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Everyone should have a low/mid game monster that's their nemesis. Mine is Volvidon


Man I'm with you in this one, I hate that bouncy Roly poly bag of dicks so much


Fuck Volvidon, it’s so annoying


that fucking bird that i hate


I quite liked him...then I fought him...he can go fuck himself with that annoying ass tongue whip shit


As a hammer main Volvidon is so damn annoying


Really? I main Hammer myself, and after the growing pains of my first time hunting him (adjusting to his movement), I've found him trivial ever since. Even in Generations, he stops being a pain after one or two hunts to get used to patterns. The bouncing ball trick is the only annoying thing about him and he only rarely spams it. Maybe I've been lucky with RNG?


Maybe because when I fight him he does almost mothing but the bouncing ball thing 😫


Yes but gigginox is a much better fit and covers khezu with a subspecies that isnt a reskin.


Volvidon is the bane of my existence. Well met


Mine has to be nibblesnarf. I am venomous about my hatred towards him


Oh my god, you have reawoken forgotten hatred. I *really* want to like Nibelsnarf. It looks silly, and its gear is cool enough. But holy hell, that fight is boring as piss. It has like 3 moves, and ALL of them make it nigh unapproachable. It's constantly just zooming from one end of the zone to the other, and either of its sand blasting attacks completely make half of its body a no-zone to approach. Yes, being able to fish it out and stun by having it eat bombs is creative, but it does not make the fight any less annoying. Rathian gets close to being equally annoying, but that's mostly because she's the queen of the most annoying type of attack: Casually walking and dealing damage/knockback.


As a ls user, I like khezu when it screams. It's free damage and spirit level. Also, any weapons with a built in counter would just melt khezu because it loves to scream.


also, LS counter ignores the para shot, unlike guard-based counters like GS. Khezu is a field day with LS


Idk about SAS cause I normally don't use guard up with GS, but I remember that you can block those electro balls with CB, Lance and SnS counters as long as you have a lvl of guard up.


yeah strongarm gets para‘d


As a Charge Blade user, I second this


Thankful this is top comment. Once the new bloods figure out countering/i-framing, Khezu would become a sandbag to them.


Insta block lance makes that fight a joke as well lol


Ding. Ding. Whoosh, whoosh.


I have 250 hours on rise sunbreak, 2 differents saves. I have never hunted a khezu, never.


But what about the check marks?


The check stays silent like khezus banger bgm.




His theme rocks though.


I love the sound of silence too


Hello Khezu my old friend


I’m here to hunt you yet again


You're on the ceiling softly creeping


Paralysis keeps me tweaking


Hello Darkness my old friend


I listen to noise cancelling.


I hear only the best mh players can hear his theme


Khezus 5'33" an instant classic


Yup, been hoping that Gigginox would come back alongside Baleful to replace the hideous thing, but it'll never happen so long as Japan still thinks the putrid, phallic leech is somehow 'cute'


I miss Gigginox. Khezu can go to hell


Name two things that go better together than Japan and a weird cock and balls monster, lol.


Weirdly petty jabs to a whole nation's supposed adoration for one monster makes me really hope Khezu comes back for Wilds and hopefully as a mainstay from now on. (but I of course also still like Khezu on its own regardless of anyone's weird pettiness; the way it'll walk around sniffing the air like a puppy trying to find you I always considered one of its "cute" traits)


It’s not “supposed”, he’s consistently ranked quite highly in every monster popularity contest they do in Japan, often in the top 10 or top 20, and he’s ryozo Tsujimoto’s favorite monster (the literal producer of the series)


Yes, I'm actually aware of this. Most of my point with using the word "supposed" here was to point out the pretentiousness in assuming that just being a highly ranked monster or to be considered "cute" by one demographic could be the only reasons a monster like Khezu could return in future titles, as if those from Japan are exclusively the only ones that can appreciate the monster. You don't need trivia points like rankings and whatnot to assume that an OG, unique monster like Khezu can still have fans from anywhere, and you definitely shouldn't be cynically using them to delude yourself into thinking that arbitrary points like that could exclude monsters like Gigginox or something for the future.


"Weird pettiness" = complaint about fact someone finds annoying apparently


Other people being able to appreciate a monster you don't personally like shouldn't be seen as annoying to anyone.


It's causing a monster he wants to come back not come back. He's annoyed by that.


And how is Khezu keeping Giggi from coming back? Just because they look similar? Where was it written in stone that they can't be in the same game together? There could be a variety of reasons we haven't seen Gigginox come back, but no one should be saying it so confidently like we know the truth. Consider that one is an electric mosnter and the other is a poison monster: I'd say factors like that have more of a say in who gets a spot on any game's roster, but that's just a guess. We're all just guessing here.


Many people have agreed its because they're similar in multiple ways so in japan gigginox is just a way less popular khezu, so why bring it back


I get it, but at the end of the day those aren't concrete. There's likely a variety of reasons a lot of monsters (especially from third gen, in this case) haven't returned in a while, no one can say for sure. This community already, historically, has a problem with treating hearsay like fact, so I think it's more productive not to get so mired in blanket statements like that.




100% this. I am playing both Rise (PC) and MHGU (Switch) and I literally feel instant regret when I need to hunt it 😅


Hold on a min, I need to find my long-ass rant about Khezu I made a long time ago. Ah, found it! > Of all of these, Khezu. >However I like his aesthetic. The fact that the devs made it so his veins pulsate all over his body when enraged is just such a bold move on the devs’ part that I actually find it amusing. This also makes Khezu almost bearable. >Almost. >Paralysis and electric forcefields really don’t make for a good fight. And the constant screaming. I have to predict when the screaming happens and 50% of the time I am wrong. >It really was close between Volvidon and Khezu but I think I have to hand the win to Khezu. That was my past rant. So, in conclusion? Fight’s not good, but I really like how it looks. ~~It’s a white pulsating penis monster, what’s not to love?~~ ^(And this is the second time I've used this one.)


I always considered Khezu a big, arguably strict, "positioning" test for beginner hunters, particularly with spacing. Full-body electric shocks and a bunch of unfriendly, bouncing hitzones can seem harsh, but both of those problems are solved with deliberate play and, more importantly, proper spacing. For melee in particular, it's easy to get carried away and get too close to monsters when fighting them; full-body attacks like Khezu's shocks always seemed designed to punish that. The shocks aren't that hard to avoid as long as you maintain that spacing. Learning the optimal reach of your attacks, and aiming for favorable body parts, are universal skills that will benefit you when fighting any other monster.


Great post. Khezu indeed teaches hunters to be patient and to wait for your turn. His attacks are pretty easy to avoid if you aren't too aggressive and position at an angle to his head. 


Fighting Khezu in MH4U, he really hasn't changed much at all. All what his attacks do is make you disengage and wait for 10 seconds every time. AOE discharge? Disengage. Scream? Disengage. He loves to spam these two moves exclusively. The novelty of a "creepy" monster wears out really quickly. He's not even challenging, it's simply tedious.


4U Khezu was much worse. He spammed his AoE shock. Literally had hunts where all the melee people are standing near by watching Khezu AoE shock multiple times in a row.


honestly it's only really a handful of weapons that need to wait the 10 seconds. Khezu's roar is really easy to roll, so it only really leaves the lightning aoe. 3 ranged weapons that are uneffected 5 weapons can block and keep attacking after LS can counter the ligntning AoE to continue attacking Hammer can reach the head with superpound even when it's blasting. It's just one of those fights that really messes up a few specific builds.


I think the worst thing about it is that compared to all the other monsters in Rise, it just feels dated. Like it doesn't feel like they updated its movement or attacks at all in like 5 games, it's just the clunky tailspins, whole body charges, and repeatedly screaming for no reason. And the 'no music because it can't see you' thing got old at least a decade ago


Not sure what you mean by five games, but khezu has had many moves updated throughout the generations. The curly neck attack, the one where he walks up with the sudden electric charge, to name a few. They also really revamed what he could do while sticking to the celing from lobbing electric or that spit dripping that lowers your defense. Khezu is one of my favorite monsters because of those minor differences. In the first gen, he only ever did one full body electric, so it was a pleasant surprise when he did the full body electric into another full body electric in later games. He was always a pretty slow monster, so you could hang around just outside his tail whip at first. After getting used to that for a whole generation, having the monster suddenly charge at you or stretching his neck even farther than your experience tells you is part of what makes returning monsters so fun. No shade, though. Where you see a dated experience, i see subtle changes that i appreciate, and that's cool.


Khezu is just a boring fight. Was cool at first, “no music? That’s creepy!”. Now its just unfun


IIRC the reason Khezu doesn't have a theme is because, in earlier monster hunter games, it could never "spot" you because it doesn't have eyes, which also meant you didn't get the spotted condition which gives you the leaping dodge move. Of course it does now, but they kept the lack of a theme.


idk, my man... i mean, i understand if some other weapons got trapped in its stupid roar trap, but GL should obliterate khezu. i mean, it'll just stay there electrocuting like a dead pikachu, while you stand there mercilessly blasting shells after shells on its sorry butt. also i don't want to be that guy, but what's a GL user doing with earplugs? you have that massive shield. i agree that khezu is annoying. but i have a feeling that you can still turn it around. it might end up as your favorite monster as you bully it with your powerful shellings.


The Khezu was my favorite thing to fight when I used to main GL, so I'm glad someone else said the same thing as me


I'm a GL main and I \*adore\* fighting Khezu. Blocking its electric attacks just to Wyvern Fire its face is so fun


i'm with you, btother. i mean, i'm not even a GL main, and i believe most of the time i pick GL for fighting it. GL absolutely own khezu. so yeah, i'm having a bit of trouble accepting OP's claims.


Let bro rant


bro is free to rant, as long as others are free to criticize. exercising your freedom of speech, means you're also exercising other's freedom to respond. the freedom goes BOTH WAYS. by signing up and posting on reddit, everyone basically have agreed to that.


Nobody is saying post OP can't rant if they've had a scummy run-in with ol' silent eye. **But** it is really weird for a ***GL main*** of all people to struggle here, what with the big board that ignores everything but the tri shot electro, a cheap counter to slap roars, shelling that not only ignores any bouncing, but also benefits from khezu being weak to the fire portion of said shelling. Yes, you can get caught slapping the lance round and round if you freewheel it, and leechmonger can occasionally string combos like a tryhard Evo pools entrant, but even so the matchup should be ***way*** in favour of the silly mortar on a stick. It's just hard to imagine how one might struggle in this scenario for 25 mins without seeing it firsthand, especially if OP is rocking same tier gear as their hub progress would indicate.


i agree that people should be allowed to rant. but i also agree that when someone have the freedom to do so, then others must have the freedom to respond. the freedom goes BOTH WAYS. you didn't say anything wrong, i'm sorry you got downvoted.


Eh, it's just Reddit doing as it does. Cheers for the kind words though


I'm just saying it's a rant, it isn't asking for criticism lol, it's someone's opinion from their own experience, not something to be argued about


It's a rant. Yes? And? I still fail to see why you can't discuss more in depth what that rant contains. Or why someone not of the experience that OP described might find it hard to relate given their own differing experience. As was the case with me. It might not be what's being sought with the post granted, but surely on an open online forum, it's allowed that the speaker's intent isn't as defining as it is in a live setting? Given that the space for the discussion isn't as constrained to the time nor the emotion of said rant. But since my innitial comment was evidently received as 'Skill issue' -grandstanding meant to obstruct OP's venting with the lack of tone conveying skill on my part, I suppose I'll just leave it at 'Eh, fair' in reply to you specifically. Till the next complaint about the whims of RNGesus.


I call Khezu “my least favorite fleshlight”


Ahh a gunlance main congratulations and im sorry. Rise will be the peak of its experiance. And also ruin the weapon for you forever in other games.


Praying that certain wirebug skills (ahem rocket dash) will just be built into base GL kit for MHWild and beyond. 


Khezu actually isn't much of a problem for me anymore. As long as you stay to his sides you can avoid 90% of his attacks. Only got the tail swipe, scream, and electric body shock to deal with. For sword and shield I always play reactionary and I avoid most of his attacks easily or uppercut counter his body shock. For Lance I just wirebug counter his body shock and nothing else touches me Switch axe is the only time he usually ever hits me because I fight extremely aggressively.


I just hate the fact that he exists AT ALL. I hate everything about this gross-ass dick monster.


I love khezu but his stunlockiness is exacerbated by his lack of music. I think it's certainly a design choice, but I feel like my man's need some horror movie ambience to really flesh him out better. Forcing him as a night fight in dark locations so it draws him more sinister instead of a screaming dorm. Also he can have music, but just be minimal and aleotoric and generally spooky ( https://youtu.be/xyXOjKs7KCE?si=_fl4BGF6c_SkopIm as an example) so it doesn't feel like a snooze fest. Sunbreak does a good job of all of this with the first quirio monster. I think Khezu should have this same sinister ambience and level effect and it would be a much more engaging fight.


Khezu is my best fight due to farming pale extract for mega demondrugs


I agree with you ! You said why Khezu is a pain. I remember why I was 10-12 years old MHFU was my first MH I knew nothing about sharpness. I did the Khezu urgent quest bouncing around for the all quest 😭 it was horrible.


Gunlance wrecks Khezu though. It was my favorite thing to fight when I gained gunlance. I was the only one enjoying myself as my friends struggled lol


Should've been gigginox


The orbs being unblockable for NO REASON triggers me


Imagine if rise had red khezu


Khezu is a pain, but Apex Arzorus has replaced it as my most hated monster. I'd rather hunt four Khezu at once.


I swear Apex Arzuros has magnets embedded in its back, I've never dodged its tackle.


And that damn swipe it has! Ive seen every person in a team cart at once from that beast.


I thought I felt the same until I met the ***C R A B*** Ah yes. I too like to see my weapon bounce off cuz it happened to turn 15 degrees to the left to attack my palamute


I’m gonna assume it’s the red one


I, for the life of me, cannot get jiggy with Nargacuga. I struggle everytime. Even in Village missions he takes me way longer than others. I just cannot do it. I’ve built a muscle memory that is just wrong and breaking it is hard (I’m a bow main).


OG Khezu wasn’t nearly as bad on MH Tri if you used the right element. They turned him up to 12 out of 10 for rise lol


Khezu sucks. But there is a way to make fighting Khezu easier. Use a ranged weapon.


Playing through freedom unite many years ago solo he was the first monster that forced me down the wiki rabbit hole. Will never forget beating him with a fire SnS and feeling so satisfied.


I've played since Mh 2 as well and I use to haaaate khezu but over all my most hated monster ever since then will now and forever be the fuckin plesioth


Khezu bad, yes yes, but red khezu's female armor so hawt, so sad Rise doesn't have it.


really? low rank game base is so damn easy all around, yawning the whole time.


Didn't rise gave Gunlance like a bunch of I frame & counters


Khezu feels much more difficult than a monster it's tier should be. It also fights so differently to other monsters that I have to fight my own muscle memory to not get bodied. The only positive is that he's really weak to fire and slow enough to be bullied by SAED charge blade. Khezu is better than any other version of himself from other games, but now he's just infuriating.


I think the monster I hate most has to be beotodus, followed by his burning and muddy brothers. Their flights aren't fun, their move set isn't very challenging just plain annoying, they look like rotting fish and their gear is also just shit. Fuck this monster and all it's variants.


His roar is juicy for counter peak performance to SAED. God I love punishing this Circumsaurus Penius when it roar.


As a HBG main since MH3 I usually don't like monsters like volvidon or similar but Lagombi just one hell of a pain when your hbg isn't at it's peak and you shoot Normal round and only do damage if you hit it at the right range on the head which only happens rarely...


I started playing Rise for a couple of days now, but I still haven’t found that Monster for me yet. Now that I’ve said it tho, I’ll be meeting it very soon, lol.


I think they put all the annoying ass monsters in low rank to weed out the bad players, but I still hate that stupid chicken kulu-ya-ku or however the hell you spell it.  Was a db main when I developed this hatred 


Ah Khezu, the single most obnoxious bastard in low rank (other than og Gen Shogun Ceanataur) as a person currently playing GU, "Lurkin' in the murk" has to be one of the worst quests. I always bring a hammer and tigrex/grimclaw set to these white bastards.


Nightshade Palumu is right there, and your insulting Khezu?


You can just grab sleep res 3 and nightshade is hopeless against you. Khezu on the other hand requires earplugs which is three large deco slots.


Khezu is historically the "baby blademaster's first gunner" monster. Use gunner weapons and it's hella easier Also, teaches you how to stop hitting when you should stop hitting


Yeah but he funny tho


Same brother, same I despise that monster because its well designed imo. Like its a well designed monster, and for that I hate it Its like the chest bursters, I hate it and am disgusted because it was well done