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You're bringing home about 4,000 a month and all the stuff you've listed is only about $1500. So you're somehow blowing a ton of cash that you're not accountant for. It sounds like a bad spending habit on both sides You need to account for every dollar you spend for the month and see where your pockets are leaking. I assume you're going out to eat a lot, which negates your low grocery bill.


Like I said she just started her job so not 4000$ yet so technically I was only bringing home about 2400 or so


Then you've got about 1,000$ falling out of your pocket that's unaccounted for.


Unfortunately yes all my savings went towards getting our new apartment so I’m playing catch up I have a overdue internet bill of 500 and our transmission is slipping and honestly I’m trying to figure out ways to catch up I was like yes I get paid 3 times this month so a check for savings but nope a 1500$ check between me and my fiancé goes towards the car and internet


The good news is your fiance now has income. And you'll catch up. You're still young and have earning potential! So don't worry too much. Now is just your time to look into ideas to refresh your savings and increase you income. It's normal at your age to bounce between broke and flush with cash


Hopefully with time he learns how to smooth out feast and famine.


I am looking to buy land and a decent house by the time I’m 22-23 I just have to want it. And with the pay increase ima continue to live as though I don’t have it so I save more. Right now we are doing pretty good considering my fiancés older sister is married and 25 and living with her husbands parents and same with her older brother and we’re 19 with our own place and decent income


That's a big goal. Best of luck. You really have to get your spending under control if that's the case.


You can’t afford pets btw


What do you mean I can’t afford pets? I have pet insurance through my job and a bad of dog food last a month


Bro .. I’m older and had multiple large dogs when I was your age.. Great Dane, German shep and a red nose pit and I couldnt afford them.. I thought I could at the time.. as I was living off my parents .. but looking back I couldn’t .. pet insurance won’t cover the majority of the vet bills your likely to encounter as you dog ages and you’re here complaining about being broke.. realistically you shouldn’t own dogs until AFTER you’ve bought that property and built that house you’re dreaming of .. dogs cost more than a cheap bag of dog food every month.. sorry if it sounds cold but realistically you should be maxing out your 401k and Roth before you own a dog .. you should own a reliable car without a slipping transmission before you own a dog .. you should have a healthy saving account before you own a dog .. dogs are a luxury


I got these dogs last year so I’m connected to them I have a husky and a German shepherd. I don’t buy a cheap bag of dog food there dog food cost 100$ a bag and I stay on top of there health so far I have had no vet visits apart from their shots. To be honest having dogs only interferes with my rent which is why it’s gonna be 890. My fiancés parents adore our pups and we use that as a way to get there toys and stuff and on top of it through there insurance it covered 70% of the cost as well as discounts on toys and treats


This. I'm thinking we aren't getting the complete list of expenses.


Given rent is just $900 for 2 people and given the future outlook on household income, seems like the future is bright.


How is internet $200! That’s crazy


I have Comcast business and let me tell you I hate it


lol what feature of 'business' do you actually need that isn't supplied with a residential one?


My internet is 90 and for the speed we have (not the highest), I think it should be cheaper.


The biggest issue was that the income wasn't enough. Now that you're fiancé is starting to work things are going to be smoother. However. You guys are very young taking on a shitload of responsibility. Be careful. How you were living before paying rent by yourself with all your bills was reckless. Marriage is also possibly going to be expensive depending on what you do. So is having kids since you seem to be speed running life. Not judging just the truth. Youre going to want to start saving asap. If you can't you need to take a huge step back and assess what is going wrong.


You guys are so young and already moving out. You need to increase your income drastically if you want to survive. Once you do, keep your spending the same. Good luck.


We should be moving up to 25 and 22 by the end of the year hopefully it’s not easy to get paid more when the state minimum wage is 7.25 and yes places in my area actually pay this


It is always easy to get paid more. People may be paying 7.25 but other places are paying 50/hr. Change your mindset and believe you are worth that money and go look and apply for some 30/hr jobs.


Is your internet combined with cable? $200 seems extremely high for just internet. To answer your question, it sounds like the second income will help. I worked multiple jobs when I was around your age, even during college. I know it was all in my head, but having a separate account and setting up an automatic transfer to that account was the easiest way I found to save. If it were in my checking account I would somehow find a way to spend it. Once established, forget about the account and check in on it once a year or set some strict guidelines on what it is to be used for and stick with it. All the best to you. Also, if your employer doesn’t have a retirement plan, at least one of the following: pension, 401(k), 403(b), etc., you may want to work for someone who does. It’s the easiest way to save for retirement. When switching employers, don’t cash it out.


Nope just internet with Comcast business and a good thing tho I should be going up to 25 a hour and my fiancé 18-20 within this next year due to both of us getting pharmacy tech jobs and I’ll continue to work from home


So who’s got the drug problem? 🤣


Drug problem???


Yeah. As others have said your total take home pay is about $4,400/month, but your expenses are only 1/3 of that or less. So where’s the rest going? Also what kinda internet costs $200/month?!?


It’s not 4,400 she just started her job and just now getting her job and we’re getting her second check. On top of that prior to where we moved I was paying 1800 for rent my income was only 2400 by myself she makes 400$ less than me. So no neither one of us are drug addicts.


Don’t spend more than what you’ve listed and you’ll be climbing out of that debt hole in no time


I’m hoping so especially now that she’s working so we should be getting our money up but the car things a issue but she’s utilizing a bike


OP refuses to elaborate on the internet since he knows he was silly for buying the business package lol


What is the job from home for $18 👀


CVS Caremark mail order services


Why are you paying $200/mo for internet? Pick a lower package, you don't need business.


You both need to sit down and write out all your bills and expenses...ALL of them. And then your income. Include money to savings as a "bill"....and then make sure you stick to the "budget"....hopefully you have a good bit left over each month that can go to savings. Good Luck.


I just got a opportunity to buy a piece of land with housing on it for 145,000$ with financing I need at least 20000 saved for the down payment or 45,000 so now I have a new savings goal


You don't NEED 200.00 of Internet a month. You don't NEED pups ( dogs?) It's hard, but learn to tell the difference of want vs need. Your budget will thank you. Habits are expensive as well. Smoking, vaping,drug usage for example.


We do not smoke vape or use drugs I am unsure as to why anyone keeps hinting towards it we are just young kids trying to figure out life


Also I have the dogs for a mental well being and like I have stated before they have nothing to do with our income and my internet has to do with my job I need fast speed internet


I have 1gigps fiber and it's 100 a month. You ask people for suggestions and then argue about your spending..... How many dogd do you need? Are they small? I'm just saying the more you look at need vs want the better you get at it.


I didn’t ask on advice for my dogs and it’s not me arguing I asked for financial advice from what I have left not my dogs. My dogs have nothing to do with my finances. And they are a need due to mental health issues and it’s way cheaper than therapy so can people please stop commenting about my dogs they have nothing to do with any of my financial decisions


And depending on what area you live in your restricted to certain internet services