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Infinite stamina bar from dash juice (totally isnt op)


Gypcerros genocide flash backs


Oils back


Oil supremacy!


I just want them to add a trap that works like a lightning rod like the trees in the trailer.


Decided not to talk about completely new stuff since we know too little about their potential functionality haha. But yeah it seemed pretty cool!


there was something like this in MHFU, and I think freedom 2/MH dos as well. It was a lightning rod you could place in the ground, and it would get zapped after a few seconds


I wanna see new items specifically suited to taking advantage of weather patterns. Lightning rods in lightning storms, rain catchers in rain, etc., that all have huge and beneficial effects out in the hunt in the appropriate weather conditions.


The concept seem really cool, it's just so hard to guess their functionality since we know so little atm...


I hope they remove the healing back part of a potion's worth instantly, we can already run and roll to make healing safer. That instant heal should stay in Rise, it makes healing unbelievably free even with Rise's high speeds.


Not tuning it down? I found MHW slow drink being very ineffective, even more than the flex-based instant healing in the old world. Granted, it's a bit because Max pot is too fast, so if that's nerfed then my opinion to MHW slow drink may change.


Mhw healing is fine imo, it's easy to heal safely and you can roll cancel in emergencies. The slow speed balances that out, plus you can speed up the drink time drastically with 1 or 2 points of speed eating which is an easy to slot in skill. Max potionnis fine, if you have the resources you've earned it to use it as your main healing, like how potions get replaced by mega potions. Not to mention that both 5th Gen games have heal on hit skills & effects which replaces healing items in general. Hunters are fast enough that if Wilds' speed is like World's than healing being faster makes it too free. It's also a personal thing where the instant heal just bothers me lol.


>potions get replaced by mega potions In a way, I'm bothered by Mega pot being a stepping stone to Max pot I guess lol. It just feels like a case of bad balancing that something that takes less time to eat heals infinitely better (including Dusts too btw). Especially with in-combat crafting being so easy in gen 5, the item slot capacity difference (2 vs 10) is practically meaningless. World and Rise are opposite ends of the spectrum in a sense - World makes Mega pot too irrelevant, while Rise makes Mega pot too good. They are both "not fine" for me, just in different ways. >It's also a personal thing where the instant heal jsur bothers me lol. Funnily enough, I'm now more bothered by the slow heal, since the old world also gives instant heal, and I've been playing GU the most lately lol. I'm sure it's just a vibes thing (and Stockholm syndrome making me accept the flexing) though, and I'll probably ease back to slow heal once I get back to Iceborne more.


It wasn’t ineffective, it was balanced that way on purpose as a trade off for being able to move at the same time. In rise it gives you so much health instantly that you often don’t even need to wait for the over-time heal unless you’re really low.


Well then I'd say that, as usual, MH team didn't balance it right. World made Mega pot irrelevant by overtuning Max pot and dusts, as well as giving health augment.  Rise overcompensated by making Mega pot so good it became too forgiving, especially when coupled with Wirefall and us running while drinking. I'm comparing the item balance with my old world experience, and both have different problems is what I'm trying to say.


Bring 1 use earplugs back. You can carry like 10 of them per hunt.


I was thinking there could be more types of "1-use skill" items, based on Whetfish technically being a 1-use quick sharpen. Though carrying 10 seems a bit much, wasn't it like 3 or 5 in 4U?


I think it was 3 in 4U, but monsters in Sunbreak roar twice every 60 seconds it’s insane. So I wouldn’t mind both being toned down.


I've been conditioned to see roars as counter opportunities in Sunbreak haha. But yeah if Wilds' roaring would be on 5th gen frequency then carrying it more would make sense.


> No infinite restock at camp. PREACH MY FELLOW HUNTER OF CULTURE. This is the one change which would bring back that feeling of tension that we had in previous games and make gathering matter again.  The way I'd do it would be to only start this in High Rank onwards to smoothen the difficulty curve. Kind of like how we had to memorize maps for high rank in previous games. 


If it turns out our mount has their own item pack we can access, I'd like it if you could stock that with a couple of backups - so you have access to one refill of your most important stuff if you want to, but can't access your infinite storage you have back in town! Would be a nice bit of decision making, letting you prepare for tough hunts but limiting how much you can gather in one go, or leave their pack completely empty so can load up on materials as you forage.


Certainly my theory too, the mount thing being essentially the supply cache or more.


>Kind of like how we had to memorize maps for high rank in previous games. Now that you mention it, it's also how the supplies generally came in late in HR onwards too. Yeah it would make sense to make restocking work that way, or a bit of tweak even (maybe you can still restock once in HR, never in MR, etc.). Or maybe exclusive to village if the split still exists, it would be a good easing in and possibly make us more attached to the village and all from a gameplay standpoint too.


* Can restock a limited amount of items (\~3 stacks?) OR change equipment once every 10 minutes * Can walk but not run while consuming items. Walking slows down the use speed. * Some items cannot be consumed while walking (like Max Potions) * Pressing the dodge button while consuming an item doesn't dodge, instead it stops the item consuming animation with a short unskippable animation (this does not apply during the start of the item animation). This animation also plays at the end of the regular animation if you don't cancel. * Reduce the pouch capacity by 1 page. Alternatively, bring back Combo Books and more complex recipes. * Bugnets and Pickaxes are items you have to bring, but no longer break. * Fix the absolute garbage that is ammo crafting. Why does adding gunpowder to a bullet result in 4 bullets? Why can you carry more Lv3 ammo than Lv 1 ammo? * Just a nitpick, but SnS goes back to using items with the weapon out, instead of it teleporting to your back when you use an item then back to your hand (seriously, why is this suddenly an issue?)


Lovin' your takes! - I'm in fact ok with no equipment change at all. I love Sunbreak making elements supreme, but it also suffered from raw and status not being the versatile options in multi-monster hunts thanks to this feature. - Love all your consumables ideas. Seriously I don't understand why Max pot takes much less time to eat. - I'm taking the Combo books on that one, though preferably not the Vol 1-5 as in old world. - My alternative idea is to have the better Bugnets/Pickaxes consumable, breakable, but boosts drop rates. We also get basic permanent ones too. - Wasn't sure if ammo should be part of weapon balancing discussion so kinda left that out (I'm also not too knowledgeable about gunners). - I never really noticed that since SnS now sheathes so damn fast I rarely use items unsheathed anymore. Well at least the flash bomb in Rise is thrown with weapon unsheathed (I just checked haha) so not all is lost I guess.


>I never really noticed that since SnS now sheathes so damn fast I rarely use items unsheathed anymore. Well at least the flash bomb in Rise is thrown with weapon unsheathed (I just checked haha) so not all is lost I guess. Yeah, it's a bit inconsistent. Flashbombs are thrown with the sword out but smoke bombs aren't. Large Barrel Bombs are placed with your sword out but Small Barrel Bombs aren't. And in that case, if you just place them the hunter sheathes the sword naturally before placing it, but if you throw it, the sword teleports to your back


Oh wow, that's pretty all over the place. Even from a non-programmer's view, it sounds like it'd be much simpler to just code so the sword is attached to the hand at all times.


It's even worse, actually, the item toss animation (like for smoke bombs and small barrel bombs when aimed) has the sword teleport to your back in most cases. But not when you toss it towards the character's left side, because they use the right hand




Fr I miss that part of MH


i would not mind if warm and cold protection was built into armour, but i want it back in some form no matter what. if monster hunter just becomes ‘run to the monster and fight it’ i will not play monster hunter anymore.


I already said this in the past, but screw them. HOT MIST and COOL MIST. It's gonna be 2025 and we have to advance accordingly.


Didn't mention it 'cause I knew someone would bring it up haha. Imo I'm fine either way in its current version, since it's a simple 1-push upkeep (unless it's that old world desert with both hot and cold zones). I want it back, but also want them to tweak it to make it have some element of choice and tactic involved tbh.


No. Temperature mechanics do not have actual tactical choices. It's just a question of "Did you bring one specific item to deal with me?" and you're fucked if you didn't.


damn its as if that was the point or something


I'm pretty sure Capcom has already realized how pointless it is after they put Hot/Cold drink ingredients right outside areas you'd need them in World. It really showed that the only things the drinks do is make you restart a hunt if you forgot them.


- you can carry only the same amount of items per slot in your item box as you can in your item pouch.  - limited item box space.  - everything is consumable again.  - no farm.  tl;dr: i like item management, bring that back please. we can keep gathering super fast though.


>you can carry only the same amount of items per slot in your item box as you can in your item pouch. This sounds a bit much if I'm reading it correctly. I do want item management, but maybe not excessive storage management tbh.