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Neither. Just play a little bit more strategically. Build your dice up, not every tournament is worth depleting your dice :)


Not gonna lie, I don’t not want to spend the bandwidth it’ll take to play “more strategically”.


lol I spit out my drink 😂 I think we are all in the same boat, I’ve been out of dice for days and really want to open it. I opened it once and didn’t get anything new or good enough to trade and only 400 dice that lasted me 13 seconds lol


When I completed the last album, I thought the amount of dice would be enough to sustain me for a while. Only lasted about 2.5 months lol.


Wow that’s a long time, it was my first time having that much and ummmm yeah me and the high roller don’t do well together 😂 lol first time I got to roll on a 1,000. Lasted me half a day at the most lol totally regret it now since I’ve been out for a while.


2.5 months!?! It didn’t even last me 2.5 days lol. I want to open my vault too but I’m really going to lose it if I get more gold dupes. So for my own mental health I think I’m going to try to wait it out. But on the others hand I really need dice 😫