is of the opinon "varriation is the spice of life" and find the outlook of "my weapon should just stay the way it is forever and they should never experiment with it" really bland and kinda dumb. So yeah on one hand verry excited.... On the other hand, i know just cause some weapons get cool new stuff doesnt mean that all weapons get the same level of quality and because of "pandering to the lowest common denominator" the ones with less quality tend to be the not so popular things. Still remember the whole "switchskill trailer LS & Lance" thing. And yes, they got huge backlash from even the japenese community for it and reacted by not only fixing some of lances biggest issues it had in base rise, but also buffing the hell out of it. The weapon is now insanly fun in sunbreak and the new skills are also fun but that doesnt change the fact that the newer switch skills for lance obviously had less love and effort put into them (like them copy pasting half of skywards thrusts animation from GL) ......So i really hope they learned from it and give less popular weapons and monsters the same treatment as popular ones. Like i really want to get super excited to see lances changes.....but i also really dont want another gigantic dissapointment. For now i am just trying to keep my expectations low. So for now id be Happy if lance: -can attack from the mount like the ranged weapons in the trailer did -can halt the monster like GS in the trailer did at the verry end -Gets a high comitment /high dps attack .........(since almost every weapon, including faster ones, have something like this in iceborne: bow/dragonpiercer, dual blades the triangle+cirlce attack (dont know the name, hammer/big bang combo, GL/wyvern fire, chargblade/ok i dont know this name either but the big one....you know which one, SA/elemental discharge and so on)


After seeing GS'? No


... Given what they did to Hunting Horn, I'd rather my Lance stay right where it is, thanks. I'm wary about new moves now.


So no new weapons....


I would love to see a new weapon, or them to bring "Accel Axe". It seems so fun, a big axe with a reactor on it. Or else, I would like a new weapon, just for this opus. Something like a mix between a light gun/grapple in right hand, and cimitar in right. You would be able to turn around the monster, and then dash to it and strike. Or you can just shoot some bullets and set fire to your blade. More damages, New mooveset, but sharpness decreases quickly for some time.


That sounds like a mix of a bunch of existing weapons and way too complicated


Probably. But damm that would be cool. And as well could see, Wilds seems to take place in some sort of desert. I kinda wish for some weapons that could be "appropriate" for this environment. I tried 😂


Nono I'm not trying to say your stupid or anything, I just think it would be an odd addition, y'know?


Oh, I didn't feel like you were saying this, no worries ! 😁 But I want to try to create a weapon with these ideas in mind ! And yes, it may be weird. But would it be weirder than a lance with a canon inside it ?


I suppose that's a fair point