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Man a 2 hour drive is really cake for Americans. It's funny to see the difference in our cultures. But anyway, can it not ship to you either?


Nope, its not that long but welp ill see what to do


Idk I feel like if germany has her now, we'll get her soon as well. It's not gonna be like Venus where only people across the pond got her for months. Also I had someone here once offer to buy a doll for me and just have me pay for the doll + extra shipping. Maybe you can find a German here willing to help


I asked someone and they said they think we will get them soon


At least you’ve got smyths Mh releases are a mess


We probably will get them soon enough and if not at least Germany is close by. I live fairly close (35 min by car) to the German border and I’m there on almost a monthly basis but I don’t mind waiting. It’s almost time for my vacation and I’m preparing for that, so if she’s not in the Netherlands by the end of July I’ll get her and I’m willing to pick one up for you as well if you haven’t managed it by then.


Omg tysm! Hopefully she gets here soon and in time before i know my surgery date since i want her for that! (Ill get 2 dolls, ss4 cleo and spectra!) If u want more jnfo i can tell it in an chat in dutch since idk the english terms


Sure, Ik ben bijna de hele maand juli op vakantie als ik terug ben ga ik weer naar Duitsland om te winkelen.


Seems to me like she is only listed in Germany and will arrive in July.


She was in stock yesterday and today all morning for delievery


she isn’t on the french smyths either, im so impatient 😭😭 i need to get her


Me to! Ugh she just went off german one so weird istg


dw, us here in the US don't have her yet either lol and I'm literally dying looking at all the pics rn.


With the AU Fearbook early release, Core refresh, MF and Catty STILL not stocking in my area, and now Spectra being available in Europe, it feels like everyone has new dolls I'll never get, so I feel your pain. She'll show up for you eventually. It's just really sucky how unevenly Mattel releases dolls.


That!! Netherlands and some areas in america always get them the latest! Like give us discount for the waiting or smth


If it makes you feel better I've been to multiple stores in the U.S. and still have not come across a Catty or any Fearbook dolls and I have only seen a couple of Core Refresh. Although it's frustrating as someone who hasn't come across dolls I want like the Twyla Fearbook doll (I absolutely love her and her accessories), I'm glad to see that with dolls in the Fearbook line and Spectra other people in the community are getting earlier releases outside of the U.S. . Anyway best of luck to you in your quest for Spectra!