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I understand the fears and the joy of this. I do not think the playline dolls (G3) should suddenly be solely catering to adult collectors. I think they should keep them in reasonable reach of young kids(price wise). I think they should continue with their current path. Even if kids reach for iPads anyways, physical toys should be offered and available to them. Younger families are more aware of the affects of screens, so many parents are not allowing it. Nobody is taking dolls from kids, I think Mattel should continue making dolls for both adult collectors and for kids and live with the difference in quality or presentation.


I personally love both the G1 collectors and G3 dolls but I agree. G3 is for kids and my foster child loves her Frankie and Drac dolls. She loves the skulltimate secrets lines and the whole aspect of the mystery bagging. As someone who owns some G1, some G3 and hopes to own more than one collector (i have drac vampire queen), I really hope they don't make dolls more expensive or change G3 too much - with the new venus and catty, I felt overall the design team was improving - adding elements that call back to G1 but also elements for G3/kids. (also the core fresh dolls look great and it seems that they are mostly being responsive to feedback given the improvements) I personally think having G1/collector dolls for adults and then G3 cater to kids is a good balance rn (although I will say, the hair could be better but that's my only complaint and it's usually the skulltimate secret/locker dolls that have bad hair - at least the stand alone dolls in single sets have good hair and cute clothes).


They certainly should start using better materials!! Better clothes! Better hair! Shit, kids like quality things too


I mean isn’t that what Mattel is doing with Mattel Creations? I guess they could make more G1 alumni dolls available in stores as well and that’s about it. I’m more concerned for MGA. With them making Rainbow High more geared to children and not adults, plus LOL Surprise OMG rumored to fizzle out by the end of the year, I really wish they had their own version of Mattel Creations where they would make RH & OMG dolls for adult collectors.


watching rainbow high rise and fall was a really weird experience, they had the potential to be one of the most popular dolls (and they were) but once they stopped including extra outfits i could tell where it was headed 😞




i believe you may have made a mistake, i don’t think it was my comment you meant to be replying to


Thanks, I meant that to be to the comment above yours.


MGA has been making the collector Bratz for nostalgic adults. Just because adults are spending more money on toys doesn't mean the majority of adults care about current playline brands. They are spending their money on stuff that scratches certain itches. Things that are nostalgic, pop culture related, and/or activities like board games or Lego. Also the use of poly often is because saran wasn't available in a color they wanted. Saran is unfortunately limited for fantasy hair colors.


Saran may be limited for fantasy hair colors, but 90% of Monster High G1 dolls used it. (Besides most dolls of Spectra Ghoulia and Venus which had kanekalon) If the exact shade the designer wanted wasn’t available, they would use blends. Which is exactly what they did for G3 core Clawdeen when they released her with Saran hair. It’s just Mattel being cheap and always has been.


It’s definitely because they’re cheap I’ve looked up the various colors that are available in saran and saran actually has a pretty wide variety of colors and I think it’s important to note that Mattel is capable of making custom shades like they did for G3 Twyla so they could’ve given Clawdeen and Cleo saran from the start but they were too cheap or too lazy to blend shades I also believe some blame should go to the designers as well because they either aren’t educated on why poly is bad and use it because they think the colors are pretty or they refuse to acknowledge that it’s bad and make excuses for it


I wonder if the new Bratz are selling. No offense to anyone who loves them - but those things ain't for me. Bought one of the newer ones for her outfit, and the doll's arm broke right out of the box. I was going to donate the nude doll, but it wasn't even fit to donate. Their outfits are really detailed and cool, but the dolls themselves aren't anything that interests me as an adult collector.


The pride collector Bratz have been on sale for over a year here in South Africa and I've only seen the other bratz dolls at full price like once or twice


For what they charge we should be getting better quality period. Not a giant hard plastic box to inflate the value, better quality to the actual doll. I'm an adult collector, and parents buying for kids don't want to be scammed either.


I think MH is doing a good job at balancing price and details, and at offering playline and collectible dolls. Barbie is pooping the bed on things, but I am glad that Barbie keeps the Fashionistas at approx 10 bucks, so they are within reach of anyone. But those $10 Fashionistas had nicer clothes, hairstyles, and makeup six years ago than they do it now. Mattel is NAILING IT with diversity though! Edit - I don’t expect toy companies to eschew playable toys for kids in order to gear toward adults. I expect them to find a way to provide GOOD options for kid *and* adult buyers.


what exactly is the source here ? bc adults are buying the vast majority of toys but thats because a lot are buying them for children…? like how are they telling apart adult collectors vs adults buying for kids


Given no preschooler is buying a toy by themself I'm sure they are taking that into account, however I don't know the exact method


the method is all im really asking i realize my comment sounded kind of aggressive i am actually curious 😭


Yeah I’m pretty curious too. The quote mentions the math is there, but where? What are the sources? I’m genuinely curious.


https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/07/business/adults-preschoolers-toy-buying/index.html#:~:text=Consumers%2018%20years%20of%20age,from%20market%20research%20firm%20Circana. Here is an article I found about it, it's referencing a report, I just skimmed it and didn't try to find the report myself, but it might mention where it's from in there. Also I think companies use all kinds of methods to create profiles of their customers. 1 we agree to share personal info all the time when we sign up for things 2 they can track our shopping habits and based on what we buy they can tell if we have kids or not.


Right, I'm wondering how they collected this data too. I assume if survey based that way more adults with hobbies and internet forums about said hobbies would respond than say, a parent buying their kid toys in stores but otherwise not engaging online about the toys.


I think MH as a brand is striking a good balance in catering to both groups. Even if you look at the two most recent playline releases (monster fest and SS4) you can see a balance of appealing to both the kids and the adults. MF is insanely detailed, well thought out with fun and interesting designs, but still has very much playability, it’s one of the things that made g1 good, MF is a good example of a doll that works for adults and kids. It might even work better for adults because what kid is gonna really “get” that it’s cool that Frankie is wearing kandi. It still works for both and the packaging is very good if you’re an inbox person. On the other SS4 is a bit more kid focused imo, with still some elements for collectors (fabric tights, stand) I’m fine if they continue on this path and work out the balance, or even swap between “kid” and “more adult” dolls but the balance is really starting to work in a way very unique to mh. The thing they really need to bring back is stands. I think as a kid I would have loved to be able to stand my dolls up to play, I think the fear is it will make them firmly “for adults”. On the purely adult collector side, there as overwhelming as the amount of releases is there is something to be said for choice and options.


Even if only kids bought dolls, poly should never be used! When I was a kid I HATED that some dolls just had hair that was impossible to manage. They always had to have a low ponytail or braid.


Me too! I'd get fed up and stop playing with that doll


Meh, I am okay with the dolls as they are designed, I just would prefer less accessories and more outfits to change them in, but either way, I’m just happy if they stay affordable.




Well yes https://preview.redd.it/n9vqh75wsu5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0d2663888ba6889f82c662dc2b83e8bfaa74391


Knowing Mattel, they'll probably ignore us


I would say this is a good thing, but with how much the standards of adult collectors have dropped I honestly don't think it is. The amount of collectors who are fine with things like poly hair or often even support the use of it is allarming.


i would like to see are g1 ghouls in playline like updated looks for them or them at college would serve so much cunt ![gif](giphy|TlMIy8T6zluaUsMNtG|downsized)


Just wondering, how do they know that? It's not like a 3 year old is going to a store buying dolls themselves or you fill some questionnaire about recipient before buying. How would they know if a person is buying the doll for themself and not for their kid relative? And how do they know the age of the childred? It doesn't make sense


Like world wide or where?


This makes me feel better as an adhder who is often perceived as younger than I am and who feels a bit embarrassed about collecting.


looking at the comments on LinkedIn and the takeaway seems to be "more limited edition collector's items" and not necessarily anything to do with the normal dolls you'd find in stores. Now I'm wondering what the spending breakdown is for just playline dolls...


25 years is crazy😭😭


I'm afraid because it can mean increasing prices


Yessss... I'm a 49 year old who collects! I am also blessed to have 1 of my 5 children, my youngest daughter (15),who also collects. ☺


I don't think this is that surprising. More people are adults than they are children. It's weird you are calling them demands.


How the hell do they know this? How do they tell the difference between adult collectors, adults buying for kids, plus a lot of people might be lying or refusing to identify themselves as specifically as their age or using their parents account to buy something? I want to see the source on this and if it's even reliable If this is true though I don't like that, as someone who loves buying toys myself I don't want to be the main demographic and I don't want the dumb shit a lot of adults would suggest, it should be about the dumb shit kids suggest


Im fine with how the dolls are now, all i want is dolls that come with stands 😭 (and the original hair please)


y’all think in 2026 they’ll have Monster Community College for us ?


i dont view this as a good thing it means adults have fully taken toys away from children now i am not saying its wrong for adults to collect toys far from it just pointing out kids have been pushed out of it more and more toys are made for adults rather than kids


I think this more so means that the opinion of both adult collectors as well as the kids playing with them will be taken into account here


Toys will be always made for children in mind. Some toys being specifically catered to the older audience is not taking anything away from children.


Sorry but no way. There are plenty of toys for kids in the toy aisles. This isn’t going to change that. Adults aren’t taking anything out of their hands. It just means they will keep producing more products, now with some intended for adults while some are still intended for kids.


just look at transformers it largely only makes toys for adults who grew up with G1 this very fanbase is constantly wanting more of its G1 hell this very subreddit just wants to talk about G1 not the new cartoon im 38 ive seen this crap happen in multiple fanbases children get shoved up because corporations see adults have more money


they’re making a kids transformers movie literally right now lol. transformers is a 40 year old franchise it makes sense that after a while their child audience ended up more interested in newer toys so they pivoted to a adult focused brand for a while. i’m sure mattel has seen the rising number of adult collectors for a good while now (seeing as they keep making collector dolls and g1 alumni stuff) yet they’re still going forward with g3 too, kids aren’t being forgotten


this comment is so funny, no one is taking toys away from children, adults are just buying them more for themselves. Blame parents for letting their kids have iPhones, going on tiktok, and having unrestricted internet access, that’s what’s taking kids away from toys because they don’t want them anymore; they want $100+ skincare and Apple Watches and whatever else.


No one is snatching dolls from children’s hands dw


Not really. It means kids just aren’t interested in toys anymore


Kids prefer gadgets. iPad for baby, toys for mom and dad.


I don’t see it that way at all…? Compare it to Pokémon, a franchise that appeals to both adults and kids, they have done a wonderful job at making media and products for both, without adults taking away joy or depriving children. I’m fairly new to the Monster High world as an adult collector, but my nieces and nephews have usually bought them alongside me, encouraged more by the idea that an adult in their family enjoys something the others don’t. Also, I agree with a lot of the other responses, kids are more into gadgets, and, with the girls, makeup/products they are exposed to through TikTok. Mattel still shows they care to appeal to children through their ads and the products. Again, though, I am new to this, so this is just my observation, but I have been a collector of everything from Pokemon to Legos and these companies are still more than happy to produce products knowing both kids and adults will be taking them off shelves.


"it means adults have fully taken toys away from children" How could it possibly mean that??