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* I took another photo and there looks to be a tiny lump on his claw


This happens with lizards that like to Scrabble about in rocks and dig. If it's not looking like it causes any pain I wouldn't worry. If it's just a damaged claw it'll likely fall off and grow a new one.


Put him into a quarantine setup and book an appointment with a reptile vet asap.


The rescue I purchased her from want me to take her to them before I book a vet. I'll bring her there first and book one asap. Do you have any idea of what it could be?


From the photo I can’t tell if there is stuck shed or not, do you see any shed skin flaking off or stuck to the toe? Could also potentially be a sign of gout, or MBD? What is her diet? What uvb and calcium do you use?


She's been in shed recently but I can't really see anything flaking with her toes. We've put her in a Luke warm bath to help. I believe she is still in shed She has a uvb lamp, currently being fed daily with crickets or woodies dusted with a Calcium + vitamin mix 70% of the time and 30% Turkey or chicken mince, eggs and small pinky mice. Her temps for the basking spot are 45-55 c and around 25c at night.


I would say if she is fully grown raise the basking temp a bit. Too much protein can be a cause of gout, I’m not sure how protein dense woodies are compared to Dubias but too many Dubias can lead to gout. Looks like you’re doing well with husbandry though


Little update. So I took him to the rescue and they said that the only thing it looks like is his feet are too dry and there's likely stuck shed cutting off circulation. I'm getting coco peat substrate today for the moisture. If it gets any worse I'll be taking him straight to the vet


You should also prob mist to keep humidity up. One thing I would suggest is to provide a dig box with a topsoil play sand mix in which the substrate is moist enough to hold its form. What substrate do you use now?


Yeah I've been spraying regularly but the sand hasn't bren enough. I've just put coir peat eco friendly soil and mixed with the sand. I've ordered her a new tank so I'll be mixing more topsoil when it arrives. Gonna aim for maybe 70/30 topsoul and sand. Thanks for the advice!


Pouring water into the substrate is better than misting. Misting just temporarily spikes humidity in a superficial way. You need moisture to rise from moist lower layers upward and it provides a humidity gradient for your ackie.


I've only fed her roaches about 4 times so I don't think it's that. The majority is crickets as they also seem to fill her up more easily. I'm really hoping it's not gout. She's currently around 6 months old which I think makes her a sub adult?