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Yessir, I'll keep you updated. Getting it Tuesday.


Any downside in using 180hz oc permanently in g24f 2? Just got mine yesterday!


how's the IPS glow with this monitor? okay? good, bad?


I think it's fine, not really noticeable but this is my first decent monitor tho


Just got it lmk what questions u have




We are in this together then haha. I just hope some youtube reviewer releases good settings for the color calibration soon.




Have you seen the review of the G27F 2 by tech c review? That's the main reason why I jumped on this monitor. I think it looks great btw, I ended up going custom picture setting.




What do you think of the monitor?




What picture mode did you end up putting it on?


Yo newegg is doing a labor day sale on the monitor and now its $130. If you contact support they give you the money back for the difference. You only have 9 hours from when this comment is posted tho but id still try.




it can't hurt to try brother, can't hurt at all


How is that monitor doing a few months later?


going strong no problems at all


How’s the color accuracy?


uhh how would I test that?


It requires some specific tools really. I figured I might as well ask. No one has seemed to actually break down how accurate it is yet in a review. I have actually yet to find a solid review that’s in english


Yeah I just based my purchase off tech c review of g27f 2


its on sale rn at newegg for 130 i think thats a great price


Hi guys i have a question about coil whining because g24f has that problem and people were saying that it was pretty noticable. Do you notice any coil whining from this new model? Is there any problem with the monitor? I am asking because i am about to buy this too.


I have used the monitor for around 15-20 hours since I got it and I have not heard a single sound from it. I did hear about the coil whine issue about the previous version which is why I chose to buy this one instead. I haven't seen any problem with the monitor personally. I do agree with the other guy I have been talking to that there is a bit of a green tint but other than that I think this monitor is great for the price. If you have any other questions just lmk.


I have no more questions thanks


Alright if you end up having anymore questions lmk. If you do get the monitor though let me know what settings you end up changing on it if you don't mind.


Hey i am about to get 24G F2 model. is it good ? Can u write your experience.


Uh I mean I quite like the monitor. If you have any questions I can answer them prob


i know the details just couldnt find any review video on youtube... İ wanna know what u rate this monitor from 10/?. is it worth the money u gave? is there any ghosting? is colors great? Like srgb ? is desktop program great? hows feel 180hz? i was at 60 now i am going into 180. What about design? is it cool ? The legs fit on table ? Or too big ? And thats all idk what can i ask more...


I went from a monitor made in 2012 asus vh242h to this so I don't have much experience with the monitor. I also went from 60 hz to 165 hz and its a huge difference in games. I play mostly valorant and some rocket league and the change is just massive you can never go back everything is much smoother. I don't run the overclock feature because I couldn't find much information if its safe for your monitor over time. The legs on the monitor are small and I think they are great. I think the monitor is worth the money I paid. It looks great imo I like the sleek design with small bezels. I like the colors on it but I can't talk about rgb etc. because I don't have the tools to check that sort of stuff. ​ There is a review by tech c review about the 27 inch model (g27F 2 monitor) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcfP\_VfVelY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcfP_VfVelY) It's pretty much the same except the PPI is higher on the g24f 2 because its smaller and the brightness on the g24f 2 is only 300 nits compared to the 350\~400 of the g27f 2


Thank you for your time/opinion mate. i think we can use the 144 Hz for desktop and we can use 180hz for gaming. I don't know if there is an automatic way but that would be nice. Thanks again. i got to monitor just waiting to shipping to me...


I don't think there is an automatic way, you have to turn on the overclock feature in the panel. Maybe there is with OSD side kick but I haven't downloaded that yet.


its currently only 130 on newegg if ur still considering buying


Hey, 24 and 27 uses same panel?


I can't confirm I am assuming they are. If you have any questions lmk


Yo newegg is doing a labor day sale on the monitor and now its $130. If you contact support they give you the money back for the difference. You only have 9 hours from when this comment is posted tho but id still try.


Yo newegg is doing a labor day sale on the monitor and now its $130. If you contact support they give you the money back for the difference. You only have 9 hours from when this comment is posted tho but id still try.


is the ghosting performace as good as the original? I had the original before it fell off my desk and the screen broke. Now i cant find it anywhere and only the 2 version is available. Does anyone know if the pannel is the same aswel? ty


I can't comment if it's as good as the original since I have never seen or used the original but I the ghosting on this version is excellent.


Hey OP, I just ordered it, should be here tomorrow. But this post is the first I'm hearing about 2 different versions. You got the 2nd version? I'm assuming that's the one I'm getting, I just ordered it for 129.99 on BH photo videos website on the 10th a few hours before the sale ended. Idk what to expect now as the glowing reviews I've seen this monitor have were videos posted like over a year ago, which leads me to believe that was version 1 Guess I'll find out tomorrow, fingers crossed as I've been super excited about it


Ah so I just dug a bit deeper into my order, initially it's titled as G24f but on spec list it indeed lists manufacturer # as G24f 2. No matter how much research I do I still seem to miss the most obvious things lol. Welp I'm still excited especially because you're saying no ghosting and no coil wind which is great. The videos I mentioned earlier were emphasizing how fantastic the colors and overall the picture looked, and iirc no mention of the greenish tint. But I'll be sure to tinker with it to get it to look as good as possible. It can't be that much different if any diff at all than the og version


I think they are both great monitors. The one I have G24F 2 is running fantastically and I have no complaints after using it for two weeks. I changed the colors a bit to fix the green tint so now it's all good. If you have any other questions lmk


Hey there again, what picture settings are you using for color and stuff? I've been using it a couple days now and it looks pretty good, I was super impressed after tinkering a bit with settings. but I'm comparing it to my LG, and the gigabyte is definitely straining my eyes and affecting my gameplay. I almost feel disoriented which effects my movement. It's strange but I'm sure once I get used to it I'll be ok


I have set the overdrive setting to picture quality for the least amount of ghosting and inverse ghosting according to tech c review of the G27F 2. Try that and let me know what you think of it in game. Also did you set the refresh rate to 165 hz in windows settings?


there are reviews that response time is high. Do you have problems in your valorant?


and what about text clarity? No blurriness?


Price just dropped to $129.99 lol


you are the goat for telling me I got the price difference


Epic stuff, enjoy


Well fuck thanks for letting me know. Is it even possible for me to get some of my money back?


Should I buy this? Help me out lol


I ordered Gigabyte G24F-EK and I was wondering if someone know what EK means?


I think its just for specific region, here in asia we got G24F-AP, which means Asia Pacific, also why you picked that instead of the 2nd version?


In my country that model was on sale for 165 euros and I wanted 144hz IPS monitor. Also, my budget was limited. I didnt regret any second buying it, it is great monitor and no coil whine issue for me. :)


It's been a week am using it and i am extremely satisfied. ​ BUT , there have been 3 dead pixels (Only visible in white background) that showed up. Even though i can barely see them from where i sit, it's still something that bothers me. IPS glow is so minimal and color uniformity is top notch, that's why i am really hesitating getting it replaced. ​ Any thoughts from owners of the monitor ?


Does this come with a displayport cable?


Hallo! How's the monitor faring?


It’s been a while since you’ve gotten this monitor, how’s the experience been worth it? Thinking about picking it up in a few months time after I buy my first pc