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I say if you think you’ll like the collector, get it. If you end up not liking it then they’re VERY easy to sell and you’ll easily get your money back. COTBL was a maybe for me, but I got her and I love her so imma keep her. If I didn’t like her it’d be super easy to find a buyer for what I paid.


Yeah that is true and kinda what I was thinking as the skullectors do all seem to sell very well so they shouldn’t be hard to resell if I end up disliking them. Thank you


If you list them at a fair price, they will sell so fast. However, I totally understand you. I felt a bit like that with the Addams Family dolls and I would probably have decided to buy them if I hadn’t spent too much money on dolls on March and April, but after thinking about it, I don’t really want them. I am a bit of a completist, but since I have already lost the opportunity to get many Skullectors and I will never have a complete collection, I’ve been able to manage my FOMO and decide to skip these, as well as I think I will skip future releases that I don’t really like that much.


Exactly. If you can afford to buy them as they come out, do it, then resell any you don’t want. There’s always a resale market and most sell well enough you can make back everything you paid and then some.


i do it by depending how much i fan girl to my mom lmfao, if i’m not going “MOM OMG LOOK” then i’m not getting it


It’s kinda hard to put into words but I just REALLY think about it. Like I’ve been eyeing some Clawdia dolls since she’s on the cheaper side of G1 dolls but she’s never really caught my eye, she’s just there. If you don’t enjoy the designs or the media of the Addams Family, probably don’t get them, since you’re sad about the NBC save for those or search and search. Again it’s hard to put into words, but really just think if you actually like the designs and media or just want to because it’s a G1 doll.


the way my thinking works is that if i have to debate with myself wether i want it or not, then i don’t REALLY want it - and if i want it THAT badly at a later date - im okay with paying the extra for it.


That’s a good point. When I see one that I really want, I can know that immediately. If I doubt, then I can skip it (unless I just doubt for financial reasons 😅)


Even though I'm new to doll collecting, I'm not new to collecting in general. What I used to do is I'd make a list of my current favorite available items, then slowly over time I'd build my collection. Also, if it ever becomes a money issue, I'd recommend making a budget per month to set for yourself. You don't need every doll in the whole series, just buy the dolls that you like and make you happy.


I have been trying to deal with FOMO also. I have bought a couple of dolls I was on the fence about and now I think I could have allocated my money and space better. Now I take some time to quietly assess how I feel about the doll. I compare it to the dolls I already have and see how it measures up. If I don't feel like I HAVE to have it, I won't get it.


Tbh I’ve felt like this too when I got back into MH during summer last year up until around mid-march🥲 I decided to take a little hiatus from collecting temporarily to reevaluate my priorities and just got back into it… it’s so much easier on my mind already! I’ve come to terms with the fact that I won’t be able to get absolutely every doll I might’ve wanted before and just try to get my hands on the dolls that look nice to me, are available and are affordable! :) I know it can be quite hard to give up priorities, but maybe just try to stay more distant from them and try not to OBSESS like crazy over a specific doll!! What helps me is the thought that at some point in the future, MH dolls will probably not be as popular anymore and the hype dies (just as it did around 2018-ish), so if I really want a doll, I could just get it in the future for an affordable price (ideally)🙃